View Full Version : bag for 50d + 400 L lens

20-05-2010, 8:27pm
I want to buy a bag for my 50d and 400 attached. I really like the sling bags, but have been told its to big, so I am looking at backpacks. I really liked the idea of sliding it to the front to access my gear (never mind). If I can carry other gear as well - that would be good. Though, I originally did not want to go to big.

Can anyone, maybe someone who already has gear this size, recommend bags to look at. I am prepared to spend up to $200 (is this reasonable). I would buy on online or from Stu at Quality Cameras.

20-05-2010, 8:56pm
Ive just bought a Lowepro slingshot 350 from an ebay store in hong kong - $132 including postage! will let you know when it arrives but i have just taken delivery of a 40D, 70-200 L lens and i also have a battery grip coming! - i also have 2 other lenses and an external flash so having done alot of reasearch im sure that the 350 will suit the job - it also has room for a laptop!


20-05-2010, 9:10pm
Ive just bought a Lowepro slingshot 350 from an ebay store in hong kong - $132 including postage! will let you know when it arrives but i have just taken delivery of a 40D, 70-200 L lens and i also have a battery grip coming! - i also have 2 other lenses and an external flash so having done alot of reasearch im sure that the 350 will suit the job - it also has room for a laptop!


Thanks Kellie - though I have been told it won't fit in this bag. The 400 is 10.1" in length. I would buy it in a snap if it fitted as it is what I originally wanted.

Hey, congrats on all lovely new gear too - you are going to have some fun. :)

20-05-2010, 9:48pm
When you say 400L, do you mean f5.6, f4 DO or f2.8?
This does make a substantial difference to the dimensions of the required bag and the cost.

20-05-2010, 9:50pm
Hi Shelley,
have a look at the ThinkTank "Glass Taxi" http://www.thinktankphoto.com/products/glass-taxi.aspx it's a small, light and discrete (as most TT bags are) backpack that will easily handle your 400L with 50D attached plus room for a couple of short lenses or other gear.

If you want something a bit bigger consider the "Street Walker Pro". http://www.thinktankphoto.com/products/streetwalker-pro-backpack.aspx

I own a "Airport Antidote V2" that carries all my gear when flying. It's light, strong and very well made.. I love it and highly recommend the TT brand.


20-05-2010, 9:54pm
When you say 400L, do you mean f5.6, f4 DO or f2.8?
This does make a substantial difference to the dimensions of the required bag and the cost.

Babu.. have a look at her sig... it's a 5.6 ;)

20-05-2010, 9:58pm
Whoops. Sorry, Shelley!
I hadn't read your gear list properly.
Had you checked out the Flipside 400?
It might do the job for you. It was listed at Cameras Direct for $191 on clearance.

21-05-2010, 7:26am
Thanks Babu and Wobbles. Yes its the 5.6 Babu.

I will go and check these. It is quite difficult choosing a bag as you don't see many around in the shops, plus with working I don't get much time to go to shops.

My main concern going with a bigger bag is the weight as I am not very big and not sure how much I should carry on my back.

21-05-2010, 7:39am
would the lowepro 250 fastpack fit it?

21-05-2010, 7:47am
Ive just bought a Lowepro slingshot 350

great bag .. I got one lying around somewhere and use it occasionally. Youll fit your body+grip+70-200 tele in it no problem, plus a few extras.

Too small for Shelleys 400 though.

fairy bombs
22-05-2010, 7:44pm
Shelley,can you let us know what you get,and post a pic og the bag,I have a 400L prime and currently have a 450D,but will be getting a 50D very soon,so I would be most interested to hear and see how you go.I had a look at the link for 'taxi tank' bags that onther poster linked,they look very good,are these avaliable in Australia?I would like to get something like this soon.


22-05-2010, 7:47pm
Shelley,can you let us know what you get,and post a pic og the bag,I have a 400L prime and currently have a 450D,but will be getting a 50D very soon,so I would be most interested to hear and see how you go.


no worries fairy bombs - i have decided to go and look at bags before I purchase, so it won't be for a week or so as I prob. will go to Stu's or into the city. I work and unfortunately have to travel to camera places as they are not close.

22-05-2010, 9:34pm
I'd say the Lowepro flipside 400 AW would nicely fit the bill, you can spin it around the waistband and undo to access your gear without removing as the zipper is in the inside (sits against your back).

I often have my 5D with 70-200 F4 on and still have around 100mm to the bottom of the compartment. An added bonus is that no one can unzip the bag from behind and run off with your gear and the AW has an inbulit raincoat.

The maximum length you could fit in the 400AW is 400mm lens and body combined (I measured it), the 400/5.6L is 265mm by Canon's reckoning, plus body would be well under the 400mm available.

23-05-2010, 8:48am
I've also got the flipside 400, here's a pic with my gripped 7d with 100-400 attached, lens hood normal, fitting nicely with a sigma 70-200, sigma 10-20, canon 24-105 and canon 65 macro.

23-05-2010, 8:11pm
I'd say the Lowepro flipside 400 AW would nicely fit the bill, you can spin it around the waistband and undo to access your gear without removing as the zipper is in the inside (sits against your back).

I often have my 5D with 70-200 F4 on and still have around 100mm to the bottom of the compartment. An added bonus is that no one can unzip the bag from behind and run off with your gear and the AW has an inbulit raincoat.

The maximum length you could fit in the 400AW is 400mm lens and body combined (I measured it), the 400/5.6L is 265mm by Canon's reckoning, plus body would be well under the 400mm available.

Thank you,especially for measuring. I think this is the bag I need.

I've also got the flipside 400, here's a pic with my gripped 7d with 100-400 attached, lens hood normal, fitting nicely with a sigma 70-200, sigma 10-20, canon 24-105 and canon 65 macro.

Hey, I appreciate the photo - I am convinced and think I will go and order on-line.

Thanks AP posters, you have all been helpful - as per usual. Now my next purchase :rolleyes:

25-05-2010, 7:07am
I got a snoot bag for my 400mm 5.6 and 5D.
I can leave it connected.
I have a smaller one for the 24-70mm 2.8

I'm on the train so I can't tell you the brand or send a photo.



fairy bombs
25-05-2010, 6:47pm
Hope you can post a picture Darrell of the snoot bag you carry your gear in,

I have been having a thinking about how to cart my gear around,I bought a vanity

carry bag,it was a expensive high quality one,with a strap,and I find it just big enough

to fit my camera and 400 prime lens,I find it very good,even though it only has that in it,I usually know when I am walking out the door what my main menu item,photographically is going to be for the day,or night.

I would like to get some sort of bag for my new 17-55 F 2.8 and 50D and 70-200 F 2.8 as those items will go together for the photographic tasks I need.I like the idea of having two sets of kit,as when I am out birding I will not need all the other lenses etc.

regards FB

25-05-2010, 9:58pm
Here is a couple of photos of the snoot bags.

The lens is the 400mm f/5.6L.
The bag is a Tamrac 5630
I got it from Michaels Camera store in Melbourne.

The instructions say it will fit a canon camera and a 9.5 inch lens and the 400mm f/5.6L is 10.1 inches and it's a snug fit.

I have a smaller one for the 24-70 f/2.8L
As you can see, you can leave the camera on the lens and carry it as one.
Sometimes I don't want to carry the whole camera bag. Just carry the lens I'm going to use.

The photos are different sizes, but the same file size. I was fiddling around in photo shop per the the sizing instructions.


06-06-2010, 7:16am
Ive just bought a Lowepro slingshot 350 from an ebay store in hong kong - $132 including postage! will let you know when it arrives but i have just taken delivery of a 40D, 70-200 L lens and i also have a battery grip coming! - i also have 2 other lenses and an external flash so having done alot of reasearch im sure that the 350 will suit the job - it also has room for a laptop!


Hi Kellie

How do you find your 350 backpack? I need something for the new 100-400mm lens and was thinking about the slingshot 300 that I can get from Teds for $135. Any suggestions?

06-06-2010, 10:58am
I have had the flipside 400 for a few weeks now & I find it excellent as described by "dulvariprestige"...it holds loads, can get heavy but in saying that it is very secure & comfortable on my back. I purchased it after reading reviews from members on here.

I take it to work fully loaded (just in case I fancy doing a detour to & from work for a shoot). I have degenerative spinal disease & have stabilisers implanted in my spine, so I can vouch that the bag has not caused me any additional pain problems, it is very comfortable strapped on properly.

It has a very useful shower cover & provision for a tripod & a front compartment for bit's & bob's. I like how the clips on top will secure a jacket & stretchy things on the side for my iphone & drink etc...

BTW I paid $144 from ebay & it is VERY well made. I just like the fact that all my gear it together now in this bag & I can just pick it up & go anytime...I take it everywhere now...& no one has guessed what is in the bag :)

06-06-2010, 11:11am
I have had the flipside 400 for a few weeks now & I find it excellent as described by "dulvariprestige"...it holds loads, can get heavy but in saying that it is very secure & comfortable on my back. I purchased it after reading reviews from members on here.

I take it to work fully loaded (just in case I fancy doing a detour to & from work for a shoot). I have degenerative spinal disease & have stabilisers implanted in my spine, so I can vouch that the bag has not caused me any additional pain problems, it is very comfortable strapped on properly.

It has a very useful shower cover & provision for a tripod & a front compartment for bit's & bob's. I like how the clips on top will secure a jacket & stretchy things on the side for my iphone & drink etc...

BTW I paid $144 from ebay & it is VERY well made. I just like the fact that all my gear it together now in this bag & I can just pick it up & go anytime...I take it everywhere now...& no one has guessed what is in the bag :)

Thanks for the information - I went and purchased this bag last week. Its good like you said. That is useful re: carrying weight - I do go on regular photography trips and this bag will be used for that. Like you I now just carry that bag everywhere - it does hold a lot of gear.

I purchased from Stu at Quality Cameras, also purchased the 24-70 lens from him last week. Stu is excellent and I highly recommend him. Now saving for one more lens (70-200).

Thanks everyone for the very useful advice. :)

06-06-2010, 12:28pm
I have had the flipside 400 for a few weeks now & I find it excellent as described by "dulvariprestige"...it holds loads, can get heavy but in saying that it is very secure & comfortable on my back. I purchased it after reading reviews from members on here.

I take it to work fully loaded (just in case I fancy doing a detour to & from work for a shoot). I have degenerative spinal disease & have stabilisers implanted in my spine, so I can vouch that the bag has not caused me any additional pain problems, it is very comfortable strapped on properly.

It has a very useful shower cover & provision for a tripod & a front compartment for bit's & bob's. I like how the clips on top will secure a jacket & stretchy things on the side for my iphone & drink etc...

BTW I paid $144 from ebay & it is VERY well made. I just like the fact that all my gear it together now in this bag & I can just pick it up & go anytime...I take it everywhere now...& no one has guessed what is in the bag :)

Sounds like to way to go, many thanks, Alan :th3:

06-06-2010, 3:37pm
I think the main diff between the slingshot 300 and 350 is the area of the laptop? I have used mine over the weekend - it fits nicely the 40d with 70-200 L lens attached, the kit lenses i got with the old 400D, a 50mm, a sigma flash and some extension all very easily

Wallet mobile and few other bits and pieces up the top, and a rain jacket in where the laptop will go when i buy one!

I love the slingshot so far as it slides around to open up very easily and find the cross your heart type strap alot more comfortable than cutting into my arms and it shares the load very easiliy!!!

JMO of course


06-06-2010, 3:46pm
Shelley you have played your cards right; I never thought Id be lugging around a LowePro 400 either at one stage but I could see the writing on the wall before I got my 100-400 L and wanted something that could carry all my gear in one bag and safely.

In mine I have all my lenses listed on my signature along with a Speedlite and spare batteries etc etc. good investment....now all you have to do is carry the thing around :D

06-06-2010, 3:51pm
I think the main diff between the slingshot 300 and 350 is the area of the laptop? I have used mine over the weekend - it fits nicely the 40d with 70-200 L lens attached, the kit lenses i got with the old 400D, a 50mm, a sigma flash and some extension all very easily

Wallet mobile and few other bits and pieces up the top, and a rain jacket in where the laptop will go when i buy one!

I love the slingshot so far as it slides around to open up very easily and find the cross your heart type strap alot more comfortable than cutting into my arms and it shares the load very easiliy!!!

JMO of course


Your JMO sounds good to me Kellie. Because of my larger lens and having a waterproof cover I think I will go for the 400AW. Gail will probably load other things into it as well!
Have a great week. Say hi to the Doggles.

06-06-2010, 4:04pm
Mine has a waterproof cover as well but the rest is fine for my "kit" at the moment - i would like to get rid of a few of the basic lenses and go for macro lens that can do portraits etc hence giving me a bit more room but for my stuff at the moment its great

Look on Ebay - it is SO much cheaper and mine arrived in 2 weeks - i dont see a point in buying full price from a camera store when i can use the money saved on another new lens

SHHHhhhhh dont tell my husband though!

You have a great week again - will look through my pics to see if any are good to post!


07-06-2010, 5:12am
Mine has a waterproof cover as well but the rest is fine for my "kit" at the moment - i would like to get rid of a few of the basic lenses and go for macro lens that can do portraits etc hence giving me a bit more room but for my stuff at the moment its great

Look on Ebay - it is SO much cheaper and mine arrived in 2 weeks - i dont see a point in buying full price from a camera store when i can use the money saved on another new lens

SHHHhhhhh dont tell my husband though!

You have a great week again - will look through my pics to see if any are good to post!


Hi Ke;;ie

Check the slingshot 300 price on the sponsored site "Quality Cameras" they may be worth considering when you buy the next lens.

07-06-2010, 9:39am
Thanks for the information - I went and purchased this bag last week. Its good like you said. That is useful re: carrying weight - I do go on regular photography trips and this bag will be used for that. Like you I now just carry that bag everywhere - it does hold a lot of gear.

I purchased from Stu at Quality Cameras, also purchased the 24-70 lens from him last week. Stu is excellent and I highly recommend him. Now saving for one more lens (70-200).

Thanks everyone for the very useful advice. :)

Shelley, I thought I might add that I have been researching some form of security (http://www.bagworld.com.au/shop/detail/pacsafe-55-exomesh-silver-pa000/) for the bag. I came up with a professional photographers review of what he uses when travelling around the world. It is not absolutely secure but better than nothing, & it does provide a fairly strong hinderance to ppl wanting to steal your bag with our precious stuff in it.

I figured I can securely fix my bag to something at work & no one can just walk off with it (that's if they figured what was in the bag). I can also fix it to the car seat leg if I have to leave it in the car for some reason & it would be very difficult for a smash & grab.

This photographer indicated that he fixes his bag to something in his hotel room if he needs to (like secure plumbing etc) & so far it has never been stolen. To try to pinch it quickly would be difficult, one would need a pair of strong wire cutters, & just happen to have a pair on person at the time.

For ppl in Perth I have discovered this place (http://www.wellingtonsurplus.com.au/listProduct/BACKPACKS/PACSAFE+TRAVEL+SECURITY+PRODUCTS) has them if they want to check them out.

07-06-2010, 8:07pm

I have just received my Lowepro flipside 400 from cameras direct, in olive colour for $191.00 + delivery. As I purchased a 430II ex speedlite as well, delivery cost was quite good. I hate to tell you but they have gone up in cost, I think they are now $209.00 + del. Check out the web site, I have dealt with them twicw & am very pleased with the service. You can also check out Digital Discount Photographics. I also found DWI Melbourne were cheap but the delivery cost was pretty rich.


I am currently looking at purchasing a 100-400L lens so the info posted has helped me in regards to this back pack.

07-06-2010, 8:22pm

I have just received my Lowepro flipside 400 from cameras direct, in olive colour for $191.00 + delivery. As I purchased a 430II ex speedlite as well, delivery cost was quite good. I hate to tell you but they have gone up in cost, I think they are now $209.00 + del. Check out the web site, I have dealt with them twicw & am very pleased with the service. You can also check out Digital Discount Photographics. I also found DWI Melbourne were cheap but the delivery cost was pretty rich.


I am currently looking at purchasing a 100-400L lens so the info posted has helped me in regards to this back pack.
Thanks - I paid $178 from Stu's Quality Camera - so I am pleased with that price.

I did purchase the Lowepro flipside400. It holds most of my gear - i actually have accumulated a lot of gear.