View Full Version : Portfolio Building client lost CD of images

01-08-2010, 6:47am
When I was building my portfolio for maternity shots the arrangement is free shoot and cd of images in exchange for her time and possible website/advertising usage. A basic contract was signed, but it failed to mention this scenario. The model has moved and lost her cd along the way, she has offered to pay for the cd and the postage but to be honest I would not have a clue on pricing.
And in the future for paying clients I need to have this in place as well.
Any advice

01-08-2010, 6:53am
I think I'd just charge her actual costs

01-08-2010, 7:05am
me too. Sounds like an honest mistake and Im sure shes bummed she lost it. Id appreciate it if someone replaced it for me for nicks. A goodwill gesture sometimes goes a long way. Word of mouth and all that ..

01-08-2010, 7:50am
Cool that was what I was thinking, I have been told I am too generous in the business ways so I thought I would check.
As for paying customers as well? I need to put something in place does anyone have pricing for this.

01-08-2010, 8:20am
As for paying customers as well? I need to put something in place does anyone have pricing for this.

I think this is linked to the initial price paid. For example a family portrait session that takes an hour, with a few hours of processing, and they wanted photos on CD..Say you charged $500.00, you can't expect them to pay $500.00 for a duplicate. But a Wedding where you charged $15,000.00, charging $500.00 is not unreasonable. However, at the same time, in genuine cases of loss, say someone's house burnt down, I would give them the images again for free, it would be the least I could do.

So my answer to your question is that you need to assess each case on an individual basis and work out what you want to charge for the duplicate.

01-08-2010, 8:29am
I know it has been said, but really how much is it going to cost you to burn a new disc and post it??

Just copy her images and send them to her.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-08-2010, 10:51am
Thank you it is appreciated.

01-08-2010, 11:11pm
me too. Sounds like an honest mistake and Im sure shes bummed she lost it. Id appreciate it if someone replaced it for me for nicks. A goodwill gesture sometimes goes a long way. Word of mouth and all that ..

Well said. Agree on this.

02-08-2010, 9:29am
This process, asking in a forum, has probably taken longer than it would have to burn another CD and post it.

Such a scenario should be included in Invoices/contracts/agreements, as it does happen, however I think you should just charge a nominal amount, to cover your time and materials. Or you could just do it for nothing if depending on the circumstances.


02-08-2010, 11:17am
This process, asking in a forum, has probably taken longer than it would have to burn another CD and post it.

Such a scenario should be included in Invoices/contracts/agreements, as it does happen, however I think you should just charge a nominal amount, to cover your time and materials. Or you could just do it for nothing if depending on the circumstances.

Depends on how fast you type ;)

Paul G
02-08-2010, 11:39am
Depends on how fast you type ;)

About $90 worth of time for me :D. Just kidding.

Presuming you don't have to re-do any processing, then a quick copy/burn and put it in the post would definitely create some goodwill, as has been said.

03-08-2010, 9:15pm
My gut instinct like many others is to whip up a new CD and send it to her. That said if the sessions to build the portfolio were hard yards and you left many of them thinking of the time that the project was completed and moving on, I would probably charge an 'inconvenience' fee of 2 hours.

In my professional (non-photographic) life I work on the following basis:
1: Provide the highest quality to the price quoted
2: simple rework is free
3: the first recreation is free (accidents happen)
4: the second & subsequent recreation is charged at 4 hours of my time rate (negligence, carelessness & stupidity cost) - harsh but some people just never learn.

03-08-2010, 9:32pm
Thank you Gerry this is great. I have sent the disk off, one happy new mum.

05-08-2010, 11:51pm
and with that, reputation and word of mouth could very well cover that act of goodwill :)