View Full Version : Stacks in LR3 problems

03-07-2010, 1:30pm
Hey guys I'm quite a problem with LR3 and CS4 and I wanted to see if it has happened to anyone else.

Problem is this: I stack similar images together in my LR catalog. SOme are different edit version etc. When I select a version I want to export in to CS4 using the 'Edit in...) command all is well until....

CS4 opens and sometimes it open a different image from the one I selected. Sometimes an image from a different stack even. When it does open the correct image and I do my frame and watermarking and then hit "save".
I go back into LR, where you would expect it to refresh iwith the newly saved image as a copy on the stack) - but the new image isn't there, an sometimes it has added some other random image to your stack> Argh, it's doing my head in. Its as though its getting the paths to the images mixed up and putting them in different stacks. Am I doing something wrong or could this be a bug?

03-07-2010, 1:40pm
It could be a bug in LR3 - I haven't upgraded yet, so I can't speak from direct experience - but it also could be a symptom of file system corruption. Have you checked your disk recently? Do you have good backups?

03-07-2010, 1:57pm
Yeah everything is back up. What a pain. I guess I will just change my workflow a bit and do somethign like this:
1. Import RAW from camera into LR + 2nd copy to external back up drive.
2. Cull (if I haven't done so in camera already)
3. Make LR adjustments
4. Export to CS4 via (Edit in...)
5. Doing any PS editing
6. Save TIFF (to update LR copy as well)
7. Place watermark, run action for frame / resize to 900px longside, USM. "Save as.." jpeg (This is my web JPEG for Flickr, Facebook, client use etc).
8. GO back into LR and export the edited TIFF using export preset with setting set for print.
9. Make back up copies of the Print jpeg and web jpeg folders to external HDD.

Am I missing anything?

Does this sound like a logical way to do it ?

I just started using a nice Flickr plugin and the Mogrify Plug in as well - but I can't use them if LR keeps stuffing up my stacks and losing copies everywhere, my catalog would be a jumbled mess and I'd never find anything.

03-07-2010, 2:11pm
It all makes sense to me except for the last two steps. I do everything out of Lr if I can, so I export jpegs from it whether they've been to Ps or not and I print directly from it too. Works well for me.

Can't see how any of this could have an impact on the issue of Lr sending the wrong data to Ps though. There is something wrong there somewhere.

03-07-2010, 2:23pm
Yeah the problem I'm having is in making web copies. I have been able to do edits in PS then save that back into LR, where I can then export to print, but I find the watermark and frame options limited for web jpeg saves, even in Mogrify, so I go back to PS to do these as a last step.

Except after I've done this and I hit "save", go back into Lightroom - my edited TIFF with watermark and frame that I did in PS sometimes isn't there - so I've given up and just export it straight from PS using the "save for web and devices" command.

My head hurts.