View Full Version : Sigma 30mm

19-07-2010, 12:09pm
Hi All,

For years I loved the 50mm lens/35mm film combination, but since upgrading to digital, the crop factor puts a 50mm to more of an 85mm lens.

I recently heard of the sigma 30mm f1.4 which was aimed at giving crop sensors a similar focal length of i think its 45mm?

just wondering if anyone here owns the sigma 30mm f1.4 and if they have any pros/cons regarding it's use on crop sensor!


19-07-2010, 4:55pm
G'day Tim

Can't help you on usage - but last night I was killing time looking at a site called "overstocked" [google to find it] and they had a Sigma 30mm on their lists. Could be of interest

Regards, Phil

20-07-2010, 11:33am
Price wise you can do better by find a local grey importer, quote their price to C R Kennedy (official Aus importer) and they will price match it + you got Aus warranty (and you need it, tell you why in a sec)

I loved my Sigma 30mm f/1.4 (and now upgraded to 50mm). Great on color and broken. Its a "DC" lens so only intended to work crop sensor body. Vignette can be seen when wide open but disappear f/2 or smaller.

Sharpness (in the center) is amazing! Great contrast on color etc. And the equivalence to 48mm focal length is great if you shoot mostly around this range. I consider it as a portrait to full body lens myself.

Why I go 50mm? 30mm only works on crop body (it will fit into a full frame body but super heavy vignette) and I eventually will go full frame probably by the end of this year. And someone offered me a price I can't resist.

Like most Sigma lens, it might need micro adjustment to reach full potential (or sharpness). If you have a body can do micro adjustment, no worries. But if you are like me who stuck with a Canon 500D (no micro adjustment), then I will have to send it back to CR Kennedy for adjustment (and this is where your local warranty become useful!) Within warranty period, CR K. will do adjustment for free. (Otherwise $66 per/h on labor)

Let me know if you got more question

20-07-2010, 2:52pm
30/1.4 is one of my favs on APS-C, fully recommended for a fast prime although there are QC issues surrounding this lens.

21-07-2010, 4:30am
i have the 35 1.8 and its a definite joy to use! but i still wish it to be 1.4 though and have been thinking of getting the 30 1.4.. but then the major QC problem is a real setback i guess.

21-07-2010, 8:01am
My Sigma 30 f/1.4 is ace, but I have read that QC is slack and some people have had lemons.

21-07-2010, 8:06am
I've been contemplating it myself for a while.

But after looking at the price again today I can safely say a big No to that. Could always get the Nikon 1.8 and then pair it with a Nikon/Canon conversion. Not sure what that'd do for vignetting, can't imagine it'd be too great - and no doubt you'd lose Automatic focus.

25-07-2010, 2:43pm
i haven't used a sigma lens before but i have heard some good things about them, as well as their telephoto zooms are quite well priced!

in terms of a 'normal' 50mm lens 35mm equiv. has anyone used the 28mm canon on a crop sensor??

02-10-2010, 12:10am
Hi. I'm looking at purchasing this lens to compliment my Canon 50mm F/1.4 for portrait and landscaping. Body is a 40D.

I've done some research and it appears to be a viable alternative to the Canon 35L.

Some reviews pointed to the Canon 28mm F/1.8 as another alternative. The only worry I have with going that wide is distortion. As a lot of my landscape work will probably be stitched panoramas, I'd prefer the least amount of distortion.

My budget is somewhat limited so L's are currently out of my range.