View Full Version : Wow - things have changed - got jobs outside of my job that actually pay.

22-05-2010, 11:33pm
Over the last two weeks I have had a half dozen people call me (I don't even know how they got my number or know me!) to shoot jobs for them - Airports, Hot Water Systems, People, Nature/Conservation Billboards ... Some guy has emailed me that he is sending me a cheque from 300km away and I haven't even done anything for him. :confused013

I took a job yesterday shooting hot water systems for one of the largest hot water system suppliers in the world and actually got paid very well. Tonight they upped their payment by 25% after I had sent the images through. :confused013:confused013

23-05-2010, 3:27am
Sweet and congratulations

23-05-2010, 5:09am
It would be great to be paid for something you loved doing.Good onya.:wd:

23-05-2010, 6:31am

pass on any unwanted highly paid work across this way would 'ya! :p

23-05-2010, 7:35am
Well done Wayne, you are a damn fine photographer and all that is coming your way is reward for the hard work you have put into learning photography.

Dizzy Photographics
23-05-2010, 7:35am
:th3: Nice Work!!! Gotta be pretty damn happy about that hey!

23-05-2010, 7:53am
Hey congrats!! Who would have thought - hot water systems!

23-05-2010, 9:10am
Congrats, and well deserved. Like Rick said, the hard work is starting to pay off.

23-05-2010, 9:25am
Congrats mate! Well done! :th3:

23-05-2010, 9:40am
Way to go, onya Wayne, well deserved:th3::th3:

23-05-2010, 7:30pm
excellent work - great to see a good news story from the business. well deserved.

25-05-2010, 6:44pm
... Some guy has emailed me that he is sending me a cheque from 300km away and I haven't even done anything for him. :confused013


..but you are so out of your league with 'hot water systems'. Did you think (((birds))) :D


25-05-2010, 6:55pm
well done . it pays to learn and study

27-05-2010, 2:50pm
well done sounds like you've captured a nice little niche market

27-05-2010, 2:57pm
well done! shows you arent a one trick pony :D

(not that anyone thought you were :p)

Mary Anne
27-05-2010, 4:34pm
Oh well done and Congrats that really great..:th3:

27-05-2010, 8:30pm
Thanks all,

I think it has all come about after having a bunch of images in a recent wildlife brochure and that placement in the ANZANG competition which is touring now. You should see it when it reaches you city.

Hopefully something will come of it all. I don't need to change jobs, but enjoy my photography and wouldn't mind being able to more easily afford or trade up to some more gear some day.

28-05-2010, 5:16pm
Great stuff mate! Gotta love random work that pays well.

28-05-2010, 9:31pm
Well done Wayne - congratulations! Hope it's the start of something beautiful (ie: lots more payment)! :)

31-05-2010, 4:00am
Congratulations, it is not surprising... you are a great photographer :wd: