View Full Version : What rate for a CD cover?

03-07-2010, 10:52am
I have been approached by a musician, part of a quartet, in a niche musical market to use one of my photos as a CD cover. They had tried a photo shoot at the location and then did a search and brought up my redbubble image. I have asked around and one O/S contact sold an image for $300. Any members had experience with this use of a photo. What advice can you offer? Thanks
image...it will be a long narrow CD!

03-07-2010, 4:42pm
I would start with $1000

..unless the image means nothing to you, then $300 is some pocket money.

03-07-2010, 9:08pm
It would depend on how popular the band is/or likely to be.

Are they justt a band making their own CD? Do they have a label behind them?

For an indie band making their own CD, they might print of 1000 and hope to sell 100. $1000 would be a big expense for them I presume. If they are on a label, a few more $$$ might be do able. Google their name and see what comes up to gage how popular they are.

I have had photos in quite a few CDs and depending on the band and artist the rate varies a lot. But most of my photos have been of the band or artist.

04-07-2010, 5:41am
Keith has mentioned some, but points to consider:

how many CDs will be made,
how is it being distributed,
is there a chance of repeat work (or don't cut off your nose to spite your face)

Stock price calculators here (http://www.photographersindex.com/stockprice.htm) and here (http://www.stockphotopricecalculator.com/)

Couple of good articles here (http://blogs.photopreneur.com/the-knowledge-you-need-to-sell-your-photos) and here (http://blogs.photopreneur.com/pricingpictures-freelance)

12-07-2010, 2:37pm
You might also consider opting for a % royalty per 100 song units sold. Check out their distributor (of payment) and cut a deal. They may be the next fav four, who knows...
Alec Guiness didn't get paid for Star Wars... he opted for royalty stake. He is long dead and gone but the money keeps on pouring into his estate up to now...

12-07-2010, 6:28pm
You might also consider opting for a % royalty per 100 song units sold. Check out their distributor (of payment) and cut a deal. They may be the next fav four, who knows...
Alec Guiness didn't get paid for Star Wars... he opted for royalty stake. He is long dead and gone but the money keeps on pouring into his estate up to now...

Good concept, but how do you check whats really sold ?

And remember that you're not likely to have the resources that Sir Alec Guiness's estate has at their disposal.

12-07-2010, 10:37pm
Probably get any number of pro's to do it for $300 if it's a non-label band. If it's a labelled band they wouldn't be asking you, the agent would.

15-07-2010, 4:53pm
true, you can argue it's worth $1000 or whatever, but there's 1000 am-togs right here who will do it for $100.
that's always the problem