View Full Version : which compact camera would you get to replace your dslr?

15-05-2010, 5:58pm
I been looking at getting a compact camera to replace dslr. The ricoh grd III, panasonic lx3 and samsung ex1 are on my mind.
What compact camera would you go for?

15-05-2010, 6:29pm
The ricoh grd III, panasonic lx3 and samsung ex1 are on my mind.
A camera you can keep in a small bag without carrying lenses and a heavy camera bodies. Candids, street and some portaits are what i like shooting. Most of my prints are black and white.

15-05-2010, 6:40pm
what is your thought on the panasonic gf1 also?

15-05-2010, 6:48pm
I wouldn't.
Compact camera sensors are too small.

I already have a Panasonic Lumix LX3 which nicely "complements" my DSLR. :th3:

15-05-2010, 6:49pm
I wouldn't replace my dslr with a compact.

Nothing I've seen or tried is a replacement for dslr - worse image quality, more lag, poorer high ISO performance. I'm willing to continue to carry the extra bulk of my dslr for the sake of nice photos.

Mind you, if somebody gave me a Leica M9 I might consider it... (not very compact, though...).


15-05-2010, 7:55pm
what is your thought on the panasonic gf1 also?
This is a "micro 4/3" camera. What is your present DSLR? Do you read DP Review? You might like to go there for the answers to some of your questions, Here's a link to that very camera. (Note it's 69% rating in the Conclusion section.)

For DP Review in general, go here...


16-05-2010, 7:21pm
G'day Chad

I like your Q:
Everything in life, incl our photography is "horses-for-courses" and a series of compromises

As I have said many times here on other threads, I gave away my 2x SLRs + bevy of lenses when I went digital, and would not consider going dSLR these days ... for my type of photography it suits me and this is where you must set your priorities and follow them

My current "SLR" is a 4yr old Pany FZ-30 with an equiv 24-275mm lens. Some aspects of its specs have been well & truly overtaken by recent new models, and when it dies, I'll chase up a replacement, but not before. With this camera, I am regularly printing "quite decent pix", and it had done many a magazine cover &/or travel article in the caravanning / grey nomad press

Without any disrespect to others above (about sensor sizes, lag times etc etc) ...
Each week I meet dSLR users who never print - they just look at their pix on the computer screen ... well a computer screen is 1megapixel for gawd sake :(
Each week I see dozens of photos taken by people using dSLRs, usually twin-lens-kit jobs, printed on 4x6" at the local photo store at 15c per pic ... and I wouldn't give you 2-bob for many of them, be it a focus issue, camera shake issue, exposure issue, whatever.
Equally I have seen many really great pix by people who really know how to drive their camera ~ so it's not "whether it's a big V8 engine, it's the driver that makes the difference"

The only time that sensor sizes will impact upon things is in the larger print sizes - say 12" x 18" or 20" x 30" posters ... smaller than that, any half-decent lens on a P&S will do the job - I'm not including here the slip-in-the-pocket micro compacts

I would ask yourself a number of basic Qs - just like any camera purchase...
>> what sort of subjects am I after - how much zoom do I need?
>> what lens will do the job for 90% of the time? - I'll wish for other things
>> how portable (heavy) am I prepared to carry around?
>> what size of print will I mostly print to?

and I would go for a good quality UZ 10x-12x lens job that has a good EVF viewfinder (some of the top-name mobs (who seem to flog the twin-lens-kits) have the most crappy EVF viewfinders). I think that you will be pleasantly surprised. Don't chase too big a zoom, the IQ falls away

Regards, Phil

16-05-2010, 7:28pm
The Sigma DP-1 has an APS-C sensor. If I had to make this choice, I would go with a P&S that offered as large a sensor as possible. The tiny sensors of most P&S camera's mean that as soon as you go above ISO 200/400 noise becomes your worst enemy. The Samsung Hybrid NX also offers an APS-C sensor.

Sigma DP1 (http://www.engadget.com/2009/03/02/samsungs-hybrid-nx-series-camera-point-and-shoot-with-dslr-lik/)
Samsung NX (http://www.samsung.com/au/consumer/camera-camcorder/digital-still-camera/nx-cameras/index.idx?pagetype=subtype_p2)

17-05-2010, 2:52pm
I'll add my two cents here since I've been following the whole mirrorless development.

I've handled both the panasonic gf1 as well as the ep1/2 twin in the stores but whilst excited about the possibility of a high quality but compact interchangeable lens camera, I'm not convinced about the ergonomics. FWIW, the gf1 feels better in my hands but I'm more keen on olympus's IBIS which Panasonic lacks. I don't like the optional evf at all but will concede that all the handling issues may just take time to get use to.
Reading the news about Sony nex, I have even bigger concerns about ergonomcs although iq seems better and should be at least on par with their Aps-c DSLR line.
I didn't look at samsung because the dslr like form factor is not a big size saving. But I have considered dumping my APS-c dslr for a gh1 equivalent but move up to fx for my main rig.
Your only other large sensor options are the sigma dp series, ricoh and leica. All seem quite costly for the features offered but not having used any of these b4, it's hard to comment. Am keeping an eye out for a ricoh sensor+mount module though cos I think ricoh has tge best ergonomics for compact cameras.
As for phantom cameras, since I'm a Nikon user I'm naturally keen to see what their expected mirrorless camera solution would be like. Rumoured to use a 2.5x crop factor sensor so it can be even smaller hopefully and achieve possibly that elusive pocketable title. But only time will tell. If they keep the mpix modest then iq performance might be competitive even with a smaller (than Aps-c or 4/3) sensor but still a fair bit bigger than compact p&s.
There's been a few rumblings about canon mirrorless too but they will likely be last (but perhaps best) to the market.
Christmas this yr should be a good time to buy mirrorless i reckon. Price war has only just begun. Watch photokina this yr for news if u're not in a hurry.

17-05-2010, 2:54pm
Basically I would not, I have had a few P&S cameras but have never been happy with the results from them.

17-05-2010, 3:33pm
Quick note, the main reason I'm not for p&s compacts is not because of any sensor size snobbery. It's mainly dof and hence if any of mirrorless cameras lack high quality, affordable, fast (<f2), small native lens solutions, then the system really failed on it's primary objective IMO.
But for street photography where u often want more dof, a small sensor is frequently more advantages. If u like bw but not the pp, the Olympus art filter results are quite nice. An epl1 + 20mm 1.7 or 17mm 2.8 might fit your bill.
As ozzietraveller pointed out, there are a number of good quality all in one zooms available too.

Old Skool
17-05-2010, 3:44pm
I've just ordered a Fuji F200EXR as a P&S to slip in the pocket when I don't want to lug the SLR around. Review sounded OK for what I want.
See http://www.photographyblog.com/reviews/fujifilm_finepix_f200exr_review/conclusion/

17-05-2010, 4:22pm
Some time after I get myself a DSLR I will be getting a Canon S90 to complement it. No way I'm taking a DSLR nightclubbing with me and the S90 has good low light capabilities and 2 control rings for easily adjusting settings I most need.

17-05-2010, 4:36pm
None. Why? Why would I replace my dSLR with a compact. It's like asking which second hand car would you replace your Ferrari with. I might get a compact IN ADDITION TO my dSLR just for those moments (which are few) when it would be more convenient and I believe the image quality would be good enough, but I just wouldn't REPLACE it.

Jorge Arguello
04-08-2010, 9:04pm
Hello Chad:

I understand your question, and it is a really interesting one.

I would go for: Fuji FinePix S5600 5Mp.

The reasons are:

Physically it looks like DSLR but smaller.
It has the automatic and manual functions like DSLRs:
f/stop 3.2 to 8 (maybe numbers are not equivalent to SLRs but the function is in it)
Shutter speed 15” to 1/2000
ISO 64 to 1600 (noisy but consider that is not DSLR)
white balance that includes custom option
RAW format and JPEG
Sharpness: hard, standard and soft
Built in flash
Up to 40 continuous frames (but keeping only the last 3)
2.4 frames per second (I am sure it takes at least 2 per second...not bad)
Good zoom 10x: 30mm to 320mm equivalent (without digital zoom).
55mm diameter if you want filters
5 megapixels. Yes, it has a little bit noise but allows me to enlarge my photos up to 12”x18” (the limit of 5Mp is 13x19).
As a Fuji film lover this camera generate a good saturated pictures in colours, and has the option for normal colours and B&W.
The price is (well... was 3 years ago) Au$300

Disadvantages: I know that it is a compact but I don't like the following characteristics:

Digital View Finder with lower quality: I don’t know if my objective is in focus until I see picture in computer. Sometimes my objective is out of focus (camera looks to search for more contrasting areas nearby the centre).
Storage spped: Very slow to store image in RAW format.
A little bit of noise, and much noise at higher ISO than 400.

I know that there are much better cameras, but I am happy with this.

I still have my SLR Canon EOS 300 and lenses, filters, but good films and good process film is expensive for my budget.

With all the information in this thread, you might look for a camera whit the characteristics you want: functions, quality, price, size, etc.
Rick has mentioned one option with bigger sensor. There are also the “mirrorless” cameras with big sensor.

Let us know when you get your camera. I really wonder what camera are you going to obtain thinking closser to DSLR.

04-08-2010, 9:51pm
Pana LX5 (replacement for LX3)

And as many members previously pointed out, no PnS is coming close to the focus speed, shutter lag etc of dSLRs...so it would rather complement instead of replacing the dSLR...

At the moment my SLR is complemented with a Canon S80...it's half a decade old, and still does a good job...I dont intend to replace it unless it dies...

05-08-2010, 6:54am
i would be looking at the Sony NEX5, not really a compact, but they are small, have a big sensor (not really sure how big, but i'm pretty sure it's bigger than 4/3rds), and still interchangeable lenses. other than that, the pany lx-3 would be my choice.

05-08-2010, 7:50am
G'day again Chad

Just re-read this thread wth its latest posts ...
Picking up on Jorge's thoughts on "a camera that looks lke a dSLR but isn't"
If this idea appeals at all, have a squiz at the Panasonic FZ35 ... its digital viewfinder is equal to a dSLR for brightness & sharpness and has very little discernable pixels from the display, along with all the expected manual controls [if you want to get the gripes, have a comparison look at the canon & nikon cameras equivalent to the panasonic ... their digital viewfinders are so poor when compared with the panasonic, it amazes me that those companies even try to sell the cameras on the open market. One of the reasons I disposed of the canon SX-1 was its extremely poor viewfinder]

Coming back to your original question though -
There are a bevy of extremely good slip-in-the-pocket compacts which will produce good & sharp images printable up to the good old 10x8 inches print size.
If convenience is one of the things that you're after, you have plenty of choices

Hope this helps a bit
Regards, Phil

05-08-2010, 9:10am
I have a Panasonix Lumix FZ35 and am extremely happy with it. Shoots RAW images of 4000 x 3000 pixels. Quality is good up to 200ASA. Fits in any bag except the smallest 'clutch bag' type handbag. Easy to use and good quality result.

JM Tran
05-08-2010, 9:15am
I got the Olympus EP1 PEN last week for really cheap at 40% off, could not be happier as the image quality and noise up to 1600 rivals APSC cameras I once had like the Canon 40D and 50D

went for the camera over the Sony NEX5 as I am very disappointed with that camera after using one for a day, even dpreview.com's review of it had more disadvantages than advantages

then again, would not have bought the PEN or any compact camera for that matter if it wasnt for the 40% off special LOL

05-08-2010, 9:44am
Different cameras for different purposes. I wouldn't replace my SLR with a compact ever (can't really do weights with a compact can you?)

Jorge Arguello
05-08-2010, 11:12am
P.S. To answer your question about the cameras in your mind, I would go in this order based on the functions (without seeing them working):

Panasonic lx3
Samsung ex1
Ricoh grd III

05-08-2010, 11:20am
I wouldn't replace my dSLR, but I really like the look and feel of the Canon G-series (G11). They feel like a tough old film compact... nice manual controls, etc.

05-08-2010, 3:20pm
i would be looking at the Sony NEX5, not really a compact, but they are small, have a big sensor (not really sure how big, but i'm pretty sure it's bigger than 4/3rds), and still interchangeable lenses.

Same 14MP APS-C sensor as whats in the smaller Sony DSLRs TOM ...

05-08-2010, 3:34pm
went for the camera over the Sony NEX5 as I am very disappointed with that camera after using one for a day

how so ?? I too read DPReivews thoughts on it and I think its a load of ... well ... nonsense.
I can see that the layout of the cameras menus and controls may be confusing for a newb to photography, but for people like us I think its very very easy to use. In AUTO mode, the "defocus background" thing is a little comical but hey its auto, who uses that anyway ...

I find it great to use. Fits good in my hand, LCD is great, kit lenses are very good (I got the zoom and the pancake), ISO is perfectly useable up to 3200, plenty of res at 14MP, and the HD vid looks fantastic. This will be my only travel camera from now on. I wont be lugging the FF body and HDD camcorder OS with me anymore thats for certain.

The only thing I dont like about it is the absence of the hotshoe. I would like to be able to use my triggers on it for flash work :D

JM Tran
05-08-2010, 5:55pm
how so ?? I too read DPReivews thoughts on it and I think its a load of ... well ... nonsense.
I can see that the layout of the cameras menus and controls may be confusing for a newb to photography, but for people like us I think its very very easy to use. In AUTO mode, the "defocus background" thing is a little comical but hey its auto, who uses that anyway ...

I find it great to use. Fits good in my hand, LCD is great, kit lenses are very good (I got the zoom and the pancake), ISO is perfectly useable up to 3200, plenty of res at 14MP, and the HD vid looks fantastic. This will be my only travel camera from now on. I wont be lugging the FF body and HDD camcorder OS with me anymore thats for certain.

The only thing I dont like about it is the absence of the hotshoe. I would like to be able to use my triggers on it for flash work :D

the jpegs for me werent that great Darren, lack of sharpness and a bit of contrast but if i were to shoot RAW it would be different. But it was just my quick one day and night use.

the hotshoe absence was just stupid by Sony! I dont know why they did not include it or take the camera and platform more seriousy, I think it deterred a lot of ppl from buying one and reduced the capabilities of the camera tremendously.

even on the PEN I am using my Canon 580 flash on it albeit in manual mode, and does wonders to light up a big dark room.

silly Sony, I feel your pain

05-08-2010, 9:21pm
I got the Olympus EP1 PEN last week for really cheap at 40% off

let me guess, Photoco? i was in there saturday morning and they asked if i wanted one, best price anywhere!

JM Tran
05-08-2010, 10:21pm
let me guess, Photoco? i was in there saturday morning and they asked if i wanted one, best price anywhere!

LOL ummm no, Harvey Normans actually OF ALL PLACES

I did post up a thread about a 40% off day at the Gepps Cross store for Olympus and Lowepro and Lexar products to let SA members know

got the EP1 and 14-42 and 17mm pancake and 3 yrs extended warranty and an Ultra II 2gig SD card for just over $600, cost price for them alone was just under $900.

beat that Photoco:D:D:D

05-08-2010, 10:36pm
"Evacuate? In our moment of triumph?" (Grand Moff Tarkin)
fun aside, I use a Lumix DMC FP3.
Always on my pocket. Flat and slim.
No lens pops out, and no bigger than a deck of cards.
The noise is horrible, but it's there... ready...

05-08-2010, 10:46pm
Photoco were $500 but not sure of the lenses on offer.