View Full Version : Fire(Dog!) 3.6.3

03-06-2010, 7:18pm
Hi Folks. This is my 4th day with the abovementioned beast, (Firefox to others.) I think the last was 3.5x. It was as smooth as silk. This one stops responding about 5 or 6 times a day, anywhere, not just in AP. I was about to say I don't care about any reasons any more, but I'd like to know if anyone has found similar stutterings with this program version. All settings are as I had before.
Thanks, Am.
PS I'm using XP Pro.

03-06-2010, 8:14pm
3.6.4 is the latest... no probs here

What plugins?

03-06-2010, 8:36pm
I'm running 3.6.3 & it's as smooth as... :cool:

03-06-2010, 9:04pm
OK, I have 363 too and no problems, but I am on Win7Pro

03-06-2010, 9:06pm
Kym. These are the Plug-ins and Add-ons. Am
http://vcraqw.blu.livefilestore.com/y1phg1UErP2ESt4_1nJw-zQxPNgFhvpasBz7QZcihK949iuKuJHg_kNJXkiQCzxYMyS8rmJBp1hvcC8Fd-anhG2oaY3IXo_tSk_/Plugins1.jpg (http://cid-e15ffd049d805436.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/AusPhotoPics/Sundry/Plugins1.jpg)

03-06-2010, 9:07pm
Thanks MP and ak83. There might be some hope. Am.

03-06-2010, 9:30pm
So I suppose the obvious process would be to disable all the plugins and see if that keeps 'er running smoothly, and then enable the addons one by one.

and then take it from there.

03-06-2010, 9:34pm
I'm using those plus a bunch more..

1. AdblockPlus{1.2}.xpi -- Ads were yesterday!
2. ColorInspector3D{1.0}.xpi -- (none)
3. DOMInspector{2.0.5}.xpi -- Inspects the structure and properties of a window and its contents.
4. DownThemAll{1.1.10}.xpi -- The mass downloader for Firefox.
5. EnglishAustralianDictionary{2.1.1}.xpi -- I'm sick of all my favoUrite coloUrful language being marked incorrect.
6. ExifViewer{1.55}.xpi -- Extracts and displays the Exif (Exchangeable Image File), IPTC-NAA/IIM (International Press Telecommunications Council / Newspaper Association of America / Information Interchange Model), and IPTC Core (Adobe XMP, Extensible Metadata Platform) metadata, as stored by digital still cameras, in both local and remote JPEG images.
7. FEBE{}.xpi -- Backup your Firefox data
8. Firebug{1.5.4}.xpi -- Web Development Evolved.
9. FxIF{0.4.1}.xpi -- View EXIF data in image properties
10. GoogleToolbarforFirefox{7.0.20100326W}.xpi -- Take the power of Google with you anywhere on the Web!
11. HistogramViewer{2.0.1}.xpi -- Generates the histogram of a selected image.
12. IEView{}.xpi -- Open pages in IE via Firefox menus
13. NetUsageItem{}.xpi -- Displays your internet usage on the toolbar.
14. NightlyTesterTools{2.0.3}.xpi -- Useful tools for the nightly tester.
15. Noia2.0eXtremeOPT{3.76}.xpi -- Offers an Option/Prefs menu to customize Noia 2 eXtreme theme.
16. SQLiteManager{0.5.15}.xpi -- Manage any SQLite database on your computer
17. TabMixPlus{}.xpi -- Tab browsing with an added boost.
18. UserAgentSwitcher{0.7.2}.xpi -- Adds a menu and a toolbar button to switch the user agent of the browser.
19. ViewSourceWith{0.7}.xpi -- View page source with external applications
20. WebDeveloper{1.1.8}.xpi -- Adds a menu and a toolbar with various web developer tools.
21. deskCut{}.xpi -- Create desktop shortcuts from the context-menu. Windows and Linux (KDE/GNOME) supported.

Themes : (1 total)
1. Noia2.0eXtreme{3.76}.jar -- Fully skinned based on Noia icon set.

03-06-2010, 9:56pm
Well, thanks all. I'll keep looking into it, and maybe give 3.6.4 a whirl. HAving made the original lament, it as been OK since - almost 2 hrs. Am.

03-06-2010, 9:58pm
Oh my lordy me! No wonder you are having problems! The really amazing thing is that you have loaded your browser down with those 18 zillion useless plugins and it still works at all.

1: save your bookmarks to file somewhere safe
2: unistall Firefox through add/remove programs
3: go to documents and settings\yourusername\application data\mozilla\ and delete the entire Firefox folder
4: delete the Firefox folder from program files as well (it may have already deleted itself)
5: reboot
6: install Firefox
7: do not put all those plugins back!

Warning: you may have difficulty playing some of your downloaded material after doing this - there is some pretty nasty DRM stuff in your plugins list. That can't be helped now.

I am doubtful that even this method will result in success - if your Firefox is so grossly loaded down with junky add-ins, chances are that your entite windows system will be just as bad or worse. You can try to clean out a skuggish, junk-riddled Windows system but it is usually far quicker, easier, and cheaper to wipe it clean and start again from scratch.

I'm quite serious - that's a real mess. Start again is best. Take it to an experienced professional if you are not up to doing it yourself.

~ Tony (20-something years in the industry, mostly building and fixing computers just like yours.)

03-06-2010, 10:08pm
I have the plugins ... Am only has a few :p
I don't have issues

03-06-2010, 10:24pm
But you are a computer professional with expertise in exactly this field and are thus big enough and ugly enough to look after yourself in this regard. :)

Am has a sick system, he is asking for help, and he has 30 plug-ins including "security" toolbars, known bad-egg problem children (no names here but as a hint, their initials start with "Real Networks") and a whole swag of ugly-looking DRM junk. Now maybe there is some other cause we don't know about, but when I hear someone saying their arm hurts and I can see blood running down their shirt sleeve, I tend to assume that they have a nasty cut. I could be wrong, but it has to be the best first guess and a pretty good bet.

03-06-2010, 10:37pm
Tannin. Of those I don't know about are the DRMs, but I assume they installed with FF 3.6.3. The add-ons I did install, and use them occasionally. But I wasn't overly aware of the Browsing Protection Toolbar. I may go and look into that (2morrow, though, as I'm nodding.... offf..f.f.ff.)
Thanks and again to the others. Am.

03-06-2010, 10:39pm
Tell ya what though Kym: I notice you have an Adblock plug-in. I'll hunt for that when I get it straightened out. Am.

14-06-2010, 2:38pm
A Java update arrived 2 days ago and I installed it. Since then FF3.6 has been very stable. (Fancy, a Java update!) Am.