View Full Version : 60 x 40 framed print, how much?

14-07-2010, 6:33pm
Would you sell a 60 x 40 print (framed) for $220 in a gallery?

....cause this seems to be the going rate over at Redbubble. Are people that desperate for a dollar? ..Or sale?

Your thoughts please..

JM Tran
14-07-2010, 6:36pm
thats very cheap.........it costs me about 40 ish bucks to enlarge to a 45x30 inch already, so a 60x40 inch would be a bit more, and framing or mounting on top.......another 60 bucks roughly..........

I would go with the desperate for a dollar part:)

14-07-2010, 6:39pm
You wouldnt even get good framing done for that really

14-07-2010, 6:44pm
I should add Redbubble take around $135 from the $220, this will leave you with a profit of $85. There are a few members at AP selling for this price on RB, what gives?

David Kembrey
14-07-2010, 6:47pm
Would you sell a 60 x 40 print (framed) for $220 in a gallery?

....cause this seems to be the going rate over at Redbubble. Are people that desperate for a dollar? ..Or sale?

Your thoughts please..

Just wondering, cause those measurements are in cm which rounded are 23"x 16". So $220 is not a bad price, it is probably a 50% markup on the wholesale/manufacturing price from Red Bubble, which when you don't have to worry about printing, framing and matting. Plus the other print options as well.

14-07-2010, 7:19pm
Just wondering, cause those measurements are in cm which rounded are 23"x 16". So $220 is not a bad price, it is probably a 50% markup on the wholesale/manufacturing price from Red Bubble, which when you don't have to worry about printing, framing and matting. Plus the other print options as well.

Yes that's right, it will cost you $135 to purchase your own product from RB in that size (framed). Why on sell it for a profit of only $80 odd dollars?

And can anyone tell me what the large print quality is like, do they match the exposure/levels and all that jazz?

14-07-2010, 10:32pm
Actually I thought that to buy one's own product for that price is very reasonable.

I have added a few things there, mainly because I want to hang them myself, but couldn't be bothered going through the whole palaver of ordering a print, taking delivery, then going off and getting that framed. I don't expect to sell anything, although a mate has asked if he could get a copy of one of the shots, and I have directed him there.

I got the idea from Xenedis who had a couple of his own things printed and was very pleased with the results.

The missus is also quite impressed with the idea of getting some customised greeting cards made, and I have taken some shots in recent times of family, and will probably stick them up there with 0% margin so they can order prints or cards at their leisure without busting my balls (to coin a phrase) for prints / CDs / copies. Being of the belief that the print results are good, I'm also happy to exercise at least a degree of control over how the shots are presented - even though I'm still a relative newb (with quality of work to match) I'd rather not have my stuff "sullied" by being printed onto copy paper and stuck on fridges etc, at least where I have gone to some effort with the shots.

I also see it is a pretty pain free method of generating christmas / birthday / mothers' day presents... :)

If anyone has any wisdom on pricing I'd love to hear it (as a curiosity more than anything) despite not expecting to receive delivery of a new car based on print sales :)