View Full Version : Milestones for the portfolio site

04-07-2010, 8:51pm
the question is - what are the essential things about portfolio site
- what's good
- what to avoid
- should it be static with simple pages that show photos / text
- should it be fully dynamic with lots of flash / silverlight
- should it contain just parts of flash / silverlight
- should it contain something except photos and contacts
- what are the useful features about the site - like search by keywords, slideshows etc
- what's the best way to categorize photos - genre, locations, seasons or whatever

any other ideas you'd like to share :)

pls have a look at my older site, that I want to change for a new one and let me know what you think - what you dislike about it.

I need to know where to think and move next :)

05-07-2010, 5:09pm
hey I know it's lots of questions, just pick your favourite :D

12-07-2010, 1:02am

if you build a simple website, some people will think... "too simple, he must be an amatuer".

if you build a complex site, some people will think... " he must be expensive"

If you build a XXXX some people will think... XXX

I think there is no right answer. You need a website that expresses you, and your photography. People who like it will perhaps contact you and it will flow from there. You can't be everything to everyone.

Your current site looks good... but perhaps a bit to generic.

Very nice photos by the way!

12-07-2010, 7:34am
good point
like "be yourself" :)
what do you mean under "too generic"?

13-07-2010, 12:01pm
You can never please everyone, think about who your potential customers are and cater to what they would like.

13-07-2010, 1:24pm
what do you mean under "too generic"?

It means that it looks like everyone else's site.

Which is probably exactly why you want to go from a redbubble site to your own site in the first place.