View Full Version : Potential Brochure .. Thoughts ??

20-05-2010, 3:09pm
Designed this as a potential brochure for me to give out to people ...Thoughts appreciated :)


20-05-2010, 3:11pm
she doesnt look like you Dazza

20-05-2010, 3:21pm
she doesnt look like you Dazza

I aint sticking my mug on there mate .. Im trying to make money :eek:

20-05-2010, 3:23pm
she doesnt look like you Dazza

or does she ;)

20-05-2010, 3:25pm
good point, im not sure we have had a mug shot of the famous bigdazzler ? have we ?

20-05-2010, 3:41pm
or does she ;)

I bet she gets her way more often than I do mate ...

good point, im not sure we have had a mug shot of the famous bigdazzler ? have we ?

here ya go ... first one I found :food04::food04::food04: :D (funny that , most of them seems to have a bit of :food04::food04::food04: going on :lol: )

20-05-2010, 3:42pm

20-05-2010, 3:49pm
at least its not Speights :nzsheep::beer_mug::vomit1::D

I @ M
20-05-2010, 4:04pm
Typical, cropped at the joints and a roof line running through the head, when will the boy ever learn. :p

I do like the brochure though, maybe make the web addy a little smaller so that it doesn't intrude into her and the overall look as much?

20-05-2010, 4:28pm
It's a good photo and all, but I'm not sure it's your best Darren. You've got other shots that have a bit more pizzazz which would make me want to take a second look.

20-05-2010, 4:30pm
Typical, cropped at the joints and a roof line running through the head, when will the boy ever learn. :p

I do like the brochure though, maybe make the web addy a little smaller so that it doesn't intrude into her and the overall look as much?

I didnt take it though ... Im in it !!! :D

Yea ill fiddle around a little more with it ... keeps me occupied till the missus gets home and cooks me some food :action: :lol: :D

James T
20-05-2010, 4:51pm
I suppose it depends what you want out of it, and who you're giving it to.. but the brochure doesn't really tell me what you do.

Do you do portraits of Joe Bloggs, fashion, faux fashion (shoot people who think they look like models), or anything inbetween or outside of that?

It's nice and simple though, which is good, better than being over-designed.

20-05-2010, 4:54pm
Thats the front mate ... all further details will be on the back or inside, havent decided yet. Just started on it.

20-05-2010, 6:17pm
I like it, the idea is simple and its not cluttered. Is it just me or does she look like Michael Jackson?

20-05-2010, 6:24pm
Is it just me or does she look like Michael Jackson?

huh :eek::eek::eek: ????

20-05-2010, 6:34pm
Just in the face....:umm: I think its the nose..

20-05-2010, 6:37pm
The sad look on Josette's face, the crumpled grey shirt and the pink lipstick would not make me look any further.
Doesn't work for me. But what would I know?

20-05-2010, 6:43pm
Very simplictic, a lot to like, but I feel the brochure is not balanced. As already stated the url needs to be no bigger that the first line. But the lettering right in the middle doesn't work for me. How about on an angle from the top to the right, following the arm. That will leave a small spot in the bottom to include abn or something without cluttering the front. The colours in the lettering are good and complement the image.

20-05-2010, 7:08pm
To be honest it doesn't do much for me. The positioning of the letters draws attention to the midsection of the model, which I don't think is her most flattering aspect. It's a good photo, but as Jules commented, I reckon there are better ones out there that you've taken to pick from.


20-05-2010, 7:29pm
But what would I know?

I dunno .. what do you know ?? You tell me. Your feedback is appreciated but I find that comment utterly pointless mate.

Very simplictic, a lot to like, but I feel the brochure is not balanced. How about on an angle from the top to the right, following the arm. .

Thats a good suggestion Allan ... Ill try that mate. Thanks.

21-05-2010, 7:00am
I think if you put that model on anything it works, she is the best I have seen for a long while and I absolutely loved your very first post showing shots of her.

With your skills and her look you have a very good thing going.

21-05-2010, 7:05am
Thanks Leeston ... much appreciated mate. Just in the early stages so will tweak it a bit yet. Cheers :th3:

21-05-2010, 8:50am
Very nice shot, nicely handled. But the one thing that does spoil it for me is the way she is holding her left hand. Maybe you have a couple of others from the same shoot ?

Other than that its excellent. Not sure if it conveys everything you need as a basis for a brochure ? But perhaps you have more content in mind ?

21-05-2010, 10:07am
Cheers mate ... yea I got a few more to consider. Just bouncing ideas around for now.

21-05-2010, 6:04pm
Hi Darren .... I know you've said you're just throwing ideas around at the moment, and you will undoubtedly take on board what has been said already, but I'd like to offer my humble "female" perspective.

The old adage "clothes maketh the man" appears equally to women these days. And your models clothes don't do much for me at all I fear! The leggings are the first thing I noticed - the fact they show all the wrinkles (maybe intended, I don't know?), and they make the model's legs look a bit short and chunky. Not being catty here - I honestly think that particular clothing does not suit that particular model all that well.

Having seen your style of work and what you have presented here, I can reasonably guess that you are going for a bit of a "fashion/glamour" look without going overboard. I would suggest for something as long(ish) term as a brochure for YOUR photography, what ever pose, design, etc you choose, that your model has more of a "classic, timeless" look about her - and that includes the clothes she is wearing. Nothing dates more than fashion! (Until it comes around again back into fashion, that is!)

21-05-2010, 6:46pm
Cheryl has a point - not that I am much into fashion, I'm happiest in my fave pair of horse-riding jeans and boots.

The leggings have got to go lol:) There are no wrinkles on the upper thigh but lots on the lowers leg, also there are lines that run down the length of the pants that appear bowed around the same area - as gorgeous as she is, it does make her appear as though she is busting out of thehose pants even though I am sure this is not the case :)

21-05-2010, 6:48pm
Funny you guys are talking about her tights ... She was telling me that they are Dior and cost her $375 !!! Haha

21-05-2010, 7:10pm
Hi Darren, Although i have a marketing background i struggle when selling myself.
Just a few things to think about.
Headline - you should have a headlin to attract peoples attention and get them to read/look at the brochure.
Although we all use our names as a business name it's really irrelevant to the reader (unless you already really famous.
What to you do - don't assume the reader know what you do. Fashion/portrait / glamour ??

Mate struggling with the same at the moment so just somethinh more to think about...

21-05-2010, 8:30pm
Sorry Darren but the photo dosen't look professional enough to me - I'm sure you have some better photos.
Lot of bits could be better (ring on finger is crooked, wrinkled jacket, fold lines in shirt, stripes in leggins don't do anything for her legs).
I really like the whole idea, your name looks simple but great. I don't thinks you have to use "www" any more when you give a web address, they don't do it on the news or most of TV anymore.

21-05-2010, 10:34pm
Who is your target market here? Does it include the models? The target market needs to like what they see, and potentially aspire to being as well represented as the picture on the brochure. (I'd guess I'm not the target market, so whether I like the shot or not is irrelevant.)

I don't think this is your best picture, and your best picture for your target market should be on your brochure IMO. I think things like business name, positioning, using www are side issues: what are you selling (pictures) and why buy yours (because you make people look great) - this needs to be conveyed in a glance, and IMO your best picture on the front of the brochure is the way to do that. Once you've grabbed their interest, then you need to make sure that the other side consolidates that - what you do (photography) - with a bit of why and how, where to contact you.....

It's a good start, but I think it needs more work.

22-05-2010, 7:37am
It's a good start, but I think it needs more work.

I really only banged this up the other day at work on the macbook, to get the opinion of the minimalism of it. Once i get further into it (regardless of what image I choose) this will be it for the front cover. One image, and the name.

All other details will go with in the centre or on the back.

Thanks again for your thoughts everyone. Its all good input.

Problem with choosing your "best" image (and i probably agree that this is not mine), is that its always subjective, and open to opinion from whoevers looking at it.

This is just a little play project at the moment so ill have a tinker and see whats up

Cheers guys :)

22-05-2010, 8:01am
I think the minimalism really works - I perhaps should have made that clearer - and I'd be very wary of putting any more detail there. Grab the attention on the front with a clear, minimalist message (like you have) and the details on the back.

Oh, and choosing your best image? Hard, but I'd suggest getting some opinions from people who have already bought into your photography - since they are your target market.

22-05-2010, 8:17am
G'day Darren

Over the years I've been involved in creating posters & flyers for my various hobby &/or business interests ... so may I offer a comment or 3

1- is this flyer going to be a hand-out or a front page for a business quote? (sort of thing)
2- if a handout, is it A4-3 fold &, A4-2 fold? ... ie: the dimensions need to be ascertained before you start putting a beautiful young lady into place
3- if it is to be an A4-3 fold, 2-sided brochure then certainly put your mug shot inside - people need to know who you are, beyond 'just a name'
4- for a cover, yes she certainly grabs attention - but what is going to follow? what is inside the brochure? text or pix? etc etc

As to the image you are showing us, I would suggest either of 2 minor mods
a) lower the text to about 1/4 up from the bottom of the page, &/or
b) turn the text 90deg and fill the same lower part of the page

Hope this helps a bit
Regards, Phil

23-05-2010, 7:43pm
I think Rob has hit on a really good point here - it is a great shot from someone who clearly knows what they are doing and the model is pretty (although very strangely I know where the person above was going with the MJ reference) but what are you trying to pitch? If its strictly model/fashion photography it works but may not appeal to a wider audience if relevant.

I find it a bit odd critiquing someone probably more talented but hope it helps.
