View Full Version : Filter suggestion for 70-200 and a 11-16?

01-04-2010, 9:15pm

I own a tokina 11-16mm and Nikon 70-200mm for about a month now.I've been using it a lot.. Im afraid that im gonna scratch the lenses sooner or later. recently just got back from holiday, and I'm pretty broke,:(

Is there any recommendation for what filter brand and model specifically for both lenses?

I knew that 77mm filter is quite expensive, but Im not planning to use a step up ring.

I've been looking at this "cheaper" filter, to be my #####'s partner.


Does anyone have any recommendation of cheap filter I should buy? I'm looking for slim cpl for my wide lens, and might get a cpl as well for my tele zoom #####.

thanks for your reply,

greatly appreciated

01-04-2010, 10:04pm
Your lens hood will act as great protection on the 70-200, but not so much on the 11-16.

I've got a couple of filters you can have, an ND4 and C-PL both 77mm, PM me your address and I'll send them to you if you like.

01-04-2010, 10:04pm
NVM, I've ordered kenko pro1 digital cpl and hoya uv-cpl from citiwide


01-04-2010, 10:09pm
Your lens hood will act as great protection on the 70-200, but not so much on the 11-16.

I've got a couple of filters you can have, an ND4 and C-PL both 77mm, PM me your address and I'll send them to you if you like.

Oops, I didnt refresh this thread before I send my last post.:/

thanks tho,:)

Now I just need to be patient bcuz citiwide closed til 7th April..:lol2:

Ozzi Paul
01-04-2010, 11:38pm
I recently got a Kenko UV for my 70-200, wish I didn't now, waste of money. I clean it with a rocket blower, spudz cloth and very soft brush and can never get all smudge marks off. I do exactly the same with my Hoya UV and it cleans up perfectly.
The lens hood may help protect the lens if its dropped but it won't help your lens glass if dirt or debris is flicked up at it. I photograph the local motorcross and I would rather replace a filter than the lens.

02-04-2010, 9:54am
To protect your lens learn to use the lens cap that came with it. This provides the best possible protection as it wont shatter and scatch the front element. It only takes a few seconds to remove the cap.

Read the linked article http://www.bythom.com/faqnew.htm, about haf way down it talks about the usefulness of filter to protect lenses. I would recommend reading the whole article as it has a lot of good stuff in it.

Ozzi Paul
02-04-2010, 2:26pm
I agree with what is said about the filters but in my case with small bits of dirt and dust I would rather have a filter on, if the filter breaks & scratches the lens then thats bad luck but still better than a broken lens element. Can't shoot with the lens cap on.

02-04-2010, 2:41pm
Can't shoot with the lens cap on.

Sorry I should have left vey detailled instructions.

Read this very carefully

You take the lens cap off, push the shutter button

Put the lens cap on

See there you go, you managed to take a photo, wow what next :D

02-04-2010, 9:46pm
I use 77mm Hoya Pro1 UV Digital Filter on my 70-200. Thank goodness because it got a scratch on it - and I have no idea where/how. Got a new filter - lot cheaper than replacing glass. I also take some photos along sand dunes - again I would not want from front glass exposed to that. UV filters are like comprehensive insurance. You might not like paying the price for them but when disaster/accidents happen you'll think it's the best investment you made.

02-04-2010, 10:39pm
I use 77mm Hoya Pro1 UV Digital Filter on my 70-200. Thank goodness because it got a scratch on it - and I have no idea where/how. Got a new filter - lot cheaper than replacing glass. I also take some photos along sand dunes - again I would not want from front glass exposed to that. UV filters are like comprehensive insurance. You might not like paying the price for them but when disaster/accidents happen you'll think it's the best investment you made.

I was thinking getting a UV filter, but it's quite useless for photo.. Some UV filter makes weird mirror shadow if it hit by a strong light source.. atleast besides protection cpl is good for taking photo of the sky..make the sky more blue

03-04-2010, 7:14am
I was thinking getting a UV filter, but it's quite useless for photo.. Some UV filter makes weird mirror shadow if it hit by a strong light source.. atleast besides protection cpl is good for taking photo of the sky..make the sky more blue

Agree. UV filters are a gimmick in my opinion. People will say things like my UV filter broke when I dropped my lens and that saved my lens being damaged. But they have no way of proving the lens would have been damaged if a UV filter was not present. The front element on good quality lenses is a lot harder glass than that found in most UV filters.

Ozzi Paul
03-04-2010, 1:32pm
Lens cap may help protect the lens while your not shooting but what will protect it from flying debris when you are, maybe a filter will, thats what I was getting at.
Understand now.

03-04-2010, 2:33pm
So in all of your photography how many prtective filters have you had to replace through severe damage?

For a few years when I was involved with off road racing I would quite off take track side photography and I never once damaged a lens. Yes it get dusty but that doesn't cause damage.

Most people seem to have this paranoia about damage to their lenses. They are more likely to damage a lens from ingestion of dust or moisture than to actually damage the from element from impact damage that would have been avoided by a protective filter. The front element is recessed for precisely this purpose.

Ozzi Paul
04-04-2010, 9:51pm
On my shorter lens last year I had to replace the UV because of some scratches/marks caused from dirt/mud from the bikes. It was on a 17-70 lens so was reasonably close (I have full access to any part of the track and was sometimes only 2-3 metre's from the bikes), and was trying to get some shots from behind the bikes as they left the corners spraying dirt, I also had the lens hood on. I'm not saying they will stop all damage but in some cases they can be handy to have.

06-04-2010, 6:30pm
You will find on the 11-16 that unless the filter is narrower than 7.2mm it will be in your 11mm wide photos and worse with a step up ring. I took mine off and use the lens cap as supplied.


07-04-2010, 10:20pm
You will find on the 11-16 that unless the filter is narrower than 7.2mm it will be in your 11mm wide photos and worse with a step up ring. I took mine off and use the lens cap as supplied.

I noticed that with my cokin P filter fitted in 11-16.. As far as I remember, it's usable around 14-16mm with cokin P filter on.. You'll get strong vignetting starting 13mm and below..

The reason's I need CPL filter for my lenses are
1. I could see a tiny line on my lens everytime i clean it with microfiber cloth in 11-16mm..:( I dont want to risk my lens, by cleaning it every time there's dust on my lens...:confused013

2. wide angle ##### normally located not as deep as telephoto lenses...so it's more prone to any touch or dirt.. my 70-200 looks like it has a built in protective filter in the lens, unlike 11-16 which isnt.. I took off the filter from 50mm lens,, is useless, and why would you bother spending money to protect a nifty fifty. where u can just buy it <$100 for 2nd hand

3. you;ll get flare easily with tokina.. which is quite annoying especially if you're taking photo facing a light source or sun..

4.clearly better investment than a UV filter.

cant wait to get mine.. hopefully friday or monday next week..:)

08-04-2010, 5:26am
Small scratch lines on a lens will not appear in your photos. Same as dust on the sensor doesnt show up and larger apertures, but at f22 can appear as solid blobs. Small scratches on the front lens element do not show up as the focus point is usually no where near the front element.

Bear Dale
08-04-2010, 7:57am
Canon recommend using filters for protection of the lens.

08-04-2010, 8:45am
I can guarantee you that over a lifetime of using all of your lenses you will ever own that the cost of replacing a front element if it ever gets damages (which is almost unheard of by the way) will be far less than the cost of all the UV filters you will buy

08-04-2010, 9:56am
Canon recommend using filters for protection of the lens.

And can I guess whether Canon make filters at a humungeous price and profit?

Now would that be a conflict of interest - No conflict - They just want to make more money

Bear Dale
08-04-2010, 10:02am
I highly doubt that Mark.

08-04-2010, 10:17am
Join my facebook group


Bear Dale
08-04-2010, 10:28am
Join my facebook group


No, I'd rather just discuss it here in this forum.

08-04-2010, 10:29am
again ?

Bear Dale
08-04-2010, 10:35am
again ?

Does it ever get old?

(and I throw my hands up in the air in regards to Facebook.....I think I'm to darn old to get FB :( )

08-04-2010, 10:41am
Join my facebook group


Is this discussion happening in facebook too??

Boo hiss work bans me from Facebook

08-04-2010, 10:44am
No, but I thought Id set up a group just for fun :)

08-04-2010, 10:45am
I highly doubt that Mark.

You doubt that

Canon wants to make a profit


Canon makes filter


its a conflict of interest

or are we all just being terribly facetious :p

Bear Dale
08-04-2010, 10:54am
I think you're looking under the bed for boogeymen that don't exist.

08-04-2010, 11:04am
Canon do make a "Protect" filter fyi

Bear Dale
08-04-2010, 11:15am
Canon do make a "Protect" filter fyi

Yes I know, but I don't think they're trying to knock B&W, Tiffen or Hoya from being in the lead of filter sales.