View Full Version : A browser that bypasses censors

14-04-2010, 6:17pm
If not for the Censorship issue, at least try it for it's speed.

I have just retired Firefox :p

14-04-2010, 6:20pm
What browser are you talking about?

14-04-2010, 6:27pm
yeah, it would be good to know what you are actually talking about

14-04-2010, 6:44pm
Sorry guys ... got so exited that I forgot to add the name :lol:

It's a golden oldy called 'Opera'. I'm sure there are a few Internet die hards that have used this before.

14-04-2010, 6:47pm
The new version of Opera is fast, in fact it is advertised as the world's fastest browser and it certainly is speedy. I have been using it a bit of late. but still like my firefox

14-04-2010, 7:01pm
Opera is very fast and buggy.
Proof: Why does opera always show the SAME 4 site adverts? Every other browser gets random one (clue: Opera's caching is too aggressive)

14-04-2010, 7:11pm
Opera caching is highly configurable. You may want the following settings :

14-04-2010, 7:29pm
I have used Opera many times over the years, but not any of the latest versions. I retired IE about 2-3 years back when Chrome was developed and have used it solely since. It is pretty fast to.

14-04-2010, 7:34pm
Opera caching is highly configurable. You may want the following settings :

So is Firefox, but the problem happens the 1st time your hit the page, ie. after a clear cache??
Just changed the setting and the 4 adv. problem is still there

14-04-2010, 7:46pm
I use it sometimes but still prefer Safari!

14-04-2010, 8:02pm
Opera is very fast and buggy.
Proof: Why does opera always show the SAME 4 site adverts? Every other browser gets random one (clue: Opera's caching is too aggressive)

Why would I want to see the adverts? :)

I keep getting different adds so not sure what your problems are

It aint buggy - websites are buggy.

14-04-2010, 8:11pm
Why would I want to see the adverts? :)

I keep getting different adds so not sure what your problems are

It aint buggy - websites are buggy.

Ok, now if it does that on AP, what happens when you visit another site and what it shows is not the same as other browsers and this causes you a big issue for some reason? It may just be the ads on AP, but what if it is important information on another site, and your failure to be able to see it cause of your browsers operational methods, causes you financial loss, for example? Don't get me wrong, I like Opera, I just don't trust it to display all required elements on a website (as all other browsers seem to manage).

14-04-2010, 8:31pm
Re: The Advert problem.
The underlying concern is that I can't trust Opera to render what was intended. That's way uncool.
Speed be damned if you don't see what was supposed to be there.
The advert code is very standard; it works IE6,7,8, Firefox 1.5+, Google Chrome, and Safari. Opera is too smart for its own good.

Why would I want to see the adverts? :)
To click through and support AP of course :p

I keep getting different adds so not sure what your problems are
Your are supposed to see a random add in each slot. Opera shows the same Adv. 4 times on each page.

It aint buggy - websites are buggy.
It has a bug. Look at the HTML code we serve up.

15-04-2010, 7:36am
Don't want to start a browser war but IE has not been compliant with html standards over time. MS decided to do their own thing. Websites code/ed their pages to work with IE because it was/is the dominant browser. Opera has always strived to be compliant with HTML standards.
This why FF et al have reached market acceptance - they conform to MS pseudo-standards.

If it is rendering the page incorrectly, let them know, simple!

15-04-2010, 7:45am
I constantly and consistently get the same 4 Ad Banners in Firefox.

15-04-2010, 8:14am
thats interesting mark... apparently its not supposed to do that :umm:

oh, i have been using opera for quite a while now... i love it :D

15-04-2010, 8:42am
I constantly and consistently get the same 4 Ad Banners in Firefox.

That is very weird. Try the standard clean up/fix up... http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=49184

Which version?
What plugins? Esp. any no script or similar.
The ads come from some very simple DHTML/Javascript.

Just to illustrate ...


15-04-2010, 8:54am
Latest Version Kym
Plug Ins - Exif viewer, dictionary, not much really

Had 3 times the Scorpian add, although they were on different cycles, just prior to entering this thread

15-04-2010, 9:01am
curiouser and curiouser....

15-04-2010, 9:12am
Latest Version Kym
Plug Ins - Exif viewer, dictionary, not much really

Had 3 times the Scorpian add, although they were on different cycles, just prior to entering this thread

Ok, you MAY get 4 at a time, or 3 or two, or two pairs of two. It is genuinely random.

But Opera (this thread) always shows the same 4 ads on a given page.
Another 4 the same on the next page and so forth.

Technical analysis:
As far as I can tell Opera either has a bug in its Javascript engine (least likely) or it caching (most likely).
The same script is served to all browsers.
For some reason the DHTML iframe for the advert is cached and it does no re-invoke the iframe src url to get another one.

To see the code in question do a View Source and look for <!-- Start Easy Ad-Manager Code -->
Which is in the code twice, one at the top and once at the bottom.


More reaseach: Yes its a bug. http://bytes.com/topic/html-css/answers/521182-opera-doesnt-refresh-iframe
Which means I have to change things for a Opera workaround - bugga!

15-04-2010, 9:30am
I've made a change to add a random element to the iframe src url, which forces Opera to not cache.
Opera now displays random adverts.

The need for this work around proves that Opera is over optimistic with is caching - i.e. a bug.

15-04-2010, 9:43am
well done kym. got 4 different advert to each page now... however it now makes firefox obsolete entirely as opera is perfect now :p

15-04-2010, 10:38am
well done kym. got 4 different advert to each page now... however it now makes firefox obsolete entirely as opera is perfect now :p

AP is 'perfect', not Opera. You can't trust Opera :confused013 :p

15-04-2010, 10:43am
Joking aside... Use Opera, Firefox, Safari or even Google Chrome... avoid MS IE like the plague ;)

15-04-2010, 3:06pm
lol, cheeky bugger