View Full Version : Mac Image Stitching?

10-07-2010, 10:58am
I've just became the proud owner of a new 27"mac and have been messing around with a few panos of recent and for the life of me cannot find a freeware stitching program to download for my mac, microsoft ice was what I was using on my pc, I'm only just getting into panos hence the reason I'm chasing a freeware version, may pay the cash to get a good one once I've become adapt in panos!!
Thanx in advance!!

10-07-2010, 11:26am
hi -= I use PSE 6 for my panos - it's not free (and is now Photoshop Elements is at version 8), but it does a whole bunch of stuff.

What are you currently using for your post-processing?

BTW - hugin is free but I didn't like it much personally (then again I already had PSE)

10-07-2010, 11:29am
Hi Bax, I use Hugin (http://www.freemacware.com/hugin) and it seems to work pretty well. I had to do a bit of reading at the start to get decent results but I am very happy with it.

Hope it works for you,


10-07-2010, 3:36pm
calxoddity I currently use aperture 3 and ps but an old version, I'm looking at getting cs5 as I can get it cheap due to my sister-in-law being a teacher.
I'll give hugin a trial and see if I need to pull my finger out and buy a newer version of ps!
thanx for the help!!

Big Pix
12-07-2010, 6:26pm
........ Elements 8 will give you what you want...... but it is not free