View Full Version : Print issues:::::::

21-04-2010, 5:00pm
Hi all

So I have what I think is a decent pic...........taken in raw to LR to psp x3 and saved as a tiff. I run my little colour picker all over it and everything looks as it should..........:th3:
I am as happy as larry! Off I toddle to the local picture developing shop........and discover they only have those kiosk machines......

Never mind I say as I jam the stick into the machine and stand back to read what it says.....hmmm tells me no photos WT^&^??
So I stand there squinting at the screen deciding what to do and the lady rushes over and pushes buttons....ok I let her do it :lol: I have no idea what to push...its not my gadget......and the machine finds my pictures. Theres about 900 on there.....all for my work stuff bar one......thanks god its the one at the top and I didnt have to hunt for it ( note to self.....delete the other pics)

Just this one? the lady asks........yep I say ....how long till its ready? 15 mins........ok so I toddle back to work and will come back in 15 mins....no hassle...

So i come back and the pic is nicely sticky taped into a paper bag.......bloke behind the counter looks at me blankly :umm: yep that one I say ( hey its got my name on it!)......he hands it over and say $10......:eek:......for 1 print?? ( ok its 8x10....) I hand my hard earned money over meekly......and hightail it back to work........place my carefully wrapped pic on the table and peel back the sticky tape......prepared to behold a thing of beauty!

WT? WT? WT%$##@?

Its purple..........the rust is purple, the shed is purple even the sky is purple..........its like the purple and magenta had a little party all by them selves.......no wait.... they must have invited green! Brilliant yellow toxic green! Dang those trees are .........different:p

So after careful consideration and liberal tongue biting...I come home and run my little colour picker over the tiff........yep all as I thought it would be.......no purple, no magenta, no toxic green........:confused013..........bugger what a waste of ten bucks :lol2:

Now what?


21-04-2010, 5:07pm
Go back to the printer, show them the photo on their screen box processing thingy (technical term) again and ask why it doesnt look anything like it does on their screen and what is with the magenta cast.

21-04-2010, 5:09pm
Do you calibrate your monitor? It does sound more like there is a problem their end, but it could be both. What about posting a copy of the picture here for reference perhaps.

Either way, I would not be all that interested in paying for something that is so far off. It probably would have helped to have looked at it in the shop too I guess, but there is no reason not to return it. They will almost certainly say it's your fault, but that should only be the starting point for the discussion.

21-04-2010, 5:36pm
Where abouts in the central west are you?? The local print shop I use in Bathurst are awesome :th3:

They still use the kiosk system, but unlike most kiosks their software does not touch the image at all, and as long as you have a calibrate screen and submit the print in adobeRGB its identical to what you see on screen!

21-04-2010, 5:36pm
Thanks guys.the tiff is too big to post......so here is the jpg


My monitor is as calibrated as I can get it.......stuff I print at home is fine....just dark so I allow for the brightness of the monitor.....The whites on the headstones are not whites but my little picker says white on the white in the sky above the trees. In the print the dark centre tree is..hmm sort of kelly green....

I dont think I will go back and say anything........they are as dumb as the proverbial......and its not worth the argument. Small town mentality.....hey they ARE the experts.:efelant:

But maybe my pic is showing up pink......

21-04-2010, 5:42pm
Hey mercho...I am in Forbes.....good 1.5 hours from you! I may go to Parkes and see what they can offer.....but what a pain in the proverbial..
But I dont want it to be a problem with my pic so I thought I better check first if anyone else see's it as purple

21-04-2010, 5:53pm
Hey mercho...I am in Forbes.....good 1.5 hours from you! I may go to Parkes and see what they can offer.....but what a pain in the proverbial..
But I dont want it to be a problem with my pic so I thought I better check first if anyone else see's it as purple

Ah ok fair enough... Id maybe ask the print shop what colour management they use and make sure your using the same?

I @ M
21-04-2010, 5:59pm
On my crappy web monitor the colours look very good :th3:. Maybe a very very slight magenta look to the cast iron rails and a headstone way back on the r/h side but the rest looks beaut.

21-04-2010, 6:17pm
You can buy a good a4 printer for < $100 and get total control

The $10 is a rort in the first place - my local pro lab is $1.50

If you don't go back and complain the next poor sap will get a crap photo too, don't give up

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

21-04-2010, 7:38pm
Thanks Andrew.
Kiwi.....I have a decent printer but the old boy whinges when I use all the inks!
Yep I reckon $10 is a rort as well.....I nearly fell over at the price :(
Its always such a hassle to go back and b%$#ch.......this is the same shop that wanted me to pay $60 for a $20 sd card...and told me my camera ( Pentax) would NOT take AAA batteries ( which it does )...their attitude is too bad go elsewhere ( which I did ). I am guessing they wont be in business for much longer. Certainly wont be getting mine. I may be the only person in town that cares about the colours....
I will ring in the morn tho and check what they use for colour managment..if they know :)

Interesting to note that Andrew picked up on the magenta in the right places so maybe it is the pic........doesnt explain the trees though..