View Full Version : adding sigs to photo's

03-09-2007, 8:04pm

I've been thinking for a while about adding a signature or production stamp to my images, it'd need to be neat and unobtrusive and performed in a PS action.

Any tips or known methods of creating one?


03-09-2007, 8:15pm
hmm, well my preference is to make a vector so i could resize it to however i liked.
you could possible make one of a signature, or create your own logo/design too.
what sort of thing were you thinking of doing?

03-09-2007, 8:19pm
create a new blank document in PS

Using the text tool type what you want your sig to say (try different fonts)

make a selection around the text

go to EDIT > DEFINE BRUSH PRESET, name it and click OK.


Open your image, go to brush tool, in tool menu, click on brush, and go right to the bottom, your brush should be there, adjust opacity etc, click on image where you want sig to appear. Just like any brush you can change size etc.

You can also use eye-dropper tool before selecting the brush and the sig will be in whatever colour you selected with the eye-dropper.

Once you get the hang of it, you can create some really good brushes to use for Signatures etc. by putting in lines, logo's etc, and making a selection of it

Helen S
03-09-2007, 9:08pm
Thanks Rick. Always wanted to do my sig this way but was never quite sure how it was done. You've explained it perfectly for this blonde. :laughing1:

04-09-2007, 4:54am
If you want to get really creative.

Take a sheet of white A4 paper, get a nice thick black permanent marker and sign your name (or what ever you want), Scan it!, Make a selection from the scan and follow my instructions above to have your 'actual" signature or handwritten message/drawn stuff, as your "sig"

Helen S
04-09-2007, 5:07pm
Thanks again Rick. :)

05-09-2007, 6:47pm
What Rick said is how I do mine. Except I had to figure out how to make it myself. Although it's pretty simple once you get the hang of it :)

Helen S
05-09-2007, 10:28pm
Got my own siggy now, too and will certainly personalise my photos from now on. :)

12-11-2008, 6:27am
is there a way to automate this so all the pictures gets stamped?

or only do people prefer to stamp only the one being put online?

12-11-2008, 6:57am
only problem with automating it, is that you have to specify exactly where it goes on your photos. So it would always be say, lower left corner. For some photos, that is where the interest starts, or a leading line starts, which means you are stamping over a good part of the photo. I do mine at the end of editing and place it differently each time depending on composition.

However, if you want to do it, you need to learn how to create an action in photoshop, then run a batch commmand to run the action on all your photos. This can be time extensive, as your batch command needs to open the photo, place the watermark, save the photo, close the photo...repeat. So if you have a lot of photos, it could hours or even days.

12-11-2008, 8:50am
is there a way to automate this so all the pictures gets stamped?

or only do people prefer to stamp only the one being put online?

I tend to only stamp the ones that go online and have an action to resize the images for web use, then stamps it and sends it to the destination folder.

Actions are great!

13-11-2008, 9:38am
I've just move the thread out of Old Topics to here.

16-11-2008, 10:54am
Thanks so much for this, just worked it out now. Very easy once you have the hang of it! Thanks :)

19-11-2008, 7:47pm
btw, what do you use as image viewers?
I am still using acdsee v2 due to speed and no editing features to slow it down.
I've tried stuff like infraview (?), but found it clunky to use

20-11-2008, 8:05pm
I know the OP asked for a PS action, but I thought I'd also make a suggestion for the Lightroom users out there. Download a great little plugin called LR/Mogrify (http://timothyarmes.com/lrmogrify.php), which can batch export images to JPG, adding frames/signatures/etc at the same time. I created a signature in PS, saved it as .png, and I have LR/mogrify overlay it on my photos during export. Works great.

21-11-2008, 3:08pm
i've found xnview adds sigs easily and freely, and is a great viewer (after careful tweaking) for both jpg and raw!