View Full Version : Should the government filter the internet?

30-05-2010, 8:55am
MINISTER for Communications Stephen Conroy has vowed to push on with his controversial internet filtering scheme, despite a barrage of criticism.

Have your say and vote here (http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/filter-goes-ahead-regardless-20100529-wmg7.html#poll)

30-05-2010, 10:55am
Only because we can't post anything under 5 characters.


30-05-2010, 10:58am
Would you want Sen. Conroy to walk into your living room and decide which books/magazines etc you may be allowed to keep on your bookshelf?

Not much different.


30-05-2010, 11:01am
absolutley not

30-05-2010, 11:23am
Senator Conroy said ''blocking material is not considered to be censorship''.

Unbelievable! Exactly how stupid is this man?

30-05-2010, 5:34pm
It's an obNOxious idea. Anyway, there should be some software about to circumvent it.

30-05-2010, 5:45pm
I don't have a problem with them blocking some of the disgusting stuff out there (child porn etc), but the fact that what they block is not going to be known to us, is where I have an issue. Without the transparency they could just as easily block politically sensitive stuff, that we as Australians have a right to know about our elected parties, leaders etc.

Though I wonder if our staunch catholic opposition leader would pull the laws apart if he was elected later this year, somehow, I think not.

30-05-2010, 6:31pm
I think Senator Conroy is right, and should block material that he and the government believe should not be seen by us.

They wouldn't be introducing these measures without good reason, and that's why we elect politicians to look after our interests and make decisions on out behalf. They are the ones that have the big picture, whereas we are only seeing this from our limited and self-interested perspective.

These measures wouldn't be put in place unless rigorous testing had established that they were effective and blocking out the bad materials, whilst ensuring that there was quality of service preserved. Furthermore, I'm sure that there is a transparent mechanism for managing and reviewing the blocked sites.... Oh. Wait a minute.... Ummmm, where's the backspace key? :rolleyes:

Calx (with troll hat)

30-05-2010, 6:36pm
... NO! ...

30-05-2010, 6:39pm
Why no?
1. It actually makes things worse as parents think things are safe when they are not
2. It is easily circumvented
3. The RIGHT answer is good parenting (and a bit of eduction)
4. The Govt also bans sites that have nothing to do with porn - I don't want political censorship
5. It is likely to make life harder for police in catching paedophiles etc

30-05-2010, 6:45pm
I think Senator Conroy is right, .... Oh. Wait a minute.... Ummmm, where's the backspace key? :rolleyes:
Calx (with troll hat)

Jeez .... I came soooooo close to going off my tree here! Fortunately I read to the end before pressing the 'kill" button!

I cannot believe that we live in one of the best places in the world and we're looking seriously at censorship! I have serious issues with our governments (both Labor and Liberal) with some of their ethical and moral principles (or lack thereof).

We drag our feet on so many issues which are no brainers - all under the guise of governments which "know best" for us. There is this myth that we elect governments to act on our behalf, when in reality they do what they bloody well want. Democracy is a wonderful idea - pity no-one has figured out how to make it work properly.

30-05-2010, 8:12pm
The better question might be "Can the government filter the internet...."

For the record, I am with the nays.

30-05-2010, 8:20pm
absolutely they should.

Im sick of viruses, spam, trojans, and pop-up ads

They should start there I think

30-05-2010, 10:09pm
Absolutely NO. Funny how that poll is currently sitting at 99% for the nays...and I'm sure it's not all AP members who are voting on that site. Whatever happened to the government listening to and working for the people??? Oh dear..must stop before I start ranting.

31-05-2010, 6:32am
I think my feelings on this are clear!


31-05-2010, 7:41am
absolutely they should.

Im sick of viruses, spam, trojans, and pop-up ads

They should start there I think

Thats 99% of the internet gone ;)

Im against it 100%

31-05-2010, 8:13am
what Kym said...and...

by the definition of what is going to be censored, anything that is not classified gets the chop...so say good bye to youtube videos because they're not classified! Other things such as self help and information on various medical/mental illness is also going to be censored so a valuable resource to the community could also be removed under the rules...

what this regime (oops i mean government) is attempting to do is beyond comprehension and will take our country back to the stone ages

31-05-2010, 8:22am
Other things such as self help and information on various medical/mental illness is also going to be censored so a valuable resource to the community could also be removed under the rules...

We have a situation in Australia where over 80% of the population believe that we should have a right to a medically assisted death when our lives are about to end in pain and suffering. Instead of listening to that 80%, the government simply makes it illegal to even talk about the subject! Nothing like having a "father knows best" approach to government.

31-05-2010, 8:24am
Would you want Sen. Conroy to walk into your living room and decide which books/magazines etc you may be allowed to keep on your bookshelf?

Not much different.


But this already happens. There are books, magazines, movies that are banned from being sold in Australia.

Not specific to Australia : http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/banned-books.html &

In particular in Australia we have a list of banned books, publications based on the premise of "promote, incite or instruct in matters of crime or violence".

31-05-2010, 9:15am

31-05-2010, 9:20am
No i don't believe the internet should be compulsory filtered. I think there should be an "optional" filter which the public can choose to use.

Oh and its time to tell your mum about it:

31-05-2010, 9:22am
" The People (via the Internet) should filter the government !!" :cool:

Start with kicking out Conroy :angry0:

15-06-2010, 7:19pm

I should not be told what to think
Refused clasficatiobn is censorship
Censorship to the lowest common denominator makes us all the lowest demnomiator