View Full Version : Tips for photographing inside a church

04-04-2010, 9:48pm
Just after some helpful tips for photographing inside a Church I have never done so in such a location before. It is my Nephews christening in a few weeks and my sister has asked if i could take a few shots for them they are not expecting them to be of professional standard just a few happy snaps of the occasion. I was after some help as to suggested flash settings if i should use an omni bounce just any helpfull information you can throw at me :confused013 you help will be appreciated

05-04-2010, 7:51am
First up find out from the minister/priest if your:
a/ Allowed to take photos
b/ Where are you allowed to take photos from
c/ If you can use a flash

My bother's wedding was very strict on where and no flash during the ceremony. Personally I think he was being a sh## as I'm not a catholic even though I was the "photographer".

If its a no flash you will have to dial up the ISO and beg, borrow or steal an ultrafast lens ie f2.8 or better.

James T
05-04-2010, 4:41pm
Stick your 580 on E-TTL and it's hard to go far wrong. Have a play at home beforehand with the flash exposure compensation. Very general rule for fill is flash at -1.7ev to balance it with the ambient.

Personally I'd be likely to go the high ISO, no flash route, you have one of the best cameras in the world for doing just that. It depends, of course, on the church though. Where the windows are in relation to the subject, etc.

10-04-2010, 6:51pm
Try to make yourself a bounce card to make the light from the flash hit forward a bit and bounce the light off the ceiling (provided the ceiling isn't too high). If it is too high, try to use a diffuser of some description.