View Full Version : lingerie photoshoot advice plz

28-04-2010, 6:57pm
hey guys i have a lingerie photoshoot coming up in 2 weeks this will be my 2nd photoshoot that ive done with models so i thourt i would ask a fue tips... she has allso sugested that she would like to do it out doors. so i was gonna see if there are any good locations around adelaide people might know of that would be sutiable for a lingerie shoot?

28-04-2010, 9:00pm
I have never done a lingerie shoot, so don't really know what sort of background is needed.
Botanic Gardens in the city (or even at Mt Lofty) are very nice this time of year.
Victoria Street in Unley Park might still be nice (or around that area).
If you wanted to get permission, the Government House has great grounds and the building itself is also pretty nice (might be a bit more private too).

Again, not really sure of the effect/shots you are after, so I'm finding it hard to suggest things.

28-04-2010, 9:05pm
im a bit unshour my self the girl only contacted me last night and booked in a time todya i still have to disuss a fue things with her. i was thinking mount lofty i go running up there all the time but i dont realy know if a girl would be willing to walk all that way... goverment house sounds good but i wouldnt have thourt they would let me in lol.

28-04-2010, 9:10pm
I know the Mt Lofty running track. I was thinking more of the actual botanic gardens up there. You can pretty much drive in and park (from memory), and the walk through the park itself is not all that onerous, but there are many nice locations to shoot from.

I guess if the girl has contacted you, then it's her show, and she would have to give you some more direction as to what she wants from this shoot too. There are some nice areas around Stirling and Hahndorf in the Hills too.

Good luck - hope it goes well for you.

28-04-2010, 9:14pm
thx for the help shaggy. ill look into it over the week and see if she is happy with them...

28-04-2010, 9:59pm
I'd be thinking somewhere warm, brrrr Lingerie shoot at Mt Lofty, cold at the best of times :D Hope you get some good images, and good luck with it.

04-05-2010, 9:29pm
hey guys the girl has asked if we can do the photoshoot at a beach neer her place... im not shour hpw well lingerie would go at the beach, i can understand bikinis but lingerie im not shour about. but its what she wonts

im taking with me a ploer filter a UV and mabby an A1 filter. for lighting i was gonna see about not using a flash and just use bouncing light. i have one big reflector and im planing of using 2 white foam core bords... the sunwill be harch coz the girl has said she can do the shoot till 11am and needs to be home by 4pm so the sun is gonna be harsh... on a good note it looks like its gonna be cloudie

05-05-2010, 5:41am
i think you win the award for worse spelling ever on ap :)

a) im not sure why you need a uv filter
b) im not sure why you would wear lingerie on a beach ? dont you wear swimmers ?
c) the lighting sounds like the right idea

05-05-2010, 6:31am
OK, can't help at all with locations but be very careful when posing to avoid, where possible, skin folds (eg the armpit, the neck etc). I've seen shots spoilt by these creeping in and in a lingerie shot you will be especially vulnerable as so much skin is showing. Have a good hard look once the model is posed and sometimes just a tiny shift of an arm or whatever can remedy the problem.

05-05-2010, 6:01pm
thx analog6 thats some good advice, some thing i probaly wouldnt have thourt to keep an eye on. thx

07-05-2010, 2:21pm
Unless you are using a film camera, there is a UV filter already built into the coating of your digital sensor, so putting another UV filter on the front of the camera achieves nothing. The only reason to use a UV filter (because it does nothing) would be to protect the first element of your lens. If you take photos at the beach with a lot of salt spray or under any circumstance that will cause foreign objects getting onto your lens, protecting the glass is probably not a bad idea, but other than that, there is no point.

07-05-2010, 8:28pm
yer i pritty much use the UV filters just for protection i dont think ive ever used my lenses with out a filter for protection... the shoot is tomorrow the girl seems verry excited se hasnt stoped messiging me... i was gonna use one reflector and 2 foam cores. but i didnt finish building my foam cores today so looks like ill be using one flash adn 1 reflector

08-05-2010, 9:20am
Also remember that a bit of skin smoothing in processing will really help!!

Gdluck and let us know how you go :) just have some fun!!

08-05-2010, 10:26am
Beachside in the middle of the day for a Lingerie shoot is a big ask unless you have lots of experience I imagine. Remembering Adelaide as I do I am thinking are there not some cliff face areas down south where you could use the cliffs as background and drape her over rocks or set against the cliffs for background ?

Lingerie on a beach against a sunrise or sunset might be okay but in the middle of the day ? Id be looking for shaded areas with interesting foreground features and keep the water and horizon out of it - look for rock beds or cliff faces etc.. otherwise you might as well do the shoot in your back yard or in the garage and have a controlled plain background.

I would also be going for an Neutral Density Filter as opposed to a UV filter to tone down the harsh light even if it is overcast and/or place the model in evenly shaded areas and bokeh the background if it is a disaster.

Good luck with it anyway, I would not be game to take this assignment on.

09-05-2010, 9:41pm
thx for the info guys the shoot went well... all tho the beach was not very good. it was cloudy, rained a little bit and the wind was shocking. the girl was good about the hole shoot she went into the cold watter and stuff so she was a champ about that hole thing... but with no sun i couldn't get any catch light with the reflector. we then moved to an abandoned building that i remembered seeing a while ago. and when we got there the sun came out there was next to no wind so things started to go a bit better... while she was at the beach she was very nervous and u can see in the pics that she looks a bit robotic. but by the time we got to the next location she was feeling more comfortable with me i guess. and the shoot was starting to go more ezy. the only issue i had with the model is i couldn't get her to change he expression on her face. mostly her smile "or lack of it".. it seemed to be the same look in each pic...

so do u think i should post the pics hear or is there a better gallery i should post them in

09-05-2010, 9:43pm
post to formal and posed within people if you want c&c mate

10-05-2010, 8:38pm
hey is one pic of the day un edited


11-05-2010, 12:36pm
I assume this was not taken on the beach :)

Nice strong colours and good shadow control.