View Full Version : Practice Photo Shoots - for portfolio

14-07-2010, 7:41am
Hi there.

I'm starting to look at putting a website together as some sort of portfolio & as my main focus is/will be family, children, babies, maternity etc, I need these types of people to practice on & to use for my portfolio.

Considering I'm relatively 'new' to photography, what is the best way to go about this. Do I offer free photo shoots & give the disc with images away? Or is it acceptable to offer a free shoot with 1 print (or not print) & then offer the disc with the best images for say $100?

The main area I need 'models' to practice on is maternity & newborn.

Any advice and/or ideas would be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance:p

14-07-2010, 9:01am
You shouldnt charge until you are offering good product, certainly not while you are a newbie

14-07-2010, 9:09am
Sandi it's a pretty common method for a photographer building a portfolio to do "TFP" or "Time For Prints/Disc". Although difficult to advertise for that sort of thing in the case of pregnant mothers and newborns (I'm assuming that this might be a word of mouth kind of thing), the principles of lighting, posing and the like are universal, so perhaps you could practice these things on anyone. Check out Model Mayhem, where models can be found on a TFP basis.

14-07-2010, 9:15am
Agree with Darren. Dont charge until you are confident that you can produce quality photos consistently, every single time you fire up the camera. This only comes with practice so youre on the right track there.

There is a common arrangement amongst portrait photographers, models, MUAs, Hair Stylists, etc ... called TFP/CD. This stands for Time For print/CD, which basically means that everyone gets together and volunteers their time to do the shoot, and then the photographer provides hi resolution prints for everyones portfolios (usually minimum 4 retouched images)

This is a great way to find people to get involved with and help you out along the way. Check out Bump Models (http://www.bumpmodels.com.au/) for pregnancy stuff, I know the owner Hannah and she is an awesome girl, and Model Mayhem (http://www.modelmayhem.com/) for portrait subjects. Lots of people on there dying to get their picture taken ;)

EDIT: Tony slipped a post in there on me .. :D

14-07-2010, 9:17am
I so agree with you Dazz :)

14-07-2010, 10:00am
I so agree with you Dazz :)

14-07-2010, 10:02am
So we all agree ? holy mackeral, send in the clowns


Practice, practice practice on whoever and whatever you can find, post here, learn lots. I think on average maybe after two-three years you will be ready to think business. It's not that easy.

14-07-2010, 10:19am
The first step is showing fellow photographers your current work (photography), they will be honest with you regarding your skills. So many people think photography will be an easy career path, it isn't! Please show us some of your photos.

14-07-2010, 10:37am
Thanks for your replies. I appreciate your honesty & assistance :-)

14-07-2010, 10:45am
Just remember that everyone has to start somewhere ... As Rick says, dont be shy or embarrassed to post some work here. You will get very constructive criticism and comment. This will be your biggest help on the way to improvement, and your ultimate goal. :)

14-07-2010, 12:33pm
Just remember that everyone has to start somewhere ... As Rick says, dont be shy or embarrassed to post some work here. You will get very constructive criticism and comment. This will be your biggest help on the way to improvement, and your ultimate goal. :)

Agreed.... I've never received anything but extremely helpful feedback here

14-07-2010, 12:38pm
Also, don't be shy of asking friends...they are also people who quite often would like their photo taken and means they are naturally more comfortable. My last shoot cost me a disc of the best images and a dinner...definitely a win win on my part.

As the others say...get some images up for critique and people here can help alot.

15-07-2010, 3:28pm
Hi Sandi, portfolio building is a wonderful process, free disk options are great to start out with make sure you put your name and contact details on them as it will be word of mouth that will get you started. Maternity groups will spread the news quickly for you once you have started and produce what the mums like. Use friends family and even strangers if you are confident in asking. But be up front with them you are starting out and putting a portfolio together as you have mentioned putting them on the web maybe signing a model release form. I noticed there are some on this site.
Maternity generally photograph at around 34 weeks. Newborns as soon as you can. Patience is a key to photographing newborns.
Practice practice practice. Looking forward to seeing some photos.

15-07-2010, 4:50pm
problem is when 'new' even offering 'free' shoots nobody takes it up!