View Full Version : Just throwing a question out there :::

25-06-2010, 9:39am
If you had a couple of flash sites built by whoever, relied on them to make changes when required (at a cost for every change) because you didn't have access to your own site files. But were told if you want the ability to manage content, we will need to build you "content management" at a $, and you will also require new software.

Now does that just sound like a money grabbing exercise to you ?

25-06-2010, 9:45am
It does, so I wouldn't use them. I am guessing they would be for non computer literate type people. There are so many other cool DIY web sites around now to choose from.

25-06-2010, 9:49am
I think this comes down to research before the person had the sites built. My personal website runs on flash and one of the initial discussions with the developer was that I would have the ability to edit content.

In the end, if someone pays a web developer for a service and that service is detailed in what it contains, the agreement is reached and the developer builds it, based on the agreement, then at a later date the owner wants something more, then they need to pay for that.

No different to buying a car, and a week later deciding you want a sunroof!

25-06-2010, 9:53am
Now does that just sound like a money grabbing exercise to you ?

No. They are saying that you don't have the skills to make the changes, and they are almost certainly right. They don't believe that you have the ability to manage the site without the help of content management software, and they propose to charge for setting that up. Fair enough. Fair enough if you say "no" and go elsewhere too. Your call.

25-06-2010, 10:12am
I built and manage a site for a club (not flash) they want increased bandwidth to accommodate extra photo galleries. They pay extra. they want me to edit images. they pay extra. they want to take over running the site, they will need the software and instruction. They pay extra, it's not money grabbing. You get nothing for nothing in business.

25-06-2010, 10:30am
please don't use flash, lots of people block it, it's a waste of time, I want to see a gallery, not a slow jerky fade-in slideshow.

25-06-2010, 11:01am
They're not ripping you off - they're trying to protect you from yourself.

Leaving aside the whole question of having flash sites, giving anybody control of a website without providing the requisite tools and training to be able to undertake that control effectively is professional negligence. The training has a cost associated with it, as does creating or recreating the site, using CMS software.

Check what CMS software is proposed to be used - there are several good free CMS but some are less usable/scalable.


25-06-2010, 11:31am
I'm hearing you all & agree.

Potential client who has 2 flash sites, (and they work well for type of business) knows certain software is required to make changes. Is just feeling a bit ripped off with current developers who were well aware site will require regular changes.

As I'm currently rebuilding another site he is associated with in town, asked if i could maintain sites.
Is seriously considering dumping both sites & starting from scratch, because unable to obtain the basic relevant information.

Yay for me. Pity though, both sites are beautiful.

Yes I have done a couple of flash sites in the past

Check what CMS software is proposed to be used - there are several good free CMS but some are less usable/scalable.
Words they are using is "BUILD". But will check

25-06-2010, 3:26pm
Sounds like it will save you money in the long run!