View Full Version : What brand of Modem/Router do you use?

29-05-2010, 10:37am
After a chat in the mods area this morning, I got to wondering what brand of Modem/Router's are popular with AP members

So here you go, a Poll

Captured Exposure
29-05-2010, 10:42am
My phone line is hooked into an Alcatel Modem(Telstra) from many years ago, my PC and such hooks into a Netgear Modem/Router, it was just a pain to get going to work with my ADSL and haven't tried again.

29-05-2010, 10:43am
'Modem' brand/model is:
Motorola SB4101(STILL!)

router brand/model is:
NetGear FWG114P

29-05-2010, 10:51am
I have a 2wire one through bigpond.. haven't had any problems with it :) using netgear adapters for the boys puter and it's a pain in the proverbial! always dropping in and out grrr

Old Skool
29-05-2010, 10:53am
Another one for Netgear - might have to put that on the list. Or is that the same as Netcomm?

29-05-2010, 10:57am
I chose the D-Link because it was the best pre-N at the time. Come to think of, most of my network gear is D-Link except for my 16 port switch which is Netgear.

29-05-2010, 11:01am
Another one for Netgear - might have to put that on the list. Or is that the same as Netcomm?

Added Netgear.. Thanks, was sitting here trying to think of all the major brands as I set the poll up.

29-05-2010, 11:04am
dg834d from netgear.

29-05-2010, 11:19am
I've use a "Billion" wireless router. About 5years ago the Tel$tra modem crashed and the Tel$tra replacement lasted about 3weeks. Gave up and got this little Billion, couldn't be happier, never missed a beat, and voip capable.:D

29-05-2010, 11:35am
I'm using Linksys by Cisco. I had a D-link prior and it gave me nothing but trouble. The Linksys hasn't skipped a beat.

29-05-2010, 12:12pm
Same as Deb - using linksys after my Dlink spat the dummy (was never really happy with it). The Linksys gear has been going well for a while now.

29-05-2010, 12:22pm
I have a rather complex set up at home. I use a Billion Modem Router for ADSL and a N wireless network for streaming media to my PS3 for movies/photos etc on my lounge room big screen and for my computer. I also have a separate G network that streams music from itunes using an Apple Airport Express to my hifi setup. It also connects to older G only devices such as my iphone and kids laptops.

29-05-2010, 12:29pm
Hmmm, mine is a Cisco (although actually it's a Linksys, but Cisco bought them out and rebranded).

However, I have a small pile of routers here that I have used, and keep as spares:
* Cisco (Linksys) AG241
* Cisco 837
* Billion (can't remember the model number and it's on the bottom of the pile).

Also a dead Cisco 857 which had a disagreement with a power spike :(

29-05-2010, 12:34pm
Cisco 857 here.

29-05-2010, 12:36pm
I live in the 'sticks' so have Satellite with Ipstar modem

29-05-2010, 1:25pm
I've had a series of Billions - no problems at all.

29-05-2010, 1:27pm
Added Billion ... ;)

FYI ... the top 10 from Whirlpool...

#1 Billion
#2 Netgear
#3 D-Link
#4 Linksys
#5 Netcomm
#6 Belkin
#7 Motorola
#8 Apple
#9 Linksys / Sipura
#10 Dynalink

29-05-2010, 1:53pm
Another Linksys here - Never had a problem

Mary Anne
29-05-2010, 2:26pm
I have a NetComm its 6 years old this week.. And never had a problem.

29-05-2010, 2:54pm
Telstra modem, linksys router. Even though my modem is wireless I only use it wired and use my router as my wireless network. I also am wired to most points where the laptops are used to keep speeds to an optimum.

29-05-2010, 3:31pm
Mines a D-Link all in one router, modem, wireless etc that I've had for about 6 years. And they still sell it!

29-05-2010, 4:03pm
I've got a NetComm because my Billion and others couldn't handle my ADSL2+ speed.

29-05-2010, 4:10pm
Wonder which mod Rick is talking about, cuz strangely, I went out and bought a new modem today!! :rolleyes: :D

It's now Belkin. Having just churned from bigpond to internode earlier this week, the Telstra modem didn't work and I had to put my old D-Link back in its place. Wasn't overly happy with that either so hence the shopping trip today!

I wanted a combined modem & router (sick of multiple devices and power cords and network cables everywhere!), with both wired and wireless. So far, so good. The PCs are connected and I checked out the wireless with my laptop a short while ago and it worked. Now to try the laptop somewhere else in the house!!

29-05-2010, 4:16pm
Rick, the other consideration is whether you need VOIP and/or wireless and what sort of wireless and the ADSL speed available. When you add these features the choice of brand becomes very limited.

29-05-2010, 4:17pm
#1 SECURE your wireless or I'll steal your bandwidth!!!!

Use a STRONG password (at least 14 including upper and lower characters, numbers and a few special characters)


is a STRONG password example


29-05-2010, 4:49pm
I use Netgear. Seems to work OK

29-05-2010, 5:00pm
I use Bigpond 2wire Modem + D-link wireless router & engin VoIP. VoIP's great most of the time, sometimes I have to make sure I'm not running anything else on the laptop.

29-05-2010, 5:15pm

Had a dlink g604t for years, constant dropouts, firmware upgrades, wireless hardly worked, kept dropping out under heavy use.

Switched to Linksys, I've restarted it once in 5 months.

29-05-2010, 5:29pm
I use Billion.

How many people keep their firmware up to date?

29-05-2010, 5:53pm
G'day Rick et al

Ah............ you're all out gunning me
I'm just using a USB-plugged wireless modem under the Virgin banner but running on the Optus network

Once the kids left home, we cancelled the phone line into the house, saved $150pm in access fees, so it's wireless for the 2 of us - esp as we're on-the-road travelling for many months each year

Regards, Phil

29-05-2010, 9:08pm
Optus cable with a Motorola modem here, with a Linksys wireless router attached.

29-05-2010, 9:21pm
I use Billion.

How many people keep their firmware up to date?

Depends. If there's a critical bug, something's not working correctly or a new feature I'll use, I'll seek a firmware update.

29-05-2010, 9:30pm
I use belkin and never had a problem.


29-05-2010, 10:33pm
I have the Telstra 2 Wire Gateway I have a lot of trouble with it going off line, I am about to install a D-Link.

29-05-2010, 11:27pm
I use a Billion - but mainly because that's what Internode advised me to get!! Haven't had any problems with it at all. I needed VOIP capabililities too.

30-05-2010, 7:21am
How many people keep their firmware up to date?

Good reminder Kym, we actually forgot a while ago and for some reason the modem wasn't storing the password to keep the wireless network secured, luckily it was our next door neighbours son pinching bandwidth so we found out.

Dlink here....has same modem for a few years now, and has handled speed upgrades fine.

Dizzy Photographics
30-05-2010, 8:29am
i use an open networks router issued to me from primus. In the past i have used belkin, d-link, 2 wire, thompsons and alcatel....I have had the least trouble with this one...compact and very user friendly

31-05-2010, 10:39am
I use Billion.

How many people keep their firmware up to date?

I have updated my firmware twice now, the most recent time being about a month or so ago. I need to update my Blu-Ray player's firmware at present, and will be doing that in the next week or two.

31-05-2010, 2:49pm
I haven't updated the firmware of my router of late.

I'll check tonight to see what I'm up too with it, the D-Link one I was forever upgrading/downgrading trying to find one that worked.

I was using WEP on my old d-link, I upgraded to try and fix the dropouts and I lost WEP access, which a piece of equipment at the time didn't like. Frustrating when D-Link wouldn't acknowledge it was the router at fault.

31-05-2010, 3:07pm
I am using a Huawei E960 Inzone wireless/WiFi modem from Optus.

It works faster in the mornings; slows down a bit in the evening when lots of people are making phone calls. Other than that no problems. Faster and cheaper than ADSL.

Plus I also have a Huawei E160E USB Wireless modem from Optus for my laptop which I use when traveling.

31-05-2010, 3:33pm
dg834d from netgear.

same here.
Used to have a d-link adsl router and a wireless router connected to that but it was too much trouble so i bought something else and it works

31-05-2010, 3:39pm
Bigpond loves me, I have 2. A landline and a 3G for when we are away. The only thing that really annoys me is because of the distance from the exchange I can't get ADSL2 :angry0:

31-05-2010, 3:51pm
I used to use a Cisco 2600T router, which performed flawlessly for years. It was fast and reliable.

I now use an Apple Airport Extreme.

31-05-2010, 4:02pm
D link here .No problems.


31-05-2010, 4:09pm
Clarendon is an ADSL1 exchange, but it's only 1200m away.
I use an Alcatel modem connected (bridged) to a D-Link wireless router/switch.

31-05-2010, 4:54pm
At home I use a Dlink DI-824VUP router on an old Thomson (Alcatel) router that Telstra supplied as a modem. The DI-824 has VPN server capability which we use occasionally for testing.

I'd be very wary of the latest Dlink stuff having had some exposure to their latest VPN (DIR-300) and wireless models.

At work we use Netcomm, we've found Netcomm stuff to be reliable and relatively inexpensive and use that by choice when customers ask us to supply a modem.

Phill B
31-05-2010, 7:58pm
I used a Netgear wireless (802.11g) modem/router for years with no problems, but I've just updated to a Cisco Linksys dual-band wireless (faster 802.11n), it was an easy install and have had no problems with it since.

31-05-2010, 8:04pm
Billion 7404VGP....an oldie but goodie especially for VOIP

when/if it breaks i will go a draytec which are highly regarded

Updating Firmware is PITA as you need to re-enter the settings so i might do it every 3mths depending on what the latest firmware does