View Full Version : LR 3 - Import - Rename - Date in filename incorrect (advanced one day)

01-07-2010, 12:24pm
I'm trialling Lightroom 3 and have come across this bug. I'm sure users here in Australia would notice this more so than our European friends, as the culprit is most likely an incorrect use of timezone information.

When importing photos and applying a renaming convention which includes a date/time component in the name, 10 hrs is added to the date. So any photos taken after 2 pm, the filename will be renamed to the following day. Strangely enough though, selecting a year/month/day folder destination is correctly adhered to.

After importing the photos it is possible to re-rename them, that is, you must remember to do this. Not ideal and I hope this is fixed sooner rather than later.

Art Vandelay
02-07-2010, 10:43am
That sounds weird.

I haven't imported using the time in the file name so don't know if it's normal.

I just had a play and found these settings.

It's worth checking to see if it's changed the metadata, or just the file name. If it has you can change it here,


The fact it's a neat 10 hrs means it's worth checking if a time zone adjustment has been applied. This window comes up after you select 'edit capture time'


02-07-2010, 11:09am
It's clearly a bug in LR3. The capture times recorded against each image are correct, that is, they are recorded in local time. I don't use the time component in filenames, it's that just the other day, photos taken in the afternoon of 30th June (20100630_nnn), were being renamed to 1st July (20100701_nnn) - at the import stage. After checking that all the metadata date/time info was correct it was suggested to me that maybe it was a timezone issue. Sure enough, for testing purposes, I included the time component to the filename, and presto, the date/time was advanced 10 hrs (my timezone).

Strangely though, after import, the photos can be renamed, using the same 'rename template' and the photos are correctly renamed.

Whether you use a time component in the filename or not, at the import stage, the filename date will be advanced by your timezone hours. So here in Melbourne, if you take photos after 2pm, the date in the filename will be advanced one day.

02-07-2010, 11:17am
Just a thought. What about your computers time zone setting, maybe LR looks at that and makes an adjustment?

02-07-2010, 11:23am
Just a thought. What about your computers time zone setting, maybe LR looks at that and makes an adjustment?

Time zone and date/time correctly set at my computer.

I've mentioned this as I'm sure this will be a gotcha for all Aussies. I'm not sure whether this was a bug in LR 2 as I'm a fresh new user of LR 3.

Art Vandelay
02-07-2010, 12:00pm
I'd be still leaning towards a setting out of place somewhere. I just randomly checked several of my imports including some that were taken in the late evening and all seem OK.

That's on the full version, although it doesn't make sense, maybe it's something to do with the trial version. ?

02-07-2010, 12:03pm
I'll check mine when I get home. I name my files at import with Date_Time_Prefix_Seq# so it'll be easy to check.

02-07-2010, 12:26pm
I'd be still leaning towards a setting out of place somewhere. I just randomly checked several of my imports including some that were taken in the late evening and all seem OK.

That's on the full version, although it doesn't make sense, maybe it's something to do with the trial version. ?

My computer clock, time zone and date/time are correct, metadata date/time data is local time and correct.

I've mentioned this is a bug as a result of info received from this thread at the Adobe Forum (http://forums.adobe.com/message/2939588#2939588)and this thread at another Lightroom forum (http://www.lightroomforums.net/index.php?topic=10269.msg69505#msg69505).

I've got about 20 days left on the trial version and now I'm wondering whether this is a deal breaker. I hope it's not an issue relating to the trial version, I doubt it, though it's a consideration.

02-07-2010, 5:44pm
Wow, well I'll be a ....something.

I've just checked an import I did a couple of weeks ago and sure enough the filenames are all out by 10 hours. :angry0:

I then selected all the photos and just hit rename and used the exact same naming template I have saved and it corrected them all. So I can live with a few extra clicks until they fix it.

Let us know how you go on the other forums and with your bug report!

03-07-2010, 10:35am
... I just randomly checked several of my imports including some that were taken in the late evening and all seem OK ....

Wow, well I'll be a ....something.

I've just checked an import I did a couple of weeks ago and sure enough the filenames are all out by 10 hours. :angry0:

I then selected all the photos and just hit rename and used the exact same naming template I have saved and it corrected them all. So I can live with a few extra clicks until they fix it.

Let us know how you go on the other forums and with your bug report!

Art Vandelay, I'm curious, you say seem ok, I'm assuming you mean in actual fact they are correct. Very strange, as per etherial's post, he's noticed the same behaviour. The photos that were renamed that you checked, were they imported by LR3 or a previous version. I'm not sure whether the previous version had this bug. I say bug but if you're not experiencing this then maybe it's as you say, a setting out of place somewhere.

Art Vandelay
03-07-2010, 11:33am
You've raised my doubts now. :)

At the time I think I had LR2 on one computer & LR3 Beta on my laptop.

I've recently reorganised both computers to LR3 and both now use a common catalogue stored with photos on a USB drive.

I don't often use dates in the file name, just the folder they're stored in. I checked a few examples of where I used dates.

I'm heading out this afernoon, will try it tonight for a double check.