View Full Version : A Little Bit Of PP Play ..

01-07-2010, 2:47pm
These are both old shots .. just been playing around with a few techniques Ive been reading about in Kelbys CS4 book. I really like how the shot of Rose turned out but think the shot of Dylan is a touch too grainy. Thoughts ?



01-07-2010, 3:18pm
Hi Darren,
That first photo is really very good I think. Colour, composure, DOF, light, mate a tick in every box - I really like it. The second one does not grab me as much, I like the shot as a whole, the pose and all but the effect is just a bit to strong for me. In defence of the second shot, please consider I am 54 and I may be a little old school in what I like in a photo.

I keep going back to the first one though mate - it is just a superb portrait.

01-07-2010, 3:25pm
Wow, nice lighting on the shot of Rose. My only nitpick would be that you've lost some definition on the left side of her nose. A rimlight would also have been a nice touch given her dark hair (I know, not helpful when you're editing old shots). Otherwise, it's a clean, very smoothly worked shot.

In the Dylan photo, I do like the grain, but maybe it could be dialled down a fraction. Again there's a slight loss of definition around the nose, but it doesn't seem to matter so much, given the high-key image.

Edit: Actually, scrap the comments regarding the loss of definition. I'm on an uncalibrated monitor at present, so should probably reserve judgement in that regard.

01-07-2010, 3:54pm
Yep agree with pretty much everything .... Definitely agree that Dylan is too grainy. Its a fun technique though, and very very easy to achieve (about a 4 step action in PS) so I will persevere until I get it right. Cheers guys :)

Adrian Fischer
02-07-2010, 12:52pm
Hi Daren, I like em both. Yes #2 is grainy but I dont think it detracts from the image. In fact I think I like #2 over #1 because it so different. Good work, keep playing.

Ray Heath
18-07-2010, 2:42pm
Hey Darren

Both nice images, great expressions and close in compositions that fill the frame beautifully.

Perhaps a little to bright in the skin tones. Was the original somewhat over exposed in the first?

I don't have a problem with grain except that in your second image the grain is not overall and not enough. Again, was the original over exposed?

18-07-2010, 4:39pm
Hey Darren

Both nice images, great expressions and close in compositions that fill the frame beautifully.

Perhaps a little to bright in the skin tones. Was the original somewhat over exposed in the first?

I don't have a problem with grain except that in your second image the grain is not overall and not enough. Again, was the original over exposed?

not at all mate ... the exposure is bang on in both of the original images.

This one is obviously the edited image. The RAW is at home in LR.

This is pretty much straight out of the camera.

18-07-2010, 5:10pm
Love the PP in the first shot - even the original version is great. Lovely catchlights, sharp, great lighting, great pose.

18-07-2010, 5:17pm
Cheers mate .. I really like that photo too. Classic headshot portrait, and it helps when your subject is as gorgeous as Rose too :)

19-07-2010, 2:10am
i really like the out-of-camera photo darren! she is very beautiful indeed! :)

19-07-2010, 8:30am
Yea me too ... I chose this photo to try that PS technique out on due to the quality of the light. I thought it would suit the high contrasty look. Thankyou :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ray Heath
19-07-2010, 11:37am
Hi Darren

The uncropped image of the guy is excellent and has a different feel and narrative to the cropped version.

The "un-processed" version of the stunningly beautiful girl is, well, stunningly beautiful. I don't see the need to "process" (enhance?). As captured the photograph has all the visual information that is needed.

19-07-2010, 12:03pm
Thanks Ray .. much appreciated.

26-10-2010, 6:36am
Wow. Very impressive work!!!! I love the lighting on Rose, the catchlights in her eyes, and the definition in the hair.
The only thing I would change is to clone out the black hairs on the arm closest to the camera, and the wisp of hair that's on her chest.