View Full Version : Anyone using a 50D

fairy bombs
17-05-2010, 7:05pm
Hi Folks

Just wondering if anyone here is using a 50D body?,I have a few new L lenses,and I love them,I currently have a 450D body,and I am happy with the results,But another L coming next week,I need another body,I thought of a second hand 40D,I checked out prices-around $700 to $800 for a good copy.I nearly bought one,But a friend mentioned 50D at DDP for $1089.

I am wondering what a 50D is like,I don't mind spending a few hundred dollars more for a brand new camera,over a 2 year old thats got up to 10000 acutations.

so if anyone has a 50D,what is the noise like,is it an improve model over the 40D?

The L lenses I would be using are 400mm L F5.6, 70-200 L F 2.8 and a EF-s 17-55 F 2.8

thanks in advance for any advice.

regards FB

17-05-2010, 7:23pm
Hi Fairy :)

the Canon 50D rocks :) get it. its the Bomb ... pardon the pun. well worth a few hundred bucks extra ... for sure. image quality, burst shoot rate, 15.1 MP, etc
check out youtube videos on it.
even pro's are pleasantly surprised by the great quality of the camera.

great on 100-400 or 400mm primt lens cause of the cropped 1.6x is groovy :D

17-05-2010, 7:30pm
Have to say that I love my 50D, and i think it was a great upgrade from my old 400D when I had it!

The noise levels are ok, a little noticeable over 400, and pretty bad over 800, but thats to be expected on a cropped sensor. I doubt it would have much improvement over a 40D noise wise...

I think either a 40D or 50D you would be happy with, you already have the good glass, so I doubt you will notice much of a difference between the two :)

JM Tran
17-05-2010, 7:38pm
Ive got a 50D as a back up's back up camera

what I dont like about it is the noise visible even at low-ish ISO and in the shadows, the metering is not as consistent as I am used to on my other bodies, but its not fair to compare to the higher end Canons.

This is just me talking from a work point of view, as I expect a lot. But for hobbyists and amateurs it is more than good enough for their needs.

the high MP sensor is great for cropping for sports and birding though!

17-05-2010, 8:10pm
maybe against the crowd here but i suggest a 2nd hand 5d classic, if you really care much about noise. 5d beats 50D and 40D in this easily, and provide better IQ to boot.

Fat pixel is good.

17-05-2010, 9:34pm
Do you want speed or high iso, cause im pretty sure the 50d would be faster then the 5d, but obviously not as good iso. And its got the same crop so your lenses are the same "length". I like the 50D it is a good camera especially for that price.

fairy bombs
18-05-2010, 4:41pm
Thanks to the people that gave some information,sounds like a reasonable camera for the price,

basically not much different to the 40D,just for a few extra hundred dollars I get a new camera.

The main improvement I can see over the 450D I have is the size-easier to hold,sounds like the picture quality will be about the same.

Anyhow thanks for info.

Cheers FB

18-05-2010, 10:36pm
The 50D is an excellent camera. I use mine a lot and it does pretty much everything I ask. But the bottom line is that the 7D is a much, much better camera. Yes, it costs more, but I would find it hard to justify spending good money on a 50D now when the 7D is better in every way. In your shoes, I'd keep the 450D for a bit longer (the 450D is a great little camera after all, and will take pictures almost as good as those a 50D takes) until I had enough for a 7D.

fairy bombs
19-05-2010, 2:03pm
Ok,Tannin,that is a interesting suggestion,I have been thinking about it.

Would the noise be a lot lower in shadows with 7D? I would like to use iso 400 a lot for

bird/wildlife photography.In users of 7D's let me know what you think of it,thanks FB

19-05-2010, 2:17pm
if your looking for the difference between the 50D and 40D there really isn't much. I would go for the 40D. But noise on any ISO over 400 is very evident on both these cameras

I love my 40D but i really would like a 5DMII or 7D for low light shooting

20-05-2010, 9:39pm
Fairy Bombs, you can happily use IS0 400 for bird and wildlife work with any Canon camera. Ideally, you should use best practices for noise minimisation (do not underexpose, fill the frame as best you can, always turn off in-camera NR and use quality third party NR software such as Neat Image instead) but you don't really need to do that at 400. At 800 and above it becomes far more critical.

With that said, the 40D and 50D (and the equivalent small-body Canons - 400D, 450D, and so on) were only just good enough so far as noise goes. The old 20D/30D twins still outperform all those bodies I just mentioned.

With the 7D, however, Canon has finally stepped out of the shadow of the 20D. Here is an example at 1600 ISO:


(Tasmanian Scrubwren, 7D, 500/4, 1600i, f/4, 1/500th, hand-held.)

Let's zoom in a bit:


(Detail from same shot: straight from the in-camera JPG with NR turned off; some very simple Neat Image NR, no other PP, Photoshop-free zone.)

As you can see, the 7D returns extraordinarily good quality at 1600 ISO. That's omne of the nice things about it. But it is a better camera in almost every way. It has the best focus system of any non-pro SLR; it has the best viewfinder of any crop SLR; it has ample speed, battery life, features, modes, and assorted other bells and whistles, it is, in short, a serious high-quality tool in a way than none of the other crop cameras are.

I think the 50D got a lot of undeserved bad press. I use mine a lot - mostly for landscapes with a 24-105 attached - and like it a great deal. It is clearly superior to the lack-lustre 40D in my opinion, but with the 7D, Canon went overboard. The 7D is a pocket version of the 1 Series cameras. It really is the best thing Canon have produced since the wonderful old 20D. The 7D has replaced the 1D III as my primary birding camera. I think that alone indicates how highly I regard it. Just spend the money. You won't regret it.

20-05-2010, 10:05pm
I won't post my pic here for you but if have a look at my Egret Here (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=57309)

That is a 7D at 800 ISO very slight hit with Noise Ninja
Can't speak highly enough of my 7D

21-05-2010, 12:57am
I went from a 400D with kit lenses to a 50D with much better lenses and the difference was significant regarding the lenses, not so noticeable regarding the body in terms of IQ but I have had the 50D for awhile now and taking Tannins advise about the NR etc into account you should have no noise issues at 400 for most image genres, at least not the ones I typically use the 50D for.

Re the 7D the thing that put me off was the extra 1,000 spent and you do not get a full frame body for the money, you still get crop sensor body, and that makes no sense to me.. I would be wanting to go all the way and look at a full frame body if I were to go past 2K for the body...having said that the 7D price is dropping away faster than I expected..so .. nah, still would annoy me to spend big money and come away with a crop sensor body.

21-05-2010, 6:22am
Hi Folks

I thought of a second hand 40D,I checked out prices-around $700 to $800 for a good copy.

regards FB

One of the biggest diferences between the 40D and the 50D is the resolution of the LCD screen. This made a massive diference and was the ending factor that made me choose the 50D over the 40D.

Have you considered purchasing a used 50D?

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fairy bombs
21-05-2010, 1:02pm
well its all a bit confusing,I rang DDP to order a 50D this morning,I saw they them for $1089,3 days ago,and decided to take the plunge,only to find the price had gone up $70 in three days,gave it a miss (end of financial year in a month-usually some sales about),also more to think about,with Tanins' picture of wren at 1600,with very little PS.the 7D is coming down,so may wait a bit.

Thanks Fb

21-05-2010, 1:10pm
well its all a bit confusing,I rang DDP to order a 50D this morning,I saw they them for $1089,3 days ago,and decided to take the plunge,only to find the price had gone up $70 in three days,gave it a miss (end of financial year in a month-usually some sales about),also more to think about,with Tanins' picture of wren at 1600,with very little PS.the 7D is coming down,so may wait a bit.

Thanks Fb

I think thats probably due to DDP being a grey market reseller and the fact that the AUD/USD has just dropped almost 10c in the past 3 days, affecting how much they can get their stock for i guess...

fairy bombs
21-05-2010, 3:00pm
Sent you a PM OZ320

21-05-2010, 3:36pm
I love my 50D, I highly recommend it. I have 2 L Lenses and love what the combo can do is amazing.

fairy bombs
24-05-2010, 6:50pm
Thanks Folks for taking time to give me your thoughts,I have just ordered a 50D with a spare battery for $1107 delivered,from DWI.

So all been well should be here by end of the week.


Raaf Hornet
10-06-2010, 7:40pm
Sorry for asking a silly question, but what is DWI ?

10-06-2010, 7:43pm
Sorry for asking a silly question, but what is DWI ?

Grey Market Camera/Accessories Reseller, google DWI and you will see there store...