View Full Version : Tell me why I should get a 7D over a 5D Mk2.

11-06-2010, 4:10pm
I'm honing in on the upcoming Tax cheque time and moving from Video to Still Cams.

My choices are the 7D new
5D Mk ll second hand.

Now, what do I want out of this purchase?
In video I specialize in Bodyboarding, (surf filming)
I would like to occasionally shoot stills and therefore I am attracted by the frame rate of the 7D
However, my greater interest is in portraits and architecture subjects so the full frame on the 5D Mkll attracts me also..

My lens choices so far for both cams would be:

Canon 85mm f/1.8 USM
Canon 70-200 F/4L USM

Both of which I'm led to believe are fine portrait lens' in their own right with the added advantage of the 70-200mm being capable of shooting surf images i.e., at a decent distance.

I'm leaning toward the 7D due to it's capable frame rate but rather unsure of it's relatively new status and the fact that it's probably still a little early to know it's true pitfalls etc.

As for the 5D Mkll, this is tried and true right? from what I understand I cant go wrong?

Now I make no bones about it, both cams would be a very steep learning curve for me but I do have the advantage of knowing that I can adapt to pretty complex technology relatively easily.. (I think!):lol:

Please, I implore you..
which way would you go?:confused013

11-06-2010, 5:00pm
Nikon d700

11-06-2010, 5:07pm
I sold my 7d (second body) to buy a second 5dmkII.Can't go wrong if architecture and portraits are what you want. Will go with the 70-200 well. The only thing the 7d will be good for is the extra reach, ie surfing and birds etc due to the crop factor, plus its new so warranty is a bonus.

11-06-2010, 6:10pm
If you're wanting to do surf shots, then the autofocus and frame rate of the 7D would serve you better, along with the extra reach your 70-200 will have on a crop sensor. Also, the 7D's video function is supposed to be more intuitive to use than the 5DII's. And there's no reason why you can't do portraiture or architecture with the 7D.

11-06-2010, 6:14pm
What Jules said!

11-06-2010, 6:44pm
Read this: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=20625 it explains why a cropped sensor is better for sport/wildlife.

11-06-2010, 7:33pm
and I disagree that DX is always better than FX

My D3 blitzed my D300 for all things.

11-06-2010, 7:36pm
If it were me, I'd go the 5DII. But then, I used to shoot 35mm film and thus prefer the field of view of lenses without a crop factor.

The only things letting the 5DII down here are frame rate and autofocus, so I guess for you, it really depends on how much sports compared to portrait/landscape you intend to do.

11-06-2010, 8:36pm
I shoot a bit of wakeboarding I use a 5d mk2

Dylan & Marianne
11-06-2010, 9:23pm
I had the same debate for the backup body - ended up with the 7d for a couple of reasons :
- better weather sealing ( I have had bad experience with the 5d's fragility)
- crop sensor for close up wedding shots
- good video functionality ( better than 5dmkII until the recent firmware update)
- autofocus I guess but then I'm still a one shot mode shooter lol

12-06-2010, 10:13am
7D actually has reasonable AF, 5D2 AF is painfully slow, buggy (DSLR # of firmware record holder) 5d2 is furthest from tried and true you can get.
If you want video, get a videocam. Motion will give you jelly on CMOS no matter what.

If you want portraits and good AF and you are one of those that think you MUST have FF, get a Nikon D700.

12-06-2010, 11:03am
I'm looking to upgrade soon and have been asking myself the same question... for what I shoot mainly is offroad and landscape so for me I think I'll be taking a 7D

17-06-2010, 10:18pm
Nikon d700


Helen S
19-06-2010, 3:10pm
Hollywood is going mad on the 5DII... shooting full episodes of various TV shows (House MD for example) and incorporating video footage from the cam into some movies, as well. It's got to be doing something right. :D

19-06-2010, 4:01pm
7d over 5dii simpley because its a crop and you want to do surf. I don't think the 70-200 will serve you there, I'm suggesting either a 300 f4 or even a 400 f5.6 will be needed. There will always be buy canon v buy nikon, go into a store and try them both. regards

04-08-2010, 12:57pm
Interesting reads ! I am tossing up between both as well - Mainly for Wedding and Portrait photography !
I am not sure which way to go now


07-09-2010, 10:05am
I'm about to buy a new 7d, and it's video is infinetely better than the 5d, i have used them both.

07-09-2010, 12:17pm
7D for action photography because:

100% viewfinder
Better AF
1.6x crop for extra reach
More AF point
More choice on lens BUT then again... there are only couple of EF-S range are actually outstanding...
Remote trigger for flash

5DmkII for portrait or static subject because:

Full Frame
Better high ISO performance (both photos and movies)
(I don't think the 5DII has remote trigger for flash, please correct me if I am wrong)

Personally I think even both of them can take photos, but they built for very different purposes. Don't think either one is better choice over another.

It would be a very difficult choice to me but I think I will go the 5DII

07-09-2010, 2:29pm
No 5D Mark II doesn't have remote flash trigger.

07-09-2010, 3:42pm
Don't know if it will help you or not but there is a farily comprehensive video look at the 7D here


And the text conclusion of this review here along with a quick comparison to the 50D and 5D mkII and D300s


Bear Dale
07-09-2010, 3:50pm
I'd like to get a 7D to compliment my 5DMKII.

07-09-2010, 4:53pm
It is sad (to me) that you ask a question and do not come back and comment for nearly 3 months in spite of 20+ replies.

07-09-2010, 6:00pm
Graham, OP has not been on the site for 2 months. Could be many reasons.

07-09-2010, 9:06pm
At least we get to discuss this never boring topic :p

07-09-2010, 10:00pm
I'm honing in on the upcoming Tax cheque time and moving from Video to Still Cams.

My choices are the 7D new
5D Mk ll second hand.

Now, what do I want out of this purchase?
In video I specialize in Bodyboarding, (surf filming)
I would like to occasionally shoot stills and therefore I am attracted by the frame rate of the 7D
However, my greater interest is in portraits and architecture subjects so the full frame on the 5D Mkll attracts me also..

My lens choices so far for both cams would be:

Canon 85mm f/1.8 USM
Canon 70-200 F/4L USM

Both of which I'm led to believe are fine portrait lens' in their own right with the added advantage of the 70-200mm being capable of shooting surf images i.e., at a decent distance.

I'm leaning toward the 7D due to it's capable frame rate but rather unsure of it's relatively new status and the fact that it's probably still a little early to know it's true pitfalls etc.

As for the 5D Mkll, this is tried and true right? from what I understand I cant go wrong?

Now I make no bones about it, both cams would be a very steep learning curve for me but I do have the advantage of knowing that I can adapt to pretty complex technology relatively easily.. (I think!):lol:

Please, I implore you..
which way would you go?:confused013

Why would you go a 7D if your main intrest is portraits and architecture :p
If the 7D didnt have all round versatility i would have got a 5D2 already ;)
But since you want to use the camera for video and occational still of body boarders, and want to do portraits, you will get the best shots with the full frame camera.

good luk in your choice .

07-09-2010, 10:03pm
Its good to hear the differing opinions from more senior members , It can be confusing to newer members but the discussions help us to learn .
It would be good though to know if the poser of the question was helped out by the advise and what helpd them make their final decisions if they bought a camera .


Allan Ryan
08-09-2010, 5:38am
For shooting a movie subject I wouldn't under estimate the usefullness of Frames per secound.
I brought a 50D over a 500D. I didn't pick it for the FPS, But when i went to a motor sport event it was surpising the gap between shots at 6 fps.
and shooting people at a function trying to get them while interacting, Kissing, etc.
I found in several cases that i got the before and after Not the actual moment i wanted.

Bottom line is I think frame per secound could get you the shot you want. NOTE - i'm fairly new to this :)

08-09-2010, 5:52am
I think the OP asked the wrong question. How about YOU tell us why you are considering each camera and what made you consider each one. I think you will find you already know the answer to the question you have asked.