View Full Version : i'm outta here

29-06-2010, 10:07am
got this shot on sunday at my sister's place in Brisbane.
i like the action in this with the bird feeder at an angle with seed falling out at the moment of launch.
does this count as a bird in flight?

Debra Faulkner
29-06-2010, 4:26pm
Haha, a good example of the chaos that happens on take off ;) Yes, the seed falling and the feeder at an angle work very well. A bird in flight? ... definitely :D

29-06-2010, 8:25pm
The thing that strikes me is how massive the bird looks! :eek: I had no idea they were so big!

29-06-2010, 10:01pm
they are a good size arn't they. the man's hand definately gives a sense of scale.

30-06-2010, 1:14pm
G'day all (above)

That's why we breed 'em up down here - so's we can cookem for dinner
Ya know the ole recipe I'm sure
"Chuck 1/2 dozen cockies into the pot & a couple of Lt of water + a few rocks, boil for 2 hrs, chuck away the cockies & eat the rocks"

Mudman - look fwd to when you get back
Regards, Phil

30-06-2010, 2:22pm
i'm baaaaack