View Full Version : The next step ..... explosions

17-05-2010, 5:39pm
Tonight I put together another sound activated switch (http://desmonddowns-ttlblflash.blogspot.com/2010/01/i-have-been-asked-to-share-my-technique.html)


and instead of wiring it up to a flash I wired it up to my other invention .... the sparking machine !


Now when there is a sound it triggers the coil which switches via a relay at around 20X per second and generates up to 25000 volts .
I took an old power cord and joined the wires to the output and modified the end of the cable to provide a controlled gap for the spark to jump across - probably around 10000 volts .
Now I need to work out how to fill a balloon with gas without letting too much escape , then I place it on top of the power cord , make a noise .... boom !




17-05-2010, 7:18pm
Des. In theory you should get a big bang. If you don't, then we're not all here because nothing will have ever happened. I think you're having a lot of :D. Can't wait to see the results. That's if I even get to exist. Am. (No, maybe.)

I @ M
17-05-2010, 7:37pm
Desmond, you are quite clearly destined for immortality in the photographic hall of ---- insanity :D

Wanna come round for dinner mate?

17-05-2010, 7:45pm
Des. In theory you should get a big bang. If you don't, then we're not all here because nothing will have ever happened. I think you're having a lot of :D. Can't wait to see the results. That's if I even get to exist. Am. (No, maybe.)

Desmond, you are quite clearly destined for immortality in the photographic hall of ---- insanity :D
Wanna come round for dinner mate?

Can you foresee the discussions ?
" Did you know that Desmond had blew eyes ?"
" BLEW eyes ???"
" yes , one blew to the left and the other one blew to the right ! " :D

19-05-2010, 3:44pm
Tonight I did a few tests - first I set up the contraption just to see how well it would ignite some white spirits [ benzine ]


Initially I was interested to see what effect flash would have on fire - just for interest .



I need to do some more tests to find the right settings before committing to time consuming setups .


19-05-2010, 3:55pm
And a few more tests ...




19-05-2010, 5:07pm
And the last few - I notice that flash simply adds the smoke to the exposure .





20-05-2010, 12:00am
This is scary. I want to play.
If I paid you would you be willing to make one of those units for me & how much.
I can't solder for nuts!! Let alone read a schematic!
Keep doing what you're doing. It's brilliant.

20-05-2010, 3:54am
This is scary. I want to play.
If I paid you would you be willing to make one of those units for me & how much.
I can't solder for nuts!! Let alone read a schematic!
Keep doing what you're doing. It's brilliant.

I haven't finished my 'design' yet .... last night I opened an old flash and did some research , apparently the trigger circuit of the flash fires at a few thousand volts so it may be simpler to modify an old flash and get instant triggering with the shutter ....


21-05-2010, 6:08pm
Tonight I disconnected the trigger wire that goes to the flash bulb itself and ran an earth wire next to it .
I can trigger a 2mm spark across the gap via a wireless flash trigger but unfortunately it wasn't enough to ignite the mixture :(



24-05-2010, 4:53pm
I think I need to modify the spark gap a bit . Tonight I set up some 'almost' empty paint cans and shot them , with the sparking circuit leaning up against the can . I had the sound activated trigger connecting the sparking circuit through its relay and had to unplug the battery each time - I think the load is a bit much for that relay and it sticks a bit .
I shot with the D90 in high speed mode at iso 200 , F9 and 1/1000th sec and only got one real fireball out of the lot , none of the others ignited . Since it was raining I stood in the garage with the can just out of the shelter ....


I should have used a wider lens because the fireball crept along the ground and wasn't all in the picture . There was a bit of a 'Boom' and I think the garage window opened a few more inches behind me .


That was a bit disappointing so I set up a plate of white spirits again .



I @ M
24-05-2010, 5:07pm
Desmond, I want to see the results of a fruit juice tetra pack (prima or similar) filled with an ignitable mixture of oxygen and acetylene (simply insert oxy set nozzle into said tetra pack through the straw hole, fill to swollen, duct tape the straw hole and ignite) that should shift the garage window a bit more and provide an interesting picture (if the camera survives) as well as test out the speed at which your trigger reacts.

BTW, wear ear, eye and gonad protection ya crazy bugga. :D

24-05-2010, 5:09pm
Desmond, I want to see the results of a fruit juice tetra pack (prima or similar) filled with an ignitable mixture of oxygen and acetylene (simply insert oxy set nozzle into said tetra pack through the straw hole, fill to swollen, duct tape the straw hole and ignite) that should shift the garage window a bit more and provide an interesting picture (if the camera survives) as well as test out the speed at which your trigger reacts.

BTW, wear ear, eye and gonad protection ya crazy bugga. :D

I had a pair of safety goggles on - I was wearing shorts and felt the warm breeze on my legs .

24-05-2010, 5:10pm
Haha. You'll either put NZ on the map or wipe it out completely :D

Interesting stuff as usual Desmond.


24-05-2010, 5:11pm
Haha. You'll either put NZ on the map or wipe it out completely :D .... or my chances of having children one day !

24-05-2010, 5:18pm
What really annoyed me was the fact that the 'easy to take ' pictures of a fire burning in the plate looked nicer than the set-up picture that never came out so well ... for now .








24-05-2010, 9:55pm
you have way too much time on your hands - cool pics though.

25-05-2010, 4:05am
you have way too much time on your hands - cool pics though.

That took half an hour - less time than most people spend watching TV :)
But then I don't have a TV :confused013

29-05-2010, 3:46pm
Saturday night - this is what my table looks like ....


the coil switching module works very nicely and gives a good spark . I've wired in a resistor and when I flash the switching wire across positive I get a nice fat spark .
Now the trouble is :
When I connect my wireless flash trigger/receiver to this SSR with a 12 volt feed ....
The little red light flicks on and off but no matter which way I connect the wires on the switching contacts nothing happens at the coil .

Then when I wire it up to this SSR


It switches the relay on .. and it stays on .
If I hold one of the wires on the switched terminals and trigger it with the remote and then take the wire off it sparks .... once it switches the 12 volt feed it just stays on . If I can get it to simply pulse on and off I will get my spark when I push the shutter release .
Anyone have any ideas ?

30-05-2010, 4:01pm
Success ! ..... yeeeeehaaaaaaa



30-05-2010, 5:35pm
This white spirits takes too long to ignite


There was a nice big fireball but even with a 1/40th exposure I only got the first bit of a small fireball coming out of the can .... then I had to throw it on the ground and roll it around to put the fire out !


I need something that ignites faster ...


I @ M
30-05-2010, 5:47pm
Saturday night - this is what my table looks like ....
Kinda resembles our kitchen bench most days of the week. :D

Anyone have any ideas ?
Man, you are the ideas person, we are just travelling on this train waiting for the inevitable derailment. :D

This white spirits takes too long to ignite

Methylated spirits, thinners, TNT, ? :p

Brilliant series mate :th3:

30-05-2010, 5:47pm
crazy ideas, but i suppose, you will come up with some amazing pics eventually.
Now,how about trying to capture eggs exploding in the microwave:D,

30-05-2010, 5:57pm
Methylated spirits, thinners, TNT, ? :pI think you left out uranium !

30-05-2010, 5:58pm
crazy ideas, but i suppose, you will come up with some amazing pics eventually.
Now,how about trying to capture eggs exploding in the microwave:D,

or blow myself up in the process ..... I might have to get some petrol tomorrow - and see how quickly that ignites . I kind
a expected more from the white spirits :confused013

01-06-2010, 3:09pm
It rained almost the whole day today - then in the afternoon the clouds parted a bit which meant I would be able to try a few more 'tests' .
Petrol in a plastic bag isn't working properly - the gas doesn't ignite and if it is in the fluid the spark is 'drowned' . I think I may have to try LPG in future .





01-06-2010, 5:06pm
Today's video ...


01-06-2010, 10:18pm
I don't know if it will help but I remember having a talk with one of the tech reps from a petroleum company some years ago and him saying that to have an "Explosion" you need the correct temperature and vapour concentration. We were talking about explosions at petrol stations and he said the temp needed to be min 20c and the vapour concentration 200ppm (Parts Per Million). When we sat down and worked it out it meant a warm day and a lot of spilt fuel.

Your biggest concern needs to be ambient temp. If you can get it over 20c then I think you have a better chance of getting the result you want.

02-06-2010, 3:59am
I don't know if it will help but I remember having a talk with one of the tech reps from a petroleum company some years ago and him saying that to have an "Explosion" you need the correct temperature and vapour concentration. We were talking about explosions at petrol stations and he said the temp needed to be min 20c and the vapour concentration 200ppm (Parts Per Million). When we sat down and worked it out it meant a warm day and a lot of spilt fuel.

Your biggest concern needs to be ambient temp. If you can get it over 20c then I think you have a better chance of getting the result you want.

Yep , that helps a lot .
Strangely I would have thought that with a flashpoint of -40 the bag should be full of gas but perhaps it is only a fine mist on the surface of the fluid which is why I had to have the spark so close to get ignition . So I either need to do it in summer or perhaps try LPG next time .

26-06-2010, 11:11am
This afternoon we finally had some good weather on a weekend and I've been thinking of the concept of having the right gas mixture that will ignite properly .
So I dug out my hiking gas stove and lined up the 20000 volt "remote flash spark triggering module " in line with the piezo ignition unit on the stove , cranked up the gas and left it lying on its side in an old mail box .


Not very impressive and the gas takes a while to ignite :(

So I lay it on its side on the hapless wooden crate and placed a bag with some petrol on it ..... at 1/100th sec you can see the small fire-ball starting up


I held the shutter down with my D50 which only gets about 2 1/2 fps [ Didn't want to use the D90 - if I blow my face off I don't want to also lose a good camera ! ]


Then I thought "Hmmmm , that could make the gas cylinder explode " and I ran over and took it away .


Then the plastic bag started making black smoke and flames and I thought I heard the landlord's car coming down the road so I grabbed a plank and beat the flames to death with it ..... it was a false alarm so I decided to just upload what I got so far .



26-06-2010, 12:53pm
"Daddy, is that a UFO?"

"I don't think so son, it looks like a guy with singed eyebrows, hanging onto a camera".

Desmond, you add new meaning to 'The Big Bang Theory'

Good luck


26-06-2010, 2:38pm
"Daddy, is that a UFO?"

"I don't think so son, it looks like a guy with singed eyebrows, hanging onto a camera".

Desmond, you add new meaning to 'The Big Bang Theory'

Good luck


" is it a bird ? Is it a plane ? ....... or is Desmond doing experiments again !"

18-07-2010, 11:11am
Made a little progress today ....

video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9CShw5JDF8)

I @ M
18-07-2010, 11:21am
I still reckon you have been sniffing too many aerosols mate. :D

The moment of ignition flame shots have come up well, the video adds a neat touch to the tutorial as well. :th3:

18-07-2010, 11:23am
I still reckon you have been sniffing too many aerosols mate. :D

The moment of ignition flame shots have come up well, the video adds a neat touch to the tutorial as well. :th3:

I think I need to do this at night so the flames look better !


Pat Redmond
10-01-2011, 3:19pm
Hey Desmond, these are some of the greatest fire pics I've seen!!

You want something relatively safe to blow up, something that ignites easily, is cheap and simple to make and is legal?? You can make your own hydrogen. Put some "draino" (caustic soda) and water in a P.E.T. bottle. Shred some aluminium foil, and out it in the bottle too. Put a balloon over the top of the bottle, and watch as it fills with hydrogen.

The ratio of caustic soda to aluminium determines the speed of the reaction. The P.E.T. bottle will get pretty warm, but I've never melted one yet.

Not that blowing anything up is really SAFE, but I have done this heaps over the years, and never done more damage than losing the hair on my arm from being too close.

You should get some nice round-ish looking fireballs to! Post some pictures if you try!


10-01-2011, 3:29pm
Thanks for the tips - I may have to give it a try :) . I'm busy concocting a plan for a relay triggered by the flash for some more destructive pictures in good light .
It's daylight savings here in NZ and night takes so long to happen !

Hey Desmond, these are some of the greatest fire pics I've seen!!

You want something relatively safe to blow up, something that ignites easily, is cheap and simple to make and is legal?? You can make your own hydrogen. Put some "draino" (caustic soda) and water in a P.E.T. bottle. Shred some aluminium foil, and out it in the bottle too. Put a balloon over the top of the bottle, and watch as it fills with hydrogen.

The ratio of caustic soda to aluminium determines the speed of the reaction. The P.E.T. bottle will get pretty warm, but I've never melted one yet.

Not that blowing anything up is really SAFE, but I have done this heaps over the years, and never done more damage than losing the hair on my arm from being too close.

You should get some nice round-ish looking fireballs to! Post some pictures if you try!


Duane Pipe
10-01-2011, 5:16pm
Gday Pat I have also played with hydrogen, a 2 litre coke bottle full actually, and to me and my work mates it was like a bomb, the blast wave was incredible and the flying bottle set fire to our rag bag, lucky
the boss was away LOL.:D
We first started by igniting the hydrogen by running a small hose into our metal quenching bath
and igniting the bubbles as they popped... And they were like a large crackers.
So if you try this do be very careful . Cheers Dave:th3: