View Full Version : Differing imagie quality with any other software

11-04-2010, 7:31am
Heya all.

I have upgraded my pc recently.

I have a Canon 400d and use the software that comes with it to download off the camera. Zoom browser etc. When viewing the image in Zoom browser all the colours are vivid and strong. When browsing the digital image in any other software - Photoshop/ lightrooom/Vista's the image is bland and horrible (makes my pics worse than they already are). All thsi amkes it hard to process. My laptop running all the same software does not have the same problems.

I’m assuming this is a driver setup issue or something along those lines? Does this happen with others, I’m sure it never use to with my other pc’s.

Any ideas or settings to have a look at?

My specs of pc - Intel quad core q8200 @2.33ghz with a geforce 8400GS

11-04-2010, 7:35am
Are you shooting RAW or JPG?

Zoom browser may be applying some settings to the photos by default

11-04-2010, 8:12am
Sorry left that out - I have been using JPG most of the time. I did try RAW and it did the same. I wonder if its a inherit feature of using canon software to view the image. Does this happen to everyone else?

All drivers have been updated. It hard to process the picture and know which is actually correct. The imageine shown in zoom browser is sweet :) example taken from a screen shots below. Its a bit hard to tell but you can just note the difference. Mostly in the sky colour.

Using Canon software-


Using photoshop of the same file -


13-04-2010, 2:39pm
What colour profile is being used by the different programs? ZB may be using a canon profile where PS and Vista may be using something different.

18-04-2010, 7:01am
Thanks guys,. Photoshop was not suing any colour profiles. I have now had a play with cs3 and think adobe rgb is the best option in general. I have just installed cs4 and it tells me that my samsung monitor calubration colours appear to be defective. cs4 gives me the option of using this colour profile and its by far better picture colours I have seen yet.

I can't seem to find what Zoom Browser colour profile is using. Can anyone point in the direction for canon profiles to try?