View Full Version : do u have Bigpond Home Network Gateway?

07-05-2010, 9:59am
hey guys,
just wondering if anyone on here has the Bigpond "home network gateway" set upinside their house with adsl2+

would like to hear how it works for you and if you have had any issues with it.

am currently in the process of getting something along these lines. and because of where with live this appears to be one of the only availiable options


15-05-2010, 2:06pm

I don't but my parents do, and I had a lot of trouble getting it set up on the old PC, I could not get the wireless to connect on a regular bases, but then the PC blew up, and they got a new notebook, and all is fine, they don't use it much, so can't really comment on bandwidth.

all the best

15-05-2010, 2:13pm
I don't either, but my mum does. What I found when setting it up, was that the wireless signal is quite weak from the Telstra box. Signal will not go from one end of her house to other, it isn't a big house. We eventually got it to work by placing it in the middle of the house, so she could get access from her desktop pc at one end of the house and her laptop anywhere.

I use a belkin router at my place, and I can go next door to the neighbours and still connect to my network.

once up and running, my mum gets good internet access and its been reliable for her. She has had it for about 12 months now.

17-05-2010, 7:33pm
thankyou for you comments guys. I only just ended up setting it up today. I have it connected to my iMac and it is working fine....however the other 3 people in my house have windows based laptops and we are having problems connecting them up. In their networks menu the wireless network name is note coming up.

would be great if someone could give me a hand... may save me a couple of hours on the line with telstra(:

17-05-2010, 7:39pm
is your network 'hidden'? They may need to type the details in manually for their PC's to find it.
What operating system are they using. Win XP, Vista, Win 7 etc

18-05-2010, 7:55am
I got Bigpond Home Gateway (but with cable) and had crazy amount of issues with wireless. Bigpond ended up replacing the modem with newer Draft N modem and its a different scenario. Its working a treat since getting the new modem. It even supports WPS.

18-05-2010, 8:03am
I got Bigpond Home Gateway (but with cable) and had crazy amount of issues with wireless. Bigpond ended up replacing the modem with newer Draft N modem and its a different scenario. Its working a treat since getting the new modem. It even supports WPS.

I too have this, am about to kick it out the door and have bought a D-Link modem. The issues I am having is if I use the phone at the front of the house I lose connection to the internet! takes half an hour to reboot both the modem and computer! Telstra are unable to help me with this!

18-05-2010, 11:49am
I'm with telstra, and have one of their modems, a 2wire one. It's BRILLIANT! can't praise it highly enough. We run my laptop, my sons laptop, and two desktop computers off it, and have no problems at all.

18-05-2010, 3:31pm
I'm with telstra, and have one of their modems, a 2wire one.

Me too, not a problen on ADSL2. Super quick. I had an issue with the original wireless modem they sent me it keep dropping out. After a few phone calls, they had another one here in 2 days to replace it. Signal strength is excellent, full strength all over the house.:th3:

RE the problem of not being ble to connect on the other 3 laptops. You will need to run the install disk on all of the pc's you are going to connect. Follow the install prompts as you did for the original and enter in the code you get on the card and it should all be sweet. It pretty much does it all for you really.

18-05-2010, 4:05pm
RE the problem of not being ble to connect on the other 3 laptops. You will need to run the install disk on all of the pc's you are going to connect. Follow the install prompts as you did for the original and enter in the code you get on the card and it should all be sweet. It pretty much does it all for you really.

Thanks Phil. Yeah i have tried this but with no luck. Spoke to the guy at bigpond today and he ran me through all the steps they know...still didn't work. So it seems we are going to have to get a professional in.

Rick...All the laptops are running on Windows XP

I must say i'm very happy with the speed but i do feel that to get all this setup for the rest of the housemates looks like it could be a bit of a mission

18-05-2010, 5:21pm
Is the problem still that the network isn't showing up?

If so just set it up manually. Type in the SSID name - You should be able to get that off yours if it's working. Or with an iPhone app, or possibly even a PC app that scans networks even with hidden ID's.

Once you have that it's just a matter of choosing which security and typing in the password.
Which- hopefully you can get.

18-05-2010, 7:40pm
I have attempted to do it manually. I have even setup the SSID name on the laptop. However it is still not showing up in wireless networks. The guy at bigpond reckons that the new Thomson Gateway Modems are not easily compatible with some older laptops.

Below i have included the details from the wireless access point. I have left out the security password for obvious reasons.

Wireless Access Point - BigPondDAACEF


Interface Enabled: yes

Physical Address: 00:24:17: DA:AC:EF

Network Name (SSID): BigPondDAACEF

Interface Type: 802.11b/g

Actual Speed: 54 Mbps

Band: 2.4G Hz

Channel Selection: Manual

Region: Europe

Channel: 13

Allow multicast from Broadband Network: yes


Broadcast Network Name: yes

Allow New Devices: New stations are allowed (automatically)


Use WPA-PSK Encryption: yes

WPA-PSK Encryption Key:_______________

WPA-PSK Version: WPA

18-05-2010, 8:53pm
That rules me out then.

Good luck!

18-05-2010, 9:18pm
appreciate the help anyways:)

18-05-2010, 11:23pm
Are other networks showing up fine?

I've had problems with my girlfriends, where it'll just randomly ask for the password, then i enter the correct one and it doesn't accept it.

If Telstra allows it you might be better off going and picking up good belkin or netgear router

24-05-2010, 10:04pm
I have a netgear wndr3700 - works great. I think you get what you pay for in APs and routers.

25-05-2010, 10:45am
well just an update.... had a computer tech (local guy) come out on friday to try and link the laptops up to the network. After about 45 mins tells me that it can't be done and that there is a problem with the modem, said he reckons it happens to about 25% of the "Thomson" one that telstra sends out. So i ring up telstra and they say it is gonna be about 5 days for a new one to arrive. Anyways....... we get home from the pub last night and it seems that everyones laptop now has the bigpond network showing up :confused013 so everyone puts in the password and now our house is officially all linked up to the net and running seamlessly :eek::D pretty weird!

anyone want a free bigpond "thomson" modem?