View Full Version : Raw processing software question

26-05-2010, 10:06am
HI everyone

I have decided on advice and other threads on this fantastic site :) to start shooting all my photos in RAW format

I have been browsing through some Better Photography Oz version, and have found a program called "Capture One" and this article got me thinking (always dangerous!)

I wondered if i need any specific software to process these RAW images?

Have just purchased and waiting for Photoshop 8 Elements software to arrive - is this program sufficient and does the same sort of work that this Capture One or similar software do? :confused013

Any suggestions for those on a budget for RAW software if PS8 isnt suitable??

Apologies for my lack of knowledge on this one - hopefully someone can help :umm:

Previously i have not done any post processing on my images apart from crop etc and reading some of the great items posted on the Forums i have learnt so much in the last few days, and i really want to do my 40D and associated new toys justice :)

Cheers and thanks!


Adrian Fischer
26-05-2010, 11:26am
Hi Kellie,

I think the short answer is yes, it handles RAW. From Capture one is a nikon program from memory. I think elements can do more in pp than capture one can. Im sure someone will correct me if Im wrong.

Im sure you will do justice to your gear with Elements.

26-05-2010, 11:32am
dont you need adobe camera raw to open raw files in PS?
its a free plugin i believe.

i use PSP12 which opens raws automatically.

26-05-2010, 11:39am
Hi Kellie,
PSE 8 does include raw processing capability, so you don't need to run out and get Capture 1 just yet. Also consider the Canon raw processing software (DPP - stands for Digital Photo Professional).


26-05-2010, 2:13pm
Hi Kellie, like you, I am new to shooting in RAW and I primarily use Photoshop & Lightroom to portal my images from the CF card before editing. I am not an expert on Elements but would be confident in thinking it should be able to import and process RAW files as a stand alone application.

26-05-2010, 4:03pm
Hi Kellie,

I think the short answer is yes, it handles RAW. From Capture one is a nikon program from memory. I think elements can do more in pp than capture one can. Im sure someone will correct me if Im wrong.

Im sure you will do justice to your gear with Elements.

You're thinking Capture NX which is the Nikon software. Capture One is another program


26-05-2010, 7:09pm
Thanks everyone - I hadnt downloaded the software that came with the Camera with DPP on it so will play will that then with PSE8 when it arrives :

Cheers and thanks!

26-05-2010, 7:23pm
Pshop Elements will do the Raw Work you need asit has Adobe Camera Raw
It is easier to do a lot of work in this program before you send it to Elements

27-05-2010, 12:50pm
PSE8 Will do all you want it to do.There are hundreds of free tutorials on the web to help you through(learn) this programme. Adjustment layers etc etc. Take the time to peruse & or save them for future reference .
As for another comment up the thread further , you can viewe a Raw file in Windows if you go to your maufacturers site and download the Raw Codecs for your specific camera.
eg, i purchased an asus netbook for downloading the photos off my SD cards whilst on holidays without having to carry my big latop around with me . Was a tad worried on how to viewe my files asi mostly shoot in raw and a Mate advised me to go to the Pentax site and download the pentax Raw Codec . Downloaded to my minnie lappy:D and yep windows instantly opens my Raw files..