View Full Version : D3s - 8000 iso

31-05-2010, 9:07pm
same image--off camera and with quick sharpen and noise red in cs4--nik software
It seems every one has an opinion but few "actual samples"
cheers jim

off camera




JM Tran
31-05-2010, 9:34pm
I actually prefer the 1st image

the horse in the 2nd image lost a bit of detail and the skin tone looks too smeared and not realistic anymore IMO

31-05-2010, 9:43pm

I find myself in the paradoxical situation where I think for the first time I agree with what Jackie has said!

maybe I'm dead and have descended into some photographer's heaven, or something? :p

in #2 the horse seems to have lost some colour, or darkenss or something like that. The rider looks nice and sharp and slightly more detailed, but as JMT said at the expense of the horse.

On my screen tho the detail on the horse does look better, that is, the stringy, leathery, tied up bits(that's about as technical as I get with equine matters :p) around the horses face do look more detailed, but the colour, contrast and detail of the horse itself look less enhanced.

31-05-2010, 10:06pm
HI , These images for the purpose of hi ISO and noise evaluation. I could take more care on the NIK noise redution but I wanted to just use the quick auto setting.And yes I am finding that my output from NIK seems to give a "Trowel style finish "

cheers jim

31-05-2010, 10:26pm
The original looks fine to me and even a large print would look pretty clean. Maybe a better test would be at ISO 25000 :D Certainly lost some detail and tone as mentioned so I would pull back the NR settings a bit.


05-06-2010, 9:21pm
Mongo has been thinking of a D3s but not seen any actual comparisons. These images are very useful and not unimpressive re high ISO ability. Mongo is not concerned about the processing for the purpose of this exercise.

Mongo says thanks.

PS what lens ??

06-06-2010, 6:22am
Yesterday I was shooting in roughly similar lighting conditions at my nephews birthday party, and now I realise that a D3s is more appropriate for me, instead of a D700 :p

06-06-2010, 7:28am

I have a D3 and love it and will not be upgrading to D3s or X until they can combine the two or increase frame rate of the D3s thats just a personal thing i'd like a D3s and X but cannot justify the outlay

I went to the Photo expo at Jeffs shed (Melb) on friday and on the Nikon stand (among other things) they had a seperate darkened room you could enter with a Nikon Aust staffmember and play with a Nikon D3s that was tethered to a laptop and used to take pics of two subjects that were barely lit in almost darkness (a model sailing ship and a colourful theatre mask) i took pics at 10,000 iso and upwards and was very impressed but i could see no use for it in my photography

I use my D3 and D700 at lowest iso possible at all times as i shoot for quality and even though i have great results in museums/ winter football etc at iso's varying between 200-6400 i only use it when i have to

It is fantastic to have the flexibility available however and takes the worry out of wether you can get good exposures when light changes so a D3s would theoreticaly be even better ,,,,just not enough to me to justify the outlay

Nik software is helpful when noise is a problem but i rarely use it as even though it is one of the best available you still lose detail at times and i am obsessed with clean images so spend a lot of time and effort getting best exposure and focus possible when i can !!

06-06-2010, 7:40am
@ yesterdays party, I was confronted by the limitation that ISO6400 may just not be enough sometimes.

For a few images I managed to top out to ISO 3200 f/1.6(on an f/1.4 lens) and 1/25th .. for (indoor)Karate type shots...... well, 1/50s doesn't cut it! ;)

D3s it is :th3:

Oh well.... there is a bright side if I go down the D3s road. I could sell all my tripod/support gear to partially fund the excessively high D3s price premium(over the D700). Even with landscapes you don't need a tripod any more because high ISO is the answer.. well according to KR it is :p
So!.... tripod be gone :action3:, and ISO be high! :music05:

06-06-2010, 11:22am
Apparently its pretty hard to get your hands on a D3s except in Japan so unfortunately the price will likely remain high for some time. Unless of course the D700 replacement will be a D700s and they are just building inventory for a world wide release.

07-06-2010, 5:09pm
The D3s' high ISO is every bit as good as have been reported everywhere. I love my D3s in low light conditions. :th3:

07-06-2010, 11:45pm
HI Guys thanks for taking this post for what it was intended--A feild actual shot.
Mongo the lens used was a 200-400 VR --f4.My hope was that the high ISO capability of the D3S would enable me to use this superb lens Indoors. This proved to be the case WHEW!! I do have and use a 70-200 f2.8 VR as a back up in low light. ALso with horses I need to maintain at least 1/400th shutter but 1/800th is ideal

I also believe that the D3S id better than the D3 at moderate ISO values such as 3200-6400

Cheers Jim