View Full Version : Lens Question

18-05-2010, 9:37am
When I have the lens set on A, can I still use the zoom ring
on it, or will it harm the lens, or do I have to put in on M.

Sorry if silly question just trying to work out these lens, its
a bit confusing. This is my first SLR and it is a bit frustrating.

I was trying to take a picture of a parrot this morning and it
wasn't zooming in, so used the ring, but then thought I had better
ask in case I damage it.


18-05-2010, 9:56am
Im assuming the A and M on your lens you mention are your focus modes ... A for autofocus and M for manual focus. Make sure your lens is set to A. These have nothing to do with your zoom barrel. You can zoom your lens in either mode without worry. However, when in A, dont manually turn the focus ring on the front of the lens, that could damage it.

Im a little confused by what you mean about the lens not "zooming in" though ... You realise that you need to twist the barrel manually to increase your focal length right ?? It wont do it by itself.

18-05-2010, 10:09am
This article by 'god' might help


But, you cant do any damage to your lens by overriding auto focus, that's how the BRILLIANT system Nikon uses works

18-05-2010, 10:11am
Lol, I said I was new to this, buy barrel you mean where it has all the numbers
like 55, 45, 35, if I turn that then the lens is going closer or further away, so I want harm anything buy turning that. I feel like such an idiot, but I have to learn some how:confused013


18-05-2010, 10:13am
When I have the lens set on A, can I still use the zoom ring
on it, or will it harm the lens, or do I have to put in on M.

Sorry if silly question just trying to work out these lens, its
a bit confusing. This is my first SLR and it is a bit frustrating.

I was trying to take a picture of a parrot this morning and it
wasn't zooming in, so used the ring, but then thought I had better
ask in case I damage it.


Are you talking about zooming or focusing? All dslr's with zoom lenses need you to zoom manually by turning or pulling the lens. Focus is different and some lenses allow manual focus override.


18-05-2010, 10:19am
Yes, I am talking about zooming in on a subject, see lots to learn :eek:

18-05-2010, 10:26am
But, you cant do any damage to your lens by overriding auto focus, that's how the BRILLIANT system Nikon uses works

Well there you go then .. .shows how much I know about Nikon dont it .. :D

Lol, I said I was new to this, buy barrel you mean where it has all the numbers
like 55, 45, 35, if I turn that then the lens is going closer or further away, so I want harm anything buy turning that. I feel like such an idiot, but I have to learn some how:confused013

Thats exactly right ... 18mm is wide angle or "further away" , and 55mm is short telephoto or "closer"

You can turn that barrel no problems ... Thats what its there for ;)

18-05-2010, 10:26am
There are two "rings" you can turn on your lens

For simplicity, I'll call these:

1/ The zoom ring (marked 18-55) - this will allow you to change the zoom, very apparent in the view finder. You can and should change this all the time to zoom in our out as you decide to for the photo you want

2/ The focus ring

You really should not need to touch this as the camera can and should autofocus generally more accurately and faster than you can

I REALLY RECOMMEND YOU READ YOUR MANUAL (sorry to shout). Find someone close to you that knows a bit about SLR's to give you a headstart.

Then follow the NTP program here

18-05-2010, 10:39am
The NTP program on here is great and will help you a lot :)

18-05-2010, 10:40am
Thank you very much everyone :p

I have been going though the manual, just find it a bit hard for
me to understand some of it, but I guess the more I read it and
the more I play with my camera the more I will understand it.

I really appreciate you all taking the time to help :food04:


18-05-2010, 10:58am
Thank you very much everyone :p

I have been going though the manual, just find it a bit hard for
me to understand some of it, but I guess the more I read it and
the more I play with my camera the more I will understand it.

I really appreciate you all taking the time to help :food04:


The manuals are quite technical

I also would recommend you look at D90 online tutorials, they will be everywhere, or even the magic lantern guides

18-05-2010, 11:06am
Sorry couchie .. I should have made it clearer that there are 2 rings you can turn on the lens. Probably just confused you more. My bad :o

18-05-2010, 11:46am
I guess the other problem is that if people are used to P&S cameras where you zoom on the body then going to a DSLR is a big change. Keep at it and I am sure it will all come together for you.


18-05-2010, 8:19pm
Often the camera manual of a SLR won't say much about the lenses. It might generalise.
The lens manual will better describe how to use the lens.

Might be confusing to a novice who buys a kit and expect the instructions to explain everything. They are two (or three) separate products.


18-05-2010, 8:45pm
Often the camera manual of a SLR won't say much about the lenses. It might generalise.
The lens manual will better describe how to use the lens.

Might be confusing to a novice who buys a kit and expect the instructions to explain everything. They are two (or three) separate products.


Agree, that is why we are here to help :th3: