View Full Version : NIKON D5000 with new SB600 - help

Dez Zengin
10-05-2010, 12:27pm

New to the game so excuse the lack of lingo.

I have had a D5000 for almost a year. Finally bought a SB 600 flash.
The flash is an excellent buy so far.

What i am trying to figure out is how to make the flash work wireless.
Not sure if the D5000 has the wireless capability or if i need an attachment. if so, what is the attachment called, suggested types etc...

I also have a Giga T Pro. Anyone else using it? what do you think? tips and tricks?

So hoping someone can help.


10-05-2010, 12:39pm
You can't fire the sb600 from your d5000 off camera without using either a flash sync cord, sc-26 I think the nikon one is called, that's of you want to maintain ttl. The other option is radio triggers like the yonhnou ones off eBay

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10-05-2010, 12:47pm
unfortunately the d5000 doesn't have a commander mode like the d90 upwards models

the cheap option is a ttl cable

10-05-2010, 12:56pm
unfortunately the d5000 doesn't have a commander mode like the d90 upwards models

the cheap option is a ttl cable

The cheap option is EBay ripoff sync cable... For the price of a genuine Nikon - SC28 or the even more outrageously expensive SC-29 - you can get either the triggers that kiwi mentions or Cactus triggers. SC28=$100, cactus triggers around $70.

If you're looking for an even more expensive solution you can use the SU-800 wireless speedlight controller.

Note that using the wireless triggers (other than the SU-800) you lose the ability to use TTL, and need to set the flash power on the flash itself (although I stand to be corrected on that point).

Using the cable retains all the functionality of having the flash in the hotshoe.

Dez Zengin
10-05-2010, 1:08pm
Thanks for your responses guys.

Tony, just to clarify, the SU-800 is basically the sb-600 without the flash?

This is going to sound stupid, but whats the TTL (i see it on the flash and there is something about it on my camera menu).

I was hoping it would be as simple as needing a little radio device to be attached to the camera where the flash would go, and the IR sensors would communicate. guess not.

10-05-2010, 1:23pm
This is going to sound stupid, but whats the TTL (i see it on the flash and there is something about it on my camera menu).

TTL = through the lens and applies to metering (ie, the camera meters what it can see through the lens)

Adrian Fischer
10-05-2010, 1:30pm
and yes the wireless remot is as simply as one thing on the hot shoe and the flash on the other...in its simplest terms.

the sb 600 can be set to fire as a slave from memory. Using your on camera pop up on lowest setting to trigger the off camera 600.

I trigger my cheap ebay yongu?? flashes as hairlights using this (well not the pop flash, I use my studio flashes for as triggers but same principle).

10-05-2010, 1:33pm
Thanks for your responses guys.

Tony, just to clarify, the SU-800 is basically the sb-600 without the flash?

Dez it kind of looks like that, but is a bit more sophisticated. A better analogy would be that it's like an SB900 without the flash, as it gives you the ability to change the flash settings from the SU800 itself.

This is going to sound stupid, but whats the TTL (i see it on the flash and there is something about it on my camera menu).

TTL is kind of like auto mode for your flash - basically the camera and flash together decide how powerful the flash would be in order to get you the correct exposure. Doesn't sound stupid at all :)

I was hoping it would be as simple as needing a little radio device to be attached to the camera where the flash would go, and the IR sensors would communicate. guess not.

Well it can be that simple if you go the radio triggers route. There are several different brands - Pocket Wizards being the most expensive, and I think Yongnuo (sp?) the cheapest, with Cactus in between. Except that it's 2 bits - one attaches to you hotshoe, and the other bit to your flash. But as I say you lose that auto capability, and you have to set the power of your flash yourself, and actually change your settings on the flash itself.

This is a really good resource for all things flash related:


There are some good sections for beginners setting out the different sort of gear, and triggering is part of it.

10-05-2010, 1:34pm
Using your on camera pop up on lowest setting to trigger the off camera 600.

The OPs camera cannot do this! Repeating above, commander mode is only available via popup flash with D80/D90 and above

10-05-2010, 1:38pm
just to clarify, the SU-800 is basically the sb-600 without the flash?

correct, but if you're going to spend $400ish, you'd be better off spending it on radio triggers. The SU-800 is basically "line-of-sight" just like popup flashes that support commander mode.

Dez Zengin
10-05-2010, 1:44pm
Thanks for the explanations guys! I think i get the idea now.

Tony, i will look into the ones you suggest. thanks for the link. i shall take a look at it now. :th3:
I dont have the need for it yet but didnt want to get to the stage where i do need it and dont know what to do.

Dez Zengin
10-05-2010, 1:46pm
P.s. glad i found this site!

10-05-2010, 2:46pm
correct, but if you're going to spend $400ish, you'd be better off spending it on radio triggers. The SU-800 is basically "line-of-sight" just like popup flashes that support commander mode.

And for that $400 the SU-800 costs, you could get Pocket Wizards.

10-05-2010, 7:56pm
I'm using Cactus V4 triggers for my SB-600 and D5000 combo. You'll have to learn manual settings both for the camera itself ("M" mode) and on the flash. Strobist (http://strobist.blogspot.com/) is a great place to learn that though.

10-05-2010, 8:42pm
Cactus V4s are great. They are all that I use.

I reckon if just getting your flash off camera to get a little bit creative is what youre trying to do, forget the triggers. Just get yourself a sync cord and have a play around with TTL light.

Off camera manual flash exposure is a whole new learning curve and if youre asking these sorts of questions here mate, honestly youre not ready for it, and youll just end up confused as hell.

10-05-2010, 9:06pm
Or alternatively! a second hand SB-800(approx $300-400 or so.. depending on condition).

10-05-2010, 9:11pm
Ebay $15 (http://cgi.ebay.com.au/TTL-Flash-Remote-Cord-Nikon-SC-28-/330412266676?cmd=ViewItem&pt=AU_Cameras_Photographic_Accessories&hash=item4cee1b14b4) http://cgi.ebay.com.au/TTL-Flash-Remote-Cord-Nikon-SC-28-/330412266676?cmd=ViewItem&pt=AU_Cameras_Photographic_Accessories&hash=item4cee1b14b4

10-05-2010, 9:36pm
actually, these longer cords are better if you can spring for them


Dez Zengin
11-05-2010, 8:27am
Cactus V4s are great. They are all that I use.

I reckon if just getting your flash off camera to get a little bit creative is what youre trying to do, forget the triggers. Just get yourself a sync cord and have a play around with TTL light.

Off camera manual flash exposure is a whole new learning curve and if youre asking these sorts of questions here mate, honestly youre not ready for it, and youll just end up confused as hell.

Thanks Darren, i dont deny i am a noob at all this, hence the reason i am asking questions. i want to know what my options are as i just bought the flash a few days ago. but, as they say, if you dont ask questions you will never learn. my main intent was to find out the possibilities and i have done that. Thanks everyone for your input.

Thanks for the links Kiwi!

11-05-2010, 9:26am
I wasnt having a go at all mate. I was only suggesting the simplest way to get your flash off camera and get a little bit light creative without having to go through a whole new learning process. It is the simplest route.

Anyway, good luck with whatever you decide on.

12-05-2010, 11:20am
Dez - check out this blog - good info on what you need to do & what bits you need to buy off ebay - I think the cheapest way too :)


also video here -
