View Full Version : Website feedback:::

05-04-2010, 9:52am
Hi all, have recently built my own website and was hoping that I could get some feedback from the pro's...


05-04-2010, 10:15am
Hi Janine,

You have been a member here for over 9 months now, but only have 4 posts. How about joining in on the forums, giving others some advice and then maybe you will get some feedback on your website. AP is a place for members to interact, that means giving as well as taking from the site.

05-04-2010, 10:26am
Hi Rick, I actually forgot that iI was a member and have started interacting this morning. I have made 3 posts prior to this thread being started... I thought I was joining in.. Sorry if I have offended.

05-04-2010, 10:31am
Not offended, but it is always worthwhile reminding people that interaction will get you a better reputation amongst the members and they then are more willing to assist/advise, that's all. Hope you keep enjoying the site and get some good feedback on your website.

05-04-2010, 12:41pm
Point taken Rick and thank you for the guidance..

James T
05-04-2010, 3:09pm
Hi Janine, just had a quick flick through your site.

The first thing I saw as soon as it opened, was that it's not centred in the browser window, very simple to fix that, and it'll look a lot neater if you do I think.

I went to your pricing page and spotted a typo;

"All clients receive a free 11" x 14" print form an image of their choosing,
plus your choice of 1 of the following packages.."

I'd probably type '1' as 'one' also, but that may just be me. :)

Your prices are very affordable, I'd probably be charging at least two or three times what you are. But then we do run different businesses. :)

Other things; I'm not too sure about the colour scheme (purple text), but that's largely a personal / target market thing. I would try to have a bit more continuity between pages though, going from your dark homepage to the galleries, almost feels like two different websites.

Also, once in a gallery, I couldn't find a way out without using the browser back button.

I'm not a design guru by any stretch of even the wildest imagination, but just my 2p there. :) HTH

05-04-2010, 4:14pm
Thank you so much for your input James... it is very much appreciated!!

05-04-2010, 4:22pm
I'm not a wizz on websites but the only thing I found a little annoying is I could'nt get out of the gallery without the back button. Well done for putting it together on your own though.

James T
05-04-2010, 4:33pm
Thank you so much for your input James... it is very much appreciated!!

No worries, hope it was helpful. :)

James T
05-04-2010, 4:35pm
You need to put your color tags around your text if you want to change the font colour as well. ;) Not that I'd be encouraging people to use wacky colours on a forum though. (Pet hate of mine :p).

As below (without the space of course).

[COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Thank you so much for your input James... it is very much appreciated!![/ COLOR]

05-04-2010, 5:17pm
James I have gone through and adjusted to your recommendations... what I could anyway... only new to this whole web design thingy!!
Thanks again..

05-04-2010, 5:20pm
Unfortunately Elana, I can't seem to fix that.. it annoys me too, I used Adobe bridge to put together the slideshow and can adjust everything except the size of the slideshow and I can't add any tab's... very annoying.. eventually I hope I will come across what I need to do for that one.. Thanks for your feedback!!

06-04-2010, 3:05pm
I just got through putting my website up so I know the joy (and frustrations) it can bring!

I just have a couple of suggestions for your consideration...
1. On the home page, the last line "please feel free to browse my portfolio" is not centred in line with the other text
2. Like a few others have suggested, perhaps a different colour for the menu tab you are on
3. Similarly, it would help to have a home button or portfolio button when you go into each gallery to allow you to go back or perhaps each gallery can open into a new window rather than "exiting" your site
4. Tidying up of the word layout on the testimonials page
5. Pricing - you are very affordable however (having received similar advice), you also risk undervaluing your work...your time is just as precious as the general overheads and outlays! For example, if a sitting was for an hour, plus make-up/styling, props, change of clothes as well as basic editing and transfer of images onto CD I would work more on around $50/half hour (and if it takes you an hour for pp than you are looking at 2 1/2hrs at $250)

but that's just my 2cents worth - everyone has a different way of doing everything! Good luck with the site and hope the business goes well

06-04-2010, 4:35pm
I just had a look at your site, I agree with the comments above and want to add I feel your prices are fairly cheap so you might want to look at putting them up a bit, no point selling yourself short.


06-04-2010, 7:11pm
Thank you all for your feedback.. I appreciate all comments!!