View Full Version : Lessons

10-07-2010, 9:05pm
Hi sorry if posted in wrong place new to all this but is there any one who would like to teach me Photography i have just purchased a Canon 50d with a macro lens also 18-50m lens so if there is any one interested please let me know i live south side of Brisbane.

10-07-2010, 9:18pm
Hi and welcome,
Take a look here: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=104

10-07-2010, 9:21pm
Have a look at the New to Photography forum. It will give you all the basics needed to understand how to use your camera to its full potential.

Start posting your photos in the forums and use the feedback to improve. Keep an eye out for the Ausphotography members meets in your area, as you can then catch up with fellow AP members and learn more direct from them. Also two of our members run a photography company, where you can sign up (pay) and learn under their tutelage. See here for more info : http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=57991

All the very best with the new camera, there are a lot of resources available to you.

11-07-2010, 8:28pm
Thanks Rick i just wanna say that this site is very well set out and has a massive amount of info great for the likes of me new to photography .
im now looking at the tutorials which are a great help to me.

13-07-2010, 1:30am
The internet is very good as a resource for learning photography but nothing beats the REAL world in the way to do it.
Buy magazines and books and read them in bed until you fall asleep hugging your camera.
(Better yet, buy a specific 50D book written by so and so)
Enroll in an evening course offering photography lessons. You will meet creatures that have the same level of enthusiam as yourself!
Find a buddy you can share the passion with. The best one is your partner.

13-07-2010, 9:14pm
Thanks for reply lol i have been reading camera mags in bed with camera and have learned a lot but it would be good to have a buddy who knows what he is doing,i have some one lined up for 1on 1 lessons expensive but worth every penny i hope.