View Full Version : For the engineers on the site:::

20-07-2010, 2:54pm
Hi guys, I know I've been away a while (moving house, changing job and a new baby have kept my pretty busy of late!) but I thought some of you may be interested in this site.


It's not for the faint-hearted as there's some pretty hefty circuitry and build skills required to use their ideas, but if (like me) anyone likes fiddling and playing then some of these home-made stop motion detectors are amazing! And all free designs.

I'm currently working on a new kind of tracking dolly for time lapse photography...hope it works the way I hope!

Anyone else out there like building things? Got any cool bespoke kit that you'd be interested in sharing?


I @ M
20-07-2010, 3:20pm
Excellent find Andy, I am sure that at least one member of AP will find that interesting and I might just send him a message pointing it out. :th3:

20-07-2010, 3:33pm
Excellent find Andy, I am sure that at least one member of AP will find that interesting and I might just send him a message pointing it out. :th3:

What kind of a nut-case would be interested in that link ??? :D


20-07-2010, 4:22pm
...I'm currently working on a new kind of tracking dolly for time lapse photography...hope it works the way I hope!...

Do tell! I'm always interested in time lapse related gizmo's (being the electronics geek that I am). I've built a couple of stepper motor controllers/rigs for time lapse but I've never been terribly interested in building a dolly, but I think I'm the lone ranger there anyway as they are obviously quite popular. There's a pretty hard core time lapse forum at timescapes.org (http://timescapes.org/phpBB3/index.php) in case you aren't already aware. There's much sharing of designs/ideas and info re motors, controllers, programs etc. Very worthwhile place for time lapse specific info.


20-07-2010, 4:42pm
Awesoem, cheers JJ I'll have to check out that site! TBH it's still in early days...I like TL photography, but being static can get a bit samey, and there's some amazing stuff out there done on just a short piece of track. My colelagues and I are building our own partly because we're geeks (and unashamed), partly because we don't have $2500 + to shell out on a factory one, and partly because we think we can make a better one than everyone else ;-) lol.

I'll let you know how we get on for sure. Our design will (hopefully) be able to run on unlimited track, made from local bunnings type stuff, so the only limit is the space in the car you have to get to your location. Should also be good for video footage too. Although like I say, it's only theory at the moment...hope it works. :D

20-07-2010, 4:52pm
Awesoem, cheers JJ I'll have to check out that site! TBH it's still in early days...I like TL photography, but being static can get a bit samey, and there's some amazing stuff out there done on just a short piece of track. My colelagues and I are building our own partly because we're geeks (and unashamed), partly because we don't have $2500 + to shell out on a factory one, and partly because we think we can make a better one than everyone else ;-) lol.

I'll let you know how we get on for sure. Our design will (hopefully) be able to run on unlimited track, made from local bunnings type stuff, so the only limit is the space in the car you have to get to your location. Should also be good for video footage too. Although like I say, it's only theory at the moment...hope it works. :D

Be sure to post some images of the setup when you're closer to being done. It's always interesting to see other peoples take on the same problem.


20-07-2010, 8:08pm
hahaha.. thanks for the link.. i will probably make this one when i get some free time..

21-07-2010, 8:25pm
Thanks for a good link, i almost lost $400 instantaneously...

22-07-2010, 8:23pm
Thanks for a good link, i almost lost $400 instantaneously...

surely this would be cheaper if you build it yourself..