View Full Version : Wi-fi SD Cards:::

18-06-2010, 8:16am
Hi everyone,

I am new around here and a pro photographer in Brisbane. I was recommended the Wi-Fi SD cards as a way of shooting for immediate review with my RAW files on my laptop as my camera system doesn't allow tethered shooting. I will be teaching some workshops soon and it would be extremely beneficial to do this whilst teaching.

so far as I can tell, they are only available in the US. I was wondering if anyone here has used them, and what their thoughts are on them, and also, if they are available in Australia anywhere? All of the sites where I have seen them available from the US want to charge between usd$50-$60 for postage which is ridiculous for something so small!

Here is the link to the website for the cards: *** link removed. Members with under 50 posts and 30 days membership are not allowed to promote commercial websites..admin ***

Thanks so much,
Tanya. :)

18-06-2010, 10:42am
While I cannot comment on the cards themselves (though their speed is rated at class 6), I can provide some input on minimising the shipping costs. You can take a look at some US shipping services (aka. priceusa, shipito, comgateway) and have the products shipped to their "warehouse" at us shipping rates (NB. try to find one that has an address in a 0% tax, such as Oregon) and from there you can have it shipped to Australia. Though since these are small items, you may want to do some consolidated packing to lessen the impact of the shipping costs.

The other question is whether the stores will accept an Australia Credit Card, etc.

18-06-2010, 11:58am
wow! never heard of there before! how cool is that!

18-06-2010, 12:30pm
One thing that just popped into my mind, maybe try contacting cheap chips - you never know, they may have access or be in talks to suppliers, etc. I only feel that in Oz there probably isn't a significant demand for these (I'd prolly only get one).

18-06-2010, 1:36pm
Hi everyone,

I am new around here and a pro photographer in Brisbane. I was recommended the Wi-Fi SD cards as a way of shooting for immediate review with my RAW files on my laptop as my camera system doesn't allow tethered shooting. ....

Wi fi cards can be 'good' for the ease at which you can transfer files.. but horrendously slow to transfer.

What camera system doesn't allow tethered shooting?
ie. I thought they all did? in some way.

There are thirdparty programs that allow tethered shooting system, even though the functionality is limited.

eg. LightRoom3(among others) has a tethered shooting ability. It is via cable only tho.
There are dedicated third party programs that may work with your camera.. what camera(system/brand).

18-06-2010, 2:17pm
I am new around here and a pro photographer in Brisbane. I was recommended the Wi-Fi SD cards as a way of shooting for immediate review with my RAW files on my laptop as my camera system doesn't allow tethered shooting.

What sort of gear are you using? My 7yr old 2MP point and shoot can be tethered! Whilst the SD wifi cards are nifty, manufactures (such as Nikon) provide alternate options such as the WT4 wireless transmitter (http://www.nikonusa.com/Find-Your-Nikon/Photography-Accessories/Wireless/25365/WT-4a%2520Wireless%2520Transmitter.html) accessory.

I believe the cards you're talking about are not shipped to other countries due to radio frequency laws etc. I'm not sure whether importing them and/or using such equipment is considered illegal??

18-06-2010, 3:42pm
I believe the cards you're talking about are not shipped to other countries due to radio frequency laws etc. I'm not sure whether importing them and/or using such equipment is considered illegal??

Could be a point, but if they're are to be used on wifi networks wouldn't they have to conform to the standard (b/g/n/whatever)? I'm no expert though - maybe it still has to pass regulations testing because it is a transmitting device.

20-06-2010, 6:20am
hi everyone,

thanks for the replies. so here's the run down. you may all reel in shock when I tell you this, but I am a Pentax shooter. Yes, a PRO Pentax shooter! OMG! I am currently shooting with K7s. Previous to this, I was shooting with the *istD, and film cameras before that. I don't know why they've done it, but weirdly, Pentax have removed tethered shooting with the K7. I've read where some people have experimented with it through the Pentax software that was released with previous models, but no perfect results have been obtained.

My old 6mp *istDs shoot tethered with no issue at all, and if this eye-fi card thing doesn't work out, I will just use one of my *istD to teach with. I am using Lightroom 3 though, and it doesn't work with that model, so I'd rather not if I can avoid it.

Anyways, I have no idea about the radio frequency laws, but I do know that the cards just use standard 802.11 technology, so it should be fine, I'd think?

I've just ordered one through Adorama, and decided to bite the bullet and grab a few other things at the same time to compensate for the crazy postage. Whenever I order from Adorama, it arrives in only a few days, so hoping that I'll be able to post some results from my experience with the card shortly.

i've read varying reports about the speed of file transfer with these cards. The one that I have just ordered is Class 6 though, and all reviews that I have read say that RAW files show up in 5-10 seconds in LR3, so here's hoping.

Oh, and apologies to the Admin for posting a link under my new membership, I didn't realise that it was not allowed! For those interested, just do a search for "Eye-Fi Pro X2 8gb" and you should find the product that I am talking about.

Thanks so much for all of the feedback!

tan. :)

20-06-2010, 7:11am
There is no shock value in being a Pentax Pro shooter! What is a shock, is that they removed tethered shooting as a feature from it! :crzy:


i've read varying reports about the speed of file transfer with these cards. The one that I have just ordered is Class 6 though, and all reviews that I have read say that RAW files show up in 5-10 seconds in LR3, so here's hoping.

Oh, and apologies to the Admin for posting a link under my new membership, I didn't realise that it was not allowed! For those interested, just do a search for "Eye-Fi Pro X2 8gb" and you should find the product that I am talking about.

Thanks so much for all of the feedback!

tan. :)

Well ... you really only have hope on your side about file transfer speeds.. I highly doubt those speeds(but then again, I'm just a lot more sceptical about technology than most others anyhow). If those speeds are now attainable, they'd most likely be for jpgs files.. not raw images. Remember file transfer speeds are not only dependent on network speeds, but file sizes too. If you shoot with a 6Mp camera in the lowest quality jpg settings, and files are 500Kbs then of course file transfers will look a lot faster.
Reviews and experiences can be made to look like anything(ie. anything that the product manufacturers wants them to be ;))

Hope there's no hard feelings about the Mod edit on your link. As a first time poster, posting a link to a commercial link.. well.. lets just say that we're overly of AP to spamming.
As a first timer, and not knowing the rules to the nth degree, it's a simple and common misunderstanding.

Anyhow!.. I hope the Eye-Fi card works for you.
Hope you can come back with some info, or a bit of a review about the product.
They look 'interesting' as an accessory, and I can imagine in the field could be useful if they could be set up to wirelessly transmit to a portable device(like a PDA or storage drive), as well as have their own on board 8G storage buffer. And of course if you're inclined to be located in an area likely to be connected to the internet, then they could also be transferred directly to a website/storage ... etc, etc.

It all sounds cool(as bananas).. but me thinks the wireless transmit speeds(for 25-30Meg raw files) will be hopelessly inadequate.

20-06-2010, 8:04am
Hi there,

well, I would link you to a number of discussions and reviews about the speeds in relation, precisely to RAW files, but alas, the link would be removed so I guess I can't add to the discussion. I am hopeful of achieving 20-30 second file transfers for my teaching purposes, so fingers crossed.

Btw, I do understand the removal of links, it is no problem at all, but removing references to said websites, when written within the body of messages, is really unreasonable I think, and completely reduces the ability to express ones experiences and information accurately.

Citing spam as the reason doesn't make sense either, as obviously, when the sentences are clearly constructed and directly related to and in reference to the original topic, it could not be a case of spam or bots posting the responses.

That said, I would love to come back with some info and a review about the product, but to do so, I would probably need to link to my blog to show images and screen shots and again, I would be breaking the rules to do so.

So, I don't expect myself to become a regular on this forum, I will stay with my regular pro forums instead, so that I can offer accurate and relevant assistance when it is requested.

And now, I have 3 sittings to prepare for for today, so I'd better get my butt into gear!


20-06-2010, 8:14am

No where in my edits of your posts, or the Private Messages did I cite Spamming as the reason I edited your posts. I advised you concisely and clearly of the site rules, which you then breached again. Obviously from your attitude in the above post, you do not agree with our rules, so I have removed your access to the site.

27-08-2010, 12:17am
I notice cheap chips has these now has anyone had any experience with them and can they be used in any camera?

JM Tran
27-08-2010, 12:24am
pretty crap to call oneself a pro and not know that the Pentax + USB cable and connection plus lightroom or aperture or blah blah will enable tethered lol, inc the K7

any serious pros would not be using these wifi cards as upload speed sucks if u have a client next to u watching.

firewire transfer is where its at honey:)

27-08-2010, 7:13am
I notice cheap chips has these now has anyone had any experience with them and can they be used in any camera?

they're only 802.11b wireless = slow, very slow.

As for compatibility, these cards are bigger then normal SD cards due to the antenna that needs to stick out, and, based on a 5min google searching spree, they'll only work on a SDIO enabled card slot and they're primarily used for pocket PC devices. I was unable to find any mention of camera support.

27-08-2010, 11:12am
so in this ages of wonderous technology ;) Id be better off pulling out the card and sticking it in the slot as per normal yeah?

thanks guys :) saved me some money again

27-08-2010, 12:02pm
or, situation permitting, your could tether your camera to a computer via USB cable and have the images transferred to the computer almost instantly and if you do that, you can also control camera settings/shutter from the computer

27-08-2010, 2:00pm
I was thinking live situation outside of home, I can tether to the imac but thats not quite portable, and lightroom doesnt like my mini laptop, have to save for a macbook ;)

27-08-2010, 2:30pm
I don't think it'll be too long before better wifi cards become available and they definitely have a place.

For instance, EyeFi cards are wireless-n which is quite fast. Unfortunately they aren't out in australia yet.



Apparently they are available in Australia. See bottom of this article:


27-08-2010, 4:47pm
Cool, thanks Campo :)

Mr Felix
12-06-2012, 7:03pm

I've been "bitten" by this bug as well.

Sometimes I want to take images when the PC is on and upload them.

Instead of having to take the card and copy them to the disc.

A "eye-fi" card would be neat.

But of course I would also need a wifi card for the PC.

What kind of card would I need?