View Full Version : Tontos' new K7!

11-06-2010, 6:45am
Happy Birthday to me! Pushed the button on one just waiting on delivery!.:party5::efelant::party5::efelant::party5:
Got with Sigma 17-70 2.8-4.5 ,Silk 630 tripod and have an Eye-fi X2 pro SD card to throw in when it gets here......damn like waiting for xmas morning! (actually Birthday morning hehe

11-06-2010, 7:33am
:wd: Enjoy!

12-06-2010, 9:07am
have fun, you will love it. Did you end up getting a 50-200mm zoom as well?

12-06-2010, 9:28am
Well spotted!, 50-200 went for a tad too much and I messed up the bidding :Doh: - will either grab a DAL 55-300 or use my super zoom olympus for the long stuff.
There are always other auctions.
Man the wait is killing me!!!

12-06-2010, 10:07am
How about the 60-250mm F4 ED (IF) SDM? Duno how much it's going for now...

15-06-2010, 9:34am
I'm pretty sure its not in my sub $300 budget!

18-06-2010, 7:07am
Anyway had new camera for two days now - it goes with me everywhere!
Here are a few of my impressions.
So small! Its only slightly bigger in the body than my Olympus superzoom!
Great not having to worry about a bag when it starts to rain - I just look for photo opportunities!
I stick out from the crowd - even walking into a camera store they ask questions!
The bright red 'PENTAX' on the neck strap makes sure no one confuses it for a Canikon!
The low light performance is awesome! Onboard flash is underated and AWB is fantastic!
The menus are dead easy to get thru - I love two control dials!
Battery! I leave the camera on and ready just turning off at night and still on full charge!
I don't think I will ever need battery grip.
I am still getting to grips with things, first day off today so having a photo day out hopefully post some first pics.

18-06-2010, 7:58am
Happy Birthday Tonto.

18-06-2010, 9:45am
Glad you like it.

Re: The battery, it shows full for a long time but when it drops off it happens quickly, esp when using live view (which I do for landscapes, night and so forth).

It goes for about 2-3 hours per full charge. As it goes to standby when not shooting it means a full charge lets me go for a day of wildlife / bush etc.

18-06-2010, 4:16pm
Hi, Tonto, I got a K-7 on Tuesday - first outing for me will be tomorrow. I have to admit I'm still trying to work the whole thing out - it's a bit of a step up from my Olympus point and shoot. Still, give me a couple of years and I'll get there :o

It's not a bad size, is it - even so I have ordered a 40mm pancake so I can take it out more often.

How's the tripod?

18-06-2010, 5:12pm
Best advice?

Read the manual !!
Try not to do too much at once.
Start Auto
Then maybe Av

21-06-2010, 12:04am
Haha I done plenty last shooting. MF-TAV-AV-Fill Flash-Live view-Macro-Burst , all good been in Pmode most of the time adjusting shutter or aperture to suit and then hitting green button to reset. First day I was over exposing then I found my metering wasn't set up properly 1st time round. A ok after that.

24-06-2010, 7:14pm
Woo hoo, discovered M mode today, I'm loving it! I was abit daunted by it but handles everything perfectly! I love how the exposure level changes as you change aperture/shutter and iso.
So much for starting Auto eh? lol I always was a fan of scene modes on the superzoom and never liked auto.
Yay! Day off tommorrow! Off the the city to take some photos!

24-06-2010, 7:51pm
You can cheat! Use the green button to get the exposure as if auto. then adjust from there.
Plus the exposure is shown in the viewfinder

25-06-2010, 7:47pm
Nice tip Kym, yeah I'm loving the green button.

Now.....had an absolutely wicked day today. Filled up 7gb of jpegs!
I'm lazy as so willbe a while before I post some but had an absolute ball with the new K7!
Was in P mode all day. Adjusted shutter or aperture to suit for the shot.
Actually did some birding on a budget with the seagulls about the place with some ok BIF shots! Abit of closeup stuff/wide and long. The 17-70 is just a great zoom range for me. Was a tad short at times but not in a way I would change the lens for or give up the wide angle.
Purchased a miniHDMI cable so I could view my shots easy on my TV. Its amazing how much better a photo can look than on the camera LCD or even the smaller screen on a laptop - I think I may need to budget for an iMac next year! :)
Next big shoot will be night time with my tripod around Circular Quay and Darling Harbour, can't wait! :efelant:

30-06-2010, 6:17pm
Another lens purchased! Not the long lens - well not yet ;) - but scored a
Pentax SMC M 50mm 1.2 off E-Bay last night so can't wait to give that a whirl :th3:

30-06-2010, 6:37pm
7gb of JPEGs ;)

Slow down and go raw - more work but much more control of the PP/WB etc

02-07-2010, 6:08pm
Will go raw at some stage, prob more for serious shoots and low light stuff. For walkaround I trust the penax excellent WB. Also jpeg works best for me as my photos do an auto download to my network harddrive (via eyefi) so automatically viewable around the house.

02-07-2010, 6:12pm
Will go raw at some stage, prob more for serious shoots and low light stuff. For walkaround I trust the penax excellent WB. Also jpeg works best for me as my photos do an auto download to my network harddrive (via eyefi) so automatically viewable around the house. :D

12-07-2010, 1:27pm
Hmmm, lens hasn't arrived ...yet. So still keen to get going with that.

I did a number of long exposures the other day but had alot of noise despite being on ISO 200. After that day I found out I had highlight correction on which is proberly what was wrong doh!:Doh: Also why I couldn't set my camera to ISO 100. Oh well this is how we learn. May do a relook at settings with my manual on hand.

Found a cool tip for the K7 (may work on other pentax aswell), If you depress the lens release it alows you to do a quasi "quickshift" manual focus. Apparently this works best if you don't map AF to the shutter button. I am using MF alot letting me get nice sharp images usually zooming in with the LV. May also think about an enlarger eye piece.

Also been very happy with WR being caught in a few downpours on my way to the bus stop. Its great not having to worry about the camera and keep shooting photos! I don't have a WR lens (Sigma 17-70) but I'm careful not to extend it while it is wet/raining and dry off at earliest opportunity- seems to be fine. Also only cost me $300 - had it been the price of a 18-250 I may have been more protective. The 50-200 WR I missed getting the other day is haunting me though.

On FL I have found I notice 70mm is actually pretty small a difference than 50mm so if I had my time again I might get a Tamron 17-50 2.8.
The difference is much more pronounced at the wide end which would keep me from considering a Tamron 28-75. I did a FL map of the shots I have been taking which was inconclusive. A spike of photos at 17mm and 70mm which tells me 70mm is probably not long enough (mostly bird shots) and alot of shots done at 17mm were for the 2.8 in a low light setting. Apart from those two a even spread across the range.
I also locked my FL at 40mm for a while to get a sense of that framing and I really enjoyed it! It allowed a fair amount of bokah aswell so I may have to keep looking at this, a small DA 40 would be great in the pocket when I don't want to draw attention to myself :).

Anyways this week is the arrival of a new network router which means I can finally get my network drive back online and organise my photos- after this I MAY even post some :eek:

Thanks for reading this stream of conciousness! :)

12-07-2010, 1:31pm
I did a number of long exposures the other day but had alot of noise despite being on ISO 200. After that day I found out I had highlight correction on which is proberly what was wrong doh!:Doh: Also why I couldn't set my camera to ISO 100. Oh well this is how we learn. May do a relook at settings with my manual on hand.

Exactly why raw is best for long exposures. The highlight correction is best for normal JPEG shooting.
You can get the same as highlight correction by shooting raw and adjusting in LR/PS etc.
In fact you get more control.

Oh well. Lesson learned ;)

12-07-2010, 1:32pm
Found a cool tip for the K7 (may work on other pentax aswell), If you depress the lens release it alows you to do a quasi "quickshift" manual focus. Apparently this works best if you don't map AF to the shutter button. I am using MF alot letting me get nice sharp images usually zooming in with the LV. May also think about an enlarger eye piece.

I have a magnifying eye piece - works well.

Thinking about the depress of the lens release. NOT GOOD!

All you are doing is breaking electrical contact - while the camera is switched on.
Lenses are supposed to be changed while the camera is off.
I'm betting Pentax would not recommend this practice.

Also: the lens may twist while unlocked and your are focusing - then potentially fall onto the ground.

Edit: Just checked the manual ... changing lenses...

1. Make sure the camera is turned off

12-07-2010, 4:53pm
Hmmm I don't see it falling off but as Pentax discourages doing this while camera is on then I better stop:o
Only done it a couple of times thus far.

13-07-2010, 10:52pm
Hi Tonto. I have a K-7 too and love it to bits.
Personally I think it works better in my hands with the battery grip attached, but I have pretty big hands. The ergonomics of the body are outstanding. The features second to none in the price range (and several price ranges higher) and the results are outstanding.

The high ISO (above 1600) are not so flash I grant you, its quite noisy. (Luckily I also have a K-x that is outstanding in low light.)

One of the best things I did when I first got the K-7 about a year ago, was to get a 'magic lantern' guide. Its far easier to follow than the manual and has a heap of tricks and tips that you may find useful.

I shoot a lot in TAv mode. Its pretty much like P hyper mode (which is the way P mode should be on ALL camera's!), except that you also get auto ISO adjustment. It can be quite useful, as you have probably discovered. I usually limit the ISO range to around 1200 -1400 to limit amplification noise.

Anyway, I think I have a pretty good handle on how this beastie works and I have a heap of lenses and accessories (too blinkin' many!), so if you have any questions, I'll be glad to try and help if I can.

We Pentaxians are a bit of a rare breed in a world dominated by canikon so we need to stick together and help each other out. :)



13-07-2010, 11:04pm
Found a cool tip for the K7 (may work on other pentax as well), If you depress the lens release it allows you to do a quasi "quickshift" manual focus. Apparently this works best if you don't map AF to the shutter button.

Not sure what you mean by this or why you would want to do it. I have heard it done so as to get centre weighted exposure on old manual lenses, but why would you not just flick the camera to M/F if you need to manually focus?

Do you mean you get auto focus AND quick shift on non quick shift lenses? It sounds a little dangerous to me. The A/F contacts need to make between the body and lens and the screw drive needs to engage to provide the A/F rotation. I wouldn't like to have the screw drive 'half engaged' (so to speak).

Just my thoughts.

15-07-2010, 7:20am
TY for your input Wizo - good to see another K7 user! :th3:
Its quite funny the reason why I decided on that model.
I used to work for sony and was pretty much torn between an Alpha A550 and A700.
I loved th LV and size of the A550 but also loved the build and viewfinder (pentaprisim) of the A700.
I have been really interested in using eyefi cards which ruled out the A700 as it didn't have an SD slot and eye-fi cards are hit and miss with CF adaptors.
So at the 11th hour the compatibility status of the A550 for the eyefi changed to incompatible!
Was annoying as I really was sold on the eyefi as it allowed to share my photos so easily.
My two main philiosophies with photography are if I don't make it easy to sort/share and see images then why take them - also it should be as easy as possible to take a photo in terms of accessability.
So after looking at several options I went for the K7. It was after I saw a review on a Sony forum comparing K7 with A700.
Its great - small AND durable so I can carry it all day without a bag.
Good battery life so I can leave it on all day.
SR reduction to reduce size and cost of lenses, I also use mostly handheld.
I found I use LV ALOT esp with manual focusing (Macro & Lowlight) however Movies I havn't touched and MLU and DOF preview which were supposed key things missing from A550 are not things I use at all (yet...)
However there are a few things the A550 can do which K7 can't.
Smile Shutter-handy for self portraits but I will probablt get a cable release anyhow.
Low light HDR - this is fantastic!!!! I'm preying they firmware this for K7 but not holding my breath would fix alot of high ISO woes.
Tiltable LCD - this is just so handy for tripod work or just shooting portraits so I don't have to bring camera up to my face.
I MAY have 1/2 an eye on the next supposed A700 replacement but it would have to be the same size and ergonomics of the K7 which in my mind MAKES the camera.

24-07-2010, 5:47pm
Hi Tonto. How is that K-7 going?

I finally worked out what you meant about depressing the lens lock button. (I'm a bit slow at times) It disengages the auto focus drive shaft from the lens body, effectively turning the lens to MF while it depressed. Great tip!

I was talking about this 'undocumented feature' to Canon shooter today who just gave me a funny look and said 'You would have to have a spare hand to do that while shooting'. Then I realised that the Canon layout has that release button on the other side of the lens mount, making it impossible to do with the index finger of the right hand. My finger almost naturally sits on the release button, so it is a snap to press it and get manual focus on lenses which don't have a 'quick shift' clutch function. (Another plus for Pentax??)



30-07-2010, 10:15am
Be carefull with that tip, I've been told off over it as it effectively is taking the lens off while still on which isn't recommended by pentax (I do this anyway, details in another thread from memory). Also there is a 'chance' lens could come off - I'm using it with my Sigma 17-70 which if I'm going to do this to I have my hand firmly around the manual focus ring anyway so little chance of that happening. Anyway just letting you know if you damaged your lens you have been warned:umm:
I have recieved my manual lens and it is a little gem "however" it is a M 50 2.0 rather than a 1.2 - both the seller and myself fell for the 1:2 on the lens and I chose to ignore the fact there wasn't a 1.2 50 in the M series :Doh: it still is awesome though.
That brings me onto a question, how do I expose for manual aperture?
I'm used to going by the internal meter in manual mode which I've found isn't present with a manual lens like the M50.
If anyone has a forum link to this info will be most appreciated.

30-07-2010, 11:08am
I finally worked out what you meant about depressing the lens lock button. (I'm a bit slow at times) It disengages the auto focus drive shaft from the lens body, effectively turning the lens to MF while it depressed. Great tip!

Bad tip... It's not safe!!

Be carefull with that tip, I've been told off over it as it effectively is taking the lens off while still on which isn't recommended by pentax (I do this anyway, details in another thread from memory). Also there is a 'chance' lens could come off - I'm using it with my Sigma 17-70 which if I'm going to do this to I have my hand firmly around the manual focus ring anyway so little chance of that happening.

There are two reasons not to do this...

a) A slight possibility of dropping the lens, or in the case of a heavy lens doing damage to the mount

b) Pentax say to have the camera off when swapping lenses
- this is due to the electrical contacts and the fact that you can cause a short circuit
when fitting/removing a lens and damage either the body &/or the lens electronics.
When the camera is off there is no current flowing to the lens via the contacts

03-08-2010, 8:59am
That brings me onto a question, how do I expose for manual aperture?
I'm used to going by the internal meter in manual mode which I've found isn't present with a manual lens like the M50.
If anyone has a forum link to this info will be most appreciated.

Have you discovered the green button yet Tonto? In manual mode, press it and you will activate the meter and take a stop down, spot meter reading. Manual lenses will only use spot focus and centre point or sometimes centre weighted metering. I shoot spot and centre most of the time anyway. (the fabulous, famous green button performs many functions, depending on which mode you are in)

I have dozens of manual lenses, both K mount and M42 screw mount (LBA got me bad). Some of the best lenses made for Pentax are these old gems. For example my 85mm F1.9 screw mount.

I'm not aware of a forum link on this site and I'm not sure if it is bad form to suggest there is plenty of information on the dedicated Pentax site. Maybe the OP's will let me know or delete this line if it is inappropriate.

BTW, have you upgraded your firmware yet? There are quite a few goodies in the latest release, including improved AF performance


PS. I have taken on board the warnings about the MF tip. Don't try this at home Kiddies!!

03-08-2010, 9:48am
Just wondering - does the eye-fi card work in wireless mode? I thought I read somewhere that they weren't compatible with Pentax cameras?

03-08-2010, 10:28am
Have you discovered the green button yet Tonto? In manual mode, press it and you will activate the meter and take a stop down, spot meter reading. Manual lenses will only use spot focus and centre point or sometimes centre weighted metering. I shoot spot and centre most of the time anyway. (the fabulous, famous green button performs many functions, depending on which mode you are in)

Yup hit Green about 10min after posting! I didn't think it worked in Manual, I use it all the time in P mode (other brands don't have this???:confused013)
Yeah works great but sometimes I forget to hit it so I have to go again.

BTW, have you upgraded your firmware yet? There are quite a few goodies in the latest release, including improved AF performance

Next on 'To Do' list, I need to empty and reformat my SD card first then I'll do it. Great to have shutter button AF for live view even though I use it primarily for MF.

03-08-2010, 10:33am
Just wondering - does the eye-fi card work in wireless mode? I thought I read somewhere that they weren't compatible with Pentax cameras?

My understanding is it works with the K7 as per link.http://support.eye.fi/product-info/camera-compatability/compatibility/is-the-eye-fi-card-compatible-with-my-camera/pentax/ (Mine is an X2 Card)
To be honest I haven't yet had a chance to try it as I don't have a wireless network setup till later in the month. I'll post then if it doesn't I won't be a happy chappy:action:

03-08-2010, 1:19pm
Yup hit Green about 10min after posting! I didn't think it worked in Manual, I use it all the time in P mode (other brands don't have this???:confused013)

Nope, the other brands don't have it, and WE are supposed to have the inferior camera??;) I'll put the features of the K-7 up against anything in the price range from Dark Duo.

The green button is useful in all sorts of situations. It re-centers things like WB when you have been playing with different colour casts, it re-balances the meter to zero when it has been skewed by EV compensation. A thousand and one uses.

The only time my camera goes on to green mode is when I hand it to one of my kids, and even then it's after I try to explain to them what to do, what the settings mean, and I get the "isn't it all automatic?" look.

25-09-2010, 10:20pm
Been a while since I posted but just purcahsed a new Red Kx for my wife to use! I also have a couple of second hand lenses now an PENTAX M 50 2.0 and a PENTAX A 70-200 4.0 will be getting a matching red kit lens with the Kx and keen on either a DA 40 or the new DAL 35 (in red :p) for the smaller body.

01-10-2010, 8:12am
G'day Tonto, been a while since I've been in here as well.

The DA 40 is a great lens, highly recommended. I would also suggest that you have a look at either of the FA31 or FA43 (legendary glass, but expensive) or the DA 35 macro (named one of the best 3 auto focus lenses ever made) if you are looking in this focal range.

The 40mm is so tiny it almost looks like there is no lens on the camera. The ultimate pancake and a great walk around lens. Matched to the K-x it makes the package not a lot bigger than the average PnS.

The DA35 is probably deliberately optimised for ultra close focal distances and macro shooting, where it excels, but is a smidge soft at infinity like settings.

The FA 31 and 43 two of the 'holy trinity' along with the FA77. I can vouch for the 'pixie dust' qualities of the 31 and 77 as I have them both in my bag, but I have not handled the FA43.

There are many great hands on reviews of these and all Pentax lenses at the Pentax forums site. www.pentaxforums.com.



03-10-2010, 5:48pm
Thanks Wiz,
Yeah throw another one in , the new DAL 35 2.4, awefully tempting, can even get it in Red! :lol: , I'm pretty sure DA 40 but If I had the $$$ would get FA31 as it would be excellent with my K7, hmmmm.
So my plan is to try my zoom at 35 and 40 and see if 40 is wide enough for group shots of 2-3 people, which is pretty much what the KX will be used for, socialising :beer_mug:
Now I ALSO am on the hunt for a tilt/shift 28mm (wont be for the kx though) which is abit too close to the 31mm. So 40mm unless proven overwise :rolleyes: