View Full Version : NSW Speed Camera

28-07-2010, 9:22am
Our tax $ at work :confused013

Black spot :umm: I dont think so.

Taken with my mobile phone on Sunday.



28-07-2010, 9:50am
G'day Derek

We've had these mobile "safety" cameras in the ACT now for the past 5-6 years
The revenue raised by them now has their own line in the budget ... last I saw was $14m for 2008/9

And as always, there is two sides to the story
1- I don't get thrilled by them or their placement ... often at the bottom of a hill etc
2- Often tho, I see some silly bugga hurtling along at the speed limit +25% ... ie definately speeding, and I say to myself "go on mate - get yourself booked - you deserve it"
3- what I find hard is when
a) they're parked in obviously 'safe' stretches of road (why??), and
b) when I hear of drivers being booked for exceeding the speed limit by "a few km/h" - (less than 10% of the posted speed limits anyway)

Over the years, I have witnessed too many occasions where, via oncoming drivers are flashing their lights, that "speeders" slow down for 1/2 minute or so, go thru the camera, then speed up again afterwards. I would much prefer to have mobile coppers &/or cameras which get these drivers actually in the act, rather than the fixed-position cameras that people slow down for 'coz they know all about them

Regards, Phil

28-07-2010, 10:02am
interesting, contrary to the newspapers, current affairs shows and emails doing the rounds, which all stated they would be mounted on "WHITE" Ford Territories in known black spots. That don't look white to me.

old dog
28-07-2010, 10:12am
I agree with Phil totally on this. I try hard, most of the time, to keep my speed within the limits......except sometimes when on my motorbike when I might go a "little" over the limit, out the back of nowhere..:D. But if I do....I fully accept a fine if I get caught.

I do think it`s revenue raising....but if people didn`t speed they would cease to exist and the money could be diverted to more important things.....no need to go on about it.

28-07-2010, 10:32am
I'm not sure what all the fuss is about when it comes to speed cameras (fixed or not). If you don't speed, you've got nothing to worry about. :confused013

28-07-2010, 10:47am
and while we are on the subject of road safety........

You weren't driving when you took this I would hope ? :(

The TWO causes of road crashes - Lack of Common Sense and lack of Concentration ??

28-07-2010, 11:14am
Mark,I was standing on the footpath on the other side of the road.

Definitely not a white Territory and yes ,if you don't speed you don't have a problem.


28-07-2010, 11:41am
if you speed you pay... simple.

28-07-2010, 11:41am
If this state government was really concerned about bringing the road toll down then the most effective way to do this is put more police cars on the road to remind people that they are out there. Why won’t they do that? it does not generate money for them rather cost more.
This government has run this state into the ground through mis management ( do you think Bob Carr jump ship for no reason, (as I quoted before “Nice to see the NSW government re-arrange the deck chairs on the titanic, what makes these new clowns think they going to stay afloat. We already hit the iceberg when captain Bob Carr was at the helm. Save Our Souls”)) He saw the future and didn't want to be blamed for it. Now they are resorting to money making schemes in the name of saving our lives, if anyone really thinks that these revenue raisers are going to save people than you better keep an eye open so as not to smash into those flying pigs.
There are other countries with much higher speed limits with less deaths, why ???? because their government doesn’t waste money on high tech money makers, instead makes better roads and educates their drivers better.
Oh what qualifies me to comment l hear you ask? Well I hold a professional licence which involved driving buses, trucks and I also ride a motorbike so l have seen my fair share of roads.

p.s. Yes I can admit l don’t like this state government at all, now I’ll get off my soap box.

28-07-2010, 11:43am
I'm in the ACT and one thing that annoys the you know what out of me is seeing a van sitting at the bottom of a big hill, on a four lane road with speed limit 80kph...some of the roads here are better then the hume freeway but have a limit 30kph less! I've started dropping my car back into 4th gear on the usual suspect hills for speed cameras at the bottom rather then riding my brakes to try and stay at 80.

They're also talking about bringing in point to point cameras here too, which will eliminate the annoying speeders slamming their brakes on just before a camera and then speeding up again. I personally look forward to this because it'll slow people down over larger distances, and i'll be able to sit on the speed limit my whole trip rather then slowing down to 20 below the limit when someone hits the anchors!

28-07-2010, 11:45am
hear hear to hus - driver education and visible presence is the key to safer roads! speed cameras don't catch every infringement!

having just been to the snow and back to shoot a wedding, I noticed that there were hardly any cars speeding...why? because the cops are all over the road to the snow at the moment! more visibility = less deaths!

28-07-2010, 3:37pm
Speeding fines are a voluntary tax on the impatient / unobservant / hoon elements of society.

Don't speed = don't pay.

My favourite of the common, tired excuses...
'Not fair: the radar / camera was at the bottom of the hill and I was only a few Ks over.'

Do I occassionally 'drift over' decending a hill? Sure, no doubt but, if I am that unobservant, a good fine will remind me to keep my concentration. BTW, I have had a few reminders in my time - I don't complain because it was MY FAULT!
What if there were a kid chasing ball onto the street at the bottom of that hill? Are you going to tell the parents, 'Mate, I only killed your kid by a few K's over; forget about it?'
The posted speed limit is a maximum. Aim for 5km/h under and even if you do drift up 5 km/h, no problem. If you constantly pick up more the 5km/h and don't notice, why do you have a licence?

When people say why are the cops on 'safe' stretches of road? Do they suggest the cops should not go there, that these areas should be free zones for lead foots?

When people complain that the cops are 'always at the bottom of that hill." If they are always there, how dumb are you if you get caught? :Doh:Same (in NSW) before fixed cameras with 3 HUGE signs telling you the camera is right there - yet idiots still get caught! :Doh:

My favourite dumb defence against camera is

"if I constantly have to take my eyes of the road to look at my speedo, that is soooo dangerous"

Really, I am imagining an army of drivers with eyes transfixed on the road ahead, never blinking, never looking in their mirrors, never averting their eyes for any reason - eyes glued painfully to the front windscreen.

These people shouldn't be on the road.:Doh:


28-07-2010, 3:42pm
they are actually not allowed to put their vans on an decline/incline over a certain slope.

28-07-2010, 3:58pm
Speedo's have a tolerance of up to 10%. At 60km/hr you could possibly be doing 66 and these cameras are designed to snap you at 64. I'm glad my speedo shows more than I'm actually doing.

On a side note there is a point to point camera installed between Lithgow and Bathurst now. It measures your speed over a distance of around 30km making even passing someone a thoughtful experience as you stare at the speedo just in case.

28-07-2010, 4:06pm
Speedo's have a tolerance of up to 10%. At 60km/hr you could possibly be doing 66 and these cameras are designed to snap you at 64. I'm glad my speedo shows more than I'm actually doing.

Since the advent of GPS, I've drive 6 cars (owned, borrowed, rented). The GPS gives a very accurate speed. Every car had the speedo showing the car going faster than it actually was. So, to be doing 66km/h, you would prablably have to have the speedo showing 70 km/h plus.

These days, it is dead simple to use a GPS (even if only borrowing) to check the accuracy of your speedo and adjust your driving accordingly.


28-07-2010, 6:32pm
I spotted one in a very similar colour to this when coming back up the freeway from Wollongong on Sunday.

A few of my opinions on the issue of speeding.

Firstly, if the government was serious about road safety, it would target real issues, such as inattentiveness, tailgating, failing to indicate, driving under the influence and driving while fatigued. It would also implement better education for motorists. A hill-start, reverse-park and 20-minute cruise around quite suburban streets does not constitute anything resembling safe or comprehensive driving.

I've said for years that if the use of speed cameras is not about revenue raising, then the government should abolish the fines and double the demerit points. Not so long ago the government reduced the demerit points and kept the fines.

It is important to understand that exceeding a speed limit does not equate to dangerous driving. You can be driving at the posted limit, but still be driving dangerously. The conditions (ie, weather, visibility, amount and spread of traffic on the road, the road quality and other things in the area, not to mention the driver's experience) dictate what's a safe speed.

This is not to say that some people don't drive at excessive speeds, but in my experience, having been hit three times by other motorists, inattentiveness was the cause, not excessive speed.

Also in my experience, the type of person like the complete idiot who this afternoon was stuck in the queue in a clogged-up right turning lane, and who decided to pull out right in front of me, is far more of a danger than that guy who drives 10km/h over the posted speed limit.

28-07-2010, 9:48pm
Don't speed = don't pay.

Not always the case, just ask residents of a southern sydney suburb when the speed camera just kept nabbing drivers like there was no tomorrow, but the RTA weren't happy when they had to give back the money because the clowns hadn't calibrated the time on the camera and booked everyone in the school zone who weren't even speeding.

why are the cops on 'safe' stretches of road? Do they suggest the cops should not go there......... they shouldn't be in their cars sitting, how about catching real criminals like drug dealers or isn't the financial returns just isn't worth it?

28-07-2010, 10:02pm
Not always the case, just ask residents of a southern sydney suburb when the speed camera just kept nabbing drivers like there was no tomorrow

Sounds like the pair of cameras on the Princes Hwy in Kogarah.

Those strike fear into many.

I've been driving along there at 6pm or so, and people still slow down to 40km/h because of the school zone, which is well and truly out of operation by then.

Do they suggest the cops should not go there......... they shouldn't be in their cars sitting, how about catching real criminals like drug dealers or isn't the financial returns just isn't worth it?

I'm not sure how the police would enforce rules about tailgating, not indicating, etc.

29-07-2010, 7:19am
I'm not sure how the police would enforce rules about tailgating, not indicating, etc.

We come back to square one again, driver education would solve a lot of problems on the road. When drivers are aware of other people on the road then tailgating will stop, indicating to change lanes because you would know there is someone else around you and also bothering to look over your shoulder when changing lanes.
Peoples attitude of "I am doing the speed limit so I don't have to move away from the right lane has to change".

Driver education works at solving the problem, drive around europe and you'll see this.
Speed cameras only punish the problem after it has happened and serve no value in educating and solving the problem.
It's also a nice earner for our state government in the name of saving lives.

29-07-2010, 7:46am
That's not a black spot. That's a white spot - so the Territory is black.

Well, that's my logic and I'm sticking with it. :D

31-07-2010, 11:48pm
My personal opinion is they are really more of a revenue raising exercise and just a deterrent against speeding. They really should be putting more of their spending money into extra patrol cars to be present on the road. The bright "candy" stickered cars are by far a more effective method. How many people do you see slam on the brakes when they spot on of these. I would not mind one bit being physically pulled over for speeding by either a marked or unmarked police car, instead of finding out 2 weeks later you were snapped doing a few km's over by a vehicle hidden up a back road or behind a bush

01-08-2010, 7:29pm
fixed cameras deter speeding at known black spots. if people just got booked w/o knowing, it doesn't help anything.

mobiles, I don't know how useful they are. they used to be placed in fast straight stretches usually.

problem with speed limits, we have things like highways that go from 70km/h to suddently 40km/h
or stretches of roads at 60km/h with traffic lights every 20m, but set to that the 2 lights in front turn red before yours turns green, so you're going at about 20km/h or else trying to floor it to 90km/h to get thru the next light.

it's really revenue and frustration. If roads were clear at 60km/h, lights are timed to be green AT 60km/h, then we would all be happy going 60km/h.

And it saves brakes and emissions by over 30%

01-08-2010, 7:46pm
We come back to square one again, driver education would solve a lot of problems on the road. When drivers are aware of other people on the road then tailgating will stop, indicating to change lanes because you would know there is someone else around you and also bothering to look over your shoulder when changing lanes.
Peoples attitude of "I am doing the speed limit so I don't have to move away from the right lane has to change".

Driver education works at solving the problem, drive around europe and you'll see this.
Speed cameras only punish the problem after it has happened and serve no value in educating and solving the problem.
It's also a nice earner for our state government in the name of saving lives.

Spot on driver education is needed far more than speed camera's of any type, this will not happen in my lifetime because (a) it is a cost & (b) speed camera's are a revenue. Govt's will not balance their budgets that way.

Hence I drive with my GPS on & where I can with cruise control set to speed limit. I pay enough taxes.

03-08-2010, 3:37am
If you speed you’re the bloody fool pay the fine, but speed cameras don't stop the speeding or the road toll, if a car passes a camera well over the limit it doesn’t slow down it continues on at speed, and what if further down the road it’s causes an accident what good was the camera. A fine in the mail is not going to help you if your injured or worse or the innocent persons that may be involved. The cameras are good revenue earners but use the money for fixing the black spots and putting more into police presence on the roads and education.

03-08-2010, 5:21am
I'm not sure what all the fuss is about when it comes to speed cameras (fixed or not). If you don't speed, you've got nothing to worry about. :confused013

My sentiments precisely. Obey the rules and you won't get fined. I have had 2 speeding fines in 40 years of driving. One was for 6km over a 60 kph zone (1983) at the bottom of a steep hill. One was for 98 in an 80 zone (1988), I did not see the sign that changed it back, but it was my fault, I knew that bit of road and was daydreaming.

03-08-2010, 7:26am
If you speed you’re the bloody fool pay the fine, but speed cameras don't stop the speeding or the road toll, if a car passes a camera well over the limit it doesn’t slow down it continues on at speed, and what if further down the road it’s causes an accident what good was the camera. A fine in the mail is not going to help you if your injured or worse or the innocent persons that may be involved. The cameras are good revenue earners but use the money for fixing the black spots and putting more into police presence on the roads and education.

And that my friend is the crux of the matter. Speed cameras (signposted or covert) don't stop speeding drivers! they drive a revenue stream for Government!
Would anyone suggest we allow drunk drivers to continue their journey after being detected, tested and proven to have a high alcohol reading? of course not!
Book them at the time they do the crime, not 6 weeks later.

03-08-2010, 7:59am
If Speed cameras aren't about revenue raising why is the UK govenrment getting rid of them? Why is it the case thatin areas where cameras aren't have lower accident rates then those that are? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/motoring/road-safety/2747604/Scrap-speed-cameras-now.html

Why do you never see cameras where they are needed around school zones? I drive past 4 schools twice a day and never have I seen a speed camera there? Oh they are there before/after the school times but not during the 40 time!

So Scotty in your world everyone should do under the limit to make sure they don't go over by 1-5kph? Has anyone looked into how the speed limits are actually determined?

How many times have you had to slow down becuase someone in front of you has slowed by 20kph for a speed camera when they are doing the limit?

In Tazzy they have some great signs, its a limit not a challenge...it is basically saying drive to the conditions. With all the focus on speed people think that the speed limit on the road must be ok for all conditions, it is rarely so. Driving standards are appauling and speed cameras do nothing to address this.

They don't stop the hoon, they don't stop the old person who really shouldn't be on the road any more, they don't stop the lane jumper or the tail gater, they don't stop the person that doesn't indicate or the person with the unroad worthy car. They don't stop the dangerous driver or the uninsured....they get the person doing 105kph on the open freeway, they get the person doing 63kph at midnight, but they don't stop the driver who is too tired to drive.

Who ever heard of a hoon driver doing 160kph+ being caught by a speed camera. They are caught by the police. Are they worried about speed camera's? No.

Why should I have to sit in a dangerous situation or block flowing traffic because I cannot use my own judgement for fear of getting caught 5kph over the speed limit?


03-08-2010, 8:14am
My sentiments precisely. Obey the rules and you won't get fined. I have had 2 speeding fines in 40 years of driving. One was for 6km over a 60 kph zone (1983) at the bottom of a steep hill. One was for 98 in an 80 zone (1988), I did not see the sign that changed it back, but it was my fault, I knew that bit of road and was daydreaming.

Yeah thats fine in the city I suppose but in real life when you driving country roads there are times I wouldn't go near the posted signs (speed wise) then there are conditions that allow me to safely go over the limit, thats until you get one of those drivers that sit in the right lane right on the speed limit and wont move over thinking they are in the right.
Anyway I have posted my views on this topic, the state government is a joke, they are ripping us off in the name of saving our lives.
I suppose if you feel good at handing your money over because the nice highway patrol man set up his camera on a safe stretch of road, then at at least its something positive for you.

03-08-2010, 8:34am
...thats until you get one of those drivers that sit in the right lane right on the speed limit and wont move over thinking they are in the right...

Just to clarify hus, are you saying you have a right to be speeding in the right hand lane?

Edit: I'm genuinely curious about this, as it does seem that many people consider it perfectly acceptable to travel 5, 10, 15km over the speedlimit in RH lanes.

03-08-2010, 8:54am
Let me point out that its not your job to police the speed rules by your actions of stayng in the right lane.
If I have a 30 ton load and the inertia of that weight is pushing me 5-10km over the limit then its more safe for me to allow that to happen rather than hit the brakes because Mr/Mrs citizen wants to enforce the road rules upon me.
The golden rule if you passed someone then move over dont sit on the speed limit in the right lane because the law states you move over.
Also remember once a truck loses speed they just can't hit the accelerator and speed up again, instead we start dancing with the gearstick and clutch.
Now does that explain why I maybe going over the limit to you?

03-08-2010, 9:29am
Don't stress hus, I wasn't attacking you. As I said, I'm curious as to whether people think that the right hand lane is a 'slightly faster than the speedlimit' lane. Yes, the signage does indicate that you should be in the left hand lane unless overtaking, but I see a lot of drivers who stay in the right hand lane travelling over the speed limit even when there's no other cars to be overtaken. It seems there's an unwritten 'rule' (for want of a better word) that it's acceptable be over the speedlimit if you're in the RH lane.

03-08-2010, 9:46am
hehehehehe me stress out ................ never. I have my photography to keep my stress levels under control ;)

03-08-2010, 9:52am
hehehehehe me stress out ................ never. I have my photography to keep my stress levels under control ;)

I'd like to say the same thing, but at the moment my 5DII is at Canon for the third straight week, (undergoing repairs, but with no return in sight yet), so that's causing me stress!

03-08-2010, 10:23am
Don't stress hus, I wasn't attacking you. As I said, I'm curious as to whether people think that the right hand lane is a 'slightly faster than the speedlimit' lane. Yes, the signage does indicate that you should be in the left hand lane unless overtaking, but I see a lot of drivers who stay in the right hand lane travelling over the speed limit even when there's no other cars to be overtaken. It seems there's an unwritten 'rule' (for want of a better word) that it's acceptable be over the speedlimit if you're in the RH lane.

These people are as much in the wrong as someone doing 99kph sitting in the lane when necessary.

What annoys me is that people are too afraid to do 103kph to get past another car quickly and move back over, so it takes many km's for one person doing 100 to get past someone doing 98...this is why we get traffic build ups we end up with 3 or 4 people all doing thier version of the speed limit blocking all the lanes.

A large vehicle comes up behind and can't get past because other feel they are doing the right thing but won't move over....it is the same when these 3 lanes come upon a car doing 80 in the outside, no one has any where to go has to brake and then the car behind does that same and this is again where traffic build ups happen.


03-08-2010, 10:29am
See that, police officers like to take photographs as well. ;)

03-08-2010, 11:58am
I'd like to say the same thing, but at the moment my 5DII is at Canon for the third straight week, (undergoing repairs, but with no return in sight yet), so that's causing me stress!

You should do what I have to avoid bad luck like you are encountering with your camera, I have a little evil eye on my camera bag to ward off bad luck, so far its been working.
Will post a pic at first chance to show what I mean :D

03-08-2010, 12:08pm
These people are as much in the wrong as someone doing 99kph sitting in the lane when necessary.

What annoys me is that people are too afraid to do 103kph to get past another car quickly and move back over, so it takes many km's for one person doing 100 to get past someone doing 98...this is why we get traffic build ups we end up with 3 or 4 people all doing thier version of the speed limit blocking all the lanes.

A large vehicle comes up behind and can't get past because other feel they are doing the right thing but won't move over....it is the same when these 3 lanes come upon a car doing 80 in the outside, no one has any where to go has to brake and then the car behind does that same and this is again where traffic build ups happen.


Am I right to draw a conclusion that we really need driver education as I have stated before, others have also stated its not cost effective for our government to go down that path.
I think we all know the government wont get rid of the goose that lays the golden egg :lol2:

03-08-2010, 12:36pm
Am I right to draw a conclusion that we really need driver education as I have stated before, others have also stated its not cost effective for our government to go down that path.
I think we all know the government wont get rid of the goose that lays the golden egg :lol2:

The problem is that drivers are already educated. Everyone knows you shouldn't speed, shouldn't drive tired, shouldn't drive under the influence, shouldn't drive while talking on your mobile or texting, but people do it anyway because no one ever thinks it will happen to them.

If individuals would just act responsibly, and consider the consequences of their actions before things go wrong, then we wouldn't need all these measures.

03-08-2010, 1:15pm
Yes, but what I am also saying is that Speed Cameras have made people so paranoid that we can no longer use our own judgement! That is something that doesn't cost any money!


03-08-2010, 1:20pm
The difference with speed though is that it is arbitarily applied...when cars are made safer for both driver and for pedestrians yet speed is getting slower and slower. We have numerous driver aids that help cars to stop, be aware of their surroundings yet we are told that if we go over 100kph on a freeway I am a deadly driver. Whilst I am the biggest exponent of 40kph zones, I don't get why speed limits on open freeways are getting less and less.

Look at Germany....they have one of the lowest road tolls yet have unlimited auto bahns.


25-08-2010, 6:46pm
I thought that they were all white too. Thanks for the colour profile.. (Won't normally matter I usually keep within the limits)

25-08-2010, 6:50pm
Our tax $ at work :confused013

Black spot :umm: I dont think so.

Taken with my mobile phone on Sunday.



Derek, in all fairness there's been 3 fatalities within 500m of where that speed camera sets up.
Check all the crosses on the side of the road north bound just before the 70kph zone.

25-08-2010, 7:12pm
My thoughts!

If governments were not getting their $M's from speed camera fines, they would be getting them from somewhere else, cause it is all about getting money from every available source to add more to the budget (usually so they can waste $M on studies etc), but I would rather they book those breaking the law for speeding, than increase my taxes I have to pay on income etc.

25-08-2010, 7:21pm
If governments were not getting their $M's from speed camera fines, they would be getting them from somewhere else, cause it is all about getting money from every available source to add more to the budget (usually so they can waste $M on studies etc), but I would rather they book those breaking the law for speeding, than increase my taxes I have to pay on income etc.

If speed cameras really are about revenue raising, then that's fine.

If that's the case, the government should admit it and stop lying to the public with its claims that speed cameras are about road safety.

Aussie Battler
25-08-2010, 7:22pm
Just an observation, but does this thread perhaps suggest again that a photo need not be technically perfect (no offence Derek-c) to generate significant emotions, discussion and interest? :th3:

25-08-2010, 7:23pm
If speed cameras really are about revenue raising, then that's fine.

Very good, quite funny :th3:


Duane Pipe
25-08-2010, 7:25pm
On And On it goes. I drove Taxis for two years in the Latrobe valley and what a eye opener that was, I was on the road 12 hours a day and to see the amount of drivers that had no idea on the road laws made me sick! say no more :angry0:

25-08-2010, 7:26pm
Very good, quite funny :th3:

Pun wasn't intended.

25-08-2010, 7:28pm
Xenedis, I'm gonna try to get to your club tomorrow - have a squizzzzz

25-08-2010, 7:37pm

That's great -- hope you enjoy the night.

Tomorrow night is our print comp, so you'll get to see a very high standard of colour and mono prints, as well as hear how an experienced judge critiques the images.

If you can get there by about 7, join Fantasy, Leanne and myself for dinner.

25-08-2010, 9:04pm
I have no qualms paying when I am caught speeding as long as i am pulled over. Fixed and mobile cameras don't change driving habits, just raise revenue. I have two policies here:
1: drive as little as possible (easy for me to bus & train to/from work)
2: know where to and where not to speed.
Last time I was seriously speeding (130 in an 80 zone in rural vic) the car coming toward me (other side of the road) as the local police-person. They flashed their lights, indicated to me to slow down, which I did immediately, and then they let me be. That has had a greater impact on my driving than any fine ever will.
End game - cameras raise revenue; police presence changes behaviour.

25-08-2010, 10:18pm

That's great -- hope you enjoy the night.

Tomorrow night is our print comp, so you'll get to see a very high standard of colour and mono prints, as well as hear how an experienced judge critiques the images.

If you can get there by about 7, join Fantasy, Leanne and myself for dinner.

Where is the club do you eat?

Can u PM your number to me?


25-08-2010, 10:20pm
Last time I was seriously speeding (130 in an 80 zone in rural vic) the car coming toward me (other side of the road) as the local police-person. They flashed their lights, indicated to me to slow down, which I did immediately, and then they let me be. That has had a greater impact on my driving than any fine ever will.
End game - cameras raise revenue; police presence changes behaviour.

Politicians have enough brains to understand this and most likely accept this fact as well, but greed overcomes common sense and we get hit with the usual sewage from their mouth.
"The cameras are there to save lives not make the government money"
When I go to bed tonight I will kneel beside my bed and in my prays I will read out their names in appreciation for their great efforts they have done to keep me alive.
I just can't imagine the carnage on our roads if those cameras weren't clicking away :wd:
God bless our politicians and the RTA :vomit1:

26-08-2010, 7:56am
if you speed you pay... simple.

i have allways been a believer of that statement, if i want to speed i will pay the fines and not whine when i get them...


what erks me though is the differences in the "gray area" that speeding fines are dished out...

being booked for 103 in a 100 zone in Vic but not at 109 in a 100 zone in SA? just makes no sense...

worse still we have been paying registration and fuel (taxes, levies, fees) for years, and we then have to have Toll roads because the gov cant afford to build infrastructure... and then they say that the fines they collect will go back into the roads... :lol:

obvioulsy those people aint driven outside of canberra...


26-08-2010, 9:02am
obvioulsy those people aint driven outside of canberra...

how does canberra fit in sorry? camera revenue goes to state government coffers, not federal.

Canberra also has its fair share of revenue raising with plenty of cameras being located at the bottom of hills on 4 lane, freeway quality roads signposted at 60/70/80kph. Having learnt to drive in country Qld, it's hard top stomach a single lane bi-directional road can can have a limit of 100kph whilst 4 lane roads here are 60kph...

26-08-2010, 10:11am
The whole speed camera thing drives me nuts.

The error on the radar devices used has been proven to be of the order of +-3km/hr at best, the error on most speedometers is around the same, and add to this, that most speedometers come with scales to the nearest 5 (if you are lucky) which means that there is great difficulty in getting precisely to the speed that they advise you to drive (and btw, if you drive to slow in a driver test you can be failed, or indeed on the road you can also be fined...).

And then of course, speed camera proponents neglect the fact that numerous accidents are caused because people are spending so much time watching their speedometers that they arent concerntrating on the road. This is why in Germany, in Europe that limitless roads work, people drive at a comfortable pace, arent watching their speedos so much that they can drive at whatever speed they feel they can control the vehicle at.

Its also stupid that we have variances in tolerances between the states...but then again, we have 6 different education systems, 7 different sets of licensing requirements, 8 useless state and territory governments, and infinitely too many public servants getting paid for doing squat. So I suppose we can understand why there is a problem. The amusing thing is that we wouldnt need so many speed cameras if we didnt have so many public servants.

26-08-2010, 4:14pm
(and btw, if you drive to slow in a driver test you can be failed, or indeed on the road you can also be fined...).


I would like to see a reference to even one eg of that (getting a 'non-speeding' ticket) ever happening. Just one. Unless you are making a deliberate blockade etc, it just wouldn't happen.

Also, if you can't glance at your speedo every 10 secs or so without it being a dangerous distraction - mate - hand in your licence.

I just love the imagery some people like to portray - of drivers staring, eyes glued open, with their focus totally gripped to a single point of the road - their gaze never blinking - else that momentary glance in the mirror etc prove horrifically fatal.

How funny is that excuse? I imagine that these people, when photographing, walk around with their eye attached to the view finder - never looking outside that box in case something, somewhere is missed.

As for the 'I pays me rego... and me fuel taxes... blah."

These old chestnuts amuse me - they don't come even close to paying for roads, associated infrastructure etc. not even close.

So, to use this argument is really saying to the governments, please increase all these charges to a level they will pay for it all - so, I can justify my silly excuse.

So, let's all rejoice when we are forced to pay the true cost of motoring. :party6::th3::th3::th3::party6::beer_mug::beer_mug:

Geez, us Aussies have found another sport we can beat those Poms at - whinging until the brain bleeds.

26-08-2010, 5:32pm
Here you go Scotty someone driving too slowly got booked:- http://www.theleader.com.au/news/local/news/general/fined-for-slow-driving/456549.aspx

Duane Pipe
26-08-2010, 7:16pm
Not so long ago I followed a slow driver in the right lane for approximately 25ks, Between Moe and Traralgon, he was doing 80k all the way and this was in a 110k zone to a 100k zone. I also followed another driver talking on his mobile phone, He was also doing 80k but in the slow lane, he was all over the road as if he was DUI. I wonder if the police could keep up with the amount of complaints if i was to report the violations that I see. As for speed cameras Its nothing but revenue raising. A friend of mine was recently fined for doing 3k over the limit. OK a new set of tyres on the car so what do we have to do get our Speedos recalibrated every time?

26-08-2010, 10:15pm
Here you go Scotty someone driving too slowly got booked:- http://www.theleader.com.au/news/local/news/general/fined-for-slow-driving/456549.aspx

Ah! I remember this beat up...

Does it state anywhere in this article WHAT Ossington's actual infringement was?

No! I wonder why... hmm. Could this be because, as every journo hell bent on a beat-up appreciates, you should never let the actual facts of the matter get in the way of a good story?

It actually emerges that our hero was charged with (and the story even gives the slightest hint of the truth) failure to keep left. Quite a different matter to 'Non-speeding'.

Note the line.

A police spokesman said motorists on all multi-lane roads with a speed limit of 80kmh or over were required to keep left unless overtaking, with or without signage to this effect.I see that this little fact, highly inconvenient to the story, was buried deeply within the story so that the readership would be too WOWED OUT to actually notice that - even if they got that far.

27-08-2010, 7:17am
I would like to see a reference to even one eg of that (getting a 'non-speeding' ticket) ever happening. Just one. Unless you are making a deliberate blockade etc, it just wouldn't happen.
Scotty you asked for one reference for getting booked for slow driving and here it is. The fact is he got booked for driving slow, even if the story is a beat up the fact remains he got booked for driving slow, the reference you requested :th3:

27-08-2010, 3:12pm
Scotty you asked for one reference for getting booked for slow driving and here it is. The fact is he got booked for driving slow, even if the story is a beat up the fact remains he got booked for driving slow, the reference you requested :th3:

No, he didn't.

He got booked for driving in the right-hand lane when the law clearly states, on that stretch of road, you must keep left unless overtaking; his speed was totally irrelevant.

He was just trying to seek sympathy / do the great Aussie whinge in his attempt to get the media on side and therefore embarrass the cops into withdrawing the ticket.

He did the wrong thing - it was nothing to do with his speed - he should stop deliberately obfuscating and cop the fine.


27-08-2010, 4:33pm
Same thing, if he isn't overtaking (going fast enough) on the right lane keep left yeah right. So he wasn't going fast enough to overtake i.e. driving slow in the right lane.
So he got booked for driving slow end of story but technically you can come come up with something like failing to adhere to the constant velocity that is expected for the occupants of the right lane.
You can call it or describe it anyway you like. :th3:

27-08-2010, 8:02pm
Same thing, if he isn't overtaking (going fast enough) on the right lane keep left yeah right. So he wasn't going fast enough to overtake i.e. driving slow in the right lane.
So he got booked for driving slow end of story but technically you can come come up with something like failing to adhere to the constant velocity that is expected for the occupants of the right lane.
You can call it or describe it anyway you like. :th3:

Even allowing for the fact you are obviously tossing it up for the sake of sh1t stirring, isn't your brain bleeding after being twisted into such a ludicrous argument? ;)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

27-08-2010, 10:14pm
not stirring, you asked for evidence and I gave you a sample, after sample was given you said it was a beat up story and now accusing me of sh1t stirring and indulging in ludicrous arguments (takes 2 to tango), if the argument was so ludicrous then why did you ask for evidence.
Anyway I have stated my opinion regarding speed cameras and their real purpose for using them, for me they are used to make money for our incompetent state government and for you it saves lives.
I can live with that fact and move on, I am sure I have expressed all my opinions so I'll put an end to it.

Big Pix
29-08-2010, 2:53pm
....... there again this morning, at 9:10am, not much traffic with 3 lanes either side...... at a guess, catching the people late for church

old dog
29-08-2010, 3:46pm
I hope you got to church on time then Bernie.....:D

29-08-2010, 3:51pm
....... there again this morning, at 9:10am, not much traffic with 3 lanes either side...... at a guess, catching the people late for church

The road to church? Or the highway to hell?

Big Pix
29-08-2010, 3:57pm
I hope you got to church on time then Bernie.....:D

....... all ways

30-08-2010, 7:01am
Props to hold up the roof Bernie.


31-08-2010, 9:43am
how does canberra fit in sorry? camera revenue goes to state government coffers, not federal.

Canberra also has its fair share of revenue raising with plenty of cameras being located at the bottom of hills on 4 lane, freeway quality roads signposted at 60/70/80kph. Having learnt to drive in country Qld, it's hard top stomach a single lane bi-directional road can can have a limit of 100kph whilst 4 lane roads here are 60kph...

The canberra ref, is actually a dig at how great the roads are there, not where the money is, and yeah I can say that, over the years I have done a fair few km around australia, one trip included, the great ocean road, reefton spur, black spur, bells line of road, mount panorama, galston gorge, old pacific highway, monaro highway, snowy mountain highway, and all the connecting roads.. Close to 6500 km in 9 days..


05-09-2010, 1:16pm
Hey Bernie

Again this morning 5-09-2010 at about 10-30. :eek:

Catching the church goers again


Big Pix
06-09-2010, 11:30am
........ ahhhhhh I beat him..... went to church on saturday....:D:efelant: