View Full Version : WOW, just got Nikon D90

14-05-2010, 8:10am
Hi All,

Hubby brought me a Nikon D90 yesterday for my birthday ( a few weeks early )
I am so excited, my first SLR, OMG... now I have to learn how to use this wonderful
piece of equipment, lol.

Going though the manual, there is so much to learn, so I hope you guys
can help me out when I am stuck ( I know you will, this is a wonderful and
very helpful forum ) I am charging battery at the moment, can't wait to
start using it.

We actually went to town to look at the new fujifilm Hs10, thought that would be the
next step up, but couldn't find one in town.

Hubby suggested, what is the point of buying that when I will still want a SLR anyway.
Might as well just get the SLR, ( ok, if you insist ) I just hope I have made the right decision. I know it is not so much the camera as the person using it, so I have a big learning curve ahead of me.:rolleyes:

Well I just had to tell someone, i am sooooo excited, hope I have posted in the right

So please look out for my photos and cc to help with my learning.


14-05-2010, 8:13am
learning curve ahead. Enjoy the ride. Congrats on the new camera.

14-05-2010, 8:18am
Well first up couchie, may I suggest you made a bad choice :) should have been a Canon :)

Nah. hahahahaha

Just kidding, you will love the Nikon

May I suggest the New To Photography (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=104) section here. Heaps of great resources to get you going

Congrats on the purchase

14-05-2010, 8:28am
Welcome to the wonderful world of Nikon. I have a D90, and still learning so much after having it for 11 months. Each time I use it I find something new to experiment with. It takes great images too. Have fun!

14-05-2010, 8:30am
There are lots of D90s in AP-land, so if you do have a question, I'm sure you won't go long without an answer.

Now show us some shots!

14-05-2010, 10:15am
So where do you get one of them? (hubbies I mean:D).

Congratulations on your new camera. We have the d60 which we love, but have decided to add a d300s to our gear soon (just have to work out who gets the new one :confused013).

The learning curve is steep, but get to know your camera and manual well, study AP, particularly the New to photography section which helped us a lot, ask heaps of questions if the search engine on AP doesn't bring up what you want, and practice, then post some images. Posting images can seem scary, but is by far the best way to improve, and we love to see piccies :)

Enjoy, and I will look out for your threads.

14-05-2010, 7:21pm
Hi All,

Hubby brought me a Nikon D90 yesterday for my birthday .....

so I hope you guys can help me out when I am stuck ( I know you will, this is a wonderful and very helpful forum )....

OK.. first up.. where do I go to get a hubby like that? :p

secondly!.... I can assure you that we'll have you wishing for a D3x in no time at all! :th3:

congrats, happy birthday and enjoy!

14-05-2010, 9:22pm
Congrats. You're now one of us ;)
*starts chanting* "one of us, one of us, one of us, one of us..."