View Full Version : Zeiss Lens Compatibility

16-06-2010, 4:18pm
Hiya, so I'm thinking of investing in a Carl Zeiss Planar T* 1.4/85 to use with my Nikon F but I'm not sure it will be compatible with it. Will it work? If so, will I also be able to use it on my D200 if the mood strikes? They are beautiful lenses...

I @ M
16-06-2010, 4:41pm
MTV, there are two models of that lens currently available, the ZF variant will work on your D200 in manual and aperture priority but won't work on your F75.
The ZF.2 variant will work on both models of camera in aperture, shutter, P mode and manual on both bodies.

I am curious as to why you would look at one of those lenses when the Nikkor version with AF is probably 99% of the Zeiss lens at slightly less cost.

20-06-2010, 8:18pm
I'm in the same boat, however I was given a Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 1.4 35mm and a Carl Zeiss Planar T* 1.7/50mm but in Contax/ Yashica mount.
I have since found (after many tireless months) a CY>Nikon mount adaptor, so I'll see how that goes - if it works, on my D700.

28-06-2010, 3:10pm
Ok so this is a way overdue reply, but I've been OS on business so forgive me :P

To answer I @ M - I was merely examining my options and the Zeiss lenses do have a pretty enviable reputation. But as to whether they're better than the Nikkors? I probably wouldn't notice either way, but it is worth checking out IMO. Thanks for your reply though, I didn't realise that there was a ZF.2 version so that's been a big help! :)

Another note, I was more interested as to whether the lenses would also work on my Nikon F. The F75 is a nice camera, but I usually only use it when I want that film effect without any effort or if I want a really light body but good IQ. I doubt I could ever be bothered using a manual lens on it. Any ideas?

chamellieon - did you end up having any success?

05-07-2010, 9:55am
Well the verdict is in and YES, WE HAVE SUCCESS.

This morning I picked up my parcel from the post office, firstly tested the nikon mount, and secondly tested the lens mounting into it, and it all works.

The D700 allowed me to set "non cpu lens data" - and while its all manual focus, it actually meters for me! (though changing aperture is going to be a pain because im gonna have to go into my menus.) but initial tests look good, and i very much look forward to giving the 35mm 1.4 a very good run!

The link... for anyone interested in finding a CONTAX/ YASHICA to NIKON Mount Adaptor:

((because it took me ages to find one, id rather share the love))

05-07-2010, 11:49am
Congrats chamellieon...

I'm sure you'll do this lens some justice :th3:


The D700 allowed me to set "non cpu lens data" - and while its all manual focus, it actually meters for me! ....

You shouldn't have to change anything in the D700's menu system.

As long as you have the lens values set up correctly in the Non CPU lens databank, you simply mount the lens, select the correct lens if you have more than one non CPU lens, and turn the aperture to the value you need... Oh!.. and press the shutter release to capture the image of course! :p

You may find that some non CPU lenses either under or over expose compared to an equivalent CPU'ed lens tho. Varies from lens to lens and by how much.

But you shouldn't need to alter anything in the cameras setup menu to make this lens work correctly.

... hope to see some pics soon.

05-07-2010, 8:54pm
ISO320 | 35mm | F1.4 | 1/200 sec
Nikon D700
Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 35mm F1.4
CY > Nikon Lens mount
+ post processing

Well this is how my first shot turned out, I decided to PP it and post online, kind of a bookmark in my own postings.