View Full Version : Surprise Surprise ..

17-06-2010, 3:42pm
The long term members amongst us might remember last year I was offered my first paid wedding gig .. Well it didnt work out at the time when push came to shove and I wiped my hand of it ..

These two threads are a bit of background on the situation.


Well just the other day the groom hits me up on FB and starts a casual conversation (I NEVER EVER have casual conversations with him .. EVER) so I knew what was coming.

Seems they are now not happy with their decisions and are wondering if Im "available"


Im considering doing it, and an increased quote from the first time around.

17-06-2010, 3:47pm
I do remember this Daz. Still sounds like a bit of red flag situation, but by all means, him 'em with your new (hopefully drastically inflated) prices.

17-06-2010, 3:47pm
good on ya Darren, go for it with a larger quote of course, people are strange animals! rise above the morons, be a better person for it!

I @ M
17-06-2010, 3:49pm
Remembering back to your other posts and a quick look at them I reckon the quote below is the way you should navigate this one.
It all sounds totally wrong to me and smacks of you being picked as the best of a bad bunch with far too much indecision thrown in half way through for anything other than an unsatisfactory outcome to eventuate from the whole show.

honestly id forgotten about her the minute she "pulled out" ... its really not worth worrying about at all. I have no idea if shes got someone else to do it.

17-06-2010, 4:00pm
good on ya Darren, go for it with a larger quote of course, people are strange animals! rise above the morons, be a better person for it!

I considered that too mate. The whole dont cut off your nose to spite your face thing. But Im not decided as yet ..

It all sounds totally wrong to me and smacks of you being picked as the best of a bad bunch

I dont think it was that mate .. The facts are they are on a budget and cant afford much. It seems they found someone even cheaper than what I offered to do the job for (which was DIRT CHEAP for what I agreed to do)

It seems now that they have decided that the work they would get from him is not worth the saving. :rolleyes:

Seems to be a situation where they made a rash decision to save a few $$$ without fully considering the trade off. I know that money was tight for them, and I did my best to be reasonable and empathise with them on that front, but the behaviour of the bride was unacceptable towards the end. She was actually quite rude to me, accused me of things that werent true, and even had a bitch to mutual freidns that she wasnt getting any prints !!!

The more I think about this .. the more im inclined to write it off. I sent him a quick message on FB saying I was available but the quote had changed (almost doubled) so im not really expecting them to take up the offer anyway ;)

17-06-2010, 4:06pm
I'd be inclined to believe that these are customers that I wouldn't want.

In a situation like this, where reputation is 99.9% everything, it sounds to me like that they're the type to complain about everything you provide.

A quick buck, or maintain sanity? :confused013

just another aspect to consider, huh!

17-06-2010, 4:09pm
My 2c, having just read both your previous threads. Run away. Fast.

If the bride was willing to chop and change, and bad-mouth you before - when she thought she was getting a good deal - why should it be any different this time around?

17-06-2010, 4:13pm
In a situation like this, where reputation is 99.9% everything, it sounds to me like that they're the type to complain about everything you provide.

just another aspect to consider, huh!

That is a very good point AK. As I say im not expecting a reply anyway mate.

17-06-2010, 4:24pm
The word that comes to mind bridezilla.
If you do go for it increased quote.but be weary, once bitten twice shy.

Adrian Fischer
17-06-2010, 4:28pm
Sounds way to dangerous to me. Agree with Arthur...go for sanity every time. Although it would give some great stories to tell afterwards ;)

17-06-2010, 4:31pm
Haven't read all the posts here Darren but my advice is to steer well clear of this mate.

In the long run it is going to give you more grief than any amount of money can compensate

17-06-2010, 4:50pm
Im considering doing it, and an increased quote from the first time around.

Run. Now.

Deep down you know that job isn't worth your time or the grief that will surely follow.

17-06-2010, 4:52pm
having read all the posts, most make a lot of sense mate, I throw my hat into the "run like hell group" so I change my vote, sorry!

17-06-2010, 4:54pm
True. Its not worth it. But im curious now to see what they come back at me with ...

I doubt ill do it folks. Thought it was worth a mention though given the comedy of the history :D

17-06-2010, 6:11pm
Darren - can I say that if you have decided not to do the shoot that you should email them back and say so.

You don't want them to (for example) take time um-ing and ah-ing about your offer and then accept it [notwithstanding your expectation that they won't/can't] only to find out that you won't do it.

They could then be somewhat justifiably annoyed about being led down the garden path so to speak.

You know what they say about the propensity of dissatisfied customers to spread the word - whether their grievance is reasonable or otherwise...

17-06-2010, 6:58pm
Yes I remember this, and I'll join the "run and hide" chorus.

You work deserves better.

17-06-2010, 7:01pm
Darren i dont know the game but i have read your post.. and tempting to say yes but i agree.. run ..
or say the $3000 and see them run and regret.
they do not value photography

and edit here ... have they seen your work lately omg they dont deserve you :)

17-06-2010, 7:10pm
Run. The inevitable trouble is not worth the money. Troublesome people/clients rarely change. One bitten, twice shy.

17-06-2010, 7:19pm
They will probably whinge no matter what you do or don't do, so out of principle alone, I would say Sorry, can't help you"

17-06-2010, 7:38pm
I don't remember the package details you originally agreed or what you are now offering but there is always a happy price. If the new quote you have given them is your "happy" price including all of the perceived hassles then go for it. If they don't come to your happy price then wish them good luck.

17-06-2010, 7:49pm
I don't remember the package details you originally agreed or what you are now offering but there is always a happy price. If the new quote you have given them is your "happy" price including all of the perceived hassles then go for it. If they don't come to your happy price then wish them good luck.

Exactly my approach for now Vince. Im not too bothered either way mate to be honest ... And as for "mucking them around" as some one mentioned above, given the history Im not concerned one iota about that.

Well see how it pans out ... Ive given them my price, if they accept it, Ill make a decision.

19-06-2010, 7:30am

as someone who has been in business for 30 years (not photography), there are some customers who are more trouble than they're worth. I'd just walk away...

19-06-2010, 1:42pm
This looks like it is going to end in tears. My view is you should have said you were unavailable. Now you are either going to (1) look like you are blackmailing them (even though it is a fair quote but they will have $800 in mind) - imagine the bitching that that will cause whether they accept it or not AND (2) if you now say you have thought about it and you don't want to do it at all it will be seen as (and probably is) a personal slight - even if a justified one.

I really hope you find a positive way out of it. Let us know how it goes.

Good Luck.

19-06-2010, 3:42pm
SNIP She was actually quite rude to me, accused me of things that werent true, and even had a bitch to mutual freidns that she wasnt getting any prints !!!

The more I think about this .. the more im inclined to write it off. SNIP

I reckon AK hit this on the head earlier but its worthrecalling your own words, she might be one to complain about everything to everyone.
It just might not be worth getting tangled up in this one.

19-06-2010, 11:10pm
Another one that says run now! They are not worth your time.

I would be tempted to send an email saying sorry, you have now been booked by another couple who has paid the amount in full. That way you are not just saying a flat out no, dont want your business (which I dont think adds much to your reputation), but it also tells them that other people value your work and are willing to pay in advance to book you. Ok, it's a slight white lie... but really... people would do it! So it's only a little fib.... isn't it?? LOL

19-06-2010, 11:23pm
I would be tempted to send an email saying sorry, you have now been booked by another couple who has paid the amount in full.

I cannot agree with the notion of lying.

All he needs to do is advise the prospective client that he is unavailable.

The term "unavailable" can mean anything, and if he decides he doesn't want the client's business, it means "unwilling".

That way there is no lying, and no volunteering of any more information than is necessary. The client is not owed an explanation.

20-06-2010, 5:43am
Sounds like a recipe for disaster. If you do it, make sure your contract is iron clad, that they both sign it, on every page, and if there are any alterations that they sign those too. And watch your back.

20-06-2010, 8:57am
It would be - thanks but no thanks if it were Mongo.

20-06-2010, 9:36am
With all these warning signs, I wouldnt touch it. I wouldnt even offer a price. And as another long term shooter, I've learnt to trust my gut instinct.

I'm afraid this has a label of trouble with a capital T.

20-06-2010, 5:36pm
BigD - I'm with the "run away quickly" camp. Given the history and the obvious attitude of the bridezilla, no good can come of this. Back away...and don't lose eye contact!

21-06-2010, 11:00am
Hi Darren. I would quickly away. (i don't run when i have camera gear in the hand)
I have decided that sometimes i'm happy they didn't pick me - Like the one who wanted a shot from above as they walked out of the church - but didn't want to pay for a 2nd photographer- didn't want posed shots and didn't want ..... you get the picture....

22-06-2010, 7:36pm
I wouldn't do it for them. They do not deserve it :)

24-06-2010, 1:20pm
would love to see their face when they see your new quote!! :wd:

24-06-2010, 3:59pm
OK ... update on the comedy that is this situation.

I sent them a revised (incresed quote) for the job. To my surprise the groom was happy and tentatively accepted (:eek:)

I then told them they had till end of July to pay me my 50% deposit to secure the date. He was fine with that also.

Now today I get an email on FB saying "Thanks for everything, but weve found someone else within our original budget" and how he appreciates everything Ive tried to do for them and he appreciates my "patience"

Im glad im not relying on the job to put food on the table eh :lol:

24-06-2010, 4:03pm

24-06-2010, 4:14pm
Now today I get an email on FB saying "Thanks for everything, but weve found someone else within our original budget" and how he appreciates everything Ive tried to do for them and he appreciates my "patience"

That worked out well. It's better that a client you don't want leaves of his own volition rather than you having to decline the business.

These people were going to be an absolute PITA, and you know that.

I pity the photographer who does get their business. :-)

24-06-2010, 4:29pm
He told me who he got and I had a look at the work .. lets just say theyre gonna get what they pay for mate.

24-06-2010, 4:30pm
can we look too ?

24-06-2010, 4:32pm
am i allowed to do that ??

24-06-2010, 4:32pm
why not ? theres no defamatory comments

24-06-2010, 4:38pm

24-06-2010, 4:47pm
*sigh* - I see what you mean. :rolleyes:

24-06-2010, 4:55pm
Im not gonna bag anyones work ... I hope it works out for them in the end. All good :)

24-06-2010, 4:58pm
Looking at the brochure, I'm surprised it's within their budget. (Cheapest package $2500, 75% payable upfront ... Deposits are not refundable. 100% Full balance payable at least two weeks prior to the wedding day.)

To be honest, the photos appear OK to me (nothing too fancy though) - but their website does not present them well.

24-06-2010, 4:58pm
yip, probably best to remove link now ive seen it :-)

24-06-2010, 7:16pm
Looking at the brochure, I'm surprised it's within their budget. (Cheapest package $2500, 75% payable upfront ... Deposits are not refundable. 100% Full balance payable at least two weeks prior to the wedding day.)

To be honest, the photos appear OK to me (nothing too fancy though) - but their website does not present them well.

Yea Rob .. I was very surprised to see the package prices on there, but Ive been led to believe that theyve struck a very basic, cheap shoot & burn deal.

No matter ... Im kinda glad its been taken out of my hands now, cause I dont really like turning work down, and now I dont have to.

24-06-2010, 7:23pm
After looking at the link for their chosen operator, they are paying top $$ for what displays as very ordinary wedding photography. That standard is what I think is typically seen with the $1000 click & burn operators.

24-06-2010, 7:52pm
Bet they are amazed at the increased number of hits on their site. Makes me consider moving into the industry more seriously.

24-06-2010, 7:55pm
You may have a point Wayne ... however, I think thats a bit of a generalisation at the same time. A mate of mine got married on an island in the Whitsundays and paid mega bucks for very average images. On the other hand, my sister in law paid less than $1000 for her photographer and the images are fantastic. I guess it can go either way :confused013

24-06-2010, 8:14pm
I remember your past posts on this great couple. You had so much trouble with them then, I think now they could be much worse. Please think this trough carefully, Your name is at stake here! Good luck with your decision.

24-06-2010, 9:06pm
Hmm, maybe u made your mind up to go with it Dazzler mate but even I remember the angst it brought u back then...they read like a couple of lunatics to me.. I would run the other way :D

25-06-2010, 5:32am
Yea I updated this thread last night guys. I wont be doing it. Twice bitten, thrice youre just an idiot, as they say :lol:

25-06-2010, 11:38am
will you be surprised if they contact you again?

25-06-2010, 12:08pm
will you be surprised if they contact you again?

Nah wont happen mate .. I made it pretty clear to him that were at the end of the road for this one.

25-06-2010, 12:16pm

Based on personal opinion only :eek:

25-06-2010, 12:26pm
Based on personal opinion only :eek:

yep me too .. oh well, as I say I wish them the best.

25-06-2010, 12:46pm
was the wife the main trouble or is the husband just as bad, if hubby is unaware of the circumstances I feel very sorry for him!

25-06-2010, 1:26pm
yeah you may get to do his wedding again in a few years time if you are lucky(?) lol

25-06-2010, 1:35pm

25-06-2010, 1:50pm
was the wife the main trouble or is the husband just as bad, if hubby is unaware of the circumstances I feel very sorry for him!

yeah you may get to do his wedding again in a few years time if you are lucky(?) lol

without drawing a picture .. this pretty much sums it all up I reckon. :eek:

25-06-2010, 7:03pm
nuf said;)

29-06-2010, 11:21am
My 2c, having just read both your previous threads. Run away. Fast.

If the bride was willing to chop and change, and bad-mouth you before - when she thought she was getting a good deal - why should it be any different this time around?


I would stay clear.

If you do take this job, then i feel your probably just doing it for the money. You should be excited to shoot the wedding, but after all this drama i would doubt you would be.

Hope that makes sense.