View Full Version : Photography names

26-05-2010, 8:49pm
Hey guys, as I'm starting to take everything a bit more serious with photography, I need a good name which shows proffesonalism, and sort of a cheesey name kind of thing. The type of events I generally cover is obviously motorsports, ( if you've seen some of my work! )

I currently have iPhotoz which i like but I don't want anything to happen with apple having the name iPhoto in most there stuff. A few suggestions I made to myself were p1 photos, podium place photography (ppp) and slipstream imagery.

Let me know if you have any types of suggestions (:

thanks guys!

26-05-2010, 9:00pm
Firstname lastnam

Or youre up for business registration etc

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26-05-2010, 9:23pm
I like P1, but I go for my own name as a business name.

26-05-2010, 9:25pm
yeah I was thinking of getting an ABN soon. Maybe I should just use my name like you said until I get published a bit more?

27-05-2010, 1:48am
I use my name, I couldn't think of anything that was just right (the names I did pick were all taken!). That and I was worried if I picked something and then expanded my area the name might not suit. LOL

But out of the examples you have given I'd probably go with P1 Photography.

27-05-2010, 6:19am
yeah I was thinking of getting an ABN soon. Maybe I should just use my name like you said until I get published a bit more?

That sounds wise.

Many people start by using a name that they eventually either outgrow, or worse, build a reputation using, and then eventually tackle the business name registration issues (which is a legal requirement in all states), and then find that the name they want (the name they've been using) cannot be registered, because of a variety of different reasons.

I didnt move to a proper business name until I'd been shooting and selling my work for 22 years :)

Make life easy for yourself, and just use your first and last name.

27-05-2010, 8:53am
Okie Doke!!

Sounds like i'll be doing that for a while!

Thanks guys :D

02-06-2010, 8:40pm
The only problem with first / last name is if it is a difficult one to remember, pronounce or spell. Given that you will probably end up having a website with that name, it's important that people don't need a dictionary to find the site.
My last name is Nicetin (and pronounced nothing like it!) ... needless to say I wouldn't use that in a business name!

05-06-2010, 4:01pm
My hubby and I were talking about this earlier today as a new photography business has just started in our area and called themselves "My L e n s e"…cringe worthy.

How about Fuel Fotos or Roar Images?

I debated using my full name, Natalie Barovsky, as it is a bit long and quite often misspelled, so shortened it using first and last 3 letters of my name. Everyone has remembered Natsky which means referrals & google hits are much more likely.

The cost of registering a business name is not huge per year…I pay more on insurance each month…but it may vary from state to state. Definitely worth checking out.

07-06-2010, 9:05pm
I use my initials and my Nanna's last name, because my actual name was already in use and that'd be confusing. As much as I loved the idea of using something meaningful and awesome as a business name, in the end I felt that using my name was easier, since people would call my by that name, rather than being unsure who they're talking to. Possibly a meaningless concern, but that was my reasoning (well, that and being unable to come up with a good enough name).