View Full Version : To all the new members, give us your feedback

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04-05-2010, 6:15pm
To all the new members,

When you join up and the site sends you the private message from me, welcoming you to Ausphotography, how helpful is the link in that message. The link goes to Getting Started on Ausphotography (AP). I am just wondering if you found that thread really useful, if any bits are confusing, is anything missing, and could you give us some advice on how to make that thread better. After all, it is often the first thing you read after joining the site and if we can make it even better, we will. All feedback appreciated.

04-05-2010, 6:30pm
Hi Ricktas
I found the introductory message very helpful and useful - I followed the links to various parts of the site, which needed explaining.
All in all, a very good introduction!

05-05-2010, 9:59pm
Hi Ricktas - very helpful. I am on a couple of forums ( not photography related ) and the rules on here are quite different. Much firmer but I like them as much of what they are designed to stop is what I have seen do damage on other forums. This is without doubt the best I have seen.

I also followed the links around and found the site intro very well designed, and packed with info for beginners that money just can't buy, well not my level of funds anyway :-)

Cheers - John

06-05-2010, 6:37am
I found it most helpful Rick, it is a great intro to finding your way around the site. It is very concise.

06-05-2010, 9:21am
Hi Ricktas - very helpful. I am on a couple of forums ( not photography related ) and the rules on here are quite different. Much firmer but I like them as much of what they are designed to stop is what I have seen do damage on other forums. This is without doubt the best I have seen.


FWIW AP has been accused from time to time of being 'over moderated' (or words to that effect).

The main drivers for the rules and their enforcement is to provide:
a) A safe environment where we can share our interest/passion for photography and safely give and receive good CC (not just 'nice photo')
b) A high level of integrity in the competition system
c) A site free from spammers and other such rot

It's also worth noting that AP is 100% free and provides $'000s of prizes each year thanks to the Shop, Advertisers and Sponsors (please click throughthe ads!).
Rick and Rick alone wears the financial and legal responsibility for AP, the rest of thye mods are all volunteers.

Rick has stated there will never be a subscription ('premium' membership) or other such class system.
We are all members, the only thing we ask for some site features is regular participation.

07-05-2010, 8:11am
Hi ricktas and other mods. This site is fantastic. love the rules as being an amateur photographer (if there was a level below amateur id be that) not having full access helps you find your way around and learn a lot easier before progressing. I look forward to posting a few pics and get some feedback.

07-05-2010, 10:10am
I found it most helpful too Rick.

08-05-2010, 1:52pm
i find the site informative:th3:, but i would like to see a special section on bargains for camera gear that people find so others can benefit when possible, there maybe one on here but i haven't found it yet.

08-05-2010, 2:32pm
Very happy with the introductory information very much enjoying being part of AP many thanks for making us feel welcomed

08-05-2010, 3:31pm
i find the site informative:th3:, but i would like to see a special section on bargains for camera gear that people find so others can benefit when possible, there maybe one on here but i haven't found it yet.

AP is not primarily a trading site, so we do not make gear trades etc a major part of it. There is a classifieds section, but you have to have been a member for 30 days AND have 50 posts before you can see it, or access it.

08-05-2010, 3:31pm
thanks for the feedback so far. Always good to find out if it is useful or not.

Susan Ashworth
08-05-2010, 3:40pm
I agree completely with elGrando, the restriction not only keeps the community safe, it also allows the 'newbies' to find their way around the basics of the site, and they also have something new to look forward to.

My only crit of that thread is that it is a little confusing about the rules. IMO they would be better off explained in point form in one section of that thread and then a small paragraph at the beginning of that section explaining why it is so.

08-05-2010, 4:02pm
I agree completely with elGrando, the restriction not only keeps the community safe, it also allows the 'newbies' to find their way around the basics of the site, and they also have something new to look forward to.

My only crit of that thread is that it is a little confusing about the rules. IMO they would be better off explained in point form in one section of that thread and then a small paragraph at the beginning of that section explaining why it is so.

Thanks, will look and see if we cannot improve that. The full site rule are available as a menu item across the top of the AP site. Remembering that Competitions have their own rules as well, as does classifieds when it becomes available to access.

08-05-2010, 4:12pm
AP is not primarily a trading site, so we do not make gear trades etc a major part of it. There is a classifieds section, but you have to have been a member for 30 days AND have 50 posts before you can see it, or access it.

i dont mean trades, its more like to buy camera gear such as lenses,bags tripods etc. from stores just to let people know what specials are on at the moment.

08-05-2010, 4:30pm
i dont mean trades, its more like to buy camera gear such as lenses,bags tripods etc. from stores just to let people know what specials are on at the moment.

That's what Camera/Lens/Gear talk is for..BUT

Site rules:

[7] Goods and Services for sale/wanted to buy/employment. Personal classifieds advertisements, including employment offers, must be placed in our classifieds forum. Please read the separate Rules about advertisements within the classifieds forum (also viewable as a 'sticky' at the top of the Site Matters Forum). Advertisements for goods, services, employment or other commercial offers must not be included in any other forums or galleries without first obtaining permission from the site administrator. Commercial Advertising can be arranged for a fee. Threads/Posts deemed to be commercial in nature, which have not been approved by site administration, will be deleted. Members with less than 30 days membership and 50 posts cannot post information that primarily promotes a commercial site, on any part of Ausphotography. (Also see site rule 13: regarding complaints about products/services).

08-05-2010, 4:37pm
i think you should be able to view the classified section from the start but not actually be able to post stuff for sale on there untill the one month and fifty post limit , fully understand why it has been set like that as there is nothing worse than having a new member log on to a site and start trying to sell equipment and others question whether its legit or not .

08-05-2010, 4:55pm
i think you should be able to view the classified section from the start but not actually be able to post stuff for sale on there untill the one month and fifty post limit , fully understand why it has been set like that as there is nothing worse than having a new member log on to a site and start trying to sell equipment and others question whether its legit or not .

That used to be how it was. But we had a serious issue with people joining and bypassing the rules by using the PM system to try and sell gear to those that had posted Wanted To Buy's. We got quite a few reports from members about this, so decided if new members could not abide by the rules, we would force them too.

08-05-2010, 5:06pm
No drama , I can understand why now

11-05-2010, 12:44pm
Hi ricktas,
very helpful. Many of these types of forum can be very intimidating to new users, who get lost in the depths and then spend most of their time being reprimanded for not following ettiquette. The path into this forum is clear and well lit.

16-05-2010, 5:11pm
Thanks for all the introduction information, I found it very helpful. I am new to this site but have been taking photos for years and have a cupboard full of film cameras that don't come out anymore, everything from my Minox to a Voitlander to an Olympus OM1 but enjoying my Nikon D90 and using DXO software on my Mac.

18-05-2010, 9:18pm
I thought it was pretty helpful. alot of forums dont go to that kind of trouble so it was good to see

19-05-2010, 5:28am
Thanks everyone for the feedback.

19-05-2010, 8:45pm
Hi ricktas,

What a fantastic site it’s bigger than EBay, the rules are a bit scary for a newbie but I’m glad to see they are there.


20-05-2010, 12:01pm
I found it most helpful Rick, it is a great intro to finding your way around the site. It is very concise.

As did I. First time on here, thanx to a great friend of mine.

Looby Loo

20-05-2010, 12:18pm
I think its great thanks Rick. cool site.

20-05-2010, 10:24pm
Hi Rick
I found the intro very informative and so helpfull that I have been busy perusing for well over an hour, unlike any other site I have ever visited, thank you.

Jorge Arguello
24-05-2010, 1:48pm
Hello Rick:

This is my impression about the welcoming package.

1. The Process to participate in this forum is really clear, easy to understand.
2. Makes me think that the site is focused mainly on Photography topic.
3. We are free to post messages keeping in mind that this is a Photography forum. It looks that administrator will verify that posts keeps aligned with the topic that this site is trying to aim.
4. The Administrator aims to filter people joining that are just trying to fishing data but personal data is our responsibility.

I am so glad to find this forum.

Jorge Arguello

30-05-2010, 11:09am
Hi Rick,
I found it very useful.
The format of this site is fantastic. Good work!

30-05-2010, 11:32am
G'day Ricktas
The introductory message was very helpful and useful. I'm new to photography and this looks like the place for me.

30-05-2010, 2:07pm
I found it great, and a handy resource to return to till you become familiar with the site

02-06-2010, 5:54pm
G'day Rick, I think the link was very clear and worked well. It would be very intimidating if you were just thrown in the deep end but the link gives you a starting point.

02-06-2010, 5:59pm
For info. Cheryl is re-writing it at present to take on board some comments here, make it clearer and simplify some of it as well.

We should have the new version online in the next day or so (no pressure Cheryl) :lol:

03-06-2010, 5:13pm
Hi Everyone,

Be gentle with me. I am newer to this posting business than I am to photography.

After a forced hiatus of quite a few years, due mainly to not knowing when to jump from film to digital, I have just bought my first lot of DSLR equipment and am discovering the joys (and frustrations!) of using it.

I live in Adelaide and mainly take picutes of local wildlife on my Saturday walks through our nearby hills and parks.

I am looking forward to exploring this site and all of the efforts of my new found friends.



Lex Dangelica
03-06-2010, 5:18pm
Ive been around forums for a long time and besides a few that point you in the general direction of the forum, this is the first place I have seen that puts you in the drivers seat making sure you passed your license before you get to play bumper cars with other members. Any help in a forum when you are new is good. But AP gives an easy reference users manual. Makes the choice of coming here even easier. Thanks for the effort:food04:

I @ M
03-06-2010, 5:35pm
Ive been around forums Big SnipThanks for the effort:food04:

Good to hear some concise and well thought about feedback Lex :th3:

Love your signature too, sounds like my kind of girl camera. :rolleyes:

Lex Dangelica
03-06-2010, 5:47pm
4 posts in and I'm being quote modified. I feel right at home;)

03-06-2010, 7:46pm
Hi Rick, and fellow Newbies,

Like most newcomers, I scanned thru your intro, sorry, but I was impatient to get to the 'nuts 'n' bolts' of the site.

And what did I find ?

I found a site with like minded people, people who are passionate about their hobby or profession, people who are willing to share their experiences, their triumphs, their failures, and a willingness to give advice to fellow enthusiasts.

What I didn't find was a 'Fanboy' clique, where, if you didn't have the big 'C' or 'N' brand, you were treated like a second class citizen. Okay, I'm a Pentax user, and we are a minority group, but jeesus, isn't that what democracy is all about, freedom of choice.

I will admit I've been a little daunted by the quality of the work I've seen on the site, but that has made me all the more determined to learn more about my gear, and the way I use it.

I also agree with what, some may find, a rather tight control of behaviour, and a well set out list of rules and regulations. If you want to be a 'Richard Cranium', there are heaps of sites where you can indulge your anti-social tendencies. So far, I've enjoyed my short time here, and intend coming back to learn more.

I'd like to suggest to fellow new members, and particularly those just starting their photographic journey, that you put a list of your current kit in your signature, as I feel that this will assist the more experienced members to give us a more helpful critique.

I will post a pic, soon, I promise. If that bloody Red Wattlebird had sat still for longer than two seconds today, I might have had a keeper instead of 61 deletes, plus the fact that I hadn't sussed out my new (2nd hand) lens properly, and realised after that it has a 2 stage zoom function.

But Hey, that's why I'm here. To learn !



03-06-2010, 8:29pm
Its a great site !!!

The "bad" thing is that you can spend HOURS literally looking through all the subjects and everyones photos!!! LOL

Lots of tutorials and information -loved the one on "Raw Processing Tutorial" really made alot of sense and in plain english -sometimes the terms can be a bit confusing at first - but these are easy to read and make alot of sense :)

Great site - thanks to my good friend for introducing me!


03-06-2010, 9:20pm
Hi Rick,

I found the link to "getting started" fantastic. It gave me the information i needed to take the first step, the rules and of course encouragement.

07-06-2010, 10:05am
Thanks for the great opportunity; I am going out today to try a few shots on my favourite subjects (Alpacas)

08-06-2010, 6:50pm
Email was really helpful, now I have found the member photos I am addicted. I should be cooking dinner but I am engrossed in Marco shots.

10-06-2010, 8:48pm
I can't believe how thorough that thread is! The beauty of it is it is very well laid out and easy to read (nice flow), which doesn't make it a chore to understand. As others have said, the rules/regulations on this forum are quite different to other photography related forums I frequent, but I can understand the befits of having them.

Looking forward to contributing to this site.

11-06-2010, 3:44pm
hi there. to be honest i have found this difficult.... i found (through google) that there are some photos of tuppal station on here. i thought it would be great to join and have a look. but the process has been lengthy and i have been as yet unable to look at these photos. very frustrating. it is a bit annoying when you are a bit rushed for time. i'll give more feedback when i have been able to see something!

11-06-2010, 3:50pm
hi there. to be honest i have found this difficult.... i found (through google) that there are some photos of tuppal station on here. i thought it would be great to join and have a look. but the process has been lengthy and i have been as yet unable to look at these photos. very frustrating. it is a bit annoying when you are a bit rushed for time. i'll give more feedback when i have been able to see something!

Ausphotography is not a gallery, its a forum for photographers. we actively block most of the photographs presented on the site to visitors and members who have not posted to the site. Photographs are copyright owned by the photographer who took them and as such we ensure that the members of the site are not exposed to having their photos 'borrowed', without their consent.

You may be annoyed and frustrated, but so are photographers when the unscrupulous on the internet take copies of their photos and use, have copies of them, without the photographers permission.

I will not apologise for the way the site is setup, in this regard.

17-06-2010, 8:04pm
I am so glad I "stumbled" upon this site, the layout, instructions, intro, welcoming info etc is simply brilliant. I am in awe of the photographs posted by people on this forum, I go from thread to thread and am just blown away. I hope one day to get enough courage to post my bumbling shots. Thank you for a wonderful site! :)

andie mc dowell
20-06-2010, 9:11am
Hi, I'm from Wollongong. Thank you for the intro and I'm hoping to learn heaps from the site.

23-06-2010, 2:31pm
I thought the introductory message was great! Looks like I will be learning a lot from here.. Also able to view other peoples picture and giving/getting feedback will help me improve a lot. Have recommended to my other friends =]

24-06-2010, 1:49pm
The introductory message is great. Not only does it give you a lot of useful information but is very welcoming and helps a newbie to photography like me feel more comfortable about posting on this site. :)

27-06-2010, 11:26pm
AP seems to be a genuine well run site. Have been a "member" of numerous other sites, but they have all wanted something in return (generally $$). So I look forward to what AP has to offer with anticipation. AND it's Australian :th3:

01-07-2010, 10:37pm
Hi Rick,

Although a bit too strict in the rules, I like your site and its contents..
The introductory message is loong... but useful with insight into all the various parts of the site.

Art Vandelay
01-07-2010, 11:14pm
A few random thoughts.

I joined up a few mths ago but only posted today. I don't think I read your intro pm. That's not to say it's bad, I just mostly read the forums & stickys in a new place to see what the lay of the land is. Then search for info rather than posting.

Initially I was researching what camera and lenses to buy. I was put off by the lack of access to the classifieds so wandered elsewhere. After only a couple of posts on the 'elsewhere' Australian forum I made a donation as they were apparently going through an upgrade process (I don't mind that as such as I mod on a busy fishing/boating forum and have an insight as to what goes on behind the scenes).

Anyway, after that donation I was supposed to get a star or some bloody thing next to my name, I don't really care, nor want the kudos of that, but thats beside the point. What irked me was not even a quick thankyou email. Crikey, even a simple system generated thankyou note would have been a little bit appreciated.

I don't go back there & you have a member because of it.

I ended up on a large o/s forum to start learning,,, and also keep an eye on the 2nd market aside from ebay.

Heaps of info on offer over there, but I got a bit homesick so now I've wandered back here for some good old aussie content. You guys seem to run a tight ship.

oh, and by the way, I can understand the rules on the classified section and why you've done it that way, even though it's a real piss off for new (genuine) users.

The variety of inhouse competition/s, rules & voting procedures seemed a bit confusing at first, I think I have it understood now. It seems like a very good system. Good work to those who put it all together.

02-07-2010, 12:07am
Hi Rick and other mods.
I think the introductory message is very thorough and useful. As I have not been involved in a forum prior to this, it was a little overwhelming at first, but I'm starting to get the hang of things. I appreciate all the effort that goes into maintaining this site, as it is fantastic.

02-07-2010, 5:34am
Hi Rick,

Although a bit too strict in the rules, I like your site and its contents..
The introductory message is loong... but useful with insight into all the various parts of the site.

The rules might seem strict compared to other forums, but they are that way for the very reason that we see what happens on other forums. I make no apologies whatsoever for the site rules, and we stick to them.

02-07-2010, 5:40am
A few random thoughts.

I joined up a few mths ago but only posted today. I don't think I read your intro pm. That's not to say it's bad, I just mostly read the forums & stickys in a new place to see what the lay of the land is. Then search for info rather than posting.

Initially I was researching what camera and lenses to buy. I was put off by the lack of access to the classifieds so wandered elsewhere. After only a couple of posts on the 'elsewhere' Australian forum I made a donation as they were apparently going through an upgrade process (I don't mind that as such as I mod on a busy fishing/boating forum and have an insight as to what goes on behind the scenes).

Anyway, after that donation I was supposed to get a star or some bloody thing next to my name, I don't really care, nor want the kudos of that, but thats beside the point. What irked me was not even a quick thankyou email. Crikey, even a simple system generated thankyou note would have been a little bit appreciated.

I don't go back there & you have a member because of it.

I ended up on a large o/s forum to start learning,,, and also keep an eye on the 2nd market aside from ebay.

Heaps of info on offer over there, but I got a bit homesick so now I've wandered back here for some good old aussie content. You guys seem to run a tight ship.

oh, and by the way, I can understand the rules on the classified section and why you've done it that way, even though it's a real piss off for new (genuine) users.

The variety of inhouse competition/s, rules & voting procedures seemed a bit confusing at first, I think I have it understood now. It seems like a very good system. Good work to those who put it all together.

Ausphotography is not here for you to trade your gear, that is a bonus for active posting members (which we set at 30 days membership and 50 posts). Whilst I agree that it can be a nuisance for genuine new members, when a member is new we have absolutely no way of determining who is genuine and who is a thief who just wants to get rid of the gear they stole over the last weekend. We cannot selectively decide who can and who cannot buy/sell, so a blanket rule is in place.

We have our camera/lens/gear forum for members to discuss gear and for researching what you want to buy. You will get great information on specific items if you post questions in there regarding what you are considering buying.

Mr Zee
02-07-2010, 7:45pm
To me, the impression given is:

a. A sense of how valuable in becoming a member to AP is.
b. The intro is clear on what AP is about.
c. If you were new to photography, you're pointed in the direction of where to start.
d. I can't believe the amount of work that went into the NTP section....outstanding!
e. The ongoing tutorials, challenges (for newbies), support and encouragement to learn.
f. The great photography here ...and CC's. Truly, you guys are very talented.

The push in educating and keeping members motivated is unheard of for me. Demonstrating this level of enthusiasm by admin can only encourage new members to stay and contribute. Ive maybe strayed alittle from just commenting on the intro but the info here is invaluable. Don't change a thing ...spot on! :th3:

02-07-2010, 10:04pm
Hi Ricktas,

Many thanks for the introduction which was extremely thorough and very useful.

Although I have had a camera for many decades I have only ever taken the family type photos.

I have just bought a Pentax KX with sigma 18-125 lens because I wanted to be able to learn to take some good photos as a hobby.

This is the first forum I have ever entered so I feel like a kid that is just learning to walk but I believe this will be a great way for me to learn the art of photography.

Many thanks for creating the site and I look forward to participating and learning in the future.


04-07-2010, 1:03pm
Very helpful. Haven't found any problems so far.

06-07-2010, 12:44pm
Hi there.
I found the message quite helpful and just full of info. Good stuff and thanks for your efforts.

The only problem I had (and is my fault) is that the message just looks huge on the first impression and because I was dead keen to get stuck into the forum, I skimmed through it and didn't absorb all the info properly.
As I said, that was my fault.:p I do wonder how many others really do this though?

Maybe if you ever tweak it again, you could open it with a small list of what the message will help you with, so people know what it's about straight away. For example...

In this welcome message we will help you with information on...
* Your first day here.
* Our 30 day/50 post rule.
* Browsing photos.
* How to post your own photos via external links (preferred method).
* Critiquing (sharing constructive criticism is actively encouraged).
* Competitions (how to participate and possible win prizes from our valued sponsors).
* Post count (this determines what you can see and do. Quality, not quantity is appreciated.)
* Handy links to our 'New To Photograhy (NTP)' section, our FAQ, site rules and more.

Anyway, I hope you don't mind the suggestion and I promise it's not part of a secret take over or anything.:p

It's an awesome and very well detailed guide and credit to you for it.:th3:

06-07-2010, 1:07pm
Added contents section - lets see if we like it ;)

08-07-2010, 9:30pm
Do I still count as a new member? LOL

Anyway, I found that intro message very helpful. :)

11-07-2010, 7:49pm
Hi Rick.
The information you provide is very useful.

12-07-2010, 7:44pm
Hi Ricktas, I found the link really useful. The intro was hugely informative and gives a really great overview of the site and a sense of it's spirit. This all looks very exciting! Thanks

13-07-2010, 10:46am
Hi ricktas, yeah i found it helpful, just trying to find my way through all the forums and galleries. Seems like a great site, thanks for the welcome, regards Matt.

13-07-2010, 7:36pm
Hi, took a bit to find where to post for the first time!
new to this forum stuff!
Hope this works.

16-07-2010, 5:19pm
Thanks for all the information, but I cannot find how to post to the introduction thread. What am I missing?
I'm looking forward to reading and contributing whatever I can.

16-07-2010, 5:20pm
Thanks for all the information, but I cannot find how to post to the introduction thread. What am I missing?
I'm looking forward to reading and contributing whatever I can.

Click the FORUM menu across the top of the site. Then click the introductions forum (it is the first one in the list), then click NEW THREAD, which is top left above the existing thread list. Create your intro thread and submit it.

16-07-2010, 5:43pm
Now I understand.:)

17-07-2010, 11:03pm
Nice site,
Can't wait to get involved and riffle through all the posts here.
Thanks for providing such a cool forum..

17-07-2010, 11:49pm
Thanks for the Welcome message.

:wd:Everything is very clearly set out and site guidance is easy to follow. Nice to see a well controlled forum site. I'm looking forward to participating.

Many thanks for the effort that has gone into creating this community.



Raptor Reptiles
19-07-2010, 4:19pm
Made it easier, Thanks

25-07-2010, 3:51pm
Hi, didn't find my message :confused 013 but i guess i will work it out soon.:(

25-07-2010, 4:09pm
Hi, didn't find my message :confused 013 but i guess i will work it out soon.:(

When you joined, you would have got a message from me. It will show as a Private Message. In that message is a link to the thread noted at the start of this thread.

27-07-2010, 11:27am
Thanks for the welcome and for what looks to be an excellent site. (Looks like Kym has a real talent for copywriting! Your info is lengthy but very well set out.) We need more AUSTRALIAN networks!

I've been taking photos for years, but I'm not a brilliant photographer, just a plodder, and always keen to improve and learn more. Membership of my local (Victorian country town) camera club has been a great way to do that in the company of like-minded people. I look forward to finding the same at Australian photography.
Since joining camera club I have progressed from a Nikon Coolpix 5700 (although I loved it) and now have a Nikon D80. I was scared stiff of the SLR at first, but it's second nature now. I thought the 18-135mm lens was good for a while, but when I bought a 70-300mm VR and found a huge improvement in sharpness, I realised there must be quite a bit of vibration in the old one so not sure about using it now, except where faster shutter speeds can be used. I also have a Sigma 10-20mm and have fun with that.
I heard a recommendation of the Tamron 18-270mm Zoom. Does anyone have experience of that? It might be a good replacement for that middle distance range (when I can save up more pennies). Could be good to avoid changing lenses, or taking only one when travelling (one day I will really travel! I can always hope!)
Anyway - looking forward to learning more on board Ausphotography.

27-07-2010, 12:00pm
Great introuduction, the site works well and is a great inspiration for all of us starting out in Photography.

27-07-2010, 12:01pm
Thanks for the welcome and for what looks to be an excellent site. (Looks like Kym has a real talent for copywriting! Your info is lengthy but very well set out.) We need more AUSTRALIAN networks!

Thanks, the introduction thread was written by moderator Cheryl.

27-07-2010, 3:17pm
Thanks Rick. AP looks to be a wonderful site and I am glad I joined. The intro thread looks pretty comprehensive to me and really helps to get a hang of the site.

29-07-2010, 3:19pm
Hi Rictas, have been a long term member of the local Camera Club. I am always looking for ways to either improve my photography or develop skills, push some acquired ones, so that I can pass these onto my fellow club members. I'm particularly interested in producing slideshows (A/V's of old). mashab

29-07-2010, 3:56pm
Hi Rictas, have been a long term member of the local Camera Club. I am always looking for ways to either improve my photography or develop skills, push some acquired ones, so that I can pass these onto my fellow club members. I'm particularly interested in producing slideshows (A/V's of old). mashab

Umm. So as per the reason for this thread, did the message you got from me, that directed you to our getting started thread, help you understand the site at all?

29-07-2010, 3:56pm
Intro email led me straight to newb info which was excellent.
If I could make a suggestion that you include a warning in your welcome email .... something like .... WARNING: following this link may lead to sleep deprivation and lack of focus on normal daily activities :)
Since joining I've found myself studying the content well into the small hours every night. The site's info and community contributions are equivalent to a great book that you just can't down ... so congrats on a terrific site. DMerlin

29-07-2010, 4:13pm
really good website,i am blown away by alot of photo's on this site.And by the way,nice gromett look,Ricktas

30-07-2010, 10:24am
Hi! A quick g'day to all from Perth WA. I'm sure I'll enjoy my time associated with this site, in between writing my next masterpiece. Nikon D200-Photoshop 8-Adobe CS3

30-07-2010, 11:48am
I found it very helpful and am still returning to it as I find my way around. Seems like a really good site and I'm planning on visiting regularly.
Cheers, Jo.

31-07-2010, 12:55pm
Thanks for the welcome,
As someone new to the whole process of submitting and replying to a forum I would have loved a read on if you already know paragraph about simply hitting reply or how to actually post. I am an long term photographer with experience and a will to share and learn but the whole forum thing is a bit daunting.
I am sure I will be polite enough, and interested to make up my first and many more 50s but just thought I would mention my noviceness !

thanks Emcam

31-07-2010, 1:30pm
Thanks for the welcome,
As someone new to the whole process of submitting and replying to a forum I would have loved a read on if you already know paragraph about simply hitting reply or how to actually post. I am an long term photographer with experience and a will to share and learn but the whole forum thing is a bit daunting.
I am sure I will be polite enough, and interested to make up my first and many more 50s but just thought I would mention my noviceness !

thanks Emcam

Thanks, which is why in the thread link you got in the PM from me, one of the points we made was to look at the FAQ (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/faq.php?faq=vb3_board_faq#faq_ausphotography), it contains lots of information about forums in general and how to post, start threads etc : http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/faq.php?faq=vb3_board_faq#faq_ausphotography

Including : Forum Threads and Posts (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/faq.php?faq=vb3_board_usage#faq_vb3_forums_threads_posts)

Hope that assists. The FAQ can be a wealth of knowledge on general forum usage.

03-08-2010, 1:54am
Hello everyone! This website was suggested to me, and as I browse through my still limited access, I find that this will certainly be a very helpful and informative site for beginners like myself. I just graduated to a Canon, from a P&S 3 months ago, so, needless to say, I'm still treading the water with the basics.

04-08-2010, 9:28am
I did find the process of enrolling a bit complicated
but am glad that I persisted.

04-08-2010, 9:49am
I did find the process of enrolling a bit complicated
but am glad that I persisted.

the registration process is firstly designed to give us enough information to allow you to register, but also to stop spammers from signing up, so it can be a bit complex as that eliminates the bots that are searching the net to get online and spam. We currently block over 150 spam sign-up attempts every day, because of the way our registration process works.

04-08-2010, 3:06pm
i thought it was pretty good! helped me a bit more to understand how to use the site :)

05-08-2010, 4:40pm
Hiya Ricktas,

All I can say is ...excellent. Very helpful and professional. Love it already.

07-08-2010, 5:15pm
Hello AusPhotography,

Thank you for the welcome.

I have been looking for an Australian content photography forum to post pictures, gain constructive advice and improve my photography skills since I enjoy being behind a camera and capturing the beauty of nature. A picture is indeed worth a thousand words.

I look forward to becoming a part of the wider Australian photographic community.

I have downloaded the Getting Started rules and will spend this evening reading through them.

Thank you.

11-08-2010, 7:02pm
Great stuff! Definitely a premier forum! :D

17-08-2010, 4:02pm
Hi ricktas - it was and it is indeed helpful. Perhaps it would be a good idea to put the links together for the second or third reading, so you don't need to go through the whole thread again and again to find the information you want. Perhaps it exists already...so if I missed something, let me know.. :)

17-08-2010, 4:10pm
Hi ricktas - it was and it is indeed helpful. Perhaps it would be a good idea to put the links together for the second or third reading, so you don't need to go through the whole thread again and again to find the information you want. Perhaps it exists already...so if I missed something, let me know.. :)

The important ones are at the bottom of the page ;)

17-08-2010, 4:30pm
Clear and easy to follow. It clearly encourages us to jump in and start contributing.

17-08-2010, 5:41pm

You have great site here. Especially for people like me, on the digital learning curve.

Honestly, initially I though the moderation was excessive, but over time I have seen its benefits. It is nice place to hang around. I can't walk past the computer room without having a squizz.



17-08-2010, 6:00pm
Honestly, initially I though the moderation was excessive, but over time I have seen its benefits. It is nice place to hang around.

It's worth reiterating the primary reason is the members can feel safe in sharing their
creativity for constructive critique without fear of personal attack.
This allows a lot more comment than just 'nice photo' and thus helps us all improve our photography.

People have been critical of how AP is run here and on other forums, but we don't have
the issues that have nearly destroyed other forums.

Dan Gamble
17-08-2010, 7:53pm
G'day Rick,

The intro was excellent and helped get me started quickly.

I was not able to find the "photography level" field. It seems to have been removed but it's still referred to in the intro as a suggested start point.

Is this my misunderstanding? Will it appear at some stage after I have been here for a while?

17-08-2010, 8:00pm
G'day Rick,

The intro was excellent and helped get me started quickly.

I was not able to find the "photography level" field. It seems to have been removed but it's still referred to in the intro as a suggested start point.

Is this my misunderstanding? Will it appear at some stage after I have been here for a while?

Cause you recently joined, when you registered you chose a photography experience level, so yours is already set. However if you go to the UserCP menu item on the menu across the top of the site, and choose Edit Your Details from the left menu on that page, you will be able to change your level upwards..members cannot downgrade themselves. If a member wants to go down a level they will need to contact myself of a moderator.

18-08-2010, 6:46pm
Yes Rick, I found it a nice easy read, couldn't fault it in any way....

18-08-2010, 10:38pm
Everyone seems very friendly and helpful so it's a good place to be and I think that is due to the fact that it is so well moderated. Even though I enjoy reading forums I've never much liked posting because some members take great delight in shooting people down in flames. Not so here :th3:

When I first joined I looked at the site and had no idea where to go next so the introduction email was a big help. It's easy to read and doesn't just have a list of rules, but explanations as to why they exist.

A great site!

26-08-2010, 9:23am
Hi Rick

I also found it very helpful and just what I had been looking for...a way to learn photography.

Thank You

26-08-2010, 9:43am
Morning Ruth , I joined this site about a Month ago, Best thing I did , you'll really enjoy !! only problem I can see!! Is it's very "Addictive" :lol2: Cheers Bill :)

29-08-2010, 11:26am
Can't believe I haven't found this site earlier. Brilliant stuff.

29-08-2010, 12:40pm
I have just purchased my first SLR digital camera as my wife and i are going to the UK in September. I found this site and was hoping to get some tips before we go as I don’t know much about the camera.

29-08-2010, 12:42pm
I have just purchased my first SLR digital camera as my wife and i are going to the UK in September. I found this site and was hoping to get some tips before we go as I don’t know much about the camera.

You will need to post in the main forums to get feedback and advice, this thread is purely for feedback about the introductory message you get when you join. How helpful that message is, etc

29-08-2010, 12:53pm
From the first time I came on I found the way the site runs rather good, pointng you in the right direction, especially for someone (like me) that is totally new to DSLR and wants to get up to speed ASAP. Have been reading a lot of the posts, looking at the learning plan (well done Rick and Kym - very useful).

Only thing I can complain about (not really a complaint) is that I feel rather silly trying to CC others, when I (in my opinion) am not qualified to criticise their work. I feel rather that a fraud or something. So I try and offer CC because I feel I am "required" to do it.

29-08-2010, 1:02pm
From the first time I came on I found the way the site runs rather good, pointng you in the right direction, especially for someone (like me) that is totally new to DSLR and wants to get up to speed ASAP. Have been reading a lot of the posts, looking at the learning plan (well done Rick and Kym - very useful).

Only thing I can complain about (not really a complaint) is that I feel rather silly trying to CC others, when I (in my opinion) am not qualified to criticise their work. I feel rather that a fraud or something. So I try and offer CC because I feel I am "required" to do it.

Have a look at the thread linked below, it is all about learning to CC photos. We don't expect newbies to give top range CC to start with, but rather encourage you to slowly learn, by moving from the "nice photo" post to "nice photo because.." where you say why you like it. It can be as simple as "nice photo, I like the colours" or 'nice photo, I like that you chose black and white".

This can assist your learning in that regard : http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=27404

CC is not easy to do well, but thankfully it can be learned and everyone of us had to start at the beginning. Join in, add something extra to your 'nice photo' comments and read what others say and review the photos to get an understanding of why they said it. It will all come together to help you not only CC well, but also learn from what is said by others.

29-08-2010, 2:01pm
I joined this site because there is a lot of people like me, just starting out with DSLR.
There is always someone around to help out, and most are not scared to tell you how it is.
The feedback you get from other members is always friendly but fair. and response from Rick or Kym is always quick and to the point.
On Ya Rick & Kym.

31-08-2010, 10:21pm
Excellent intro, clearly stated and firm rules that are designed to build a mature community and second to none content. This could quickly become the only photography site I visit :)

03-09-2010, 3:59pm
Hello Rick,

Am very new to this forum stuff so please bear with me! Have been photoing for years by myself but only recently decided to try this to see what others are up to and to keep up to date with things and exchnge ideas! I think the site is great - another wonderful aussie invention really. Keep up the good work. The intro post is informative and easy to read. Can you please tell me where do I post questions please? - or did I miss that somewhere?

Keep up the great work!


03-09-2010, 4:07pm
Hey Kaz.

Click the FORUM menu item across the top of the site, then you will see all the forum categories available to you. Choose an appropriate one, then click "New Thread" and away you go. Also remember to use the SEARCH menu item (across the top again) cause you might find your question has already been asked and answered.

07-09-2010, 1:44pm
Seems a lot of good info. I found this site when I was searching on courses and I saw a post that said you could follow some of the lessons here. Would be good if there were some quick links to suggested training on the top of the site.

07-09-2010, 2:07pm
Seems a lot of good info. I found this site when I was searching on courses and I saw a post that said you could follow some of the lessons here. Would be good if there were some quick links to suggested training on the top of the site.

Have a look at the New To Photography Forum : Click FORUM on the menu across the top of the site, then scroll through the list of forums.

We cannot have links to everything at the top of the site that might be needed by members. But on the right hand side of the site home page is a link to a lot of frequently used areas as well.

08-09-2010, 9:41pm
Hi guys and gals...

Helpful or not, I have found the site/forum well moderated and professional. It was a welcoming touch rather than being left felt chucked in at the deep end.

10-09-2010, 7:17pm
Hi Ricktas,

Like almost everything that I have found on these forums so far I found the page well written and extremely informative.


13-09-2010, 7:56pm
Definatelly a good way for newcomers like myself to navigate the site

13-09-2010, 8:25pm
To all the new members,

When you join up and the site sends you the private message from me, welcoming you to Ausphotography, how helpful is the link in that message. The link goes to this thread (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=52887). I am just wondering if you found that thread really useful, if any bits are confusing, is anything missing, and could you give us some advice on how to make that thread better. After all, it is often the first thing you read after joining the site and if we can make it even better, we will. All feedback appreciated.

rick, i must admit that it takes a bit to get used to the 30/50 rule, and will work my way through it, and hopefully learn along the way.

regards richard

15-09-2010, 6:45am
So far from my brief viewing I have found this site to be really informative, I am new to photography and am just trying to learn as much as possible

15-09-2010, 7:11am
rick, i must admit that it takes a bit to get used to the 30/50 rule, and will work my way through it, and hopefully learn along the way.

regards richard

The 30/50 rule is quite simple.

Until you reach 30 days membership and 50 posts you cannot post to the site Gallery(note that the gallery is not where we post photos for critique). You cannot promote commercial companies, products, services, you cannot complain about people, companies, products, services. Until recently it also included access to classifieds, but our classifieds forum is now closed and a new one will be opening this Saturday, that does not contain the 30/50 restrictions.

All these are in place for a reason. Promoting commercial companies etc, stops those companies getting free publicity via AP, we call this spam. Complaints, why join a site to whinge? Surely a positive initial contribution is the way to go, otherwise you will just be known as a whinger. Classifieds was to stop those trying to sell stolen gear from using the site, and thus protecting members from being ripped off.

Hoep that helps clear it up. The restrictions do not stop you joining in on the forums, posting photos for critique and partaking of AP on a photographic level at all.

17-09-2010, 1:48pm
Your welcome is good! Thank you.

17-09-2010, 3:12pm
I am new to photography and forums. This site, has so far, been helpful with both. Thanks.

18-09-2010, 10:22am
Ricktas & Kym,

I find this site really great. The rules work well & it is good to see them in place. Just before I bought my camera I joined a few sites & this is the only one I belong to now. There is always someone that is here to help. The links are just what we need & very helpful indeed. The site is user friendly & I am very happy to be a part of this great site. The message we got when we joined is in my opinion is precise & easy to follow. Thank you

18-09-2010, 11:55am
Hi Rick, thanks for the link.
The information was well laid out and I'm looking forward to reading through the lessons to get me started. I like the more strict approach to members as all too often on other sites you can end up with idiots having a go at each other and generally wasting everyones time.
I'm currently looking at buying a new DSLR camera so will carefully go through the articles on buying cameras / what to look for etc.


24-09-2010, 7:12pm
Very Helpful, a great introduction to the site, very informative and a plesant welcome.

29-09-2010, 4:43pm
Thanks Ricktas, yes the into was useful and I shall refer back to it quite often I suspect.
I wondered why I could not log in which produced a series of emails until I woke up to the fact that an apparent typo had named me (pcbermqagui) instead of the pcbermagui I thought I'd used. Any way to reverse this?
Cheers pcbermagui or is it pcbermqagu for life?

29-09-2010, 8:13pm
Hi Ricktas,
The intro thread looks good, easy to read through and professionally done. I like all the links on the one page and will probably spend quite a few hours just looking around. Thanks Kym for introducing me to this forum. Cheers...

29-09-2010, 8:16pm
Thanks Ricktas, yes the into was useful and I shall refer back to it quite often I suspect.
I wondered why I could not log in which produced a series of emails until I woke up to the fact that an apparent typo had named me (pcbermqagui) instead of the pcbermagui I thought I'd used. Any way to reverse this?
Cheers pcbermagui or is it pcbermqagu for life?

thanks, username is now fixed.

For information for others. If you make a mistake with your username on registration, please contact me. I can fix it for you. Do not make a new account, as multiple accounts breach our site rules.

03-10-2010, 10:21pm
Hi Rick

Yours is probably the most helpful intro page I've seen in a very long time.



04-10-2010, 12:54pm
Hi Rick,

Agree with previous comments - without a doubt the best into page I've seen (and I have trawled through a few).


11-10-2010, 11:22pm
At last I feel confident that I found the right place to help me in my new hobby. The rules are a bit scary and I'm a bit nervous as to not click on the wrong thing!! Suppose being new to this kind a thing is partly to blame. I'm sure I'll get fimiliar with everything.

12-10-2010, 5:40am
At last I feel confident that I found the right place to help me in my new hobby. The rules are a bit scary and I'm a bit nervous as to not click on the wrong thing!! Suppose being new to this kind a thing is partly to blame. I'm sure I'll get fimiliar with everything.

Join in, don't be worried about what you click on, the site will not let you do something that you are not allowed to. Have a look around, just roam the site and get an idea of how it all works, then when you are ready start contributing yourself.

13-10-2010, 6:58pm
awesome site so far!

16-10-2010, 8:42am
it's only been a few days since I joined and since clicking on your email, I cannot help but think how fortunate I am to find Australian Photography. Same as the others in this thread, I too have come across other forums that does not even come close to yours - a well-run and safe environment for all level of photographers. The rules are clear and well-written. As a newbie, it seems like I am just learning the tip of the photographic iceberg and looking forward to learning some more. Keep up the good work team! :-)

17-10-2010, 3:04am
Even at 4am it is making sense to me so you must have done a good job, i have never joined a forum before so this will indeed be a new journey and one in which i will probably trip myself up in, but hey thats life lol as long as i don't step on toes its good :)

17-10-2010, 2:45pm
I found it very informative and at the same time a little overwhelming (my fault as I read it when completely over tired etc). Once I had the time to sit down and navigate through the wealth of information available I am now feeling much more confident about using this site.
I'd also like to say that after spending about a month or so browsing before actually posting any images etc, I found that this site really does present itself as a forum that is here to help people develop their skills as photographers. The information on offer is great for a beginner like me and the CC offerred by those with more experience is given encouragingly rather than condecendingly.
Big fan!

21-10-2010, 8:54am
Hey thanks for the nice and welcoming intro to the forum. It was nice to see that developers of this site wen't to so much trouble.

If i could critique one thing it would be that the info could be summerised.


21-10-2010, 9:02am
Hey thanks for the nice and welcoming intro to the forum. It was nice to see that developers of this site went to so much trouble.
If i could critique one thing it would be that the info could be summarised.
That is the summarised version :D
It's a big site with lots happening and AusPhotography does take a bit of time to get the hang of.

But these are the top things I would focus on:
1. Posting images for CC - #1 way of learning
2. Giving CC - also a great way to learn
3. New to Photography (if you are new; and if you are not new then have a quick look as there is always something interesting)
4. Competitions (enter and vote)

22-10-2010, 4:56pm
i found the link very useful thank you

23-10-2010, 6:53pm
Hi Rick, After getting your Pm I followed the link and found the info very helpful, and I have continued to explore the site. More importantly though I think is the friendly atmosphere that You, your team and the members here have created. It can be a very fine line between a relaxed friendly forum and total chaos and on the other hand a very fine line between a well moderated focused forum and a maximum security prison, you have however found an excellent medium.

Well done to all.

30-10-2010, 4:41pm
Hi Rick,
Everything is nicely laid out and I'm enjoying wandering through forums and threads. A pleasant surprise was the first personal message. I look forward to participating and "meeting" everyone.

31-10-2010, 12:11pm
The only thing that I found strange was the 30/50 rule in regards to the gallery. Specifically, that no critique is allowed. I don't really see the point of a gallery where critique isn't allowed.

31-10-2010, 12:22pm
The only thing that I found strange was the 30/50 rule in regards to the gallery. Specifically, that no critique is allowed. I don't really see the point of a gallery where critique isn't allowed.

The gallery is not where members post their photos for critique. If you want critique, then the member photos forums (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?5-.-CONSTRUCTIVE-CRITIQUE-Members-Photos-.) are for that. The gallery is simply a place for regular, active members to showcase their work. As photos in the Gallery can be linked to other forums, sites etc, the same as Flickr/Photobucket, It is restricted to regular active forum members, as I don't run AP as photo storage site (like Photobucket etc).

31-10-2010, 12:26pm
Yes but why post photos if not for critique? Even image hosting sites allow for that. Posting your photos for people to check out without allowing for them to be critiqued at all sounds a little self serving and ego stroking.

I @ M
31-10-2010, 12:32pm
Bromeo, it is quite simple really, the "for critique" forums are there for precisely that. The gallery can be used to link photos to threads in AP for critique as well.

I quite often don't seek critique on some of my work but I do put it on display purely so that others may enjoy looking at it as I do.

01-11-2010, 3:55pm
I was introduced to this site by a colleague who is also a member here. I read the forum intro (best I've seen so far) and while it may seem to some to be rather long, it's for a good reason.

I have belonged to several forums over the years (no photog ones though!) and I like the 30/50 rule - no doubt it keeps the numbers of wan..., er, silly ones to a minimum.

I'm looking forward to having a good look around the site, checking out members photos, and eventually posting some of my own.

Catch ya


03-11-2010, 9:35pm
Great intro Rick, there is so much of valuable information here...

07-11-2010, 11:25am
Have just been reading about posting photos in competitions. Am I right in realising that if I post one directly from my files, it won't be as good quality on screen as one posted from photobucket, say?

07-11-2010, 12:07pm
Have just been reading about posting photos in competitions. Am I right in realising that if I post one directly from my files, it won't be as good quality on screen as one posted from photobucket, say?

You CANNOT link photos to competitions on Ausphotography. All entries must be uploaded from your computer using the Competition Menu. There is no other way to enter competitions on Ausphotography.

07-11-2010, 12:56pm
Have just been reading about posting photos in competitions. Am I right in realising that if I post one directly from my files, it won't be as good quality on screen as one posted from photobucket, say?

Further to Rick's comment the competition software limits entires (we typically use 1024 pixels on the longest edge and a filesize of 250k bytes, but it can be varied) - but that way it is a level playing field.
In practice these limits have negligible impact on image quality for web purposes.

07-11-2010, 2:26pm
Excellent. Thanks again.

09-11-2010, 10:27am
good information for beginners like me

10-11-2010, 3:14pm
still getting use to things as this is the first forum I have been on.... I suppose it won't take long....... its great that there is somewhere where beginners can go can learn and be able to chat with other people who have the same passion as I do..... bring it on..... thanks Ricktas :)

10-11-2010, 4:02pm
Hi Ricktas, found it very useful way you have it. Being a longtime chat/forum member /admin over the years find most rules are the same ie: no spam,derogitive etc. I find the 30/50 rule very good, and where site gradually opens up the more you participate. One of the most informative and friendly sites have seen for awhile.

12-11-2010, 10:49am
Great site - came across it while searchig for D7000 posts on the web!

12-11-2010, 1:59pm
Lot's of great information I've come across so far! Great for beginners to learn from people in the know.

14-11-2010, 1:55am
The welcoming message was a very helpful start to navigating around such a large site. As a newbie, I appreciated the opportunity to quickly find the learning plan and to understand the expectation of participation from members of this site.

15-11-2010, 7:02am
At last we have some order, good old fashioned rules and respect. Its a credit to all the guys and girls out there who make this site what it is, and even more never will there be a membership (money wise).

Great intro to the site Ricktas, very heplful and clear, the only thing i find is when I upload a pic it changes it slightly from what it was on my moniter?

15-11-2010, 11:57am
At last we have some order, good old fashioned rules and respect. Its a credit to all the guys and girls out there who make this site what it is, and even more never will there be a membership (money wise).

Great intro to the site Ricktas, very heplful and clear, the only thing i find is when I upload a pic it changes it slightly from what it was on my moniter?

It shouldn't, unless your browser is not colourspace aware and that is causing an issue. Competition entries may change slightly, as we strip EXIF from them to keep them anonymous, and then re-save the uploaded file, so sometimes a comp entry can look slightly different.

15-11-2010, 9:27pm
This site is wonderful.I have not found anything that is as helpful and informative as this one. I was very nervous about putting up a photo but I have had so much good advice and already my photos are looking better :) The other thing I like is finding answers to the multitude of questions I have just by reading the threads. Thank you Rick and every one else for such an informative, friendly site:th3:

18-11-2010, 12:16pm
To all the new members,

When you join up and the site sends you the private message from me, welcoming you to Ausphotography, how helpful is the link in that message. The link goes to this thread (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=52887). I am just wondering if you found that thread really useful, if any bits are confusing, is anything missing, and could you give us some advice on how to make that thread better. After all, it is often the first thing you read after joining the site and if we can make it even better, we will. All feedback appreciated.

Seems fairly informative. Got a lot of reading to do

18-11-2010, 1:16pm
i find everyone is kind and respectful of each other, always willing to offer help and advice. it's quite simple to use, even for people like me lol

19-11-2010, 4:00am
Hi ricktas,

I found the Introductory message very clear and concise. Was a bit overwhelming for a newbie but I understand totally why certain things are in place. Other forums are not laid out nearly as well as this one and there is an abundance of useful information.
As jbee stated, the amount of information on here money just can't buy.... WELL DONE!


21-11-2010, 11:10am
Very useful introduction to newbies like me:)


21-11-2010, 2:36pm
Hi, thank you for the introduction, as a beginner, I'm finding it very helpful and informative. Thanks again!!

Mark L
22-11-2010, 2:31pm
Most helpful introduction. Not only informative, but helps to give the impression of a well run Forum. After reading a little, you soon realise this impression is reality.

I am a little confused about the following from the POST section,

# 1 Post – you can enter and vote on competitions, and see the members photos forums.

# 5 Posts – you can Private Message (PM) other members. This is in place as an anti-spammer measure (we hate spammers on AP!).
Note: You can send a PM to any one of the mods at any time.
# 10 posts - and a 14 day membership limit before you can vote on any of our competitions.
Can I vote on competitions after 1 post or 10 ?

I look forward to many hours of reading and learning. (and posting pictures when I finally figure out where to buy my first DSLR from).

22-11-2010, 2:45pm
Most helpful introduction. Not only informative, but helps to give the impression of a well run Forum. After reading a little, you soon realise this impression is reality.

I am a little confused about the following from the POST section,

Can I vote on competitions after 1 post or 10 ?

I look forward to many hours of reading and learning. (and posting pictures when I finally figure out where to buy my first DSLR from).

Ah, thanks. It was originally 1 post to vote on comps, but due to issues (people joining just to vote for friends entries), it was changed to 1 post and 10 days. I will fix that part.


22-11-2010, 2:46pm
Comp vote after 10 days membership and 1 counting post ;) Aimed at preventing getting people to join and just vote.
I'll check the text.

22-11-2010, 3:19pm
It is a well written intro and a nice welcome to the site. It makes me feel like i am joining a real community.
Glad to be here.


23-11-2010, 7:11am
Hi Rick
As a newbie this is all very new but so far it all looks promising, I hope I can live up to the expectations of the 30/50 rule! I read all the instaructions so I guess that means they are simple and straightforward. Looking forward to getting into it more

23-11-2010, 12:55pm
Ok, been something like five days here and been trying to dedicate at least 1/2 an hour a day so I can at least read the basic 0,00001% of the information in it before christmas :D. The welcome PM is useful indeed, had gone back to it a couple of times.
The most difficult part?, where or what do I post first...I think I will read a little more before I post so not asking for the thousand time the same question and, as suggested, think I will start by posting a couple of photos to start receiving feedback.

23-11-2010, 7:07pm
Hi Rick,
I find it really good that you've included links in the threads. It makes life easier when you don't know your way around a site and you can be pointed in the direction one needs to start at. Cheers

26-11-2010, 10:18pm
G'day Rick,

I'm pretty much reiterating what a lot of other people have said, but the link was awesome. At first I thought there were a lot of rules, but then I actually read through the intro page, and it's all pretty straight forward. I like the idea of 30/50 as it really acts as a filter for those who are serious about learning more, vs. those who are just browsing.

paul obrien
27-11-2010, 12:38am
Cheers rick i felt a bit overawed when i first found this site im not very good on the computer and was worried about all the rules and regs but going back patiently i starting to find my way around. i also would not like to sell anything but i am trying to find information to purchase my wife the right type of lens for xmas. if you had a list of the businesses that support ausphotography i would definately be interested. Im a newby an have a post titled lost and confused im not that quick on the uptake but eager to learn. i honestly have no idea when people say pixelated,not enough light in the lens f stops etc i always thought the bigger the bloody lens the better the photo and that was all there was to it.

thanks for the wonderful site

27-11-2010, 5:52am
Cheers rick i felt a bit overawed when i first found this site im not very good on the computer and was worried about all the rules and regs but going back patiently i starting to find my way around. i also would not like to sell anything but i am trying to find information to purchase my wife the right type of lens for xmas. if you had a list of the businesses that support ausphotography i would definately be interested. Im a newby an have a post titled lost and confused im not that quick on the uptake but eager to learn. i honestly have no idea when people say pixelated,not enough light in the lens f stops etc i always thought the bigger the bloody lens the better the photo and that was all there was to it.

thanks for the wonderful site

There is a link. Between the ads at the top and bottom of every site page is a button to access the Ausphotography shop and also a sponsors button. click that and you will see a list of all the advertisers. The thread is also stickied at the top of the site advertisers and sponsors forum

29-11-2010, 11:28pm
Wish I will be able to learn and share everything about photo in this great site.

02-12-2010, 8:50pm
lots of great info here ... holidays are coming soon so should have more time going through this site :xmas31:

04-12-2010, 11:19am
New to the site, still finding my way around. The more information the better!

04-12-2010, 9:50pm
Hello, thought the intro message was great. Been to a lot of forums and this was the first for me that had this approach. Was a helpful and friendly was to be introducted to the site.

Keep up the good work!

21-12-2010, 2:24am
Very useful introduction to newbie
i like this website, so simple. :)

29-12-2010, 10:36pm
Hi Ricktas
very useful info makes the site more easy to navigate and easier to understand
will be referring to it abit till i get the hang of things here

31-12-2010, 3:59pm
I would like to see it easier to return after not having posted for a period of time. Im not much of a typer due to being dyslexic (or is that lysdexic?) but get a lot of enjoyment from the website, sometimes I dont even realise its been 90days since my last confession and then have to come back and do three hail mary's and agree to her terms and conditions again and then find somewhere to post something that may be deemed meaningless just to keep my membership active.

PS yes, I do lay awake at night wondering if there really is a doG

31-12-2010, 4:38pm
I would like to see it easier to return after not having posted for a period of time. Im not much of a typer due to being dyslexic (or is that lysdexic?) but get a lot of enjoyment from the website, sometimes I dont even realise its been 90days since my last confession and then have to come back and do three hail mary's and agree to her terms and conditions again and then find somewhere to post something that may be deemed meaningless just to keep my membership active.

PS yes, I do lay awake at night wondering if there really is a doG

Posting ONCE every 90 days is not a lot to ask, and at the 45 day mark, since your last post, you get a reminder email. Here is a question, why should I provide the site for you to glean as much information as you want from other members threads and posts, without you at least giving them the courtesy of returning the favour with the occasional critique or comment. It isn't like we make people inactive after 2 weeks or a month of not posting, but ONE post every 90 days is all we ask, and that will not be watered down.

01-01-2011, 9:45am
Posting ONCE every 90 days is not a lot to ask, and at the 45 day mark, since your last post, you get a reminder email. Here is a question, why should I provide the site for you to glean as much information as you want from other members threads and posts, without you at least giving them the courtesy of returning the favour with the occasional critique or comment. It isn't like we make people inactive after 2 weeks or a month of not posting, but ONE post every 90 days is all we ask, and that will not be watered down.

You didnt take it in the context it was intended, perhaps I should have laughed more. My only suggestion is that re-joining, re-agreeing to terms and conditions could be simplied. It was light hearted feedback which seems to have hit a sensitive spot and wasnt my intention. This is what the feedback section is for isnt it? I know I will be hesitant to offer any feedback in future as I feel I offended rather than helped. I also purchase from your advertisers and visit your advertisers links. So I think I contribute in other areas as well.

NOTE: I *suggested* it be EASIER to return, NOT to be ABOLISHED, I didnt ask for it to be WATERED DOWN. After all, who am I?

01-01-2011, 9:50am
@Mark - you only have 10% of the picture. Behind the scenes we know who is taking stuff from the site and not contributing.
Which is highly unfair to regular contributors.

Edit: BTW having to re-accept the rules was a by-product of the vBulletin V4 upgrade as I had to replace the extended rules component and everybody got reset.

01-01-2011, 10:06am
@Kym - So you know how many purchases Ive made from links of your advertisers too?

01-01-2011, 10:13am
This whole thing has been taken way out of context and its very upsetting to me now. I feel Ive been labelled a user (and I dont mean the technical type, I mean the type who gleans and takes stuff from the site without giving anythng back), yet ALL I asked for was to make it EASIER to return if I should go over 90 days, I didn't once say I shouldn't have to post.

01-01-2011, 10:25am
@Kym - So you know how many purchases Ive made from links of your advertisers too?

Rick does not know (and cannot) who bought what, he just gets commissions (except the AP Shop itself).
This is because once and ad is clicked thru we have no way of knowing what happened.

All web sites have access logs, and we can tell what the traffic is doing.
We in fact trolled thru the logs to find how a site was syndicating our content (illegally) and we issued a take down notice to their IP.

This is a very rare event, I don't have the time nor inclination to wade through GBs of logs each day.
I've only done a log file scan three times in the last 2.5 years when tracking down specific abuse and attacks.
We tend to block IP address ranges now, a number from Russia, Nigeria, China and India (among others). Be glad we do.

However, we do look at gross patterns of usage and spikes in traffic from time to time (using log analysis software) mainly to check security and performance.

FWIW we served just over 1.8 terabytes of content this last 12 months.

01-01-2011, 10:27am
This whole thing has been taken way out of context and its very upsetting to me now. I feel Ive been labelled a user (and I dont mean the technical type, I mean the type who gleans and takes stuff from the site without giving anythng back), yet ALL I asked for was to make it EASIER to return if I should go over 90 days, I didn't once say I shouldn't have to post.

Ok, all good. No label's applied. The re-acceptance of the rules was a one off consequence of a major software upgrade. That won't happen again in a hurry.

01-01-2011, 8:09pm
One of the problems I find is when someone asks for say difference between/which one will I buy etc that there will inevidately be someone saying use the search button/this has already been discussed etc. When your new to a site and you do use the search button the last thing you want is some clever dick telling you the bleeding obvious. Could a sticky be started under the appropriate brand for different lens comparisons. Or maybe a write-up of the different lenses by an experienced person. Perhaps even a suggestion to some of the more knowledgable members to take on the challenge and write up a comparison. As more and more new members join they will ask the same questions because the are yearning for information. And some people are not computer illiterate let alone know anything about camera /lenses. Of course KISS applies and I among most others here do not know or understand the complexities of running a site. For information cheers Brian
PS I do so enjoy this site.

01-01-2011, 8:39pm
One of the problems I find is when someone asks for say difference between/which one will I buy etc that there will inevidately be someone saying use the search button/this has already been discussed etc. When your new to a site and you do use the search button the last thing you want is some clever dick telling you the bleeding obvious. Could a sticky be started under the appropriate brand for different lens comparisons. Or maybe a write-up of the different lenses by an experienced person. Perhaps even a suggestion to some of the more knowledgable members to take on the challenge and write up a comparison. As more and more new members join they will ask the same questions because the are yearning for information. And some people are not computer illiterate let alone know anything about camera /lenses. Of course KISS applies and I among most others here do not know or understand the complexities of running a site. For information cheers Brian
PS I do so enjoy this site.

We are investigating something that will allow this sort of thing on the site. Basically it will be an editable area, where posts can be edited by other members, and then the mod team will approve the edits etc. It will be something like a wiki, if we go ahead with it.

05-01-2011, 7:32am
the introduction message was great and i can not wait until i can participate in the whole site.

Pat Redmond
05-01-2011, 11:12am
I think the intro is great. I can't really think of anything it missed.

07-01-2011, 3:25pm
I've just joined and already learned a lot of things. This is the site I need to querry my questions about photography. Thanks everyone.

07-01-2011, 11:45pm
Just found the 'Learning Centre'....fantastic. Recommended to anyone who really is starting off, as I am. Can’t find this sort of info anywhere else in a concise easy to follow format….and its free!!!

Love this site, it great.

Thanks, Jason.

08-01-2011, 6:33am
Just found the 'Learning Centre'....fantastic. Recommended to anyone who really is starting off, as I am. Can’t find this sort of info anywhere else in a concise easy to follow format….and its free!!!

Love this site, it great.

Thanks, Jason.

Thanks Jason. I wrote most of the learning centre quite a while back now, and Kym helped with it too. With the introduction of a new site feature soon, called the Library, the New To Photography Learning Centre will be moved to the Library. This means the NTP forum will change a bit, but at the same time, it will allow members the chance to edit to Learning Centre articles and improve them. Hopefully this will add even more benefit for those starting out.

11-01-2011, 1:14pm
I have found this site d straight forward. looking forward to being a regular visitor to the site :)

11-01-2011, 1:21pm
I am in love already. Hubby has told me to remember we have children and housework.. Already addicted. I am reading through a lot of posts and the learning centre is excellent. Going to get into that this afternoon hopefully.
Thanks heaps for all of the effort you guys have put in. Looking forward to getting to know you all and making some friends..

24-01-2011, 6:36pm
T'was very helpful!

27-01-2011, 12:32pm
Very helpful, and a good kick start to the website.

30-01-2011, 11:56am
Hi, could you please check the link

"The Everything you need to know about Ausphotography page is an important starting place.
Please take some time to read the various items. "

This is part of the library, the getting started chapter.
Takes me to a forum that is restricted. Kinda self defeating, dontcha think?

30-01-2011, 12:09pm
Hi, could you please check the link

"The Everything you need to know about Ausphotography page is an important starting place.
Please take some time to read the various items. "

This is part of the library, the getting started chapter.
Takes me to a forum that is restricted. Kinda self defeating, dontcha think?

Where is the link you are referring to Tony? With the move of articles from the forums to the library, undoubtedly a few links need to be updated - but we need to know where the link is that needs fixing.

30-01-2011, 12:34pm
The link (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=52887) mentioned in the first post of this thread goes to a page that says I dont have permission.

The link (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Welcome_To_AusPhotography) in the welcoming PM which you get when you first sign up goes to a page which apart from a heading is otherwise empty.

30-01-2011, 3:14pm
The link (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=52887) mentioned in the first post of this thread goes to a page that says I dont have permission.

The link (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Welcome_To_AusPhotography) in the welcoming PM which you get when you first sign up goes to a page which apart from a heading is otherwise empty.

Happening to me too.. !

30-01-2011, 3:22pm
We will fix that. The link has changed as the content is now in the Library here: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Getting_Started_on_Ausphotography_AP

Apologies as we transition to the Library for reference content.

01-02-2011, 8:05am
Just found the 'Learning Centre'....fantastic. Recommended to anyone who really is starting off, as I am. Can’t find this sort of info anywhere else in a concise easy to follow format….and its free!!!

Couldn't agree with you more, I read the New To Photography book last night and found it so much easier to read and digest compared to other websites - love how it starts from the very basics as well as some of them can be easily overlooked!

01-02-2011, 8:56am
Couldn't agree with you more, I read the New To Photography book last night and found it so much easier to read and digest compared to other websites - love how it starts from the very basics as well as some of them can be easily overlooked!

thanks, that is exactly how I designed it to be, and how Kym and I contstructed the basics of it

ninja em
03-02-2011, 10:01pm
I'm not sure if it's just me, but when I clicked on the "rules" link under Past the Basics, I was redirected to a page explaining all the smilies, rather than the actual rules.

I wasn't sure if I'd clicked on the wrong thing so I tested it again, and only found the real "rules" when I tried to post to type this msg.

Kinda added to the confusion a little

03-02-2011, 10:07pm
I'm not sure if it's just me, but when I clicked on the "rules" link under Past the Basics, I was redirected to a page explaining all the smilies, rather than the actual rules.

I wasn't sure if I'd clicked on the wrong thing so I tested it again, and only found the real "rules" when I tried to post to type this msg.

Kinda added to the confusion a little

We have done a lot of site upgrading recently, and we are still finding links that need adjusting. So join in photographically, post an intro?

04-02-2011, 3:07am
I think the introduction is a good place to kick off the Ausphotography experience. I don't think anything is missing.


04-02-2011, 8:22am
Hello. The Library is great. Easy to get around in and find specifics if you need to. I just discovered the Golden triangle tool!! Fantastic if you want to test your composition. This is a wonderful opportunity for us beginners. Thank you.

05-02-2011, 8:44pm
Still getting lost :o (I'm a slow learner, but I'm getting there)
and ... in the process of getting lost have found many things of interest and I always find my way back to the 'Learning Centre' which is the important thing for me after all.

06-02-2011, 8:22am
I found it welcoming and very helpful thx:)

06-02-2011, 1:55pm
I joined this site some time ago but have never been able to work out how to use it. It seems very confusing with no clear directions. It was quite by accident that I found this box to type in - don't know if I could ever find it again.
Please Help!!!!!

06-02-2011, 2:25pm
I joined this site some time ago but have never been able to work out how to use it. It seems very confusing with no clear directions. It was quite by accident that I found this box to type in - don't know if I could ever find it again.
Please Help!!!!!

I will send you a message!

07-02-2011, 5:37pm
Hi Ricktas

The message was great and I am happy to introduce myself but I'm not clear how I post a message to the Introduction Thread. The link in the message takes me to the Introduction thread OK, but, then how do I open a text box to post a message? Sorry if I'm being dumb.



07-02-2011, 5:38pm
Hi Ricktas

The message was great and I am happy to introduce myself but I'm not clear how I post a message to the Introduction Thread. The link in the message takes me to the Introduction thread OK, but, then how do I open a text box to post a message? Sorry if I'm being dumb.



On the top left, just above the list of existing threads is a 'new thread' button, use that!

08-02-2011, 1:26am
To all the new members,

When you join up and the site sends you the private message from me, welcoming you to Ausphotography, how helpful is the link in that message. The link goes to this thread (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=52887). I am just wondering if you found that thread really useful, if any bits are confusing, is anything missing, and could you give us some advice on how to make that thread better. After all, it is often the first thing you read after joining the site and if we can make it even better, we will. All feedback appreciated.

Hi Rick
I am back


08-02-2011, 5:47pm
Indeed, that was a helpful intro. First time around here, would like to poke around and see more.

Paula Heelan
09-02-2011, 1:01pm
I'm still a bit lost. It looks great - but lots of info. I'm not really sure what I'm doing yet - or how to post my pics! I'll get it eventually!

09-02-2011, 1:03pm
Paula. click LIBRARY in the menu across the top of the site, and have a look through the Site Matters section and the How Do I section, for guidance on how to use the site.

09-02-2011, 2:03pm
Very informative and pretty easy to get around. Lots of info which is great for the people just starting out.................Looking forward to learning heaps from the many experienced people in the group.....:D

10-02-2011, 10:16pm
Hi Rick,

I clicked the link, but it says that I can't view the page since I don't have permission! I'm sure the link would be useful....

- Raf

11-02-2011, 6:02am
Hi Rick,

I clicked the link, but it says that I can't view the page since I don't have permission! I'm sure the link would be useful....

- Raf

I assume you mean the link in the personal message you got? The link should go here: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Getting_Started_on_Ausphotography_AP

Publius Naso
11-02-2011, 4:44pm
Having joined before the content was moved to the library, but not come back until now, I was briefly confused, but it's sorted now!

There's a huge amount of information to go through, which is a bit overwhelming, but treating it as a resource rather than a challenge would be an excellent way to learn ones way through the site! Now, just have to get through those 20-odd tabs I opened up...:o

12-02-2011, 2:19pm
I found the introductory message very helpful and useful ..... Pity I didn't type it out and referred to it before I posting :( However in spite of that there were enough helpful people that pointed me in the right direction. To date I am enjoying the experience and as I become more familiar with the site format this will increase.... Thanks
Keith Power

13-02-2011, 4:09pm
The message was helpful. Just wanted to point out that I think one of the links is incorrect within that 'Everything you needed to know about Ausphotography' forum post though? When I clicked 'The Rules that apply to being a member of Ausphotography' it linked to a page all about Smilies? With the web address http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/misc.php?do=cfrules

13-02-2011, 4:16pm
The message was helpful. Just wanted to point out that I think one of the links is incorrect within that 'Everything you needed to know about Ausphotography' forum post though? When I clicked 'The Rules that apply to being a member of Ausphotography' it linked to a page all about Smilies? With the web address http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/misc.php?do=cfrules

Thanks Kat, will fix!

16-02-2011, 9:02pm
Not sure that the posting rule encourages new members to continue memberships.
Will have a look around and see that traffic runs in both directions.

16-02-2011, 9:20pm
Not sure that the posting rule encourages new members to continue memberships.
Will have a look around and see that traffic runs in both directions.

What posting rules are you referring to?

17-02-2011, 3:24pm
Very helpful for a new user

18-02-2011, 11:46am
Rick, the introduction was great. It's good to know that the new members are welcomed on this site and greeted with an overview and aims of this forum.

21-02-2011, 4:50pm
HI Rick
think so far the info on this site is great, however I haven't been an active member of any forums before so taking me a while to understand all 'the bits'. Took me a while to notice the instructional messages up the top, didn't really stand out. But as I said, I am new to forums so am sure I will get the hang of it all soon!


21-02-2011, 6:44pm
Hi Rick -- thanks again for your assistance earlier.

There's a whole heap of rules here & I can see why (because the site is huge, with many, many members & chambers & anterooms). It took me quite a few times of trying to post a reply here (my first post, yes) before I figured out that the dialogue box that kept popping up referred to my need to TICK THE RULES BOX at the bottom of this thread/page.

I'd already ticked my agreeing to those rules in order to register, so I wasn't at all sure what was going on.

That was pretty confusing -- perhaps the dialogue box can also include some sort of a navigational device so I'd have known to SCROLL DOWN?

In any event, it seems to have worked as I'm posting this now -- there's plenty to gawk at here, so ta & I look forward to reading/seeing more... but mealtime calls.

21-02-2011, 10:22pm
this is the best photography site yet. i have been on another that just wanted to sell, rules are always good.

22-02-2011, 11:55am
Hi, I found the welcoming email amd link provided very useful. I am sure that it saved me quite a bit of time in getting up and running on the site. My initial impressions are that this is a well run forum and I am looking forward to participating.


24-02-2011, 11:17am
I had the same issue as Publius Naso and, like Paula Heelan, am bewidered by the enormity of the site. I don't know too much about these things but I wonder whether it would be useful and/or possible for the site to have some smarts built into it so that new members only see links they are entitled to access? Not sure.

24-02-2011, 11:26am
I had the same issue as Publius Naso and, like Paula Heelan, am bewidered by the enormity of the site. I don't know too much about these things but I wonder whether it would be useful and/or possible for the site to have some smarts built into it so that new members only see links they are entitled to access? Not sure.

Nah, cause then you don't know what is out there, as such, if you keep contributing. It's in incentive to join in

24-02-2011, 2:30pm
I had the same issue as Publius Naso and, like Paula Heelan, am bewidered by the enormity of the site. I don't know too much about these things but I wonder whether it would be useful and/or possible for the site to have some smarts built into it so that new members only see links they are entitled to access? Not sure.

That already happens is as much as you can't see forums you're not supposed to.
Others (such as the Library) are read only - until 50 posts & 30 days membership. But being able to read the Library is the main point.
The Library is there to separate genuine long term reference materials and the forums are for discussion.

There are many aids to navigating AP and taming the volume of information.
These have been centralised under the AP Extras menu item:

New Posts - what it says ... new posts unread by you
Un-answered Threads - threads without replies, use this to comment on others photos as the first reply :th3:
New in Members' Photos - just the new posts in the photo's area
Today's Posts - what it says
Important library books - another way into the Library
AusPhotography Shop
AusPhotography Sponsors
My Posts - your posts in descending date/time order
My Threads - your Thread in descending date/time order based on last post
Threads I Posted In - what it says
My Competitions - what is says (Comps you entered)
Subscribed Threads - what it says
Open Contacts Popup
Mark Forums Read - make everything as if you read it, makes the New Posts empty
Composition Tool - handy tool
Search with Google - handy to search AP

You also have the search functions on the top right of the page.

27-02-2011, 5:38pm
Thank you for your efforts Rick, I see you have a passion for more than just photography but more on making a comfortable learning environment as well. I am really looking forward to sinking my teeth into this site and exploring all it has to offer me. I also cant wait to share my Photos with the site..
Thanks Mark

27-02-2011, 9:00pm
Actually I find the site not logically laid out and more confusing then it need be, same as the arbitrary restrictions but hey that's just me and figure it will make more sense when I get to know it.

Anyway still finding my way around so as for me interested in photography have been for a long time but not in a position to do anything until recently so now I have a camera and a couple of lenses and trying to learn how to use them, ah the fun of it all.


28-02-2011, 7:12am
To all the new members,

When you join up and the site sends you the private message from me, welcoming you to Ausphotography, how helpful is the link in that message. The link goes to Getting Started on Ausphotography (AP). I am just wondering if you found that thread really useful, if any bits are confusing, is anything missing, and could you give us some advice on how to make that thread better. After all, it is often the first thing you read after joining the site and if we can make it even better, we will. All feedback appreciated.

Still navigating what seems to be a comprehensive site, all very new so my feedback will be more valuable once I get the feel of this place - so far so good!

04-03-2011, 3:03pm
Well I have been away for a while... mostly due to work pressures but I am now looking for another lens and wanting to get back into my 550D again.

Site is still fantastic and from what I can see the quality of photographs and posts has improved from an already high standard... makes it all a bit daunting for someone like me...:)

Hopefully I will have a new Prime soon and feel up to entering a Comp or 2.

04-03-2011, 11:24pm
Hi Rick,
Ive found all the info very useful and think the site is set up great.. Really enjoying all the info, so back to some more reading :-)
Thank you

07-03-2011, 12:03am
information you send is very informative, if not a little overwhelming at first but great reading that I am still to complete.

11-03-2011, 1:24pm
Hi Rick,

I have joined but find the site so full of information it is a little overwhelming. I want to post a photo but I can't work out how to resize it so that it is legal. I resized the pixel size to 1024 on longest side in PSE but the MB siize is still 4.9 - not sure where to go for help on this one.


11-03-2011, 1:46pm
Hope this helps, Go to image size,make it 1024 pixels,Longest side , On the left side go to "Save as" Tick the box Jpeg. Then save and it should give you the option of what quality you want to save at Level 8 to level 10 is good, You should see the kb size in the box also , Remember 250kb max , I've never had PSE , But I've had CS2 onwards , See how you go - Bill :)

12-03-2011, 8:44pm
Great starting point to the forum. Very helpful! Looking forward to learning heaps!

14-03-2011, 10:35am
Hey Richtas,
Good intro to the site. Im new to all this and looking forward to getting involved and learning as much as I can.


16-03-2011, 2:41pm
Hi Ricktas
I found the introductory message very helpful and useful - I followed the links to various parts of the site, which needed explaining.
All in all, a very good introduction!

18-03-2011, 11:58am
Hey Rick,
So far I think its fantastic, especially being very new to all of this. All you links so far have been just what I needed. Looking forward to really sussing out AP web site.

19-03-2011, 4:09pm
Found it very useful. Usually, it's so confusing when u join, figuring what the layout and all...

20-03-2011, 1:56pm
I found it useful too, but I must admit, I have had a bit of time off travelling and need to get back into things again. I will def start with this link and let you know if I think anything added would be useful. Thanks heaps B

27-03-2011, 7:05am
Hi Rick So far i found the website a little daunting with all the rules and limitations, This is my first forum that i have joined but i feel very safe in the environment that you are trying to establish. Once i get my head around the site i hope to achieve the goals i have about learning to operate my camera to the max possibilities. I have a Ferrari Camera Nikon D700 that currently is being used like a Datsun 120y.
There seems to be an over abundance of options when you first join that could be taken back a little to walk newbie (ME) through the steps.
I am very excited to what lays ahead.

27-03-2011, 12:01pm
Hi! I've never had to jump through so many hoops to get a forum account before! All good though. Just a quick note, not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, the link in the text at the top of the page that displays for new members is broken (??) "This link (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=14466) contains information that will help you get started" - when I click on "This link" it says "you do not have permission to access this page."

27-03-2011, 2:31pm
Hi! I've never had to jump through so many hoops to get a forum account before! All good though. Just a quick note, not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, the link in the text at the top of the page that displays for new members is broken (??) "This link (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=14466) contains information that will help you get started" - when I click on "This link" it says "you do not have permission to access this page."

Thank,s will fix. We moved a lot of static information out of the FORUMS into the LIBRARY recently, and still find the occasional link that needs remedial action needed.

steve munro
28-03-2011, 3:49pm
Hi Ricktas, I thought at first the information was overwhelming - there seemed to be so much to read before I could "dive right in". Then I read it and realized why, so thanks for all the threads, advice and library bits and pieces as I believe they'll serve not only to retain people but also to make the site more genuine in character. I saw another forum (who's name escapes me right now) alongside this one and, as you can see, this is the one I joined; so, thanks mate. :D

29-03-2011, 12:44am
very useful tips thanks

04-04-2011, 4:56pm
it's great that a link is provided as I was/am somewhat lost with ergards to getting started on the forum but glad that there are stricter rules/regulations to being involved with the site!

And i obvisouly missed out the part that i have to accept the terms before posting (again, the automatic link was handy, could be becasue i'm sitll at work that's why i'll all over the palce! LOL!)

Thanks, indeed the links were useful, cheers,


05-04-2011, 1:29pm
Hi Everyone.
A bit daunting getting started, but all looks good. Great to see security and respect so prominent.
Looking forward to my 1st, or is it2nd, post...

Cheryl A
07-04-2011, 5:59pm
Hi Rick,

The site is overwhelming at first and I find that, in my enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge, that I tend to dive in the deep end and then start paddling fast. I am so loving my experience with AP so far. The "Welcome" is very much appreciated and everyone is so helpful and friendly. I love the Rules you have (even though I broke one first up - UNINTENTIONALLY :eek:) as it keeps everything and everyone safe.
A huge "Congratulations" to you for your patience and hard work in putting this together and maintaining it. I can well imagine how much time and effort is involved. The site is awesome and easy to navigate around. There is just so much to look at that I find I have to drag myself away each time otherwise I'd be here for hours on end.
Thanks also to the other Moderators for their time and input. Fantastic work everyone!


12-04-2011, 5:35am
I agree with the consensus Rick - my initial impression was "jeez! That's a lot of reading and rules..." but I can see why, and I think that it should provide a more focused forum (pardon the pun) and a good learning environment. Keep up the good work.

12-04-2011, 4:08pm
Looking forward to getting to know everyone here at AP the links and information you have provided me upon registration are proving very helpful as it seems one could easily get lost or overwhelmed so navigation becomes a little easier just like having a NAVMAN

12-04-2011, 5:39pm
I have found the information on this site, and the help and feedback invaluable.
I recomend to all my freinds

16-04-2011, 3:26pm
I appreciated the email to help me get started (but having a young family my visits here are very infrequent :( ) HOwever, when I am on here, the tips, tricks and information available are FANTASTIC!! Thanks:)

18-04-2011, 7:39pm
Initial link was definitely helpful. Still trying to find my way around - taken me a little while to figure out exactly what I need to do to get involved - i.e where to find a starting point for posting/viewing content but I am very green with sites such as this - and photography in general!

18-04-2011, 7:47pm
I love the way this forum works, it has already been ever so helpful to me. I wont be going anywhere any time soon:th3:

19-04-2011, 12:40pm
I did find it useful, but I am still a little overwhelmed by all that the site offers. I will work my way through it all slowly. Thanks.:th3:

20-04-2011, 6:53pm
I found the introduction message very useful. Can't wait to get in and have a look around.



Kris Montgomery
21-04-2011, 7:39pm
Introduction message very helpful Rick. Still slowly finding my way around the site - it's massive! I will return to your message many times no doubt, to follow the trail of links it leads to, until I become more familiar with the site and how it works. I don't get much spare time, so my appearances on forums etc. will probably be sporadic. Hope that's ok. In the meantime, I've had a go at a couple of your competitions. Might as well jump right in I figured.

29-04-2011, 8:26pm
The Info for a new member like myself is very good and factual but boy there seem to be a hell of a lot of rules!
Understand you need some rules or guidelines but this many?
Anyway,I am looking forward to getting Involved as it looks like a great site you have developed.
Well done

29-04-2011, 8:32pm
The Info for a new member like myself is very good and factual but boy there seem to be a hell of a lot of rules!
Understand you need some rules or guidelines but this many?
Anyway,I am looking forward to getting Involved as it looks like a great site you have developed.
Well done

The rules are there for a reason, and we stick to them.

02-05-2011, 10:15pm
Hi Ricktas, I have found it very straight forward to use and friendly, with enough to keep it interesting. I haven't much experience with forums, only through my studies but this is a helpful way to get to know the site and how it works.

03-05-2011, 4:38pm
Hi Rick,

Just signed up, looks really well organised and controlled. Can't wait to get active within the forum.



03-05-2011, 8:07pm
Hey guys,

The intro is great. Very helpful so far. Recently bought an entry level dslr and the photos are hot compared to my point and shoot. With the links in the intro to some of the tutorials, I have already started to make some happy snaps look like photographs. I have really been surprised by the outcome. Looking forward to moving further into the site.

04-05-2011, 11:09am
Hi, just signed up and have strated looking around and reading how everything works. Looks well thought out. I hope to get more involved as time goes by.



09-05-2011, 7:40pm
Hey! All really helpful and can't wait to get stuck into some reading and then testing out what I have learnt!:)

09-05-2011, 8:24pm
Hi, the intro is very good, the amount of rules threw me for a bit till I understood the reason for them all. I have been slowly getting through the library pages and reading forum topics of interest and commenting where applicable and have also entered 2 competitions, one yeaterday and one today. Wow this is such a huge site, I find I am spending way too much time on here Haha...........
Thanks Rick for a top forum for photographers, well done:th3:

12-05-2011, 2:22pm
Hi all, i am new to this site and look forward to getting some quality information from other photography fans.:::)

17-05-2011, 3:26pm
That's a really good link to provide new members. Contents are all quite relevant.

Can I tell you my experience of signing up with this site?
A friend sent me the URL and said we should check it out and do some competitions.
I came to the site and clicked a photo thumbnail on the homepage to get a feel for the competitions and got the message 'account required - sign in or register' so I did.
Went back and clicked the thumbnail again and got the message 'must post on forums before viewing photos'. So here I am.

I feel I don't really have much to contribute to the forums without first looking around - and I still haven't seen a photo which is what I came here for in the first place.
Now that I've posted a message the experience will undoubtedly improve - and I'm looking forward to it.

Just went back to the homepage, clicked a thumbnail and got the message that I need to 'post a picture or comment on someone else's images' to access other areas of the site.
Feeling like I will never be able to view a photo. Maybe it's just the interface that's getting me. Will go try again.

17-05-2011, 7:11pm
That's a really good link to provide new members. Contents are all quite relevant.

Can I tell you my experience of signing up with this site?
A friend sent me the URL and said we should check it out and do some competitions.
I came to the site and clicked a photo thumbnail on the homepage to get a feel for the competitions and got the message 'account required - sign in or register' so I did.
Went back and clicked the thumbnail again and got the message 'must post on forums before viewing photos'. So here I am.

I feel I don't really have much to contribute to the forums without first looking around - and I still haven't seen a photo which is what I came here for in the first place.
Now that I've posted a message the experience will undoubtedly improve - and I'm looking forward to it.

Just went back to the homepage, clicked a thumbnail and got the message that I need to 'post a picture or comment on someone else's images' to access other areas of the site.
Feeling like I will never be able to view a photo. Maybe it's just the interface that's getting me. Will go try again.

As per the getting started information:

*Members must post before they can view the photo forums (this is to stop the internet trolls from taking a copy of your photo and using it without your permission, they need to sign up and post to gain access, and most will just move onto the next google result)
* Once you have posted it can take up to 60 minutes for your access levels to increase as the software that upgrades members access, runs automatically once an hour.

These rules can be annoying, but it is our way of ensuring only those actually interested in photography will join up and use the site, and those that are just trolling the net for a photo to use in a newsletter, personal card, desktop wallpaper etc do not steal one from an AP member.

22-05-2011, 10:49am
Without the intro message I'm sure I would have found the site more confusing, it's exactly what new members need to get started. I'm really impressed with the quality of this site :)

Paula Heelan
24-05-2011, 6:54pm
Paula Heelan still doesn't get it. I'll have to start all over again when I have some time.

Paula Heelan
24-05-2011, 6:55pm
I put up 13 pics, but they've been lost in cyberspace.

24-05-2011, 7:01pm
I put up 13 pics, but they've been lost in cyberspace.

No they haven't, you just cant see them cause you havent posted to the site for ages and your account went inactive. Click AP EXTRA's menu and then look for "My threads"

25-05-2011, 8:02pm
Hey thanks, i found the welcome a hand helper to guide me around, will aslo come in handy in the future, cheers LJ :)

02-06-2011, 8:55pm
In love this site. I believe I have learnt more in the last few days than I could have dreamed of. Here we have a group of people so committed to a single purpose yet non-committal as to turn newcomers away. There is hope for this world while true believers exist.

04-06-2011, 6:14pm
Here goes - first comment!!! Ricktas, thankyou for the introduction. It was most useful to me a newbie not only to your forum but forums in general. I am finding this all very daunting and was initially wondering why the restrictions to newbies however, I understand that I am learning and the best way to learn is slowly... After reading your introduction feel that you have the best interests of your forum members in mind and that is all anyone can ask. Thankyou and I hope to navigate and get the most out of this forum!:)

04-06-2011, 6:42pm
@Possumbear ... the new member restrictions are needed for several reasons...

They help us control & stop forum spammers
They prevent commercial comments from 'unknown' sources
(say the is a discussion about Vendor A and someone associated with Vendor B joins and stars promoting themselves or bagging their opposition)
They help us prevent competition voting fraud
by the time someone has been on for 30 days and 50 posts we do have a feel for their genuine interest and ability to contribute positively
and as we want AP to be a safe place, the restrictions keep you safe!

04-06-2011, 7:25pm
I found the 'rules' extremely relevant and I feel a lot safer posting my photo's on a forum where my photo's aren't going to be 'pinched' by less than honest people...

I am also very much enjoying the friendly people that I've encountered on my 'first day at school'. :D

Looking forward to learning much more!

Thank you for having these guidelines...it makes it much clearer when there are 'rules' :D

06-06-2011, 5:38pm
G,day Ricktas Ive been a forum dweller for quiet a few years not photography there has only been one other forum I felt comfortable and the people that I have meet so far all are very helpful and polite and I am a bit of a ning at times but have not been made to feel like a ning As you know I have only been here for a couple of days now I love it good explanation but you don't have to just read the forum there is the library and I'm sure so much more so much information here I am very happy I feel safe and I have not seen any signs of over moderation but I am sure the Mods do there job to keep us all safe and well informed.

07-06-2011, 7:32pm
I stumbled here looking for a camera for my gf's birthday, but getting so interested I might just have to keep it and get her another one!

Link was very useful thanks.

10-06-2011, 1:18pm
the Library is a brilliant resource, particularly the seciton 'New to Photography'. Whilst I know a lot of it already, it's great to have it all there in one spot to refer to. Really informative and helpful.

11-06-2011, 8:04pm
I found it great.Ive always been so scared of joining a forum.So often I see people getting picked on and put down so It was nice to read that there are good rules and guidelines and that this site is moderated well. I'm now looking forward to being part of the community and feeling welcomed,supported and encouraged to share.Thank you.

16-06-2011, 10:22pm
Hi, I wanted to provide some feedback. I have noticed a trend of messages being posted for the sake of posting a message. These messages don't add value to the content of the site, and I think that the number of rules and restrictions in regards to getting full membership and then remaining a member seem to be responsible for this. Can I suggest a removal of the number of posts restriction with a better incentive to share informative content? ie Product news, articles etc

19-06-2011, 8:12pm
Hi, I wanted to provide some feedback. I have noticed a trend of messages being posted for the sake of posting a message. These messages don't add value to the content of the site, and I think that the number of rules and restrictions in regards to getting full membership and then remaining a member seem to be responsible for this. Can I suggest a removal of the number of posts restriction with a better incentive to share informative content? ie Product news, articles etc

One introductory post is all that is needed to open up the site.
The remainder of restrictions are mainly soft, i.e. you can't comment about commercial (positive or negative) until 50 posts 30 days membership - this sort of restriction is to stop abuse of the paid advertisers and people trying to get free advertising.

One post, and you can then put up images for CC, comment on others, enter competitions (with prizes) etc.

The only other hard limited are 5 posts before being able to PM anyone other than mods (limits spammers);
and 10 days before you can vote on a comp.

All of the initial limitations are about stopping spammers, keeping AP very safe and competition system integrity. :th3:

19-06-2011, 9:26pm
I have found that this site seems to have alot of integrity, and the restrictions that are in place contribute to the safety of the users of this site. Everyone has been very friendly and helpful and it is comforting to know that safety of posters content etc is so highly thought of.

19-06-2011, 9:33pm
Hi, I wanted to provide some feedback. I have noticed a trend of messages being posted for the sake of posting a message. These messages don't add value to the content of the site, and I think that the number of rules and restrictions in regards to getting full membership and then remaining a member seem to be responsible for this. Can I suggest a removal of the number of posts restriction with a better incentive to share informative content? ie Product news, articles etc

Product news is not a primary reason AP exists, photography is, after all it is Australian Photography, not Australia Photography Gear! Everything about the way the site is setup is to ensure only those interested in contributing on a photographic level gain/retain access. The way the site is setup is based on years of experience running the site and feedback from the existing active member base. So join in, you will find it worthwhile. And if people post 'junk' to gain access, we often remove it, and their membership. We class that as 'semi-spam'.

22-06-2011, 6:55pm
Very informative and nicely set out forum!

23-06-2011, 3:45pm
Such a great forum.
Fantastic images and lots to learn

27-06-2011, 6:10pm
I think the introduction message is great, I am really enjoying the NTP book/thread, very very helpful for a total amature like myself.

09-07-2011, 9:36am
Hi Not really sure of what is expected of forums but i'm sure i will find out?

09-07-2011, 5:37pm
Hey Rick

Great site and good people ... or should that be great people? :p

This site has given me the information, support and ideas I've been missing since buying my first DSLR over 3 years ago, I should have joined sooner.



13-07-2011, 12:40pm
Hi, lots of useful info so far, just need to find the time to read it all!



15-07-2011, 11:17am
images in the comps are amazing... well done!!

16-07-2011, 12:13pm
great site guys, thanks for all the hard work.

16-07-2011, 12:20pm
This is a fantastic site. Great people, great photographers and everyone is willing to help!

To those that run and miantain this site - I take my hat off to you! :th3::th3::th3:

17-07-2011, 8:10pm
Just wondering. Why are the introduction threads closed after a couple days? :S

Also is there some way of quickly seeing if threads started by me have replies? or do i have to browse though the "new posts" and see if there are?

17-07-2011, 8:14pm
Just to keep things nice and Tidy Karol, stops people dragging up old introduction threads after a long period

17-07-2011, 8:17pm
Just wondering. Why are the introduction threads closed after a couple days? :S

Also is there some way of quickly seeing if threads started by me have replies? or do i have to browse though the "new posts" and see if there are?

re your thread, use the AP extra's menu (just under the main site menu, and choose 'my threads'. The AP extra's menu gives you a heap of choices and options in relation to keeping on top of things. You can also subscribe to your own threads, and every time someone replies you will get an email. To subscribe, in the thread, use the thread tools menu (it appears off towards the right, just above the first post).

18-07-2011, 4:32pm
i think the site works very well, my only problem is that i dont often post, unless i think i can help or offer an informed opinion, and being new to photography and forums this isn't very comon, so each time i decide to use the site (like today) i have to post and then wait until my account is reactivated.
my fault really, it just seems that i miss the 60 day cut off buy about a week every time.
besides this the site is excelent and everybody is very helpful and friendly

18-07-2011, 5:39pm
i think the site works very well, my only problem is that i dont often post, unless i think i can help or offer an informed opinion, and being new to photography and forums this isn't very comon, so each time i decide to use the site (like today) i have to post and then wait until my account is reactivated.
my fault really, it just seems that i miss the 60 day cut off buy about a week every time.
besides this the site is excelent and everybody is very helpful and friendly

Actually the cycle is reducing, it starts at 90 days, now yours is obviously on 60, then if you go inactive again, it is 30 days, etc. As you are new to photography, you are the one that would most benefit from being more active. Post some photos for critique, the feedback you get will be invaluable in helping you improve, sitting back and going inactive repeatedly will not. Join in, no one is going to be nasty, so what have you got to lose?

20-07-2011, 9:46am
I found the welcoming message very informative and helpful in starting to make my way into the forum. Thank you! I have to add with all the work you and the moderators put into this site I hope you all still get a chance to take your own photos. :eek: One extra kudo is for the "click for a random AP page" - I love that feature but I do wonder how it got to be so intuitive as, so far, it has offered me the very pages I would be most interested in and was about to look for - great job!! :th3:

21-07-2011, 5:47am
One extra kudo is for the "click for a random AP page" - I love that feature but I do wonder how it got to be so intuitive as, so far, it has offered me the very pages I would be most interested in and was about to look for - great job!! :th3:

It's part of the AP Artificial Intelligence software :cool:
AP also knows when you need coffee or when to go for a Sunset shot or even when you should be in bed. :rolleyes:

Gecko Girl
23-07-2011, 9:30pm
A fantastic site! Thank you so much!

24-07-2011, 8:31am
I found it useful to read. Set me up to know what I could and couldn't do.
What I find frustrating is having to post all the time to keep my account active. Got a message Friday saying my account was under threat of being inactive (again!), and as I'm not well with the flu, I just haven't had time to post something. Today, I'm made inactive. Feel like I'm posting for the sake of it most of the time - I am trying to work through the learning plan but as a stay at home mum, I really struggle with time so wish the whole 'post to stay active thing' could be amended somehow. I've been in and commented on the work of others - can this not be taken as 'posting' somehow?

24-07-2011, 8:35am
I found it useful to read. Set me up to know what I could and couldn't do.
What I find frustrating is having to post all the time to keep my account active. Got a message Friday saying my account was under threat of being inactive (again!), and as I'm not well with the flu, I just haven't had time to post something. Today, I'm made inactive. Feel like I'm posting for the sake of it most of the time - I am trying to work through the learning plan but as a stay at home mum, I really struggle with time so wish the whole 'post to stay active thing' could be amended somehow. I've been in and commented on the work of others - can this not be taken as 'posting' somehow?

If you have been in and commenting on the work of others, you would not be going inactive. Inactive means 'not posting to the site'. Ausphotography is a forum (a place where people interact, by definition). The benefits of being an active member are that for FREE you get to learn from the site, members, and enter competitions (with prizes quite often). We will not be changing the inactive status system.

25-07-2011, 8:01pm
It's usually a bit daunting starting on a new website, however the information in the pdf file for new members made me feel welcome straight away. Thankyou - Alf

30-07-2011, 6:24pm
Hello and it is good to be back!!!

31-07-2011, 7:35pm
The link is really great for a beginner like me!! Really appreciate, looking forward to learning some more!!

06-08-2011, 5:25pm
Hello Ricktas I found it simple and very easy to use

09-08-2011, 7:32am
hi and thanks for mking a very easy to follow forum will be on here alot

10-08-2011, 3:26pm
Hi all. Looking forward to learning a bit about digital photography. Are the intro files in the library downloadable as PDF to read on iPad or eReader?


10-08-2011, 4:52pm
Hi all. Looking forward to learning a bit about digital photography. Are the intro files in the library downloadable as PDF to read on iPad or eReader?


No. Sorry. We want members to be active on the site, so we don't have downloadable versions of most of the site, as it defeats the purpose of AP being a forum and ensuring member interaction. Also note that the New to Photography Library area is copyright, and it cannot be reproduced, other than for a member's personal use.

11-08-2011, 9:14am
I want to un-subscribe to AP, how do I do it?

11-08-2011, 10:55am
Yes, I do find the link helpful. I keep referring to it.

11-08-2011, 11:06am
I want to un-subscribe to AP, how do I do it?

Send me a pm or email and I will close your account for you

14-08-2011, 9:59am
Good intro, a little daunting as being new to DSLR I am more a read and absorb type of learner but will try and participate to increase my post numbers.

David J
15-08-2011, 7:56pm
I'm not really a new member, more of a returning member who has neglected to visit for a while.

I'm not sure why I stayed away but forgetting my password didn't help.

Anyway, I always enjoy being inspired by the Ausphotography posters, not to mention the great advice.

The suspension of access is a good process to keep members involved and I'll be posting more often in future.


19-08-2011, 4:01pm
Hi Ricktas. Your post with the links was very useful for me being a new member and all.

25-08-2011, 7:45am
Have been browsing the site for some time, great site!

26-08-2011, 8:50pm
Very interesting start. I wasn't expecting so many rules but after dabbling around I can see why you do. It's a great idea to limit access in the early stages as it encourages activity gets you used to the site, Cheers for now

28-08-2011, 4:04pm
The rules are there for several purposes...

To create a safe place for people to share their creativity and get good constructive critique on their work
A place free from spammers
A place free from fly by night commercial posts (i.e. those that just join to promote something, without being a genuine site contributor)
Fair and fun competitions

01-09-2011, 11:40am
Most of it all was very help for which was good to get started and fine my way around the site.

03-09-2011, 3:43pm
Hi Rick. Yeah, the intro is good, but I realize I have a bit of work to do to get up to speed , not just becoming familiar with the site but with the quality of the works. Thanks, heaps, Redondo

08-09-2011, 7:28am
Good welcome pack. Good job, ricktas (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/member.php?659-ricktas). Thanks.

08-09-2011, 2:31pm
Hi, lots of useful info so far, just need to find the time to read it all learning everyday.

10-09-2011, 1:57pm
Thank you for the information, a bit daunting but i will get there, new to forums and photography.:scrtch:

10-09-2011, 8:54pm
Good site but black background with the green does funny things to my eyes!

16-09-2011, 2:37pm
Very thorough. I read most of it, but I'm pretty sure plenty of people take a look at all the writing and just skip right past it, but I actually took the time to read through the vast majority, followed, several of the links, and opened others as new tabs to refer to later (such as the new to photography handbook - though whilst I'm not totally new to photography, and have dabbled in it for about 30 years, I'm pretty new to anything that's not a Point & Shoot).
No-one will have an excuse for not knowing rules, or etiquette, or reasons for not having full access if they've read it.
It was quite helpful as far as I'm concerned.

16-09-2011, 2:51pm
Good site but black background with the green does funny things to my eyes!

There are a range of 'skins' you can use. Just scroll to the bottom of any page of the site, and on the lower left is a drop down menu. Just go through them and pick one you like.

alan and ruth
25-09-2011, 12:25pm
I started photographay about 18 mths ago as an absolute complete novice. purchased lots of books and went to lots of sites to build up me information levels.. This site caught my attention to surf about 12 mths ago. I did not persevieve with it and left it alone. I have just come back again to have another go at this site. I got lost in the forum thingo and many other rules that came with belonging to this site. I have found the site to be extremely busy and hard navigate as a complete novice a new comer to this site.
As a suggestion would be good to have a link to a a sort of intro page or accimatisation type page to introduce new comers to the environment and diagram of the sites structure. Coming in cold to this site/environment i am finding quite challenging. however not to be put off i will persevie with understanding how to navigate and work the various structues in this site. It looks like the site has a vast information base for new photographers such as myself to learn more from.
Please do not take the above comments as negative, i am just vocalising in the hope some one may be able to understand that internet sites that have been around for a while and have a level of maturaty, may not be well suited for new comers.
However, in todays web environment where people can hide behind face less web names. strong rules are essential.

keep up the good work

25-09-2011, 3:21pm
I started photographay about 18 mths ago as an absolute complete novice. purchased lots of books and went to lots of sites to build up me information levels.. This site caught my attention to surf about 12 mths ago. I did not persevieve with it and left it alone. I have just come back again to have another go at this site. I got lost in the forum thingo and many other rules that came with belonging to this site. I have found the site to be extremely busy and hard navigate as a complete novice a new comer to this site.
As a suggestion would be good to have a link to a a sort of intro page or accimatisation type page to introduce new comers to the environment and diagram of the sites structure. Coming in cold to this site/environment i am finding quite challenging. however not to be put off i will persevie with understanding how to navigate and work the various structues in this site. It looks like the site has a vast information base for new photographers such as myself to learn more from.
Please do not take the above comments as negative, i am just vocalising in the hope some one may be able to understand that internet sites that have been around for a while and have a level of maturaty, may not be well suited for new comers.
However, in todays web environment where people can hide behind face less web names. strong rules are essential.

keep up the good work

Umm we do. When members join they get an automatically generated message from me, welcoming them to the site and giving them THIS (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Getting_Started_on_Ausphotography_AP) link to have a read of.

08-10-2011, 4:08pm
Where do I have to post to get my account re-instated? I've been O/S for a couple of months with little access to the internet.

08-10-2011, 4:20pm
Where do I have to post to get my account re-instated? I've been O/S for a couple of months with little access to the internet.

six posts since July 2008, when you joined. Hope your time OS was enjoyable, and that we might get to see some of the photos soon, it would be a nice surprise..for us:D

08-10-2011, 4:37pm
I have really enjoyed being able to post my very amateurish photos to a place where honest and very useful feedback is given in a very timely fashion. Everyone that has left comments on my photos have been supportive of me being a 'newbie' and have given great encouragement. I will be spreading the word about this site. Awesome! :th3:

18-10-2011, 9:44am

Thanks for the welcome message and it was really helpful and feel welcomed!. Planning to actively participate in future!


23-10-2011, 12:08am
lots of information floating around here but welcome pack was very helpful in guiding a beginner along. hope to pick up more over time!

28-10-2011, 11:43am
To all the new members,

When you join up and the site sends you the private message from me, welcoming you to Ausphotography, how helpful is the link in that message. The link goes to Getting Started on Ausphotography (AP). I am just wondering if you found that thread really useful, if any bits are confusing, is anything missing, and could you give us some advice on how to make that thread better. After all, it is often the first thing you read after joining the site and if we can make it even better, we will. All feedback appreciated.

:) I found your welcoming thread quite helpful, but very complex - I really had to concentrate. You see, I am very much an amateur in photography, even though I have always been interested in it, and tried to get GOOD Equipment, and read as much as I can about it! BUT! I am still very unfamiliar with many of the photographic terminology. However, I hope to learn more through your site. I am sorry that I have not submitted anything yet to the forum, but I have had a very serious illness, and am just starting to get better now - thank goodness!

30-10-2011, 4:06pm
Hi Ricktas, the introduction was very easy and un complicated. I'm looking forward to exploring more of this site and uploading and browsing some geat pictures!!

01-11-2011, 7:25pm
Hi Ricktas, what a great site.
First I'd like to reply to your request for feedback to your welcome link. It was a bit long but that didn't stop me from reading most of it. Very informative and a good intro to what can/cannot be done. Can't wait to get started.
Thanks, and now I'm off to set up my profile. Paul.

13-11-2011, 6:48pm
Hi Ricktas
Found it ok after a bit of looking.

17-11-2011, 6:11am
Great job ricktas and Kym, the site looks great, the welcome message was well thought out and the info it provided was very informative.
Looking forward to finding my way around and posting some images.

22-11-2011, 10:34pm
[QUOTE=ricktas;572933]To all the new members,

Hey love the intro very specific and straight to the point, at least you know what you're getting into.
Hope to participate in a lot of things and help others do better.

Thank you.

19-12-2011, 3:47pm
Great site but I need to come here more often

19-12-2011, 5:59pm
Great site but I need to come here more often

yeah you do, cause each time your account goes inactive, the time till it does so again, reduces. Eventually, you will need to post daily for 6 months to stop your account inactive status kicking in.

Beth H
19-12-2011, 7:50pm
I appreciated the welcoming messages, the friendly and safe 'feel' to the site & the fact that the rules are actually spelt out (not just assumed).

I admit I was put off at my first attempt to join up a while ago, but then I was pressed for time & decided to wait until I could take it all in.

This time round, it still took me a while to to read it all carefully & to figure where to go for what ...... but I hope I'm getting the hang of it now. With all the encouragement, I've actually put my first picture up. Still feels a bit scary but I've done it !!

At some stage I would like to go back through all the information to see if I have some positive suggestions for improvements, but in the meantime, thanks for getting me through to another stage in photography.

23-12-2011, 10:52pm
Hi Rick, I am not the sharpest pencil in the box, but I found it very easy and helpful to follow the introductory instructions, thank you, Pintle.

28-12-2011, 1:29pm
Hi Ricktas, welcome pack was very helpful in guiding a beginner along, still looking but thanks for the help up to now, You see, I am very much an amateur in photography so looking forward to be able to use this site to get to what I love doing.

08-01-2012, 10:33pm

i found the intro very helpful as this is my first time on any sort of forum. It took me a while to figure out how to change my profile settings usch as picture, basic info. I also had no idea what an avatar was (blue alien?) unsure if you had a link to this anywhere as I stumbled on it during my explorations.

Also would be handy to have a bit on how to subscribe to threads and receive email updates as the default setting is not to - took me a while to figure this out to. Apologies if this is in the intro as I must have missed it.

Was great to have a personal email welcome and receive CC in the beginners forum which is a great idea.


09-01-2012, 5:34am

i found the intro very helpful as this is my first time on any sort of forum. It took me a while to figure out how to change my profile settings usch as picture, basic info. I also had no idea what an avatar was (blue alien?) unsure if you had a link to this anywhere as I stumbled on it during my explorations.

Also would be handy to have a bit on how to subscribe to threads and receive email updates as the default setting is not to - took me a while to figure this out to. Apologies if this is in the intro as I must have missed it.

Was great to have a personal email welcome and receive CC in the beginners forum which is a great idea.


Lots of information on how the basic software behind the site, works, is in the FAQ: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/faq.php

There is a link to the FAQ in the intro information. We know there is a lot to learn especially for those who haven't used forums before. It is a bit of a balancing act, of giving you a guiding hand, or producing a 20 page book on how the site works. We tried to fit a fair bit into the intro information, and then just hope that it gives people enough to get started. I suppose at least we try, many forums do not give you anything like the intro information we do. Thanks for the feedback, and I hope the FAQ helps.

09-01-2012, 6:50pm
I have really enjoyed the site and have learnt a lot from the forums but haven't yet felt brave enough to post any photos, so I was excited to read about the new to photography cc forum. I think it will be a great addition to the site for beginners like me.

11-01-2012, 12:08pm
ITs been months since Ive been here. Lovin the new look and quite excited to read through the forums!!:beer_mug:

22-01-2012, 11:37am
Thanks for the welcoming link, very well laid out, i will be going over it a few times while i get used to the site. Good to see that us new starters are helped along a bit, cheers:beer_mug:

24-01-2012, 6:19pm
When i come across sites with lots of text, my eyes automatically start scanning for keywords. I was looking for the keywords "How to get started" or "How to post pictures." Knowing myself, i probably just missed it, but please forgive me, just had a long day at work and am pretty beat. Anyway, that's my suggestion.



24-01-2012, 6:36pm
When i come across sites with lots of text, my eyes automatically start scanning for keywords. I was looking for the keywords "How to get started" or "How to post pictures." Knowing myself, i probably just missed it, but please forgive me, just had a long day at work and am pretty beat. Anyway, that's my suggestion.



It was all in the link you got from me when you joined! It is called "getting started on Ausphotography"..funnily enough. It is also on the right side of the site home page, under Site Navigation.

25-01-2012, 9:05pm
Hi my name is Jo. I joined up some time ago but I have never posted on the forum.

Photography is on my to do list as busy with work etc but I think it's about time that I start to slowly develop this interest that I have and hopefully photography will become a fulfilling hobby.

I am really a beginner and need to start at square one. I notice there is a beginners book and a learning plan attached to the forum that I would like to access and work at my own pace. How do I access this.

Any other tips to start Keon my way would be appreciated. Should I do a beginners course somewhere maybe.

I have a basic Canon Power shot G9 camera and am willing to upgrade to an SLR as I progress.

Thanks for your help.

25-01-2012, 9:07pm
Hi my name is Jo. I joined up some time ago but I have never posted on the forum.

Photography is on my to do list as busy with work etc but I think it's about time that I start to slowly develop this interest that I have and hopefully photography will become a fulfilling hobby.

I am really a beginner and need to start at square one. I notice there is a beginners book and a learning plan attached to the forum that I would like to access and work at my own pace. How do I access this.

Any other tips to start Keon my way would be appreciated. Should I do a beginners course somewhere maybe.

I have a basic Canon Power shot G9 camera and am willing to upgrade to an SLR as I progress.

Thanks for your help.

To access the NTP (New To Photography) guides, click LIBRARY on the main menu

29-01-2012, 2:07pm
HI all! im back again after over a year away (2011 year of the downward spiral) and find the new format good and easy to follow :)

02-02-2012, 2:23pm
I'm back too, usually just read and learn so hoping to contribute a bit more this time :)

03-02-2012, 7:51pm
Top site guys, love the threads and pics.. glad i stumbled acroos it! :D


11-02-2012, 11:43am
I find this site full of helpful info and friendly members who are willing to help you with any questions. I haven't been here for a while because I'm between cameras and looking for a new one, but I'm glad to be back.

13-02-2012, 10:50pm
HI, What a great find... google really does work sometimes in mysterious ways. I have found the welcome letter very useful, though Im not always great at reading all bits properly the first time, tend to enjoying jumping right in there. This site, or what I have seen so far seems very thorough, and the welcome letter helps to make one feel more comfortable. Thanks Ricktas, it also makes some of us quieter ones who like reading and take ages to step up and post do so much sooner - posting already woohoo. I am very much looking forward to being an active contributor. Tina:D

19-02-2012, 8:17pm
Hi Rick

I have tried to access the thread for new members indicating that they are beginners, the link will not open and google is indicating 'Oops! Internet Explorer could not find http'?

Many thanks Anne :)

19-02-2012, 8:28pm
Hi Rick

I have tried to access the thread for new members indicating that they are beginners, the link will not open and google is indicating 'Oops! Internet Explorer could not find http'?

Many thanks Anne :)

Yep, cause you had not posted to the site.

Access to the critique forums is ONLY available to active POSTING members.

Now that you have posted, you will be able to access it soon (but the site is going off-line in 30 minutes for the rest of the evening, as we move the entire site to a new server). So try again tomorrow.

02-03-2012, 7:15pm
good site enjoy reading posts

16-03-2012, 12:35pm
Just coming back after a break to see what has changed

17-03-2012, 4:44pm
The intro email was very detailed. I copied the activation ID but apparently I didn't need it. Some things work automagically. I use a Mac, could his be a reason?



17-03-2012, 4:56pm
The intro email was very detailed. I copied the activation ID but apparently I didn't need it. Some things work automagically. I use a Mac, could his be a reason?



Should not be, but maybe you clicked it as well as copying it, and it activated without you realising. Basically all it is for, is to verify that you are registered with a valid and real email address.

18-03-2012, 6:56am
Yes, I found the intro and initial messages very helpful as this site has more rules to follow than other forum.
So, overall very helpful.

18-03-2012, 7:12am
Yes, I found the intro and initial messages very helpful as this site has more rules to follow than other forum.
So, overall very helpful.

Yeah we do, most of them are common sense rules though. Others only apply if you are using specific parts of the site, etc. So join in, post some of your photos and you will see that the rules are not really all that restrictive. Probably for you, Rules 3-7 are the only ones that you need to read in depth, as a member with less than 50 posts.

18-03-2012, 10:29am
Hi all. I enjoy reading on sites where information is accurate and can't complain about anything here so must be good :D
I do not have a lot of spare time but I will be visiting this site more often than before. Have only started photography as a hobby but it has led me to doing sports for local clubs hoping to help them along.
I am using a Nikon D200 and D700. Poor light is not a place for a D200 unless I am taking stills. Basically, I use RAW and JPG most of the time.
Need to learn more and not just happy snapping pics for the hell of it.
Time permitting, I will be around this site more often. Looks to be a fantastic place.
Keep kewl and happy snapping. :th3:

20-03-2012, 3:47pm
New here, find the rules here are quite firm, but I like it. And the beginner's guide is awesome!

23-03-2012, 10:30pm
Decided to drop back after a long break, forum looks like it's still doing fantastic!

25-03-2012, 2:47pm
I found the introductory message very helpful and useful.

01-04-2012, 3:09pm
Thanks Rick,

I think I understood the mesage,

1) Before you can post images etc you need to wait 30 days and post 50 replies to current treads or new threads after an hour of completing the signup
2) Images you post will be moderated and they have to conform to generally acceptable standards particularly nude images
3) Introduce yourself let people know who you are and what type of camera gear you like to use
4) No trading or commercial posts
5) No Spamming and doing the wrong thing
6) The forum is a place where we can learn to take better photos and meet like minded people

Perhaps what I would have liked to see how to go about getting started where do I introduce myself oerhaps even better provide a web-form that asks us for certain info
and sets the appropriate expectations or even better still a follow up email from the forum after 60 minutes which is when the site begins to open up.

I found this forum by accident what made me take note is was Australian, Ive been taking photos for over 35 Years some good some not so good now I'm wanting to learn more and I believe that a good forum will provide a level of mentoringI am particulary interested in critiques. We learn from the people around us.

For me a simple list of the rules and the steps required to commence participating in this forum would be great

Kind Regards

01-04-2012, 4:11pm
Thanks Rick,

I think I understood the mesage,

1) Before you can post images etc you need to wait 30 days and post 50 replies to current treads or new threads after an hour of completing the signup
2) Images you post will be moderated and they have to conform to generally acceptable standards particularly nude images
3) Introduce yourself let people know who you are and what type of camera gear you like to use
4) No trading or commercial posts
5) No Spamming and doing the wrong thing
6) The forum is a place where we can learn to take better photos and meet like minded people

Perhaps what I would have liked to see how to go about getting started where do I introduce myself oerhaps even better provide a web-form that asks us for certain info
and sets the appropriate expectations or even better still a follow up email from the forum after 60 minutes which is when the site begins to open up.

I found this forum by accident what made me take note is was Australian, Ive been taking photos for over 35 Years some good some not so good now I'm wanting to learn more and I believe that a good forum will provide a level of mentoringI am particulary interested in critiques. We learn from the people around us.

For me a simple list of the rules and the steps required to commence participating in this forum would be great

Kind Regards

1. NO, you can post photos to the FOURMS soon after joining, You cannot post to the GALLERY till you have 50 posts/30 days membership.
2. NO, they are not moderated, they appear straight away, but if you post nudity that breaches the rules it will be removed.
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Yes
6. Yes

The green text in the introduction is clickable, so when it talks about introductions, if you click the green text, it will take you to the introductions forum. Same with any other green text in the intro, it will take to you to the relevant section of the site. The introductory message explains all about the site and how it works. Take the time to read through it, and then start sharing with everyone in the forums.

01-04-2012, 4:28pm
Introduction message is quite comprehensive, perhaps a little restrictive for new members.
However, all forums have their specific rules and whoever joins has to abide by them.

03-04-2012, 8:00pm
sorry i have been away doing other things, just received email stating need to log back on to reinstate membership. i hope it is put back on, as i wish to enter some photos, and finsh reading the introduction to photography.


06-04-2012, 7:11am
I agree that the restrictions not only keeps the community safe, it also allows the 'newbies' to find their way around the basics of the site, and they also have something new to look forward to. I have just recently embarked on a Photography Diploma Online Courese and I hope to complete it sooner rather than later. I came across your fantastic forum while looking for some basic lens information.
keep up the great site. I just love my new Canon DSLR.... widh I had bought one years ago.

02-05-2012, 2:19pm
To all the new members,

When you join up and the site sends you the private message from me, welcoming you to Ausphotography, how helpful is the link in that message. The link goes to Getting Started on Ausphotography (AP). I am just wondering if you found that thread really useful, if any bits are confusing, is anything missing, and could you give us some advice on how to make that thread better. After all, it is often the first thing you read after joining the site and if we can make it even better, we will. All feedback appreciated.

02-05-2012, 2:22pm
This is an awesome site with a bouquet of mind-blowing informations .
I already gathering information from many forum topics and am really overwhelmed ..

To all the new members,

When you join up and the site sends you the private message from me, welcoming you to Ausphotography, how helpful is the link in that message. The link goes to Getting Started on Ausphotography (AP). I am just wondering if you found that thread really useful, if any bits are confusing, is anything missing, and could you give us some advice on how to make that thread better. After all, it is often the first thing you read after joining the site and if we can make it even better, we will. All feedback appreciated.

03-05-2012, 9:20am
I have had some second hand exposure to this site for a little while via a registered friend. So much information and so little time!!! I look forward to more of it and contributing. Keep it coming.

06-05-2012, 9:15am
Hi . I'm new to the website and have been getting serious with my photography for a couple of years now. I have found the website interesting, if a little complex to track, but hey I'm over 50 so probably not the most IT savvy person to comment.
The links have been really useful however. Thanks for putting together a good site for photographers.

07-05-2012, 7:11am
This is a great site. It's taking me a while to get through the information, but I find it very helpful. It's not confusing, there's just a lot to digest. The layout of the site is very practical and the feel of the site is much closer to what I was looking for.

I was looking to get help and to learn how to give help (I'm a big fan of open source software and contributing on Linux forums is how I give back there, although there's less time lately). It's great not to have to wade through pages of re-quoted images that just have comments like "great pic" at the bottom. This site seems more geared to photography as a whole rather than chasing gear (not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just not everything to me).

07-05-2012, 7:17am
I was looking to get help and to learn how to give help (I'm a big fan of open source software and contributing on Linux forums is how I give back there, although there's less time lately). It's great not to have to wade through pages of re-quoted images that just have comments like "great pic" at the bottom. This site seems more geared to photography as a whole rather than chasing gear (not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just not everything to me).

Congratulations, federstrat1963. Even though you are a beginner here you have clearly understood what AP is all about. Happy to have you aboard. :th3:

Gecko Girl
13-05-2012, 5:33pm
very helpful!

14-05-2012, 7:22pm
I have found this to be one of the best forums that I have come across. There appears to be a genuine community that is happy to support one another... I am discovering this is not always the case. Great Job Ricktas. :D

15-05-2012, 3:23pm

Haven't been here for a while and have found my way back, hope to get my account re-activated.


16-05-2012, 9:39am
Hello there,

This is the first forum I've ever joined and so I found the getting started page very helpful indeed. I'm still yet to click all the links and read everything, but I've read quite a bit already and I think you guys have done a great job in getting the message across nice & clear :)


16-05-2012, 6:57pm
As with most other newbie's that have replied to this post i have found this forum very very helpful. A few other forums i have been on are just basically slanging matches disguised as a forum. Like someone else said the advice and teaching on this site is invaluable. very happy.

19-05-2012, 3:49pm
Hi I am trying to add a photo to my profile But I am having problems I don,t seem to be able to keep the instruction page and this page so that I can switch from one to the other.
I hope you can help last time I tried this I gave up. Ihave a little more time to play around at the moment.
Regards Wangara

19-05-2012, 4:06pm
Hi I am trying to add a photo to my profile But I am having problems I don,t seem to be able to keep the instruction page and this page so that I can switch from one to the other.
I hope you can help last time I tried this I gave up. Ihave a little more time to play around at the moment.
Regards Wangara

Photos added to your profile is done here (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/profile.php?do=editprofilepic). Note that profile photo and avatar are two different things. Your avatar is displayed on all your posts, your profile photo only is visible when someone views your profile.

Your profile photo must be under 150pixels on the longest side AND under 64kb filesize as well.

20-05-2012, 10:17am
Hi ricktas,
Thanks for links they worked out fine for me.

08-06-2012, 7:47pm
thanks for accepting me into this site, it is very helpful and has tons of learnable stuffs. really appreciate the people who is behind the many tutorials and good stuffs that they share

21-06-2012, 10:10am
Havent been around since 2010, but bf gave me his old D70 (he has a D700!~) so thought I'd drop in and get some refreshers. Nice to be back.

21-06-2012, 12:54pm
This is a great site. I hope to learn much about photography from your awesome site. Wish I found you guys earlier. At the moment my big problem is getting my dslr sensor cleaned. I am researching all the tools and techniques and that is how I found this site. Anyy suggestions would be welcome. Taking my camera to the agents is too damn expensive. I have a beginners Nikon D40 camera.

21-06-2012, 1:53pm
Have a look at this thread by Arthur , It should help , http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?53283-Sensor-cleaning-the-Copperhill-way&highlight=cleaning+sensors

Geoff Port
21-06-2012, 3:02pm
Found the Getting started VERY helpful. I have been back several time to look things up. The first thing I did was read the rules ,(a couple of times) as in other forums I've joined the Mods and members attack you if you inadvertantly do the wrong thing. I have attached a couple of photos in the wrong areas already and have just been given a gentle nudge in the right direction.
As a newbie member I have found the whole experience excellent.
I am amazed that Rick wears the full cost of running the site, it must cost you a fortune. Surely there is a way members could help out without incurring "the class" thing.
Geoff P

21-06-2012, 5:46pm
Found the Getting started VERY helpful. I have been back several time to look things up. The first thing I did was read the rules ,(a couple of times) as in other forums I've joined the Mods and members attack you if you inadvertantly do the wrong thing. I have attached a couple of photos in the wrong areas already and have just been given a gentle nudge in the right direction.
As a newbie member I have found the whole experience excellent.
I am amazed that Rick wears the full cost of running the site, it must cost you a fortune. Surely there is a way members could help out without incurring "the class" thing.
Geoff P

Thanks Geoff.

The best way you can help out is by using the site advertisers. They pay to advertise on AP, and it is this money that keeps AP online. So the more you support them, the more they are likely to keep advertising on the site.

24-06-2012, 10:46pm
as a member I dont always find the time to post here alas keep getting my account suspended would be nice just to be able to be a member without having a time limit to post so many site to think about theses days . can we leave links on this site to our facebook or other photo sites that we have photos in

25-06-2012, 5:11am
as a member I dont always find the time to post here alas keep getting my account suspended would be nice just to be able to be a member without having a time limit to post so many site to think about theses days . can we leave links on this site to our facebook or other photo sites that we have photos in

Regarding going inactive, the full details of how it works are HERE (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=How_Do_I:Restore_my_access_from_inactive_status) You originally only need 1 post every three months to retain access, each time you go inactive, that three month timeframe decreases.

Yes you can, you do so by creating a 'signature' on your settings menu. Note that your signature can only contain a link to your photography site(s), this can include your photography website, flickr/photobucket/facebook page or similar).Commercial sites, or links to other forums etc are forbidden (see site rule 12 (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/misc.php?do=vsarules)).

05-07-2012, 6:28pm
Hi Rick, the welcome post is a great feature and helps to break the ice of joining a new forum. I am still navigating around, but find everything so far very helpful.


05-07-2012, 6:42pm
I found the link good. I have never been on a photography forum before and at first glance on screen the link's contents felt info a bit daunting - a bit verbose. However, I printed it and did a quick read and had no issues. It is informative and let me know what I needed to know. A nice introduction.

17-07-2012, 12:09am
I found the 'Getting started on AP' very informative and friendly. It will certainly help I am sure. Seems like the perfect place to start learning

Thanks for the welcome

17-07-2012, 3:10pm
To all the new members,

When you join up and the site sends you the private message from me, welcoming you to Ausphotography, how helpful is the link in that message. The link goes to Getting Started on Ausphotography (AP). I am just wondering if you found that thread really useful, if any bits are confusing, is anything missing, and could you give us some advice on how to make that thread better. After all, it is often the first thing you read after joining the site and if we can make it even better, we will. All feedback appreciated.

18-07-2012, 11:28pm
The forum is very helpful!

Registration and getting started was a breeze!

Also have kind and very helpful members! :)

Michele OReilly
23-07-2012, 12:03pm
What a great site for a beginner. I am trying to tak it all in. This site has more than I expected and I will work my way through all the lesson plans as soon as I can. Very excited about posting my amatuer shots for critique and having a place to store all my albums to date. Thanks again, Michele.

28-07-2012, 6:51pm
:gday: thanks for the introduction to the site. As the newbie, there is a lot too take in but I enjoying the ride. Cheers!

29-07-2012, 5:02pm
The welcome message and the information it provided was extremely useful, so thanks! The site is a bit overwhelming when you first join... where to go to, what to look at, dare I comment? ... etc ... However, my first impression is that it's very welcoming, so I have no qualms about posting once I've sussed things out a bit more. I also found the occasional prompt with a suggestion about where to go next quite useful. All in all, very well organised and easy to navigate.

11-08-2012, 10:17am
Hi Rick, the introduction is good and I share other peoples experience of joining forums and being critisied for not following "the rules", and since my motto in life is "break some rules!" I do understand whats going on....

It is a little complex the site and what you can and can't do and how to participate, I think I was a little fast to delete the indroduction so then it was hard to refer back to it.

I personally did the introduction thing then went "now what?"

There is something about maps and plans of work which I have found that if I follow, I tend to get where I wanted to go... A quick start map for new member to full member would be a good addition.

Thanks in advance

11-08-2012, 10:24am
Hi Rick, the introduction is good and I share other peoples experience of joining forums and being critisied for not following "the rules", and since my motto in life is "break some rules!" I do understand whats going on....

It is a little complex the site and what you can and can't do and how to participate, I think I was a little fast to delete the indroduction so then it was hard to refer back to it.

I personally did the introduction thing then went "now what?"

There is something about maps and plans of work which I have found that if I follow, I tend to get where I wanted to go... A quick start map for new member to full member would be a good addition.

Thanks in advance

The intro article is here : http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Getting_Started_on_Ausphotography_AP

20-08-2012, 7:36pm
Very useful Rick, liked how the main points were highlighted in green and you could link off these to find out more. Like all newbies pretty eager to learn as much as possible, hard to resist clicking on all the links before reading the full article. great site.

08-09-2012, 9:19am
Great site, have learnt so much from the New to Phography Book. More useful than the $600 TAFE course I undertook...

20-09-2012, 5:40pm
Hi Ricktas. Your welcome msg and link to "Getting started" are both friendly and informative. Exactly what a noob such as myself needs to get started on the forums. Cheers

21-09-2012, 12:42am
Hi Everyone, I'm considering the Panasonic Lumix G Vario 100-300mm f4-5.6 lens for use as a super telephoto lens for my new OM-D E-M5 camera. Just wondering if anyone has experience with this combination. I got a couple of nice photos this morning using the macro settings of the 12-50mm f3.5-6.3 lens that came with the weather proof kit. Will upload tomorrow, must first reduce the size. Thank-you in advance for your comments :).

21-09-2012, 5:18am
Hi Everyone, I'm considering the Panasonic Lumix G Vario 100-300mm f4-5.6 lens for use as a super telephoto lens for my new OM-D E-M5 camera. Just wondering if anyone has experience with this combination. I got a couple of nice photos this morning using the macro settings of the 12-50mm f3.5-6.3 lens that came with the weather proof kit. Will upload tomorrow, must first reduce the size. Thank-you in advance for your comments :).

you wont get answers to that in this thread. re ask it in the gear forum. looking forward to seeing the photos

22-09-2012, 4:26pm
It is a great site, but it annoys the >>>> out of me that if you are inactive for a while you get suspended to a level where you cant see any images. Then you post some meaningless, glib comment just to get back in. I'm sure it is meant to encourage activity but it just has the effect of encouraging meaningless posts to keep your numbers up:(

22-09-2012, 4:37pm
It is a great site, but it annoys the >>>> out of me that if you are inactive for a while you get suspended to a level where you cant see any images. Then you post some meaningless, glib comment just to get back in. I'm sure it is meant to encourage activity but it just has the effect of encouraging meaningless posts to keep your numbers up:(

That's cause this is a FORUM, not a gallery. FORUM means you interact.

23-09-2012, 7:52am
Thanks for the intro information, I did find it quite useful. Looking forward to trolling through the (almost) overwhelming amount of info on this site! Cheers.

16-10-2012, 10:58am
Very complicated to join and post, almost couldnt be bothered

16-10-2012, 11:05am
Very complicated to join and post, almost couldnt be bothered

same here.. account closed

20-10-2012, 7:47pm
Feedback -
I am relatively new to photography, picked up a 60D 12 Months ago and decided to tough it out and learn it's functions to get to most out of the camera and me!
So, I have dabbled on other sites and some comps here and there, but nothing Australian.
This forum has already demonstrated that the members are friendly and willing to help. From, assisting with advice on accesible locations to photo critique. I particularly enjoy the local content and can see myself making a shift from anther site to here.............its already happened!

08-11-2012, 6:28am
Very informative but daunting at the same time. I look forward to learning and interacting with ausphotography.:)

14-11-2012, 9:23pm
Rick I can only reflect the thoughts of most of us I think...its all good. We just have to take it slowly and try to get around all the great stuff here without feeling overwhelmed. There is a huge range of angles to go at it. and it can be a bit daunting.....its just nice to share stuff with others and see how we all feel about photos and other topics and learn from it...I think its heading the right way mate...;)

18-11-2012, 8:27am
Great Intro
This forum is very well organised and very easy to navigate, great effort rick!

22-11-2012, 11:51am
Hi Rick!

I found your welcoming letter very helpful, but it took me awhile to work out where everything was, and I am still trying to find out whether I can post some of my photos on the site, and do I have to write something to go with it or not? Also, where do I go to do this, please? I have not yet tried to look at the gallery, but will do that today, and hope that I may find out something interesting and useful to me there! However, I do like the stricter rules for your forums, and agree that they are necessary - as you so aptly put it, we are supposed to be sharing our information and knowledge!

Thank you for your welcome!

BeverleaRose :)

22-11-2012, 12:48pm
Hi Rick!

I found your welcoming letter very helpful, but it took me awhile to work out where everything was, and I am still trying to find out whether I can post some of my photos on the site, and do I have to write something to go with it or not? Also, where do I go to do this, please? I have not yet tried to look at the gallery, but will do that today, and hope that I may find out something interesting and useful to me there! However, I do like the stricter rules for your forums, and agree that they are necessary - as you so aptly put it, we are supposed to be sharing our information and knowledge!

Thank you for your welcome!

BeverleaRose :)

Click FORUMS on the menu and scroll down on the screen that comes up. You will see all the CC forums there. That is where you choose a forum and post your photos for CC. If you are unsure how to do this, click LIBRARY on the menu and then click the HOW DO I section for some tutorials.

23-11-2012, 8:19pm
Great site, with lots of helpful information!

15-12-2012, 8:54pm
Have found everything helpful so far... Joined to learn more about photography and get some advice on photos

22-12-2012, 12:53pm
just after re-initiate

22-12-2012, 1:41pm
just after re-initiate

Hope we see more interaction from you soon. Show us some of your photography perhaps?

Ray C
22-12-2012, 11:03pm
Hi Ricktas, as I am still in the early learning stage of photography I'm finding the new to photography library very helpfull. I'm slowly going through it and trying to soak up as much as possible. I am spending a week in Broome and cable beach next week so I will start taking some shots then to post up.

Merry Christmas to all

27-12-2012, 6:19am
The deactivation notice is useful as a forum reminder for people who, for various reasons, don't visit the forum for a while. The reactivation process is easy, and very friendly with encouragement to be an active member. :) I'm reactivating at the moment. I was away for a while due to some inconvenient life issues that got in the way. Back now!

30-12-2012, 8:38pm
Hi, I found the information a great help in navigating around the site, also a good heads up to everything in general. I would probably found things a lot more difficult without it, cheers, Dan.

scarlet artemis
31-12-2012, 1:08pm
It was really helpful, have spent the best part of a month reading it and all the links and accessory information as I have never used a topic board/message board forum before, and the site is really well controlled - therefore safe. Good job.

01-01-2013, 8:15am

Looks like a great site. But, one thing I can not understand is the message at the beginning to finish my profile, yet when clicking on my profile to finish it, this message comes up:

smoky, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

Any suggestions, as I would like to make sure my profile reflects "me"?


01-01-2013, 8:26am

Looks like a great site. But, one thing I can not understand is the message at the beginning to finish my profile, yet when clicking on my profile to finish it, this message comes up:

smoky, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

Any suggestions, as I would like to make sure my profile reflects "me"?


You cannot edit/modify your profile until you are an active (posting) site member. So if you join up and try and change your profile straight away, the software will not let you. The site is setup to give more access and benefits to those who participate (actively).

03-01-2013, 9:48am
Very helpful to me as I am trying to learn as much as I can

03-01-2013, 11:44am
The short inactive time frame has got knobs on it......but I understand why!

I'm just a busy person who doesn't always find the time to turn a computer on.

03-01-2013, 11:48am
The short inactive time frame has got knobs on it......but I understand why!

I'm just a busy person who doesn't always find the time to turn a computer on.

It starts at 90 days, then decreases each time you go inactive. If you cannot find the time to post once in 90 days then maybe AP is not for you?

13-01-2013, 10:19am
I think it is a great idea and service to new members.

13-01-2013, 10:20am
I think it is a great idea and service to new members.

Hope we get to see your photos on the forums soon.

13-01-2013, 4:06pm
Thanks for the prompting email about voting. I have had a BIG break but want to make the most from this site to improve my photography. Will post often and get into this great resource.

13-01-2013, 5:05pm
i find the site informative

13-01-2013, 10:40pm
i find the site informative

I too also agree, and hope to learn more about photography through this site.

14-01-2013, 9:22pm
I just got 'taken' by the 'Funny Photo of.... " how'd he do that anyway?
Back after moving home and a bunch of other stuff, will try to stay in the pie a little more.

14-01-2013, 9:39pm
I must say that I was surprised by the amount of encouragement, very close to obligation to start participating. I dont know wether this type of welcome would suit everyone, some people are somewhat shy, and like to take baby-steps in new forum environs. However, I like the welcome, the guidance, and the gentle push to become an active member. :2smilS:

15-01-2013, 5:34am
I must say that I was surprised by the amount of encouragement, very close to obligation to start participating. I dont know wether this type of welcome would suit everyone, some people are somewhat shy, and like to take baby-steps in new forum environs. However, I like the welcome, the guidance, and the gentle push to become an active member. :2smilS:

I agree. We have tried to make the welcome as encouraging as possible, and also pointing out some of the reasons behind the access restrictions till people do join in. Probably the biggest one is image theft. You would be amazed at how often I get emailed asking if I can give someone permission to access the photo forums cause they want to find a photo to use on their school newsletter, pony club newsletter, an advertising flyer for their new business, etc. They do not want to pay the member (who owns copyright), they just want to save a copy of the one from AP and use it. So the obligation to start participating and thus gain access to the photo forums usually stops them. They go somewhere else where they can get access to the photos without having to be an active member of the site. Copyright over your (member) photos is very important to us, and by blocking access to the photo forums until someone posts to the site (and then waiting up to 60 minutes for access) usually means those seeking to steal an image, go elsewhere.

I understand that some of the way the site is setup will not suit some people, but no photography forum (or any other forum) is perfect, we just do what we think is the best by our members. The site is free for everyone, some other photography forums have free sections and then you must pay a subscription to access the full site. Rather than ask for money to have access, we ask for members to join in and be active, and those that do are rewarded with access to all of the site. Staying active over time, is rewarded by continued access to everything. We even run prize competitions at times that only active members can enter. After all, the active members are the ones giving to the site, helping the newer members improve etc, so we reward them with a chance to win.

We are probably a bit stricter when it comes to our rules than some of the other sites, but at the same time, at least 2 of the other forums have based their rules on ours, cause the owners contacted me and asked if they could use our rules for their site, and have done so, with some changes. If you head over to whirlpool and look at their photography forum, it is not uncommon to see abuse being hurled between members, we do not allow that here on AP. It is about photography, not calling each other names like children. Our aim is to provide a photography forum where people feel 'safe', with a positive, photography based experience.

In the end those that take the time to join in are rewarded with what i hope is a great photography resource. Those that do not join in, probably go and find another forum that suits them. That is fine, we cannot be everything to everyone. There are several very good Aussie based photography forums, some people are on one, others on more than one and sometimes we find someone who is active on all of them. Each of these sites has its own style and 'personality' and people need to find the one where they feel they fit.

Our introduction message hopefully conveys enough about us, that people can decide if they like how we operate and then join in.

15-01-2013, 7:03am
Photo Competition Judging

Rick maybe for each class you could try having Advanced Judging Advanced PIcs, Intermediate Judging Intermediate Pics.Begginers Judging Begginers Pics only, could be something different?

BTW- some of the begginers pics that have been entered in the past look more like advanced pics
have they really been taken by a begginer:2biggn:

15-01-2013, 7:04am
Photo Competition Judging

Rick maybe for each class you could try having Advanced Judging Advanced PIcs, Intermediate Judging Intermediate Pics.Begginers Judging Begginers Pics only, could be something different?

Thanks for the suggestion. Not something we have considered at this time, but something we can keep in mind for the future.

15-01-2013, 7:55am
It was really helpful, have spent the best part of a month reading it and all the links and accessory information as I have never used a topic board/message board forum before, and the site is really well controlled - therefore safe. Good job.


At first I was really overwhelmed by the size of the 'intro' message. On other forums it is just an unimportant hello message.... But this one gave a sense of the site, and the people running it, and was an excellent beginning.

15-01-2013, 8:54am
I think this is a well developed and maintained site. Often big sites can easily become clogged and you lose focus and after a while it just is too overwhelming and you move on. I think also, not only is a forum successful by how it's created, it's the members that really keep the activity flowing. Too often I see sites that are quick to jump down on people, CC is nasty and too many "chiefs" and after a while the newcomers are just scared into scattering and leave quicker than they come. The fact of life is photography is becoming more popular, more general public are showing interest and wanting to take it to a new level. Most sites I come across stomp these people into the ground and just dismiss their questions and requests for help. So far I've seen none of that on here while I'm been exploring about. The members are a credit to this site :)

15-01-2013, 6:05pm
Hi all, I have just rejoined and read most of the rules and howto section but, I'm a bit lost. I guess a few posts will get me on the way. The wildlife photographers on this site are awe inspiring. Anything I post will be of interest, not for its technical content. This is certainly the place to improve.

15-01-2013, 6:17pm
Hi all, I have just rejoined and read most of the rules and howto section but, I'm a bit lost. I guess a few posts will get me on the way. The wildlife photographers on this site are awe inspiring. Anything I post will be of interest, not for its technical content. This is certainly the place to improve.

This might help you, it gives an overview of what each menu item contains : http://www.ausphotography.net.au/staff/tutorial/AusphotographySiteMap.pdf

18-01-2013, 2:33am
Hi everyone, it's been a long while since I've contributed here . Hopefully in the next few days I'll get a chance to catchup and start participating. I live in Albany Western Australia and have glorious scenery and wildlife surrounding us. Hope to get here and share some of it with you soon. . . Pauline

19-01-2013, 9:59pm
Glad to be back to this site after time away due to travelling. Reinstation now!!

25-01-2013, 10:07am
I find this site is one of the best, NO the best site for any up and coming photographer no matter what their experience is, well done Rick

03-02-2013, 3:00pm
Hi Rick, Having that welcome mail with a link where to start is a big help! Good job! -greenapol

04-02-2013, 2:29pm
It was most useful

04-02-2013, 6:06pm
I'm a newby and trying to learn as much as I can, as quicky as possible from the many experienced photographers on this site.

10-02-2013, 5:11am
Thank you - yes I have found the intro and the site very user friendly (all set out very clearly). I look forward to trying to participate more (for what it's worth since I am a newby :flash:). A few months ago I purchased a beautiful Canon 60D - prior to that it was my $80 phone cam or a low end Pentax (still pretty good tho'). Now I am in love with photography & trying to learn more about using this amazing camera! Thank you for your helpful site.

10-02-2013, 6:02am
Hi, I found the intro very well set out and informative, easy to refer back to as well. Thanks :)

21-02-2013, 2:29pm
Great site for beginners like me.

21-02-2013, 3:30pm
Great site for beginners like me.

After two years of being a member, thus when you joined having been interested in photography and already owning a DSLR as your profile shows, the only reason you would be a beginner still is lack of enthusiasm.

23-02-2013, 9:00pm
Hi again,

After joining the forum sometime ago (and thoroughly enjoying it, I must add). I ended up having life taking me by the horns and throwing me for six... (leaving me unable to have much 'me' time to enjoy the things I love).

I have once again returned in a hope to actually launch from this platform known as 'auto mode' and begin to be more adventurous and creative. I know that this forum is a wonderful environment to help me learn new skills.

Dennis Estigoy
25-02-2013, 6:26pm
The wealth of information here is very overwhelming. A lot of the "dark spots" for me in photography are all covered here. It is also very enjoying to read, with the quality of photo examples as part of the lessons. What struck me most is the speedy response from members and admistrators with their ideas and opinons. This site is an inspiration for all of us newbies and even for the veteran photographers alike. Definite thumbs-up to the team of Australian Photography being led by Ricktas and all the "masters" and enthusiasts who contributed their time and effort.... It is a site I will recommend to all my relatives and friends around the world.. Keep up the Good work guys!

04-03-2013, 11:17am
I found the introductory message helpful. In time I will look at the various links to various parts of the site.

Gecko Girl
04-03-2013, 1:10pm
I think this is a fantastic site giving access to so much information and help for beginners such as myself. I do find it a bit tricky to navigate at times though but usually find what I'm looking for in the end. I love the competitions and the fact you can post your own pictures for feedback from others.

13-03-2013, 11:52pm
Hello Rick,
The email message is an excellent tool for newcomers. Without it I would have found the forum much too complex. There is such a lot of info though - difficult to digest it all when you just want to get started. From the problems I had when trying to use links to have my photos on forum, I would recommend more obvious focus on this. Is it simply a matter of linking the image and then clicking on the insert image icon? I really did not understand your instructions about brackets before and after the link. Maybe a flow chart diagram would help? Fortunately the procedure for uploading from computer is quite easy! Hope this helps!:flash:Margaret

14-03-2013, 5:24am
Hello Rick,
The email message is an excellent tool for newcomers. Without it I would have found the forum much too complex. There is such a lot of info though - difficult to digest it all when you just want to get started. From the problems I had when trying to use links to have my photos on forum, I would recommend more obvious focus on this. Is it simply a matter of linking the image and then clicking on the insert image icon? I really did not understand your instructions about brackets before and after the link. Maybe a flow chart diagram would help? Fortunately the procedure for uploading from computer is quite easy! Hope this helps!:flash:Margaret

You might find this helpful then, Margaret : http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/faq.php?faq=vb3_board_faq#faq_vb3_reading_posting

We cannot cover every aspect of how the site works in one document, but we tried to give an overview of it. The site FAQ is mentioned in the Introductory document and it covers a fair bit about the basics of using the site software: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/faq.php

18-03-2013, 3:56pm
The information in the introductory email is very useful.
Eric G.

14-04-2013, 9:17pm
Hi Rick. I found the information in the email very easy to follow to get started. I look forward to interacting on this site and hopefully learning a thing or two.

16-04-2013, 6:13am
Hello, I am recently retired living in Brisbane. I have over 50 years experience with photography, still consider I have lots to learn. Digital cameras, photoshop and lightroom have been challenging to say the least! I am very keen to extend my knowledge and participate in local field trips if available. I have A Nikon D7000 and several nikkor prime lenses.

12-05-2013, 3:19pm
My 10 cents worth: yes, useful, although HUGE.
There seem to a LOT of rules and a LOT to read.
However, that isn't necessarily a bad thing at all, it just means I may not want to read every single word of it right now.
I like that you pointed me in the right direction, I like how organized it is, I like that you asked for feedback, I like that all those rules seem to be put into place for the good of the site.

Much liking, right?

I'll get around to reading it ALL soon enough. Thanks for the efforts!

12-06-2013, 9:10pm
Thank you for the introduction letter. I think you have covered just everything with that link. I am so happy that I am finally with a group that I can learn, grow and have fun with, without being bombarded by super spam and super egos.
Thank you again.

15-06-2013, 10:32pm
Hello, the link was certainly useful and very comprehensive. A tad overwhelming but I do understand the considerable efforts to keep unwanted or inappropriate use of your site out. I will persevere :):nlogo:

16-06-2013, 5:06pm
Just posting here to re-activate my account access

19-06-2013, 9:22pm
Hi Rick,

I was referred to a thread on lenses which was really useful and so I thought I should join up.

I became and enthusiast many years ago, but don't always have time to devote to photography so my output is intermittent.

Anyway I am looking forward to becoming more familiar with Australian Photography.

Over the years I have collected a variety of cameras (mostly Nikon) and my current pride and joy is a D800 though I fall back to a D90 when I don't want to carry so much weight. I also resort to a Coolpix s9500 when a DSLR is impractical.

My areas of interest are a bit varied. Travel photography is one of my interests but of course the opportunities are spasmodic. I also enjoy macro photography and practice on my partners Orchid collection though this is somtimes merely for documentation purposes rather than "high photography".

I am also slowly trying to scan all of my old slides and film.

So I will see you around the Forum.


20-06-2013, 5:00pm
Very helpful. Maybe a bit too long and wordy.

20-06-2013, 5:15pm
Very helpful. Maybe a bit too long and wordy.

Long and wordy is good. We try to cover everything we can for people who have never used a forum before. People can skip over the sections that do not interest them, but at the same time, we convey a fair bit about how the site works. So if someone breaks our rules, they cannot really say we did not try and inform them.

21-06-2013, 10:19pm
I found the getting started quite useful. It is a very good idea and while it may be something i have never come across it goes a long way to making new members feel welcome.

One thing I will query is the usability of the forum on portable devices such as ipads and smartphones. Personally use these quite a bit and the forum is a challenge to navigate and view when pictures are involved. I have used the Tapatalk app for a few forums and have logged in to AP with it but it leaves a lot to be desired. Do you have any suggestions or considered a mobile friendly version? First world problem and probably nowhere near as easy at it sounds but something I thought I'd address.

22-06-2013, 6:05am
I found the getting started quite useful. It is a very good idea and while it may be something i have never come across it goes a long way to making new members feel welcome.

One thing I will query is the usability of the forum on portable devices such as ipads and smart phones. Personally use these quite a bit and the forum is a challenge to navigate and view when pictures are involved. I have used the Tapatalk app for a few forums and have logged in to AP with it but it leaves a lot to be desired. Do you have any suggestions or considered a mobile friendly version? First world problem and probably nowhere near as easy at it sounds but something I thought I'd address.

try the app called forumrunner. The site is enabled for that one as well. forumrunner is the softwares native app. . It is owned by the same people who make the site software. tapatalk used to be great but I agree that it is less so now. We still maintain it cause members paid good money to buy the full version for their device

However, I just use a tablet browser set to desktop mode. I am not sure if Apple products allow that though. Some browsers allow you to edit the settings so that they act like a desktop browser and you get to see AP and all other sites, as you would using a desktop or laptop computer.

22-06-2013, 2:14pm
Ricks right , I had a problem also on my Tablet, But now just go to settings and select "Desk top view" Works and just looks like my PC , On Android it's on the top R/H side :)

29-06-2013, 12:11pm
All good from me, great site

08-07-2013, 2:30pm
Great to be back after a long time away, liking the look of the site

10-08-2013, 10:14am
I was a wee bit surprised by the length and detail of the introduction and rules but if it helps to keep the spammers, scammers and oxygen thieves away it is well worth it.

11-08-2013, 9:18pm
Certainly seemed to cover off everything, so no problem reading through.
One thing though (and it may just be me), in the 'Past the Basics' section, the link to rules took me off to the Smilies page: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/misc.php?do=cfrules
Should it go to the Forum Rules page, as can be accessed from the menu?

11-08-2013, 9:27pm
This web site is a great place for learning. I have always found that if you ask a question or do a search (probably search before asking) then you can find all sorts of info.

*removed - completely unrelated to the thread topic: admin*

12-08-2013, 4:59am
Certainly seemed to cover off everything, so no problem reading through.
One thing though (and it may just be me), in the 'Past the Basics' section, the link to rules took me off to the Smilies page: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/misc.php?do=cfrules
Should it go to the Forum Rules page, as can be accessed from the menu?

thanks, fixed.

12-08-2013, 9:32am
Really great site but I'm still finding my way 'round. There is a lot of info to take in, but I'll work through it as I get the chance. The site and it's members seem to be quite supportive which is great for someone like me starting out. Looking forward to learning as much as I can. Cheers.