View Full Version : Tokina 16-28 F/2.8

I @ M
07-07-2010, 7:09am
It will be interesting to see the pricing on this one.

The sample images (http://www.kenko-tokina.co.jp/tokina/atx16-28.html) don't look too bad.

07-07-2010, 8:09am
Front element looks a bit similar to the 14-24? Hard to judge from those pics, but any new lens is interesting. :D

07-07-2010, 8:49am
Lani. There's nothing easier than to judge the quality of a lens with full res sample images captured by a D3x!!

The Asian hieroglyphics link (with the arrow) under each image is the link to the full res jpg image(all 11Megs of it!).
They take ages to download and display. I just downloaded a few sample images to have a peekaboo later via my favoured software. They appear to be processed via the latest version of CaptureNX2 too.

As Andrew said.. and as far as I've seen with the images I've downloaded so far... this lens looks as good as the Nikon 14-24.

... a bit too long at the short end :p ... and screw driven AF!!! :action:

07-07-2010, 10:07am
Thanks AK....I need to brush up on hieroglyphics. :D Will go and have a look.

07-07-2010, 10:24am
Thanks AK....I need to brush up on hieroglyphics. :D .....

Nah!... you have me as the Asian hieroglyphics translator to beat them all!

note tho that my methods are easy and workable: If the hieroglyph is clickable... you click! :lol:
(praying it's not a virus :o)

07-07-2010, 11:04am
As a pentax user I am quite excited about this new Tokina lens in FF mount. Tokina basically uses Pentax technology to produce many of their lenses with the agreement that Tokina wont supply a Pentax mount version.

This lens may be an indicator that Pentax may be developing a new range of FF lenses and move into the FF arena as well as MF and APS-C.

07-07-2010, 11:11am
As a pentax user I am quite excited about this new Tokina lens in FF mount. Tokina basically uses Pentax technology to produce many of their lenses with the agreement that Tokina wont supply a Pentax mount version.

This lens may be an indicator that Pentax may be developing a new range of FF lenses and move into the FF arena as well as MF and APS-C.

Hope you're right. Although there are still plenty of gaps to fill in the APS-C lens lineup.

Like something longer than 300mm for starters.


I @ M
19-03-2011, 4:39pm
Resurrecting an old thread ----

We picked up one today and a few brief (unscientific) first impressions follow.

Cost --- a poor mans substitute for the Nikon 14-24, Canon users will love this lens as well. The savings between this and the "real deal" are significant. :th3:

Build --- excellent, exterior finish and "feel" to the zoom and focus mechanism are as good as any top range Nikon product. It is heavy and feels it but balances well on a Nikon FX body.

Lens cap --- a slip on plastic cap that just sits on the outside of the petal hood. A bit " sub par" at first but time will tell.

Filters --- nope, same as the Nikon, bulbous front element and no way to attach them. I do plan to investigate making a filter holder to attach the large size Lee or similar filters, it won't be hard and it won't cost anywhere near the $600.00 that is being charged for recently introduced systems for the Nikon lens.

Image quality --- a quick walk around with all hand held shots at the wrong time of the day surprised me, colours and contrast are very good, sharpness is NOT an issue and in the following series of shots I backed off the default values applied in Nikon capture NX by one graduation ( 4-3)

Straight out of the camera NEF converted to JPEG, the picture control is D2X mode 1 which is a fairly neutral setting and in this case there is no sharpening applied.
16mm F/2.8 1/3200 ISO 200

the same shot with "vivid" picture control applied

The zoom range misses out on 2mm at the wide end compared to the Nikon but gains 4mm at the long end. I feel that it works pretty well all round.


Distortion is going to be much the same as any ultra wide, controlled by how parallel the camera is to the subject, so far it is looking good. The first 2 shots are purely a height difference of about 500mm or so.


