View Full Version : PS3 Stroke Border Removal Help

14-07-2010, 6:01pm
Hi Guys,
I need your help with this simple bl...... thing.
The story so far;
I am trying to make some clip art.
1. Take photo of clip art subject
2. Develop in LR2
3. Send to PS3 and make selection on a new layer
4. Make background transparent on a new layer
5. Great job, save to Desktop
6. Post onto document and all looks good except there is a stroke border around the stupid thing.
7. Back to PS3 and try and remove stroke border by selecting layer and going Edit, Stroke and making stroke border, transparent, outside, centre, inside, all the blend layers and everything else I could think of. Tried same on each layer.

Help! How do I get rid of this darn thing.

Your help would be great right about now as I'm about to shoot my PC.

Big Pix
14-07-2010, 6:11pm
...... have you tried just the crop tool

14-07-2010, 6:50pm
Thanks heaps Bernie, something so simple and I couldn't, for the life of me, figure it out.
The crop worked great.