View Full Version : Blogging - what do you use?

Adrian Fischer
19-05-2010, 10:15am
I would like to get a blog attached to my site to show recent shoots etc.
I know some of you have them but am looking for recommendations on what you use. I have wordpress installed on my site currently and have looked at some themes available (I know how to modify most things). I also looked at ProPhoto Blogs which seem more like a full portfolio site rather than just a blog. Would appreciate your thoughts.

19-05-2010, 10:38am
I'd recommend Wordpress, a lot of functionality and its very customisable!

19-05-2010, 12:10pm
Absolutely. Go wordpress.

I started off with Joomla, which isnt really designed to be a blog no matter how many plugins you get. I moved to wordpress for the blog side of things and its so easy to change. Absolutely love it.

Dylan & Marianne
19-05-2010, 2:00pm
I use wordpress as well - just be mindful though - I seem to have a lot of issues using explorer to update drafts whereas firefox seems to work very well.

19-05-2010, 5:33pm
Another wordpress fan here!

19-05-2010, 6:06pm
Another wordpresser here

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

21-05-2010, 1:13pm
Wordpress for me. It is all I have. I don't have a separate website ... yet.

21-05-2010, 1:20pm

22-05-2010, 9:46am
Wordpress too.

And I think you have your answer. :)

22-05-2010, 2:13pm
What themes are people using?
I have been using Nishita, which isnt bad. But I would like something designed a bit more for photography rather than writing. I saw some nice themes, but they were for sale for $75. I consider that a bit much to pay for a theme, I would pay up to $30 I suppose. But there are loads of free ones out there. Just a matter of looking.

22-05-2010, 8:18pm
You can get some great free themes and customise them if you're a little savvy with the coding. It's fairly easy, actually. The theme for my blog is Ocular Professor by Mignolo (http://andreamignolo.com/) who has a bunch of pretty cool gallery-type themes if that was what you're after.

01-06-2010, 7:41pm
wordpress. it's awesome, there's some great free themes and so customisable.

01-06-2010, 7:56pm
Wordpress! Many free themes and plugins. Lots of stuff being developed all the time

07-06-2010, 7:46am
I am seriously thinking of switching to wordpress now.

Adrian Fischer
07-06-2010, 12:47pm
So I stuck with wordpress. Ive edited the code (headers and footers) so that it maintains consistency with my main site.

07-06-2010, 1:29pm
+1 for wordpress

07-06-2010, 9:07pm
I think I need to look into Wordpress. Sounds like it must be pretty fantastic.

Ryan Nix
09-06-2010, 10:43am
I think it depends on what you're trying to achieve.

Terry Richardson uses tumblr: http://www.terrysdiary.com
The advantage of tumblr is having people follow you. Whenever you update your blog it comes up on their dashboard. It's not difficult to get a large amount of followers and other users can re-blog your posts (tumblr even provides a link back to your site).

I like blogspot, it's easy to use and like wordpress isn't difficult to modify.

However, it seems like wordpress is the people's champion...

11-06-2010, 1:08am
Tumblr and Wordpress (WP) are both brilliant in their own ways.

I actually use both with WP being uploaded onto my own server for those who are interested:

Tumblr is simply for those who don't find themselves nearly as web coding savvy or just not as bothered because it provides a very simple interface for anyone who doesn't like to deal with website jargon and what not.

At the moment Tumblr gets my vote, however WP does provide a lot more flexibility once you wrap your head around everything.

17-06-2010, 7:13pm
Wordpress user here. Just keep in mind that a lot of WP themes do not render properly or nicely on IE.

I started with ProPhoto Blogs. I found it more trouble than simple. Basically, there are four standard theme where you can make any modifications. But these modifications are restricted for each theme and are not transferable between. ProPhoto offers a 110% guarantee however. And I got a full 110% refund as I was not entirely happy.

Instead, I found a theme I liked (after trialling many MANY!!), found a coder and paid them to change things to my liking.

18-06-2010, 1:34am
I started with Wordpress about a year ago. I left if quickly, thinking that it had limited use for a photographer, and went with a different blogging software.
Well, almost a year later, and Ive realised the error of my ways.
Wordpress is mature, very configurable and will help you get found on the net.
I wasted a lot of time with a sub standard blogging solution just cause it had a few neat things like Exif data. So yeah, +1 for wordpress. I have also figured it so it looks like the rest of my site. Its not hard.

18-06-2010, 4:38am
Yes, another presser of words here, it is great and easy to use and has a lot of great themes (skins) suited to Photography.

23-06-2010, 5:08am
wordpress for me too, I have helped a few friends set blogs up for a wide range of hobby interests and it seems to meet most needs simply, and has a good range of themes.