View Full Version : 35mm slide to digital image scanners - which one and where to buy? (2010/06)

06-06-2010, 12:22pm
Hi, I'm an Aussie amateur film photographer based in Tokyo for most of my life, and am returning for yearly holidays to Adelaide in August. I wish to scan my family's 300 slide collection, preferably into TIFF images, that I can then adjust in Photoshop. I'll be using an ASUS Eee PC 1000HE netbook which I assume will be up to the job. I use a CanonScan 8800F in Tokyo, but am reluctant to spend $300 for a small project. I'm thinking the Wolverine F2D100 for about a $100 will do the job sufficiently..but not sure.

My questions:

1. What scanners can people recommend in Oz with regards converting slides to digital?
2. Where can I purchase online for delivery to Adelaide or in Adelaide itself a Wolverine or similar specialist scanner? Where in Adelaide is the best place to purchase scanners?
3. Any suggestions generally with regards a project such as this?

There's a small previous thread, but I'm looking for the most up to date input (2010/06) I can find.

I'll put the word out to the rellies, so I assume the project may well get much bigger.

Thanks to everyone ahead of time!

06-06-2010, 3:53pm
Hi tokyojim
There have been a number of threads on the topic of slide scanners, though I do not know about the one you mention. If you click on the link below it'll show the results of searching this forum for "slide scanner".
Good luck. AM.

06-06-2010, 3:57pm
G'day Jim

Firstly - Welcome to the Forum :)

While I don't recognise the Wolverine brand, there are plenty of scanners offered by local sources. Popular are 4-5-6Mbyte x $150 jobs from the likes of Dick Smith/Jaycar/etc etc which will do the job - quality could be "variable" at that price tho

Whatever you get, I suggest a "try-before-you-buy" via a "null" slide (ie blank) in the slide holder to check the light distribution evenness ... some I have looked at have bad central & off-centre hot-spots from poor alignment

It's also poss that there may be an AP member in Adelaide who may be prepared to swap a couple of good bottles of something Red, for a couple of days use of a good scanner ........ :)

Hope this helps
Regards, Phil

06-06-2010, 5:06pm
Hi Jim,

I use a Coolscan 5000 ED, mainly because it allows me to batch scan. It allows me to scan 7cm of slides at a time, thus depending on how thick my frames are (some are paper, some are plastic), I generally get somewhere between 40 - 70 slides at a time through the unit.

It also does an infrared scan, thus it picks up any dust and scratches on the slide and removes the problem.

I must admit that I am not 100% thrilled with the colours it produces straight out of the box with slides, so some post processing for white balance is generally required. It all depends on how fussy you are though. I personally am incredible fussy, probably more so than most people. With negatives it actually does a pretty good job straight out of the box. It will read strips of film / slides too, not just framed slides.

A standard 35mm neg / slide is scanned at around 20MP, so there is lots of room for cropping and manipulation. I scan all my slides at 16bpp Tif and save them as jpg's after I am completely satisfied with the result. This photo I posted here was taken from a 24 year old slide. http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=57061

07-06-2010, 1:48am
Hi tokyojim
There have been a number of threads on the topic of slide scanners, though I do not know about the one you mention. If you click on the link below it'll show the results of searching this forum for "slide scanner".
Good luck. AM.

Ameerat, yr good my bad! I fumbled the search before posting - thanks, this recent post had some good advice from you: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=57157&highlight=slide+scanners ... much appreciated.

07-06-2010, 1:51am
Thanks Phil, I saw some previous posts by you from my re-search.. e-bay looks promising to maybe pick up something cheap or even just get something and send it to my Adelaide address. Thanks for your help!

02-01-2015, 8:24pm
Thanks Phil, I saw some previous posts by you from my re-search.. e-bay looks promising to maybe pick up something cheap or even just get something and send it to my Adelaide address. Thanks for your help!

Hi Tokyojim.

Just wondering if you got one and if so, what was it. I want to get a cheap one but don't know what to get

02-01-2015, 8:49pm
Hi Tokyojim.

Just wondering if you got one and if so, what was it. I want to get a cheap one but don't know what to get

this discussion is 5 years old.

03-01-2015, 7:07pm
Well! Two innocuous posts and a permanent ban. One of the mods should write a tell-all book on what goes on behind the scenes in this place. I suspect it would make interesting reading.

04-01-2015, 6:05am
Well! Two innocuous posts and a permanent ban. One of the mods should write a tell-all book on what goes on behind the scenes in this place. I suspect it would make interesting reading.

Created several accounts on the site within about an hour.

04-01-2015, 11:08am
Ah well, that"s a bit dull. I withdraw my post.

04-01-2015, 11:11am
What? No more book?!!:D

Chapter 1: It was a DULL DAY
Jim was looking for some excitement, so he logged in to AP...

...And they all lived moderately ever after.

05-01-2015, 8:55pm
Ah well, that"s a bit dull. I withdraw my post.

Goes to voting integrity etc.