View Full Version : Arts freedom

Big Pix
17-04-2010, 9:57am
worth a read


17-04-2010, 10:10am
While I agree with what they have to say and support them in full, I find it a bit unprofessional that their website has not been finished or updated since 2007.....

Big Pix
17-04-2010, 10:28am
I find it a bit unprofessional that their website has not been finished or updated since 2007.....

...... must admit that I did miss that bit......

I got the link from an L&P update...... so it looks like L&P are also not up to date

17-04-2010, 10:44am
...... must admit that I did miss that bit......

I got the link from an L&P update...... so it looks like L&P are also not up to date

The "How Can You Help", "Join Us", "Related Links" and "Contact Us" pages are "Still Under Construction".

17-04-2010, 3:26pm
Hey guys, before you start throwing the word unprofessional around - its a voluntary thing !

Seriously, people like Ken should be applauded not labelled as unprofessional. Good grief. Its efforts by those prepared to stand up, spend some of their own time, and their own money to make these things happen, and they will benefit everyone interested in photography.

Perhaps put your hand up and throw in your support. If someone wants to help finish the site - by all means put your efforts to good use, and volunteer some assistance.

17-04-2010, 4:21pm
Hey guys, before you start throwing the word unprofessional around - its a voluntary thing !

Seriously, people like Ken should be applauded not labelled as unprofessional. Good grief. Its efforts by those prepared to stand up, spend some of their own time, and their own money to make these things happen, and they will benefit everyone interested in photography.

Perhaps put your hand up and throw in your support. If someone wants to help finish the site - by all means put your efforts to good use, and volunteer some assistance.

Yes it maybe voluntary, but it also looks like the cause has been dropped. I never said that Ken Duncan is unprofessional. Is the website run by him?

17-04-2010, 4:30pm
Well as I'm one of those who tend to be pedantic, you actually said this:

While I agree with what they have to say and support them in full, I find it a bit unprofessional that their website has not been finished or updated since 2007.....

However, I do empathise with the tone of your comment.

Anyway to answer your question - Arts Freedom consists of a board, and they are Ken Duncan, Glen McKimmin, David Simmonds, Nick Rains, and Bruce Pottinger

No the cause is not dropped - its one of those things that goes on continually.

I would be the first to say that its a shame that the website is not up to date, and that updated information on just how often he and his group try to lobby federal and state governments. But I for one am grateful for someone to shout out about this topic.

I was serious though, if someone would like to offer some assistance to Ken to update that website and make it easy to update in the future, I would be happy to pass the offer on to him.

17-04-2010, 9:12pm
Longshots, this suggest you know something about it. Clarify the situation for us. I Read the intervening post.

I do think it is unprofessional to get people fired up and then leave it dead for 2 years. You take it on, you follow it through or you close it down.

18-04-2010, 11:07am
Guys, the website hasnt been updated. The lobbying is still going on. The problems are getting worse. Yes I know something about it because I'm involved in various other issues. You all could be involved in producing something positive for the photographic industry as well. And yes, a good friend and colleague is Nick Rains, who spends a great deal of his time trying to do the right thing. Seems most of the comments have all been negative about the website as opposed to acknowledging that there are concerned people prepared to do something that benefits everyone.

And regarding the comment crossed out - to ensure I posted correct information, I gathered the information about who is involved in this from the website that you're all concerned about.

Come on people, try and look at the actual issue as opposed to griping about a website thats not had an update for a while.

Good god my website badly needs an update, doesnt mean to say I've stopped working :)

And why havent I got around to it ? Because I care about issues that effect the photographic community and place a great deal of effort into particular issues like fairness in photographic competitions. Why not look on the bright side and look at the information that can be gained from the website. I dont blame people sometimes for asking why so few people are prepared to stand up for particular issues that concern all in the photographic community.

18-04-2010, 11:28am
Guys, the website hasnt been updated. The lobbying is still going on. The problems are getting worse. Yes I know something about it because I'm involved in various other issues. You all could be involved in producing something positive for the photographic industry as well. And yes, a good friend and colleague is Nick Rains, who spends a great deal of his time trying to do the right thing. Seems most of the comments have all been negative about the website as opposed to acknowledging that there are concerned people prepared to do something that benefits everyone.

And regarding the comment crossed out - to ensure I posted correct information, I gathered the information about who is involved in this from the website that you're all concerned about.

Come on people, try and look at the actual issue as opposed to griping about a website thats not had an update for a while.

Good god my website badly needs an update, doesnt mean to say I've stopped working :)

Hi Longshot, I crossed out the comment because I realised you had already provided an answer before I asked the question (I edited my post and thought it would be clearer for anyone who had read the original - obviously not:().

I think the issues that are raised are very worrying - and part of a worldwide trend.

I looked at Arts Freedom site some 12 months ago, and then again last night and nothing has changed. I am really pleased your friends are continuing to work at the issues, but "publically" it looks like nothing is happening, and certainly legislation and attitudes don't seem any better. I realise that getting things done takes time and resources and some stuff just slips. However, in my experience, unless you pay for expensive lobbying, public silence does not get you far. Surely someone can find a few hours to at least fix the news on the front page to let the world know the state of play in Australia. I look at quite a few photogrphy/copyright/law websites elsewhere that have ongoing discussion and regular updates. But seems to be very little discussion in Australia.

It is difficult to acknowledge that there are concerned people doing things when their only public website is silent. It is great to hear that they are doing thing - but it shouldn't take your post on Ausphotography to achieve it. (Before you ask, it is not appropriate for me to stick my hand up and say I'll help - I have no legal training, am not a professional photographer and don't know anyone relevant, and my wife would kill me if I took on anything else anyway.)

Please take this as supportive feedback. I think as a group, we are quite apathetic about our freedoms being taken away and we don't do anything about it - it's great to see someone have a go. To some expect, my sour grapes are based on disappointment that there is not more apparent progress. But people who launch out to rectify this need to make it easier for people to follow the issues, join in and help.

18-04-2010, 12:17pm
If its of any help then, I will be passing the comments on :)

18-04-2010, 12:23pm
Thanks. I really support the aims of Arts Freedom and want them to at least get the issues talked about.

21-04-2010, 8:43am
Thought I'd add in a new update on the Arts Freedom topic. New information gained from their new Facebook site - link is below:

"Photography in Australia is under attack and photographers are losing their rights to freedom of expression. If you feel you're being treated like a criminal, a predator or a terrorist, here's your chance to have your say.

Join Ken Duncan and some of Australia's leading photographers at this Arts Freedom Australia Protest Rally to demand fair access for all to iconic public locations like Sydney Harbour, Bondi Beach and Uluru.

Sunday, August 29th
Campbells Cove, Sydney Harbour

Come along with your camera and tripod to fight for our rights and demand an end to the growing number of unjust rules and regulations which are making our passion for photography increasingly difficult.

Whether you're a full-time or part-time professional or strictly amateur, this issue affects EVERYONE. More importantly, this rally is also for everyone who values visual imagery - not just photographers.

Please help us to spread the word of this extremely important event so it's a huge success.

For all enquiries phone (02) 4307 8409.

If we all raise our voices loud enough, we will be heard!"

I @ M
21-04-2010, 9:04am
Why would they start yet another site in the form of facebook (which has a terrible history towards photographers) when they have an existing site sitting "idle".

Don't get me wrong, I support their ideals --- but --- as far as disseminating information to the public to raise awareness they appear to be doing a thoroughly unprofessional job.

21-04-2010, 9:07am
sigh - and I'm sighine because I'm simply spreading the word on this issue.

If you think its so unprofessional take it up with them.

Personally I know they're doing something which everyone interested in photography, will gain from, which is highly likely to be more than you're doing ?

I @ M
21-04-2010, 9:22am
sigh - take it up with them - personally I think they're doing something which is likely to be more than you're doing ?

Quite frankly I think that is a very cheap shot longshots, I have looked at that site many times and given due consideration to supporting -- but -- when the "contact us", "join us" or "further info" pages are all "under construction" for over 2 years.

As for taking it up with them as you so eloquently put it, attempting to communicate by that portal is fruitless and you are the one that has their direct ear.

The arts freedom site has probably had quite a few hits since the start of this thread, how many people had a look and went away due to a total lack of information.

21-04-2010, 10:19am
To pull down a site or put it into 'archive' mode takes but 30 minutes.

Archive mode is were you add a banner or text that says:

We are not maintaining this site, we feel we can better address the issues by ... bla bla ... please go 'here'
where in this case 'here' is facebook.

That way people know you still actually give a rats about the issue. That 30 minutes of effort pays big dividends.

On a broader note. Does AP care? you bet!
If we can help lobby etc. we will promote that to our members.

21-04-2010, 10:19am
Why is it cheap ?

Seriously, these people put their own energy and money into doing a great deal of work. Calling it unprofessional is simply not on.

I dont have their direct ear. I read Facebook, thats how I found out about it.

I come in and give you more information, which btw was more than anything else available and all you seem to have done is complain about it being unprofessional.

I see life in general as you get out of it what you put in. It doesnt take any effort to sit on the sidelines and jeer. Perhaps applaud those who are making some effort - like myself to fight and lobby large organisations in making the art of photography easier for everyone and not harder.

I dont have the energy to dispute your personal views, which of course you're welcome to. But if you think it was a cheap shot to ask what you're doing for the community, thats your affair not mine. It was a genuine question which I'll ask again, what are you doing ?

When you do have an opportunity to do something for everyone, and you've placed a large amount of personal effort, you'd understand that making the comment that something is unprofessional would quite easily be seen as far worse than a cheap shot.

Anyway, I'm quite sure that the majority of the members here would be far more interested in the opportunity of reading the information I've posted here on Arts Freedom, which is available to all if you do a google search, instead of counter productive arguments of your personal opinion on the level of what is professional.

21-04-2010, 10:22am
To pull down a site or put it into 'archive' mode takes but 30 minutes.

Archive mode is were you add a banner or text that says:
where in this case 'here' is facebook.

That way people know you still actually give a rats about the issue. That 30 minutes of effort pays big dividends.

On a broader note. Does AP care? you bet!
If we can help lobby etc. we will promote that to our members.

As I said before Kym, seriously if you can help (as this isnt something I know about - and I'm pretty sure that the few who already spend a great deal of time lobbying Fed and State Govs, wouldnt know how to do something so simple), then please, I would be only too happy to pass on any offer of assistance.

That would be really helpful :)

21-04-2010, 10:46am
So has anyone actually bothered to check to see the - totally coincidental - update and change to the site.


21-04-2010, 11:52am
If I could edit my last few posts I would. In hindsight I might have to agree with I@M's response that it was a cheap shot. I profusely apologise. Basically I tend to be over defensive of friends and colleagues who I know contribute a great deal of time and effort for the benefit of the photographic community. On this topic/occasion my comments weren't intended to target any single person, but to respond to the general comment of negativity about the website and their efforts. So I stuffed up and offended Andrew. For that I sincerely apologise.

The important part is that people are aware of the current situation its worsening conditions and support AFA where and when possible.

Nick Rains
21-04-2010, 12:19pm
By sheer coincidence I have just today updated the AFA website and moved it into from a static PHP page setup to a far more flexible Blog style layout which allows commenting and ease of update.

The site has indeed been regrettably dormant, but that has changed now as I have finally found time to give it some attention (we are all unpaid volunteers as Longshots has pointed out). If you check out the normal URL you will see a list of activity over the past few months, some work that Ross Barnett has done, and most importantly a press release put out by Ken Duncan calling for a public rally in Sydney on August 29th to raise public awareness about access issues.

If you are a photographer - amateur or professional - you need to stand up and be counted. Never before has it been so difficult to make images outdoors, and never before have folks with cameras been treated with such suspicion.

We are not criminals
We are not terrorists
We are not paedophiles

We are simply recorders of life. if we do not act now when we look back in 25 years there will be a huge hole in the photographic record of these times - a priceless social record that stretches back unbroken for over 150 years.

Nick Rains
Director AFA
M. Photog AIPP

21-04-2010, 1:41pm
Nick - thanks for the update (and the update on the website) - it was sorely needed (and I certainly appreciate the difficulties in finding time to do things, especially as a volunteer.)

It's great that you are able to do this - we all really need to get more active, because it will cost us in the long term if we don't.

21-04-2010, 2:12pm
Here Here

By sheer coincidence I have just today updated the AFA website and moved it into from a static PHP page setup to a far more flexible Blog style layout which allows commenting and ease of update.

The site has indeed been regrettably dormant, but that has changed now as I have finally found time to give it some attention (we are all unpaid volunteers as Longshots has pointed out). If you check out the normal URL you will see a list of activity over the past few months, some work that Ross Barnett has done, and most importantly a press release put out by Ken Duncan calling for a public rally in Sydney on August 29th to raise public awareness about access issues.

If you are a photographer - amateur or professional - you need to stand up and be counted. Never before has it been so difficult to make images outdoors, and never before have folks with cameras been treated with such suspicion.

We are not criminals
We are not terrorists
We are not paedophiles

We are simply recorders of life. if we do not act now when we look back in 25 years there will be a huge hole in the photographic record of these times - a priceless social record that stretches back unbroken for over 150 years.

Nick Rains
Director AFA
M. Photog AIPP

21-04-2010, 7:54pm
Thank you for taking hede Nick and well done on the much needed upgrade.

As many have suggested here, it really is a cause we should care very much about. It was a shame that it looked like a cause that wasn't cared about. The Blog layout style works much better and is much easier to contribute too, especially to those of us who want to make our point via the comments.

BTW, I know Kym didn't like it, but I do like the Facebook group idea. It works very well for the UK group and is a quick and easy way to communicate to your members.

Longshots, please don't take our comments personally. You have the passion and that needs to be commended, but as a semi outsider looking in, it did look like an empty house.

Well done and keep fighting for the cause.

21-04-2010, 9:42pm
BTW, I know Kym didn't like it, but I do like the Facebook group idea. It works very well for the UK group and is a quick and easy way to communicate to your members.

I have no problem with FB :confused013 Someone else did. FB can be useful.

21-04-2010, 9:47pm
whoops, sorry! Yes, that was I&M.

22-04-2010, 5:19am
Thank you for taking hede Nick and well done on the much needed upgrade.

As many have suggested here, it really is a cause we should care very much about. It was a shame that it looked like a cause that wasn't cared about. The Blog layout style works much better and is much easier to contribute too, especially to those of us who want to make our point via the comments.

BTW, I know Kym didn't like it, but I do like the Facebook group idea. It works very well for the UK group and is a quick and easy way to communicate to your members.

Longshots, please don't take our comments personally. You have the passion and that needs to be commended, but as a semi outsider looking in, it did look like an empty house.

Well done and keep fighting for the cause.

Fair point :) Which I completely agree with. I can assure you that I had the same opinion of the website (ie an empty house, sorely in need of an update).

But for the record, I will happily debate something with some passion, without taking something personally. And I would add that it truly wasnt aware that I had said something that was taken personally. I had intended my point to be quite a generalised question. But on rereading it, had to agree that I'd stuffed up. It comes down to a style of writing which does not always reflect my character :)

08-05-2010, 11:33am
I only just caught wind on Flickr this morning of the Arts Freedom Australia rally to take place in Sydney on 29/08/2010.

IMO, this is a worthy cause, and one Sydney photographers should not miss.

Details are here: http://www.artsfreedomaustralia.com/blog/?p=99

15-07-2010, 7:49am
I only just caught wind on Flickr this morning of the Arts Freedom Australia rally to take place in Sydney on 29/08/2010.

IMO, this is a worthy cause, and one Sydney photographers should not miss.

Details are here: http://www.artsfreedomaustralia.com/blog/?p=99

I only became aware of this yesterday and, despite what has been said above, the blog part of the site is very current.

While I do not agree with everything that Ken Duncan says I am right behind him on this one and I intend to get involved.

Any others from here coming along?

15-07-2010, 8:17am

http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=61308 and


15-07-2010, 3:13pm

http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=61308 and


Thanks, Tony. I'll watch those threads. I had planned to come by public transport so a dawn shoot is out of the question. But I might try to meet up with y'all at some stage.

15-07-2010, 3:23pm
As long as you make it for breakfast :)